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@kalina Totally.
definitely some kind of president killing bio nuclear chemical weapon bomb that the NSA would be interested in knowing about
Damn it rofl
Basically, I believe it could revolutionize offensive/defensive IT security all in one.
But I could be wrong, and there may be better ways to do it... it's just nice.
"nice" is how I categorize all of my president killing bio nuclear chemical weapon bombs
@kalina Don't forget about the weapons grade plutonium, and the flaky wireless detonators that we use which can be set off by a random microwave half a mile away
If so, it would be something that could be developed and sold to enterprises.
@DavidFreitag when dealing with plutonium you must watch out for the libyans
@MarkHulkalo what is this terrorist device you have
@kalina They're taken care of.
Not a terrorist device, kalina
I want to use it for good!
but you said that whenever you said "offensive/defensive IT security" that you really meant bomb
did I miss an update?
Nah, it's all network-based
You're cracking me up lol
let me check the super secret internet forums in TOR net for the new thing for the stuff
@MarkHulkalo Does it use the ethernet shield or something?
@DavidFreitag Intercepts all incoming/outgoing connections
allows you to thingy.
ah right, do not talk about the plan, we're being watched
sorry guys
@MarkHulkalo Yeah but does it use ethernet
Nah, it's fine. Not hiding anything scary
@DavidFreitag Partially, yes.
well scary is subjective
@MarkHulkalo That was a simple yes or no question...
if you're able to manipulate my ethernet traffic to turn my PC into a bomb then that's quite scary
There's no partially, it either has an ethernet PHY or it doesn't...
this is some shady shit
@kalina He can manipulate ethernet and turn your AOL cd into a bomb.
@schroeder would be delighted to help review
@DavidFreitag OH MY GOSH
@MarkHulkalo Multiple interfaces?
I may be allowed a book review section for Mensa Sec SIG
@DavidFreitag Yep
That might get complicated
Like 7-8 of them.
And you are doing this with an arduino?
No. I want to have 7-8 of them.
Right now I have one input and output
oh this is all theoretical?
that's disappointing
almost felt like we were about to hack teh gibson
I believe the theory is sound
@kalina Apparently he has a working prototype
But I don't know how to expand it, or really improve it
I'm really bad at hardware.
how does that make you feel?
Because I can do most of this with software, if it were hardware-based... I assume it would be even better.
that's a lot of assume
@MarkHulkalo IS IT A FIREWALL??
Sort of
is that a wall made of fire?
@kalina Nope it's actually a non-newtonian cat.
plz i no nuffin bout computors
So I want you to tell me if I'm completely retarded, going about it the wrong way, etc.
Okay, going home. I'll let you know
you're completely retarded
you're going about it the wrong way
you're etc
@MarkHulkalo You haven't given me enough details to make a determination
I will later
hey @DavidFreitag I have this great idea
it's this thing that does the stuff
what do you think of it?
can I have some feedback?
Not the stuff!
@kalina A wirelessly controlled vibrator?
something like that must already exist
but why is it that's the first thing that came to your mind?
that's disgusting
I can't believe you'd have thoughts like that
there's a line, @DavidFreitag, and you crossed it
@kalina Because I was going to say someone in this room was already working on something similar
@DavidFreitag that doesn't surprise me in the slightest, tbh
who is doing such a thing?
@kalina Is? I think it is more was.
I don't think he finished either
oh that's a really short clip
how disappointing
@kalina That's what she said.
now I'm watching invader zim episodes -.-
Hmmm, these aren't bad! What's in them?
Q: what is out of box thinking in penetration context

blackpdfHaving a quite hard time in bug bounty hunting since 1 month,having that I tried to seek some help they try to think out of box and I cant figure out how to think out of box can any one help me here

