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/me sets mode: -friend @Simon
Is that because you got rekt?
if @Simon was a magic card his death would apply a global bonus causing all remaining cards in play to rejoice
It's ok, a reanimation deck would bring me back on the next turn.
see, you're the nurd
I don't even magic cards
@CodesInChaos When I was very young, I used to play a game called Othello, which is a trademarked version of Reversi, which seems like a simple derivative of Go. It was great fun. I'd like to give Go a try some time.
An interesting fact would be that in Magic, the card named "Entomb" puts a card from your deck in the graveyard, while in Hearthstone, "Entomb" takes a card from the battlefield and puts it in your deck.
@Xander Reversi and go have little in common, game play wise.
@Simon wow, that's possibly the nurdiest thing I've ever read in this channel
and @ThomasPornin frequently goes all serious matrix level crypto nurd in here
@Simon I used to play Magic. Entomb was never a thing.
@RoraΖ What? It's perfect in a reanimation deck.
@Simon I'm saying I don't think that card existed when I played
That + animate dead ends up costing 3 mana.
o I see
Navinryl's Disk was awesome for reanimation
Kills everything on the board
@Xander huh? I thought reversi was the trademarked version of the classic game of Othello.
Dayum originally that's an old card but it looks like they've remade it.
@Simon haha
no, @Xander is right
@Simon Then you have Lord of the Pit, 7/7 sacrifice a creature every turn to keep it.
Just keep reanimating them back onto the board, I had a fantastic reanimation deck.
@RoraΖ I don't even know that card either.
There are far too many MtG cards.
You can't just come back to it after X years.
Nope, that's why I stopped
@CodesInChaos Oh yeah? Ok.
It got too crazy. After Exodus it was just a bunch of fluff
They even had ninjas at some point.
That was dumb as F.
what have I done
how the hell did I start a magic the gathering discussion
I'd totally discuss about Hearthstone right now but you lads prefer to play mindless games where you go like "pew pew".
I have heartstone installed
I have played it... never
Your loss.
no it isn't
for multiple reasons
1- blablabla
2- blabla
3- bla
(1) it's based heavily on blizzard's IPs, and as such it would be taunting me to play WoW again
(b) it's fucking magic the gathering
Your mother was a Murloc.
(iii) who really wants to play a card game on a PC when you could just play a card game if you really wanted it that bad
(4) only nurds play hearthstone
(v) better things to do when I'm at a PC
Playing a game with physical cards means that you gotta play with someone in da real world.
Which sucks.
Also, rules can be broken/forgotten that way.
@Simon Plus, you have to do counting/memorization
and don't talk to me about murlocs mmmrrrggglll
which sucks even more
@Adi Absolutely.
@Adi don't encourage him
@Simon Ugghhh... playing Yu-Gi-Oh! with real cards!!
my favorite waste of time at the moment is a game called LYNE
14 year old me hated it so much!
@Adi That can get messy.
@kalina Alright. Let's see
mmm messy
Alright. No, thanks.
you don't like LYNE?
Simple games + not playable in the browser = no, thanks.
"playable in the browser" is a game requirement?
For something that looks like this? Yes.
jeezus lulz
hey that's some awesomeness
I'm not saying it looks bad
far more mentally stimulating than angry birds
All I'm saying is that I don't want to install Steam on my workstation to waste an hour while my VMWare setup restores from backups
well there's your problem
why isn't Steam already installed?
@kalina because he's a casual?
I didn't realize I was hanging out with casuals
@kalina soz, there's quite a few in here
I have a higher answer than the bear!
achievement unlocked
you must be high
Then the user types SHELL=/my/program apt-get install <I forget> and gets a shell because some package has mistaken $SHELL for sh. — Gilles 16 hours ago
you know when Windows 10 updates itself and says "All your files are exactly where you left them"
do you think that was a predictive diss at Adobe?
derp that's a comment from the sudo war happening on my post
@kalina I always think that's a bit sinister "your files are exactly where you left them"... "this time"
@RоryMcCune I'm sure they're just trying to be friendly
the problem I have is with "Don't turn off your PC"
@kalina or a rebuttal to confused senior citizens
who the hell are you to tell me what to do with my PC?
for that reason alone I'm turning you off!
