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@silverpenguin go work on it instead of chatting in here
this chat room is reserved as a reward for those who have finished their work >:o
@MarkBuffalo lol im pretty sure no one on here does their work! im pretty sure everyone just chills here and pretends their work doesnt exist
most of us do important work
my issue is I finish it too fast
@MarkBuffalo :< see im so interested in what everyone does! just because this is an info sec room. Yes i also normally finish my work really fast, but this one is a stickler. I have to find out why my linux system is taking 3 minutes to boot and how to fix it with no information in the logs...
@silverpenguin Did you see my website about my career?
@Simon i already fell for it
@silverpenguin lolololol
@Simon i was there all innocent and interested. then my trust was hurt and i was left cold and sad by your brutality plus the need to enter my passwords again
most of which are insanly paranoid passwords
May this be a lesson: do not trust anyone.
Not even your cat Mitten, he's planning something in your back.
I feel like I woke up from a coma
@Simon i dont have a cat but my house mate is probably planning to kill me... sick of me stealing his DNS and redirecting him to porn every time he tries to google something
@DavidFreitag Haven't seen you in a bit
@MarkBuffalo That's also a surefire way to get me mad. Abuse is not a joke. It's terrible.
@DavidFreitag im more of a tikka massala person .... tumble weed
@MarkBuffalo Yeah I caught the plague from a friend of mine. It was a bit touch and go there for a while.
@Arperum Yeah, like all those pedobear jokes on reddit/etc. No idea how/why anyone finds that funny, but I find it disturbing that people can joke about something like that
I keep getting emails from some dude at "LiquidTalent" sounds like someone signed me up to be a porn star.
@DavidFreitag Recruiter?
@MarkBuffalo I understand you perfectly. Or rapejokes and other such vile nonsense.
Most of 'em are low quality, and won't stop spamming me for irrelevant jobs. I'm not even looking for one rightnow
@Arperum Yea
@MarkBuffalo Yeah but I can't really tell whether it's legit or not. Either way, moved to spam.
If the recruiter has bad English, do not reply
They are extremely useless
and/or phishers
> We currently have a lot of developer opportunities on our platform that I wanted to send your way. I know you might not be in the job market right at this moment, but I wanted to show you a few postings anyway. Check it out -
Sounds kinda legit, but all of the links in the email are for suuuper hipster positions.
@DavidFreitag also be carful if you do get an interview and there is a leather couch
@silverpenguin hahaha, nice.
I think I might apply for "Back End Developer" ;]
David Haney on March 7, 2016
Are Developers Good Negotiators?
I cant even say penetration tester in my house without someone laughing
@DavidFreitag or will send you to the type of company that is willing to deal with that recruiter
@silverpenguin Yeah I bet if I said that out loud I would giggle every damn time
@DavidFreitag im a backend developer trying to become a penetration tester
Yeah, we don't do stack ranking here
Everyone is valuable.
@silverpenguin You're at the back end, but you say there's no penetration? Sounds like you're having some issues...
@DavidFreitag yup. many issues with back end development there is always an issue with someone getting through a back door
If a stack ranking company asks me to interview, I politely decline. Amazon 3 times, for example.
What the hell is "Stack Ranking" ?
@DavidFreitag Read the article
@StackExchange @DavidFreitag this one
@MarkBuffalo this is the first i ihave ever heard of this and i am infuriated
tldr: they rank employees by a number. if one employee is at the bottom of the list, they get put on PIP/fired
@MarkBuffalo At the moment I have a sort of "Stack Ranking" except it is for every employee, not just engineering, and I love it.
even if that employee is good
because someone has to be at the bottom... no matter what
@MarkBuffalo Okay, that's not cool.
@MarkBuffalo stank racking
@MarkBuffalo I thought Amazon didnt, but really I shouldnt be surprised
amazon also has a really bad work culture, apparently. if all the horror stories are to be believed
so I don't buy products from them much.
