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@BlacklightShining on modern hardware TLS is essentially free. single-digit percent overhead at the worst.
@tylerl That's what I figured. Smartphones, too?
think so
4 hours later…
@M'vy you seem surprised.
by morning.
ah. yeah. well. that too.
Oh we have a black pony now?
It's existence? your survival? it's repetition?
<insert coffee please>
so, this is going to be a fun fight. my stupid car leasing company thinks its okay to not send the renewed car license for a month, and still expect to get paid.
@M'vy oh thats a good idea.
@M'vy An aptly-named one, indeed. Also one that's going to sleep. 'night.
@M'vy that actually looks like the post-burn shadow that would be used in cartoons.
This suggests to me that @kalina burnt @BlacklightShining to a crisp.
was it something he said? or just pony jealousy?
I say a lot of controversial things.
ok coffee problem is solved. For now
good afternoon
That is like the most white thing I've seen in a while.
go relax from your stressful job at the pub with a couple of drink? Hell no! Pretend you're still working on Wall Street instead, and fight for your drinks!
probably fun for a lark, though.
mornin' all
@AviD what the?
@RоryMcCune heya
@M'vy right??
@AviD Set the fucking price and be done with it.
I don't want to have this kind of problem.
I think it's great
should do it with more things
like politicians wages being linked to their public acceptance
also it would mean AMD hardware would be dirt cheap
since nobody wants it
speaking of dirt cheap... 1TB Samsung SSDs for £184 - amazon.co.uk/Samsung-2-5-Inch-Solid-State-Drive/dp/B00P738MUU/…
@kalina ooh now THAT I like
although that would lend itself to simply following the populist agenda, instead of makign the hard choices and doing what is right
well, even more so than now
@AviD so basically the current US republican crop
@RоryMcCune pls, serial ata device
Say Anything as long as you think that's what the voters want to hear
@kalina not bad for mass storage
1 min ago, by AviD
well, even more so than now
actually the 950 pro is somewhat cheaper than I'd have expected at £159 for 256GB
@RоryMcCune still nowhere cheap enough
I think ~2years till standard SATA SSDs come down to around what HDDs are today.
and I think not much longer till we dont see HDDs at all, except for huge sizes.
@AviD yeah when 3D XPoint hits next year it'll start driving down the costs of the "old tech"
and I guess small ultra-cheap ones too
For those wondering: Raya turned out to be male, not female
ahh that's interesting, it sounded like it was going to be a female name...
@kalina different sort of mass. Also volume ;p
@JourneymanGeek Were you here last Thursday when I was confused about the gender of someone?
@JourneymanGeek Check the sidebar messages of @kalina
(Also, I tend to play it safe and use 'they' when I don't know ;p)
Basically, I got an invite for a job interview and I had to address them in a mail
@NateKerkhofs this seems to happen often to you.
Ahh, and you dear madamed a sir?
@JourneymanGeek yep
(Wouldn't you check something like that on linkedin?)
always check the adam's apple.
@JourneymanGeek I tried to check it on Linkedin, but he didn't have a profile picture
@AviD heh, I have a few transgendered friends in my past
All I had to go by was a name, Raya
@NateKerkhofs Your stalker-skills are weak ;p
@JourneymanGeek oh fair point. Though dating is one of the few situations where it is legitimate to be picky.
@JourneymanGeek I actually checked an obituary for it
@AviD totally.
hmm, and perhaps some types of medical situations. But I'm not a doctor, so I am assuming.
ohh and of course it is okay to be picky about one's gender when asking for technical advice. Right @kalina? ;-)
that guy was a dick
the fact that he had one, was part of the problem.
now that could be interpreted as though I was the problem
and I'm uncool with your ambiguity
@AviD I'd think whether someone was intersex would be something that should be laid out in that sort of situations. Ditto if someone was transgender.
> "Everything was fine until blabla Dickless here."