@kalina yeah it just sounds like the kind of thing the mafia would say about your shop not being burned down... this time
I feel dirty
the idea of purchasing a subscription to Microsoft Office
@RоryMcCune probably to reassure all the dumbasses who think their computer "did something weird" and blame it for not saving their word doc
@kalina Office365 is quite a nice service really
HAHA -- wait, are you serious?
@Ohnana yeah, what's wrong with it?
it's like dropbox and google docs had an abortion together
decent webmail, bundled office suite
@Ohnana the only people who like Google docs are word processing casuals
let me know when you start writing professional reports in it, week in, week out
Oh yeah
or even school reports
I remember trying open/libre/free office once , I lasted like 2 days before I went and bought MS Word
@RоryMcCune i don't. i have to use WORD
@Ohnana s'better than the alternatives
i wouldn't mind but the collaboration features are so underdeveloped
@RоryMcCune decent... webmail?
like, better than gmail?
@Ohnana word online is getting better in that regard
@kalina absolutely not
it's usable, and for microsoft that's "decent"
@kalina well no webmail is great, but I don't think it's that bad, in fact I quite like it
I think gmail is great
but I need Word
@kalina remember Poe's law.
I need it
@kalina People may not realize you are being sarcastic.
I wasn't being too sarcastic
out of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most
@kalina see, that's subtle.
@Simon will miss the "too", think you really love gmail, and run out to purchase a license for gmail.
purchase... a... what?
maybe we're talking about different things
@kalina thatsthejoke.jpg
I assume that a gmail appliance doesn't come cheap.
I think @AviD is implying that @Simon is sufficiently dense to think that he needs to buy a gmail license
well then I feel compelled to stick up for @Simon and inform @AviD that he should stop judging others according to his own shortcomings
@kalina what, you think he'd prefer subscription basis?
@RоryMcCune cmon, was damn funny.
I think Simon is sufficiently anti Microsoft that he'd use Apple Mail or whatever
iMail by Apple
uMail by Ubisoft
@kalina we're talking about gmail. Even @Simon knows that's owned by Facebook.
gMail by Google
I was going somewhere with this but forgot
if only that @AviD star would disappear I'd own the entire unpinned star list
hey @Ohnana I'm not sure about that first point in your root answer. It's almost like you're implying that having an easily predictable username is bad for security?
@RоryMcCune root is a special case of that
@Ohnana so 'admin' on most administrative web apps is fine?
if i'm a stupid skiddy with a bruteforcer, i'm going to look for highprofile accounts that I know has root access
'SYS' on Oracle is ok
@RоryMcCune I liked open office - once I had configured it correctly... that took some time
i am not done typing >:|
'administrator' on windows is just jim dandy
(I could go on)
for linux, a lot of people forget to remove SSH access to root and apache, so they're easy targets
and no, your admin portal shouldn't be hanging out in the breeze
@kalina I dislike gmail. but not as much as I dislike Outlook and all its associated nonsense
@RoryAlsop I just remember trying to do watermarks for like 2 hours then realising that it didn't support it
but disabling root short-circuits remote-login attempts
@RoryAlsop don't forget Yahoo!
@Ohnana but the predictability of the username is a factor ... right?
for linux? quite
@kalina just no
@Ohnana For oracle?
@RoryAlsop you don't yahoo!
@Ohnana for Windows
for windows it's not that bad because IIRC remote desktopping and the like is off by default
@Ohnana for other web apps
1 min ago, by Ohnana
and no, your admin portal shouldn't be hanging out in the breeze
@Ohnana the use of the qualifier 'that' implies you acknowledge that it's not great
@kalina you have Lyne on PC?
@RоryMcCune it requires a specific configuration to be exploitable
the question scope was linux administration, so i restricted it to that
@Ohnana sure but the presence of the predictable username is a negative security quality
one that MS have been fighting for some years
to lock down admin access on linux, you remove interactive login from root's account
@Ohnana I know, I was just pointing out a potential inconsistency in some of your security views :)
no, i am well aware of other situations
an externally accessible admin portal is a high-risk finding
@Ohnana interesting contrast in risk ratings. I usually only assign highs to exploitable issues that either compromise users (e.g. Stored XSS) or the server (e.g. SQLi) obv. admin portal with default creds is a high
but without that I'd be more at a med. level
i don't make the rules, i'm just the report monkey
@RоryMcCune yeah, most reports I see use a rather random risk rating methodology.
heh Imma start calling it the 4R methodology.