@MarkBuffalo P.S. even in MS, not all the groups do that. E.g. the Israel group notoriously does not.
most companys say if you work harder we will pay you more, but what about you pay me more to work harder
@MarkBuffalo yeah exactly
@silverpenguin no, good companies do not do that
and "most" companies say "work harder or youre fired"
Ooh wow they added chat popups
I wonder if they changed anything else
@DavidFreitag yeah emoji in chat
@AviD yea you are right :/
@RоryMcCune wut
@DavidFreitag what do you mean?
@DavidFreitag yeah they're totally putting a wide range of emoji into chat
it'll be awesome
if anyone is interested this thermometre says its 30 degrees in my neck fat
@AviD I got a window that appeared above my chat box that said "remember the be nice policy" etc
@DavidFreitag ah that
@RоryMcCune Pfft I already did that
@silverpenguin What the hell? Where did this come from?
@silverpenguin weirdo
@Arperum i just found a thermometre
@silverpenguin so your first reaction to finding a random object is stabbing it into your neckfat?
@MarkBuffalo i prefer socially challenged
@silverpenguin That's not all that challenges you
@MarkBuffalo Look, man, bra clasps were designed by some sort of evil genius, ok.
@DavidFreitag You can't reach around your back to put them on?
@Arperum lol nahhh i was just twillding it like a pen and then i rested it against my self..
@MarkBuffalo Nah they've got the ones that latch in the front now
@DavidFreitag and you know this... how? never... never mind
@MarkBuffalo ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Sometimes, I'm doing work, and tab past this tab, and then I wonder what the hell is going on...
@Matthew see i think the same thing sometimes, and then i say one thing about a thermometer and i get called a weirdo! pot kettle any one?
You Brits and your kettles.
@Matthew Sometimes it's the raw unfiltered contents of my mind.
hey ontopic for a moment - anybody here experienced with managing MSSQL?
@Simon do canadians even have fire yet?
@silverpenguin Who needs fire when you have maple syrup?
@AviD sa:admin. If it's not sa:admin, don't know.
@DavidFreitag Ol' King Clancy?
@AviD wat
@Matthew pfft. Not quite what I'm asking.
@DavidFreitag i did not consider this, all hopes of fire was thrown out on discovery of syrup, its like cat nip for canadians
@silverpenguin Cat nip, heroin, it's all the same, really.
@AviD is that like the old slow legacy version of MongoDB?
@RоryMcCune yeah, its not webscale
@AviD hey @kalina AviD needs your help
Microsoft SQL Server?
<=== me
@MarkBuffalo ah there you are!
@AviD Kalina is a recovering DBA you know
I use all major SQL thingies. SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle.
@MarkBuffalo but you love mysql the most right T_T ?
I have some experience with it, but probably not enough to help @AviD
I prefer SQL Server the most
and Oracle next
after that, I prefer to beat myself
then I prefer MySQL
so strange, unspecific issue - alluva sudden the db is running really slowly. Trivial queries are fine, but sometimes it just goes out for coffee.
@MarkBuffalo please man you are breaking my heart
@MarkBuffalo postgresql?
I tried reindexing all the tables, didnt really help much.
@AviD okay, so... are the queries properly indexed?
@AviD Memory issues?
@Matthew silence you
@MarkBuffalo should be.
@DavidFreitag doesnt look like it.
@AviD Is the DB being queried elsewhere?
to be clear - not my queries, its a 3rd party app that I'm running.
Also, it's possible the indexes were deleted, so you can't reindex deleted indexes, unless you recreate the index...
was fine until just recently.
@AviD You got source?
@MarkBuffalo no, all on this server, not accessible remotely.
@AviD Is the database accessible online?
@DavidFreitag not looking to debug the queries - its a db config thing.
....how are you answering before I send it. FRIGGING KEYLOGGER
@silverpenguin Your temperature message was distinctly without any context. The other weirdness tends to have a context.
hahaha lol
@AviD Did you reboot?
