@DavidFreitag If you want to help, I still need to write the function to return all possible "free space allocations" given the set count and total amount of free space.
I only did give one example, and more would likely be needed to fully grasp it, but it should be fairly understandable. At least, I'm not seeing any points of likely confusion at present.
Since still 90% of Worldwide Websites are vulnerable to BEAST (see the current trustwortycomputing Stats), since TLS1.0 can still be used generally and seemingly lots of the Server Stacks simply have not been mitigated or updated Server-Side by preventing specific CipherSuites (or simply preventi...
I have no idea here, I attempted to edit his answer... but it doesn't make any sense
I am sure it will be an entertaining movie, even if it is not exactly as I would have done it, because guess what, I am not the director of this movie (or any movie, really).
There, that is my Internet Tranquility prayer for the day.
@Adi As “ANSI”, actually (ASCII stops at 127). That's what Windows calls the non-Unicode encoding it uses, whichever it is (you get a choice of encodings, which it calls “code pages”). (I think it's system-wide, but by now maybe it's per-application.)
here its fine, but all over the place? you know I'm not going to go ahead and modslap you for it, but I think you should despam yourself in the other rooms....
yeah you're not allowed to be a smart ass on stage and walk away from it if you mess it up
you can't drop scatman in the middle of a trance set, fuck it up twice and then continuing laughing along like you're not being paid half a mil to be there and bring your a game
Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing.
10/10 would go to school in America
She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer.
@CodesInChaos If string theory is correct, and you can set off a chain reaction that disintegrates all matter in the universe, that would be nice. Right?
@kalina We have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. That means we give the people what they want.
If a state votes for oranges to be banned... that's special in the head... but they're allowed to.
Our government isn't supposed to control our people. That's despotism. ;-D
Let me give you an example of pure idiocy: almost every state banned BPA. Governor Paul LePage of Maine unbanned it, allowing a flood of cheap poisonous Chinese plastic into the state. That's what the people wanted, a complete moron for governor. You reap what you sow.