so, this is going to be a fun fight. my stupid car leasing company thinks its okay to not send the renewed car license for a month, and still expect to get paid.
That is like the most white thing I've seen in a while.
go relax from your stressful job at the pub with a couple of drink? Hell no! Pretend you're still working on Wall Street instead, and fight for your drinks!
@JourneymanGeek there was a guy in here last week who asked for help but rejected advice from me because of my gender (or at least his perception of, since it hadn't been discussed prior to his nonsense)
Heh, when I moderate, more often than not, the user in question gets knocked over the head, and tossed into a ravine. Metaphorically speaking. Or I have "the quiet word"
I thought I dropped my glasses in once, back when I was doing overnight guard duty in the army (pitch black, you never know....). I'd already given up, then I found them in my pocket.
I guess I was half asleep, couldnt see anything anyway, so slipped them into my pocket, and immediately forgot about it. Couldnt see any difference, anyway.
@RoryAlsop I put my wallet in my rear pants pocket, and when I pull them up after I'm finished, they sometimes fall out onto the ground, or as once happened into the pot
@NateKerkhofs I see a simple solution to that problem...
I have dropped one phone, once - but it was karma. My mate's pizza had just fallen face down onto the ground, and I was laughing so much I let go of the phone
Last thursday, I accidentally dropped a bowl of crisps while trying to open a door
I'm sad... There's this video in Belgium of a comedian doing a sketch playing an extremely neurotic guy. He drops his phone in the toilet, he calls for his mother, she says "you know you got to flush" and then she flushes before he can act
@AviD I am not going to be compelled into paying more attention to you than I absolutely have to on the grounds that one in one hundred of your "super juicy messages" is actually worth reading before you delete it
when @Simon is @Simon it's like a lost kitten chasing the laser dot, helpless and not knowing any better
when you do it it's like a smelly dog that's just come in from the rain covering all of your stuff in water and then acting like you're the best thing ever
@AviD does israel have decent noise nuisance legistlation? If that happens a lot in the UK you can get the environmental health people to go hassle the perp.
@RoryAlsop oh yeah, we had snively coldy types on the way out and back! I wish people would do that cool japanese thing where they wear a face mask when they're ill