"They caused an explosion!"
Mayor: "Is this true?"
"Yes it's true, this man has no dick. "
@kalina what? no not at all what I meant. the other way.
@AviD this quote is incorrect
if it's supposed to be Ghostbusters
@kalina did I get the first line wrong?
@kalina my ambiguity sucks, and it apologizes for sucking so hard.
@AviD the last line is definitely "yes it's true, this man has no dick"
@JourneymanGeek which??
@AviD WHen its legitimate to be picky?
I'm more concerned with correctness and clarity in technical advice, than what you have under the hood.
@kalina you're absolutely right, it was completely different.
@JourneymanGeek not sure what you're saying there
@AviD never mind then
I'm totally confused myself.
@AviD @JourneymanGeek I think the problem is that he thinks it is like it was, but in reality it ain't like it would be
@JourneymanGeek there was a guy in here last week who asked for help but rejected advice from me because of my gender (or at least his perception of, since it hadn't been discussed prior to his nonsense)
he openly stated it
To be honest that train of thought got derailed and fell into a bottomless pit.
@kalina If its who I think it is?
Meh. He dosen't really count ;p
it wasnt @Simon, no.
@kalina @JourneymanGeek sorry I assumed you knew what I was talking about, I was referring to that...
I thought you were being general.
I don't remember who it was
I remember the incident I think you guys were talking about
@JourneymanGeek totally snarky
@kalina yes, I also choose not to remember that person.
Felt the lad acting like a bit of an ass, but there were enough local mods to deal with it
(I feel pretty strongly about not jumping into other folks chatrooms and swinging my modhammer unless its essential)
maybe you could run classes for the rest of the moderation team
But I don't like folk who come into chat only when they need help.
@kalina heh, I've said repeatedly that some aspects of chat moderation's wierd ;p
yeah well I'd have had a lot less problems with SE had I run into a different set of moderators first
@kalina if only all the mods were like the shining example of mod-hood that is @AviD :op
Heh, when I moderate, more often than not, the user in question gets knocked over the head, and tossed into a ravine. Metaphorically speaking. Or I have "the quiet word"
@RоryMcCune heeey you sound snarky!
I wasn't including him in that statement, he's basically that problem moderator most of the time
morning all
@AviD who .. me?!
@kalina heeeeyyy most of the time I'm too lazy to do anything
@RoryAlsop watcha'
I'm a problem moderator only like, 4% of the time.
@AviD by time, maybe, by impact, no
@kalina ooh so you think I'm efficiently impactful.
speaking of which
great, see you in 30 minutes, or 60, or 120, or whatever my next ban will be
@kalina I do - I'm keeping an eye out
@kalina I'm sure no-one would ban you from in here!
@kalina I dont think he meant you.
@AviD I'm glad you were here to clarify that, otherwise I'd have never known
we should have a "Snark'O'Meter" for this room
with like "Snark-con 1 declared"
so that people who are less used to the room could look at it and get a handle on how likely it is that people are being serious
@RоryMcCune the problem is we'd never know if it was broken, since it never moves off of max-snark.
@RоryMcCune yeah you should put that in the room description.
@RоryMcCune Snowed last night...all gone today :-(
just rain
Unfortunately I must have dropped my kindle on the driveway when coming in last night - so it sat in snow and rain all night
@RoryAlsop yeah I think apart from up glencoe way a lot of it's gone now....
It's in the airing cupboard today - we'll see if it survives
@RoryAlsop ugh! still good timing, it's cyber-monday today, they have deals!
It's my one I got signed by Peter Hamilton and Iain Banks :-(
@RoryAlsop ouch! could be worse, you could have dropped in an open sewer.
@AviD erm... does that happen a lot?
@RoryAlsop well, I've heard stories about toilets...
@RoryAlsop :(
@AviD I've never dropped an electronic device into anything resembling a toilet or sewer
nor I, but one hears stories.