We're talking about MS here.
@Simon exactly
@AviD not accessible remotely. is this your own server, or something someone made for you...?
@Simon Hey I've had linux distros jump the shark in a speed boat before.
@Arperum I will accept this logic
also, can you view the audit log?
@MarkBuffalo my own server. installed 3rd party.
also, just because a database isn't online doesn't mean you can't access it through a computer that's internet connected.
it is a VM - I am starting to be curious if thats the issue, though it wasnt a problem before.
@MarkBuffalo nah, sorted - not used elsewhere.
thinking of manually updating statistics - but should be automatic, no?
@AviD did you break your checkmarx install again :op
@RоryMcCune yes :$
starring that out of pure spite d:
didnt wanna say, cuz @MarkBuffalo is cranky at them ;-)
@RоryMcCune actually about to upgrade to v8, looks promising!
(but this is not because of that)
@MarkBuffalo being cranky? Nooooo...
@AviD Oh it definitely looks promising. If you can use it
@AviD coolio :)
dya think I should update stats manually?
try shrinking the db / files?
So what exactly is checkmarx?
@DavidFreitag static code analysis
@AviD And you need SQL server for that?
@AviD Try this: execute sp_MSforeachdb DROP TABLE ?
@DavidFreitag optional, but best setup
@MarkBuffalo damn you
@MarkBuffalo More spaces...
was close ;-)
@AviD wait, you almost tried it? L:-|
I'm sorry.
@MarkBuffalo well I started copying it, then noticed as my mouse passed the command....
cool to know about that sp though!
oh my goodness
Yeah, you can do a lot of things with that
update important_records set data=' '
Whoa 1,500 messages since morning on a... Monday?
@TildalWave I brought a crate of caffeine pills
@MarkBuffalo I would always do manual cursor via systables or information_schema. this is a great shortcut
@AviD Let me show you something
@MarkBuffalo is it nsfw
ok, so... let's take a basic query
@AviD No, but I definitely wouldn't do it in public.
SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [something] = 'something'
@AviD Do you have SQL Server Management Studio?
Open it
@MarkBuffalo ofc
Click the button marked "Delete all tables", then the button marked "Yes"
@AviD ok, open a sql worksheet. type in your query
or paste it. any query
but it has to be a query that matches your database
except the one from above
it has to be a real one
Finally, do the pls dance.
now, instead of running that query... display the execution plan
Let me find the icon/menu thing
@Simon Yesterday, I was driving home, I was at a stop light and I noticed a kid standing on the sidewalk. All of a sudden the kid starts sprinting, and he jumps and headbuts a sign with what looked like a lot of force. He landed and staggered backwards throwing his hands up like "U WOT M8"
I don't have mssql here
@DavidFreitag wat_wat
I literally died laughing.
@AviD So, you want to check this
Q: How do I obtain a Query Execution Plan?

JustinIn Microsoft SQL Server how can I get a query execution plan for a query / stored procedure?

I had to pull over I started coughing so bad
@AviD You may be missing an index for one query. so you'll have to make one. The execution plan will help with that... you right click an item with a missing index and choose, "build index" or something
@DavidFreitag not as funny as your story, but just reminded me... i got my car cleaned the other day to look all fancy for a bussiness meeting... the first 5 minutes of driving the biggest lump of horse shit ever flew out of a truck and hit my car... I was so upset i had to laugh to stop my self from crying
@AviD Yes, so then it will run the query and tell you where the index is missing
And it should hopefully solve your issue...
@silverpenguin That reminds me, I got pidgeon-bombed this weekend.
let me download ssms
@MarkBuffalo hmm, worth checking, but I dont think thats the issue.
queries and indexes were fine, db's shouldnt just drop indexes.
@DavidFreitag pigeons attacked your car with their poop?
@AviD if a query is not running quickly, most of the time you have an index issue. and your web app code can drop an index occasionally... or it could be MISSING an index to begin with
@silverpenguin Yup, one extremely precise drop. Right on the driver's side door handle.
