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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Lighty That looks like my first prototype
The one I have now is made with concrete and braided steel fibers. I melt iron with it.
ok i'm switching back to cyanogen
@lady.donut I'm running Bliss which is admittedly a cyan derivative, but it's sooooooo good
It's based on 12.1 too
Scumbag donut wants me to flash her a new ROM, gives me her device at 22% battery.
looks nice, though I don't know if I would really take advantage of all the features
@lady.donut Well, me either
@Simon make yourself useful
@Simon You got dat TWRP?
@DavidFreitag I just want something that's not so buggy and unstable -.-
@lady.donut I haven't had a single issue. It really is fantastic
Been using it about two maybe three weeks now
@DavidFreitag Yes, I installed it to flash OxygenOS.
So I'm gonna use it to flash CM 12.1 now.
@Simon Is that what she's been using? Eugh...
oxygenOS pukes
@DavidFreitag Yuuuuuup.
Bliss makes Oxygen look like Windows Vista
it's crap
I didn't expect the CM zip to be 645 MB.
Back in my days, I'm pretty sure those ROM used to be smaller.
Why that sounds right...
Last time I flashed something, it was CM7.
I'm really happy to own a Nexus 5.
I'm done with all this ROM stuff.
I got my 5X this afternoon
I want the 6P next
How is it?
Unfortunately the reviews I read were pretty much spot on
Which are?
Oh wow, the Oxygen OS zip is still on her device, it was 715 MB.
That's a lot for a failed OS.
It's very light (in comparison to the 5 and the opo), it feels plastic-ey and frankly cheap
But I haven't turned it on yet
Waiting for my Fi sim to arrive as well
I spilled a little of my taco sauce on the floor and it's currently melting a hole to china
Android File Transfer is just the worst on OS X.
@DavidFreitag it's that hot?!
@lady.donut Yeah I made it with a large helping of cayenne, cumin, oregano, onion powder, and chili powder. It's also got homemade salsa with chilies in it from my buddy's garden. Oh and just a dash of ghost chili salt.
@Simon We all know that has nothing to do with Android, though.
@DavidFreitag god damn 10/10 would not try x.x
@DavidFreitag Absolutely, it's the app that sucks balls.
Man, it took literally 30 seconds to install CM, 1 second to root it.
@lady.donut Oh god it's soooooo good
Bliss comes pre-rooted
@DavidFreitag i bet it is but my stomach would hate me for it
She won't even need the root, I probably shouldn't have done it.
But, whatevs.
@lady.donut Mine is currently melting from the inside I think
Also, Bliss comes with no bloatware, CM does.
Not a ton, but there are a few system apps that can't be removed unless you root
Oh, I'm glad that I did it then.
I'll check it out once it's done optimizing dem apps.
Yeah just get a root uninstaller and nuke 'em
Android: takes 30 seconds to flash a ROM, 5 minutes to optimize the apps.
@DavidFreitag lulz good luck with that!
@lady.donut Honestly there is like the smallest hint of ghost chili salt in there, it's mostly for bragging rights and not for flavor.
Lollipop takes an eternity to optimize
If you install Bliss with minimal GApps it only takes a minute or two
CM 12.1 has 131 apps
That's a lot.
I think Bliss had 97
"Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped."
Oh I got farther this time, it asks for Wi-Fi.
herp derp
I'm glad that I get to select an access point named "#yolo".
I'm genuinely surprised it's not #MahWeen
I'd rather keep it somewhat clean.
You broadcast your SSID? Tsk Tsk
Yeah, I'm like "Come at me, bro!".
Or Bill Wi The Science Fi
Oh wow, the theme is not bad at all.
wat, I gotta install an incremental now?
I wanna go to bed at some point.
Fucking ad videos that autoplay
Noooooo, it boots to TWRP when I try to do the incremental instead of installing it.
So just install it from TWRP..
Where is it located on the device though?
Wherever you put it...
I didn't select anything, the device downloaded it automatically.
That link she posted said manual install
Even for the god damn incremental?
That's another 300 MB!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Simon You bitch and moan a lot.
Doesn't he @lady.donut
@DavidFreitag I can't deny it, he does.
Well, I did say that I no longer like to do this.
Who actually enjoyed the process of flashing roms?
I did back when I got my first Android device.
thats only because it was something new
The fact that it takes about 5 minutes to download a 300 MB file is what pisses me off the most.
It takes me a few seconds to do that
le fu-
No wonder why you were moaning about 300MB
This incremental update doesn't work at all.
1 hour later…
how do you guys manage using keepass with a key file while keeping it safe, and able to use keepass on PC and phones ?
i'm trying to figure this out but so far can't think on anything
1 hour later…
@Simon pls, I dont speak stupid.
Idiot maybe, but not stupid.
@DavidFreitag only difference that makes is for scriptkiddies. Well, those that arent able to find the right script to find an unbroadcast SSID...
@Freedo the keepass db file you can share via some clouddrive, eg googledrive, onedrive, or even dropbox. (how are they even still a company??)
the key file is trickier - you need to distribute that manually, in a controlled environment.
but it's just the once...
> The thing is, there are lots of very intelligent, well informed people here, very credible people who can provide a great deal of insight on information security related topics and when it comes down to it, that is the only thing that counts.