@AviD well after briefly studying the madness that is VA scanners assignment of CVSS scores, nothing surprises me on that front any more.
@RoryAlsop yes
@RоryMcCune I have noticed that some scanners account for ambiguity in their risk ratings.
E.g. if they have a finding that should be high risk, but the scanner is not sure it is not a FP, they will lower the rating.
after lots of playing around I've foudn limiting the cpu in the surface to 65% while on battery increases the battery life by hours
which is stupid, since assurance and risk are different things.
I'm bored
on a scale of 1 to 10 I am 7 boreds
@kalina you could go play with some kids :)
make some photo art
@kalina I have it on my phone but didn't think it would translate well to PC
@RoryAlsop touchscreens
I will say, Windows 10 as a touch OS is poor
Windows 8 would have been better -.-
even with tiny fingers some of the things you're meant to tap are tiny
and you don't get loads of padding around everything so you can be slightly inaccurate either
like you would with iOS
@kalina don't swear :-)
it's more like "here is a 64x64 icon on a screen with a resolution of 14 bazillion x 9 bazillion, enjoy"
You're a 64x64 icon.
@kalina yeah my missus reverted her Surface 3 to Win 8.1 for that reason (plus some crashiness on 10)
which is such a shame really
the weakest part of the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10 is Windows 10...
And you guys laugh at my OS X.
At least now I know that anything you say is irrelevant.
well yes, your OS is developed by a company that thinks it's better to use their mobile OS as the lead design in their desktop OS
at least Microsoft are doing it the correct way around
Did you say something? It must be irrelevant.
I still can't hear what you're saying over the screaming from that earlier fire
I tried using Linux as my main OS
a properly genuine attempt
that ended up being a properly genu-wine attempt
running everything through wine
because Linux has no decent music software
Hence why you should have gone for OS X.
I don't want to use a mobile OS on my desktop thanks
Linux or OS X? Linux
Windows or Linux? Windows
You're a special one.
What was that, what about servers?
Linux or... oh wait, LOL APPLE ON SERVERS
Windows or Linux? Contextual
@kalina yeah, this is the part that sucks
For gaming?
Linux or OSX? Linux
Linux or Windows? Seriously...
Are you on about irrelevant things again?
For productivity?
Linux or OS X... Linux
Linux or Windows... Windows
For being a hipster with overvalued budget hardware in shiny cases? OS X
You're one of those people who has never used something and say that it's shit.
For everybody else? It doesn't matter as long as you don't chose OS X
@Simon I've had my share of macs
I installed Windows on them to get things done
I even had an iPhone when it was just the iPhone and not the iPhone MP4-12C
That's a McLaren.
8 out of 10 boreds
when it gets to 10 bad things will happen
I'm still waiting for gaming in a VM to become easy to use.
@kalina Are you going to set a country on fire?
virtualization is more abstraction away from the hardware though, whereas gaming is moving more towards more direct access of the hardware
@Arperum some people just want to watch the world burn
@kalina waits patiently for the explosions
@kalina i actually get better performance on linux vs windows
what - it's on topic...
unfortunately the selection is worse
roro pls that's not nice
In principle it's possible to use the onboard GPU for Linux/the desktop and pass the dedicated GPU through to a windows VM (for exclusive use).
@RoryAlsop this audio is recorded on a potato
@Ohnana that's unsurprising on account of the ability to compile your OS specifically for your hardware and configuration
But it seems too annoying to configure that, to be worth the bother.
@kalina i used a stock debian install with no custom kernel
then I'll call your performance boost due to lack of functionality
@Ohnana it was someone up at the sound desk - but unfortunately he didn't get the audio from the sound desk. I could have linked the album version :-)
@kalina either that or there's less OS garbage overhead
which is pretty nice :)
And nVidia seems to deliberately sabotage VMs on their consumer cards.
@Ohnana yes but what you may call "garbage" is actually called "direct x", for example
which is still functionality at the end of the day
@CodesInChaos Yes, they do in fact do this.
@lady.donut <3
@Simon has had enough of being bullied so he's started up his vm
@Simon MY NAME
what the hell
@kalina Unlike you, I have someone that loves me in my life.