@DavidFreitag i love how people are having a serious conversation while we side convo about poop
@MarkBuffalo pretty sure its an ops thing.
@AviD If you are running a new query (different query than usual), and it's slow... it's because of indexing most likely.
@silverpenguin Side conversations about poop are best side conversations.
no new queries though.
and they were fine before.
did you update the web app?
trying to remember what happened right before it stopped working right.
@MarkBuffalo not yet.
@AviD Any tables got bigger, so the indices don't fit in memory anymore?
@Matthew hmm. this is possible.
@DavidFreitag if we combine the conversation DROP FROM pigeons WHERE hole="poop"
dont think so, but that is worth checking.
@Matthew But how big would this have to be...?
now thats one statement that can never be sanitized
I had a indexed database with 4tb of records... only 16gb of ram. didn't have any issues with indexes
@MarkBuffalo yeah I dont have anything that big.
3.48 billion unique records
@MarkBuffalo Depends how much you're indexing, how much memory you have, and how much memory is allowed to the system
I want to dedicate my 2000th pls to you, lads.
@MarkBuffalo Swap FTW
it really depends, what you're indexing...
I had a DB with 500 billion records, and that was a bugger to index...
I have a DB with like 12 records... so there...
@Matthew I admit defeat. What happened here?
@Simon i have only said manatee < 24 times... i have a long way to go
What was it about?
I thought for a while that it might be some unreleased locks somewhere - but a system restart should have sorted that. right?
@DavidFreitag Do you avoid indexing, and remember what is in each row?
@silverpenguin It's hard to talk about something so fugly very often.
@Simon funny i have said your name a few times
@Matthew I have it all written down backed up on a slightly soiled napkin.
@Simon wouldnt want your mom to feel neglected though, so tell her I said hi!
@silverpenguin PLS
2l8 ovid
@MarkBuffalo Oh, SEO company. Links DB... Every link on every page of a whole pile of pages, mostly of dodgy SEO juice...
@Simon pls, thats how you do it right.
@Matthew ewww
@MarkBuffalo Yeah
@Matthew I write SEO protection stuff o;
On occasion
@Matthew I read that as "dodgy CEO juice"
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, this was detecting pages that would be flagged as dodgy by Google etc. I can't remember why...
@AviD Stop being mean to da new guy.
you're not so new anymore.
I can't believe that my 2000th pls got literally 0 celebration.
I'll remember this lads, I'll remember this.
horray, horray, for Simon's double-k pls. everyone celebrate
@Simon It doesn't appear to have registered in your search
and install checkmarx
@Matthew It takes a few minutes to update.
for @Simon
@silverpenguin pfffffffttttttttttttt
@Simon Ah!
@AviD ovid pls can you buy me this vinyl as a late bday gift pls#2: discogs.com/Paul-Birken-Expelled-Voltage-EP/release/1975419 ????
@Simon hmm, not clicking that.
@AviD It's NSFL
you almost got me there.
really grotesque website with horrifying pictures
That reminds me... Anyone else notice B&N is suddenly selling vinyl?
wadfuk is b n n
@Simon Badism and Nachoism.
hmm @MarkBuffalo now I'm thinking it might be a problem with the compatibility level?
Q: MS SQL Server CPU load goes up dramatically when turning on 2014 features by setting compatibility level

SpangaerI'm running some Microsoft SQL Server 2014 load testing on a decently spec'ed machine. I'm certainly not an expert on the SQL Server tuning specifics, but with the bits an pieces I've gathered from various places I think the setup is quite OK. One element in the performance does puzzle, hence I'...

oszi is dat sfw
@AviD Are you using 2014?
@MarkBuffalo yeah
ok, so give it a try
Should I make this my new gravatar?
@Iszi It's better than your default SE ugliness
guys, B&N is a fucking bookstore

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