I once accidentally dropped my wallet into the toilet, after I was finished with number 1
Most things in there were thoroughly soaked
with pisswater
see, I never understood how these things could happen
I thought I dropped my glasses in once, back when I was doing overnight guard duty in the army (pitch black, you never know....). I'd already given up, then I found them in my pocket.
I guess I was half asleep, couldnt see anything anyway, so slipped them into my pocket, and immediately forgot about it. Couldnt see any difference, anyway.
@RoryAlsop I had an iPhone literally jump out of my hand once, but that's the only time
I definitely didn't drop it
@RoryAlsop I put my wallet in my rear pants pocket, and when I pull them up after I'm finished, they sometimes fall out onto the ground, or as once happened into the pot
@NateKerkhofs I see a simple solution to that problem...
I have dropped one phone, once - but it was karma. My mate's pizza had just fallen face down onto the ground, and I was laughing so much I let go of the phone
Last thursday, I accidentally dropped a bowl of crisps while trying to open a door
I'm sad... There's this video in Belgium of a comedian doing a sketch playing an extremely neurotic guy. He drops his phone in the toilet, he calls for his mother, she says "you know you got to flush" and then she flushes before he can act
I can't find that video now though
@NateKerkhofs thank goodness.
lets all just get off the toilet humour now, shall we?
or any toilet particulars.
I truly apologize for bringing it up, I did not intend on all of us discussing specifics.
What was the linking syntax again? ()[] or []()?
So it appears it was []()
sup guys
@RoryAlsop ping
@deed02392 morning
i noticed you answered a question on the site about GOOD
not good, BEST
the product that it's impossible to search for
@RоryMcCune or make sensible comparisons about
"which is good, and which is best?"
"is good best?"
"Good is the enemy of best".
... Best Buy, maybe?
"best practice for good"
"I left them for Good"
seriously, there is no end of fun in Good.
"Good" is an insult
unless you work for Good marketing
"this track is good" = "I'm trying not to insult you but this is horrible"
"that set was good" = "I basically fell asleep at the back and hope you didn't notice"
@kalina "You're a good person" is an insult?
"this chat was good" = "really would have rather peeled off my own eye lids with a potato peeler"
@RоryMcCune yes
"Good" is a placeholder for where the word "awesome" or "amazing" or "fantastic" or "the best thing ever" should go
seroiusly, I need that automatic delay.
<ding> <ding> 1st Tigger delete of the day!
@RоryMcCune lol
@RоryMcCune euphemistically so.
@kalina this feels like superlative inflation.... soon awesome will be "good" and then that'll not be enough
depending on context and tone, of course
@RоryMcCune good is not good enough
good is only acceptable in the same society that provides awards for participation rather than actually achieving anything
@kalina but it used to be, soon awesome won't be awesome enough either
"yay you turned up" is good
"yay you changed the world" is awesome.
like I said, context and tone matter.
sorry I didn't read what you said since you've got a habit of deleting it anyway
@kalina forever the cynic
@deed02392 this statement is good
there is nothing wrong with cynicism
@kalina heh. All the more reason to read it right away, before I delete it.
the ones I delete are usually the juiciest.
I award 12 points to house McCune for deleting tiggers \o/
@AviD I am not going to be compelled into paying more attention to you than I absolutely have to on the grounds that one in one hundred of your "super juicy messages" is actually worth reading before you delete it
actually, more often then not the statements themselves are merely borderline, yet they are likely to lead to unborderline-like discussions.
@kalina pls
when @Simon does it, it's @Simon being @Simon
when you do it, it's "me too!"
when I do it, it's me being @Simon.
I get to mock 2 people at once.
3, if you include self-mockery.
you're not @Simon enough to be @Simon
when @Simon is @Simon it's like a lost kitten chasing the laser dot, helpless and not knowing any better
when you do it it's like a smelly dog that's just come in from the rain covering all of your stuff in water and then acting like you're the best thing ever
@kalina d'aww, thats like the sweetest thing you've said to me
I... er...
