@kalina Don't forget about the weapons grade plutonium, and the flaky wireless detonators that we use which can be set off by a random microwave half a mile away
Having a quite hard time in bug bounty hunting since 1 month,having that I tried to seek some help they try to think out of box and I cant figure out how to think out of box can any one help me here
@kalina Here's a thought: Why did Bethesda implement "no level cap" (technically, capped to 16 bits) in Fallout 4? What's the point of it, if there's ultimately a limit to the number of perks/skill points you can invest in? Why not just cap to the highest number of levels you'll need to max everything?
@kalina That's what I figured. And maybe some of those will come with boosts to the SPECIAL stat limits. But still, do you really need 16 bits of room in the level cap for that? And, as a gamer, do you really want to just auto-win all those perks when they come out instead of working through them?
If my maths is correct, a max-level character will have 491,635 HP at level 65,535. That's just using their level and Endurance 10. Not counting any other permanent buffs they might pick up.
Pretty sure anything that doesn't scale to your level won't even be able to "scratch the paint" at that point.
@kalina I'm pretty sure that, at that point, you could wander buck naked through the Glowing Sea and never need to worry about Rad-X or Rad-Away. I mean, yeah you'll soak up a crap-ton of Rads. But you'll still have so much HP that you won't need to care.
And then, of course there's all the perks you'll have that reduce your radiation damage anyway.
@DavidFreitag Yeah, we figured that out already. Topic of discussion is simply how ridiculous it is to have a 65,535 level cap, and how ridiculous it would be to actually be there.
@kalina Huh. I'm pretty sure that at least some Aids remove specific amounts of Rads. So, there could be a point where one Refreshing Beverage doesn't cut it?
@DavidFreitag Found it really amusing that I was able to take a companion from one faction on quests for the other, and they nearly never said anything about it. They finally came around at one point and quipped something to the effect of "I'll have you know, you're the only reason I haven't opened fire and burned this place to the ground."
they were "all right" but considering how many people shouted about Mass Effect 3's ending and how many people didn't like Deus Ex Human Revolution's ending this feels a little too much like people are getting used to average endings
yeah there's a bunch of downvotes on my answer to "the point of no return" question with some people arguing that the point of no return is when you declare war on each other even though you can't get half of the quests if you don't speak to factions during the molecular level
Is there really only one ending per faction? I could easily see finding a middle ground between two. Three, if some were fairly reasonable. The one stand-out is certainly The Institute - nobody likes them. I don't see anything yet that prevents The Minutemen from getting along with BoS or the Railroad. BoS would be pretty hard to marry up with the Railroad, but if they could be convinced to focus on the common enemy (The Institute), I could see a three-way alliance of some form.