@JeffFerland Haha, yeah I was kidding. I don't know that anyone would go to Russia on holiday. I'd be interested to go, but given the choice I'd go somewhere in the Caribbean.
@schroeder to give you some comparison on Scotland england house prices ros.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/34195/… is for scotland Average property price in Edinburgh (the most expenseive part of scotland) £234k , in London average property price is £643k
@JourneymanGeek It's just a really funny issue. Some reporters were taking photos of a board running and connected when suddenly it locks up and the screen goes black.
I don't really want to get a new Naga since they work differently from the old ones, IIRC you need software to map the keys whereas mine just uses keyboard interrupts
@Adi More DPI = cursor moves faster. Depends on what you're doing. For gaming more DPI is better, but too much can also be bad. Really it depends on whether you prefer a really fast mouse or not.