@kalina lol I take it back
@kalina goodest thing evar.
There we are. Only took three tries.
@JourneymanGeek exactly, so much mess
my home is a 100% animal free zone
(stuff like that is why the local dog park has a dog wash right next to the carpark. Which is the best idea ever if you have a big dog.)
@kalina okay, my self-filtering mechanism is starting to kick in. But it was damn funny, I assure you.
no, no it wasnt funny at all. :-(
@kalina apart from mice
@AviD there you go @AviD I made the joke so you didn't have to... not sure why you filtered it though
heh, yes that is exactly what I was going for.
Except with ponies. Other than that, the same thing.
@AviD no - it was quite good
@RoryAlsop heh, of course you were thinking the same thing.
DAMMIT my neighbours alarm keeps going, it is damn loud and pointed right at my office window. SHADDAAAAAP.
@AviD does israel have decent noise nuisance legistlation? If that happens a lot in the UK you can get the environmental health people to go hassle the perp.
has, not necessarily decent.
ah no, in this case social services are often hassling them anyway. he is very not well...
as far as that goes, very little noise legislation. After 11pm (or was it 10?) for example, except in special circumstances...
I dont even think they're home
@RоryMcCune no mice...
@kalina I think he meant the computer kind
not an animal
@kalina #Thatsthejoke.jpg
well it wasn't funny
zero laughs
@kalina yeah I thought it was a good joke
@RоryMcCune lol
anyway I only did it to stop @AviD making a very inappropriate comment
figured it would distract him long enough for the filters to kick in
@RоryMcCune hey I already stopped myself
maybe it's funny in a parallel universe where live mice are used to control computers
@kalina oh that would karaaazeeey
animals. hm.
so my rep training on arqade ended
but I achieved the thing I joked about and I'm currently the #1 user on the site for this year, having only been active for 2 weeks
@kalina Is that a Douglas Adams reference?
@kalina :-)
Although, I think they are more like observers. So nevermind.
how many posts did it take?
@M'vy and owners
@RoryAlsop I duno, I posted like 100 answers and 5 questions or so
many of those didn't get votes, though
and I overcapped by loads, so only got rep for about half of the votes cast
@M'vy from outer space?
@RоryMcCune from wherever I was. i don't know
@M'vy that's what I call limited short term memory!
@RоryMcCune or the vocabulary s not complex enough to describe this.
@M'vy kinda like trying to parse HTML with regex?
@Simon Not yet anyway.
@Simon YOU DA'MAN!
Ok, I am clearly sick.
I replied to Kalina when I meant Simon
@JourneymanGeek understandable, considering how close they are
@Simon gotta get those Cyber-monday deals bro.
I've been sick over a week
not sure where I caought it from and went two cycles back to back of getting sick, NEARLY recovering and getting sick again ;p
that's big city life for you
I've had precisely one cold this year
and that was when I went to Finland
@RоryMcCune I'd blame the airport/flight
I blame my donut.
@RoryAlsop oh yeah, we had snively coldy types on the way out and back! I wish people would do that cool japanese thing where they wear a face mask when they're ill
I'm not sure where I got it from
Not been out that often
@JourneymanGeek Remember that chick who smiled to you?
@Simon Nope.
@JourneymanGeek I'm highly offended
@kalina you should be.
you shouldn't want me to be
I'd entirely understand tho
way to go diffuse me exploding in a fit of rage
now I'm annoyed that you've achieved that
why aren't you dead yet, the incubation period has already come and gone
obviously I need a refund, I was informed this was concentrated ebola
probably just maple syrup
Clean living.
What did he reply?
I had maple syrup on Sunday \o/
well, if he's a man, he's only half a woman, he was probably proud
On pancakes made with love, too.
you put semen in your pancakes?
o pls

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