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even more importantly, it's on the WHO essential list! what about that?!
@Ohnana I think I took daraprim before.
I was prescribed antimalarial drugs for a visit to malaria-infested areas. All it did was make me sleep for 19 hours per day. And I'd have these crazy dreams
And the sun BURNED ME
@MarkBuffalo Amen Mark
@MarkBuffalo not listed as a side effect
@Ohnana Let me find it. Might've been doxycycline or something.
Yep, pretty sure I didn't even want to go outside at that point. I must've came down with porphyric hemophilia
that's a messed up side effect tho
I ended up getting malaria anyway :/
was malaria better or worse than the drugs
Worse. Vivid dreams and nightmares, crazy stuff all around. Lots of being sick. I was in bed for literally 7 days sleeping. I slept through multiple domestic terrorist attacks while lunatics were burning down their own city
Then I got an illness that lasted nearly 3 months. After that, everything was peachy keen.
Felt like I was in a coma literally. I couldn't wake up, but I knew my wife was near and she took care of me lol
Don't know what it was. Didn't see a doctor
Chinese doctors are into witchcraft, bro.
Like they literally prescribe herbs and seeds for illnesses in most places. I think I even had some bird shit tea. Sigh
@MarkBuffalo maybe you got bird flu ;)
@AJHenderson Ha. I did see a doctor but he kept trying to bless me with powder and stuff. I don't think he was a doctor... So that doesn't count.
@MarkBuffalo is the word for doctor and confectioner close or something
@AJHenderson haha
Almost lunch time, thinking sushi.
@MarkBuffalo Did you see this one Mark
Q: How can I hide my AWS S3 access key and secret in C++?

parsley72I'm using AWS S3 in my C++ app to upload and download files. I've included the access key and secret in my code but I'm worried someone could read them from the binary. Is there any standard technique for obfuscating them? I'm not running this app on a PC, it's actually on an embedded device so ...

the entirety of aws is in this person's code
totally l33t
so l33t
@Ohnana I don't often secure my code, but when I do... I obfuscate. Stay unsecure my friends.
i feel like there's a dupe for this
@RoraΖ That just won a star lol
I replied
@CameronVerotti haha, thanks
@MarkBuffalo step aside noob i'm VTCing
What is VTC?
Vote To Close
Oh :(
I think we should keep it
@MarkBuffalo well, 4 people have to agree with me
Nooooo my buffalos
also, i edited your answer. i'd toss you an upvote, but i hit my vote limit
It's basically a duplicate of "Is obfuscation security"
remind me and i'll upvote it, quality answer
Which I think we have lots of questions and answers for.
@RoraΖ i found a specific iteration of the question that was a bit more tailored
Obfuscation is definitely security.
Note the heavy-duty sarcasm.
that wasn't sarcasm
Was it stupidity instead?
@MarkBuffalo Oddly they're often confused.
@schroeder Must want a war :D
president trump oh my gosh
as if America isn't funny enough already
@MarkBuffalo "FINALLY the nuclear program will be useful"
I just want peace
putin is trolling
@Ohnana It appears I got knocked down to -1 for my answer
either that or putin thinks that trump's supporters will freak because putin's a dirty commie
@Ohnana Nope. Most republicans I know have a Puton on Putin.
Heck, even a lot of dems.
@MarkBuffalo weird
Start playing the Russian Anthem for Turmp wherever he goes from here on out.
Kremlin will be after him next.
2 hours later…
Maaaan the RS274X format is wonky
you sir... Are Wonky
You're just jealous.
That might be true
but i will never admit to it!
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
@DavidFreitag wouldnt it be nuking from orbit?
@AviD No, you have to accept that you have a problem before you even get into your fancy suit
well, what about backups?
Because you certainly aren't going to go through all of those preflight checks if you won't even admit you have a problem
@AviD Backups are precautionary, so that when you finally do admit you have a problem you can go back in time like it never even happened in the first place.
@kalina Did you just "oh my gosh" ? Hehehe
I know a girl who says that. She also snorts sometimes when she's laughing really hard.
yes, I said "in irl"
@AviD Uhhhhh no.
Unless @kalina is a scrawny brunette weeaboo who is currently living with an equally scrawny hairy italian weeaboo and is 22 and doesn't have a driver's license.
I would have thought she could do better
It's funny because last year they bought a friend of mine a gag gift for christmas, and his mom made him open it. It was a sex toy.
you have weird friends
Yes. Yes I do.
@AviD At least they don't go around stabbing people through the testicle with a toothpick
@DavidFreitag :(
@kalina you upset about being called out about goshing?
@kalina ahh... why?
@JourneymanGeek I've watched all four expanse episodes and it's a bit... meh
ok it's not bad but I missed bits because it failed to hold my attention
what do you like about it so much?
Its "oldschool" scifi. Belters are cool though for some reason there's no main charecter who's a proper tall belter. Spaceships...
@kalina Nothing to be frowny face about, there's nothing wrong with "oh my gosh" it just reminded me of someone
@JourneymanGeek "oldschool"?
does it remind you of DS9 a bit
a little of b5 actually
I got some minor firefly vibes off the bits in the little ship
but those were short lived
the canterbery/knight?
wait how many episodes are there so far?
I only found 4 on the place with the stuff
must have been busy thinking about squirrels
You've met roci, but she hasn't been named yet.
I've met her?
@JourneymanGeek I think you mean RACI?
who was talking to you
@AviD nurd
@AviD er... after quixote's ride.
@kalina the martian ship that the crew off the canterbery accidentally steal at the end
@avid wtf is that hat
why is it upside down
Why not?
am I wearing it wrong?
do I have this on backwards?
Its tricky to master
wait, which side is the strap supposed to be on?
@Ohnana cuz that's how tigger would wear it, duh!
I've met @kalina
She just doesn't know it yet. creepy music ensues
creepy just got creepier
@MarkBuffalo Always setting the bar one higher huh mark?
If a napkin is made of recycled material, and I use that said napkin then throw in the garbage. Didn't that just defeat the purpose?
@CameronVerotti Nah, it's been used again.
@CameronVerotti Japan. Not even once.
This mans potassium levels over 9000
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
A short... but warm life it was.
Wow, I got a revival badge 4 years after I answered the question :-)
@RoryAlsop Congratulations
Lol - it amused me. I have no memory of answering it at all
A: Can't burn DVD -- incompatible format

Rory AlsopYou should be able to find out exactly what types of disks your burner will support. That error message indicates it doesn't support DVD-R (as backed up by your comment that it did work with a DVD+R disk) As Gilles commented, you should be able to use dvd+rw-mediainfo but failing that, you coul...

It possibly amused me most as I've been out for our team Christmas party. For the last eleven hours :-p
I seem to have bags with bottles of wine and Santa hats, and some trophies as we won the pub quiz
North Korea had more than 1 underground test...
but I don't think it two of them were confirmed.
Q: 32C3 CTF - starts 27 dec 2015 and lasts 48h

HamZa32C3 CTF will begin on 27 December 2015 20:00 UTC and ends on 29 december 2015 20:00 UTC. It's been a while since we participated. Let's play again as team Sec.SE. As usual, the team communicates through the CTF team chatroom.

@MarkBuffalo Can you imagine how large a hole in the ground that must be that it survived almost 1000 nukes?

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