i have no words.
@AviD hanging upside down from a tree
there is literally nothing I could say that would make that any more funny.
@kalina or that.
oh right, there's a question as well that adds further context
the wonders never cease
@kalina Here's a thought: Why did Bethesda implement "no level cap" (technically, capped to 16 bits) in Fallout 4? What's the point of it, if there's ultimately a limit to the number of perks/skill points you can invest in? Why not just cap to the highest number of levels you'll need to max everything?
@Iszi why the hell would I know the answer to that
they thought it would look cool in the marketing material but never thought it through fully, like always?
@kalina Not expecting you to "know" the answer. Just was wondering about your ideas on it.
do I work for Bethesda, on their design team?
I think not
I mean, the only benefit to leveling past the point that you can spend perks is to increase your max health.
from my various playthroughs you'll likely never realistically reach "fully capped and then some" even completing everything in the game
maybe they'll add more perks in the DLCs
@kalina "Various playthroughs"? It's not even been out a month! Wish I had your amount of spare time.
yeah I've completed it 3 1/2 times
@kalina That's what I figured. And maybe some of those will come with boosts to the SPECIAL stat limits. But still, do you really need 16 bits of room in the level cap for that? And, as a gamer, do you really want to just auto-win all those perks when they come out instead of working through them?
like 150 hours in the first 200 hours of it being released
@RoryAlsop Awesome! I'll contact you.
@Iszi tbh the perks system is poor anyway
@kalina Can't say I'm a huge fan of it, but what do you find particularly bothersome?
they ridiculously simplified it
Even more so than Fallout new Vegas?
If my maths is correct, a max-level character will have 491,635 HP at level 65,535. That's just using their level and Endurance 10. Not counting any other permanent buffs they might pick up.
Pretty sure anything that doesn't scale to your level won't even be able to "scratch the paint" at that point.
you don't even need to get remotely near capped before it gets too easy
@kalina I'm pretty sure that, at that point, you could wander buck naked through the Glowing Sea and never need to worry about Rad-X or Rad-Away. I mean, yeah you'll soak up a crap-ton of Rads. But you'll still have so much HP that you won't need to care.
And then, of course there's all the perks you'll have that reduce your radiation damage anyway.
And you'll have all the perks by level 240 something anyway
@Iszi somebody said RADS is percentage based
@DavidFreitag Yeah, we figured that out already. Topic of discussion is simply how ridiculous it is to have a 65,535 level cap, and how ridiculous it would be to actually be there.
@Iszi I know, I was just pointing that out for other readers
from my experience you'll be lucky if you get to ~60 without cheating on a single playthrough
@kalina Huh. I'm pretty sure that at least some Aids remove specific amounts of Rads. So, there could be a point where one Refreshing Beverage doesn't cut it?
I think the highest level I got to was 57
@kalina I'm already at 30, and maybe (just guessing) halfway through the game.
@kalina IIRC Cohh got to 57ish so far (at least a few days ago)
I suppose you could get higher but you'd be going for a full completion
Correction: Pretty sure I'm well over 30.
He's doing a 100% run
the playthroughs I did weren't 100%
well they were... ish
but split over 4 plays
@Iszi I thought you are 32.
I'm not necessarily going for full completion, but I tend to avoid the main questline like the plague.
I did institute/railroad/brotherhood endings
@AviD Last year, maybe.
@Iszi Yeah the main questline is really what makes you pick sides
but I did the brotherhood ending by skipping most of the quest and just exploring down one side of the map
still, "3" is not "well over",
and during the minuteman playthrough (the last one) I did very little of the story but had most of the settlements
or is it, I dont know
so I never completed that one but tbh the endings aren't different enough
@DavidFreitag Found it really amusing that I was able to take a companion from one faction on quests for the other, and they nearly never said anything about it. They finally came around at one point and quipped something to the effect of "I'll have you know, you're the only reason I haven't opened fire and burned this place to the ground."
they were "all right" but considering how many people shouted about Mass Effect 3's ending and how many people didn't like Deus Ex Human Revolution's ending this feels a little too much like people are getting used to average endings
@Iszi yeah it lacked a lot of that
@Iszi LOL
like taking a geth aboard the flotilla and everybody freaked out
you can take a synth onto the prydwen and everybody ignores it
Just checked with Pip-Boy, which is probably out of date a bit. I'm at least level 36 right now.
@kalina Or take someone from BoS into Ticonderoga, as was my case.
that's probably the design reason why you can't take a companion into the instutite
Current main-line mission appears to be "Hunter/Hunted".
@kalina Damn. Is The Institute the endgame? That'd be a little disappointing. I feel like I'm really not far from it already now.
no going to the institute is the middle of the game
but when you get the mission the molecular level
you should speak to all factions if you want to continue doing missions for all of them
later in the game you'll need to murder two factions though
@kalina So, that's where it branches into faction-exclusivity? Thanks for the heads-up.
yeah there's a bunch of downvotes on my answer to "the point of no return" question with some people arguing that the point of no return is when you declare war on each other even though you can't get half of the quests if you don't speak to factions during the molecular level
Is there really only one ending per faction? I could easily see finding a middle ground between two. Three, if some were fairly reasonable. The one stand-out is certainly The Institute - nobody likes them. I don't see anything yet that prevents The Minutemen from getting along with BoS or the Railroad. BoS would be pretty hard to marry up with the Railroad, but if they could be convinced to focus on the common enemy (The Institute), I could see a three-way alliance of some form.
that I know of
we can't talk about factions before you've finished the game
David, hop on epic
no hopping until 4am

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