@lady.donut ????
@Simon alright alright no need to utilize what you know about me to reduce me to a wreck
@kalina an os does not need direct X graphics, that's just unnecessary
@Ohnana and yet it's largely responsible for the recent history of gaming on pc
@Simon "donut"
o loooooooooooooooooool
what's a "donut"
That's the proper spelling, unlike your battle.net tag.
@kalina yeah... aero graphics for a desktop manager is overkill
you even called yourself a donut on battle.net?
@Ohnana cough compiz
but direckX is kinda neat for specialized tasks
of course not, because you don't get more overkill than compiz
the end of the dwm discussion comes in the form of the word compiz
honestly, i want to burn them both in a firey pit
thankfully most linux DMs do not come with compiz
@Ohnana Aero is okay, if you disable transparency.
My poor little brain can't handle those half-transparent window titles.
@CodesInChaos Is that a disease?
hey guys do you remember that day where @Ohnana started trying to school me on window managers saying that Linux is superior because Windows has Aero, expecting to win due to the assumption I don't know Linux?
I do, I'm going to write it down in my dairy
ffs fml
i'll remember not to have any intelligent discussions with you next time, you'll take it as an insult
this isn't what I look like when I'm insulted
i talk to you about these things because you can actually make intelligent responses FFS
gosh stop complimenting me
I'm currently transcribing my memories in melted cheese poured on a table and I can't type with melted cheese on my hand
good morning
@kalina just lost my breakfast... thanks
@kalina What kind of cheese?
@Xander the metaphorical kind that comes into play when you can't work out if it's dairy or diary
@kalina Linux has no decent desktop software for the most part. There are almost no actual UI designers working on the Linux team, so you keep getting these ugly, unscaling abominations
@kalina aah - pecorino
@MarkBuffalo please @Mark please
don't go through the entire Linux vs Windows conversation from above like you're late to the party
that conversation was merely to pass time and that time has passed
@MarkBuffalo If you care so much about design, get OS X.
heck no. I don't like that design
but actually, I need an imac... for developing in my spare time
that's less of a design and more of a OOOO PRETTY LOOK AT THIS BAR IT'S SO... well, only if you have 5 applications installed and... well, who needs a menu bar, let's have a global one
and really, the window control buttons on the left?
who the hell does anything on the left
there's no unifying UI for most applications
that's like, to the left, to the left, everything you own in the box to the left
@kalina Musical Youth?
how insulting
@kalina you're not a fan of Midlands reggae then?
you know that music on computers had nothing to do with Apple until they brutally murdered a bunch of small companies to make Logic look appealing
before that it was Amigas and Ataris
and then it was PC
> Believe it or not, the US Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for not paying their outstanding federal student loans. Paul Aker says he was arrested at his home last week for a $1500 federal student loan he received in 1987.
Good thing I'm paying down my student loan...
Good thing I don't even have a student loan.
@MarkBuffalo They're serious about it. They're not dischargable either.
I had one it was like £1000 all-in
7 marshals with guns drawn for a guy owing $1,500 on a student loan
but then I live in a country that doesn't charge 10's of thousands a year in tuition
@MarkBuffalo He says seven deputy US Marshals showed up at his home with guns and took him to federal court where he had to sign a payment plan for the 29-year-old school loan.
I don't think they needed guns... it's essentially robbery at that point.
this is common practice
I didn't go to university because I am a failure at life
@MarkBuffalo According to him, anyway. I'm going to guess it was more like one with a gun in his holster.
@MarkBuffalo Plus probably a shitton of interest.
either you sign garnishment papers or you are held in jail
@kalina says the person with the highest salary in the room!
@RоryMcCune technically I don't have a "salary"
@MarkBuffalo He might have seen six more at the booking facility.
so... no
@Xander lulz
@Xander he wasn't even booked and put in jail, they brought him to a frickin hearing
@Ohnana With guns
@Ohnana Technically, if he was compelled to attend the hearing with them, he was, in fact, "arrested."
@Xander i feex
He may in that case not have been booked, but he was certainly arrested.
if they didn't have guns it would be shocking
> guns, arrested, robbed by the government
All I can see y'all saying is murica murica murica murica
@MarkBuffalo Being forced to re-pay your student loans is not being robbed by the government. Asset forfeiture is being robbed by the government.

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