Is he still talking about us ?
Well. Less talking, more coffee.
@M'vy I think he is talking about @ThomasPornin, @TomLeek, and @DW.
blabla, old post that has been mentioned often, and rebuffed almost as often.
Yes, he talked about 3 reasons: poor community whereas we have great members that i want to thank even when they ask a question or comment. He complained about non rich and long answers: but lot of questions do not need long answers and any person can lead by example by giving a detailed long answer when needed (as i did once).
And most of the people who agreed with him (believe me, i read all the commentators last night) they complained about downvoting or rude comments they received or unfair suspensions which lead them to stop contributing ... rather childish reasons.
"People focus on the wrong rewards and behave pettily to each other. I know, because I am proof!"
"And the more experienced users are all cranky because of people like me! How rude!"
this quote "StackOverflow was once fun. It is no longer. " is really the only valid reasoning there.
you dont enjoy it anymore, for whatever your own personal reasons? Fine, of course you are welcome to leave. But dont pretend that your own personal reasons are anything but.
For me SO is no longer fun because I don't find the interesting questions in the sea of boring questions.
@CodesInChaos I agree with you on that.
which leads to an attitude of locking down the scope and the quality level, shunning the crap. Which in turn leads to the above ranting about authoritativeness and pettiness.
@CodesInChaos it is good to have a space where both professionals and beginners can talk. I see it as a positive thing even if experts may be bored sometimes they can meet useful posts from their colleagues (just on this website there are unanswered questions of professionals)
oo speaking of which, I just realized I should be getting the swag from the SO10M contests soon! yay!
I have to leave, have a nice day all of you
@Begueradj I completely agree. the problem is that beginners (as a group) tend to ask the same question, over and over and over again, with very little (if any) variability. They also (apparetly, but it could just be the law of numbers) prefer to ask it again as if it is an original and difficult problem, instead of scrolling down 6 lines and finding a comprehensive answer to their exact precise question.
@AviD @AviD: Someone did that on SU
I asked him for examples..
not seen that yet
@JourneymanGeek did what?
A: First ever Contribution deleted?

MosselmanMaybe you were expecting a more friendly and ready to help community here because you thought it would be similar to StackOverflow. Think again... Most 'answers' or 'constructive feedback' are aimed at arguing against what you are trying to do or the way in which you have written your question ra...

complained about the community, bitched about cliquishness
I was looking for the post ;p
oh, the reply function ;p
do do dooo
Oh, I did... (a few seconds ago)
but I think that quote was referring to the DMZ, specifically.
this happens everywhere
cause its easier to rail at the dark, than to turn on the lights.
you only adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.
I didn't see the light, until I was already a man.
It doesnt matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
That almost sounds like The Dark Knight Rises...
It's missing a loud voice
not the way I typed it.
Pretty sure that you mixed up two scenes ;p
well, you didnt recognize the first 2 lines, so I had to give you the clue.
(I'm half certain I mangled song lyrics)
I did
" It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead"
@AviD where do I remember that nick from?
ah he/she was here
@TildalWave probably that question.
no no from DMZ
that line is a bit harsh tho, especially since any properly informed person would have known that we never agree on anything, ain't that right?
take for example @Simon, I mean, the only reason he's not suspended is because we can't agree how many centuries he should be suspended for
@TildalWave that's amazingly true of most friendly chat rooms.
@TildalWave sure, but we do all jump on the dogpile together.
that's not true, but only goes to prove that I disagree even with myself :P
@AviD sure, but that's because it's fun
if it was more fun to disagree with you that's what I'd do then
you should tell @CodesInChaos that the only real fun left on SE is jumping on innocent newbs.
@AviD: but... they go squish
@AviD Reminds me of a quip about an MMO. That the only endgame contents are aimlessly running around in cities and killing noob players.
@AviD I thought that we were just educating them hands on :)
anyway, I guess what I wanted to say was that if I was seeking approval, this would be pretty much the last place I'd find it
@TildalWave I approve of this message.
hahaha nice one
@JourneymanGeek yes, thus proving him wrong.
he only agreed to disagree tho
Morning All
Active in here today!
sup @RоryMcCune
you've got the fancy 'o' again
@deed02392 gotta have the fancy o
to avoid the pingers
although that said, the elder rory isn't around so much at the moment
so it's less of a problem.
Hey @RоryMcCune!
not so early today
@M'vy watcha' a late start for you indeed!
Anyone want the game Resident Evil 4 for Steam? I got a spare code and friends who already have it.
i think you switched bak to a normal o for a while
@Lighty I think I might have that already, anyway I dont really get a lot of time to play.
@Lighty so thanks anway. On the other hand I went ahead and helped you fix your profile description.
I decided to play it straight, and not give you the shaming you so rightfully earned.
@AviD Regular profile or Chat profile? because I haven't looked at either for like, more than a year
@Lighty chat
oh, I see what you did there.
if it makes you feel better, I havent looked at your profile either.
it was coincidental.
oh, it's not a complete mess, that's a relief
@Lighty Hey! Haven't seen you in quite some time!
@Arperum I get that alot :P
How have you been?
Mostly good.
ovid you deleted something you said about me 3 hours ago you donut
Did you break your own rule again?
I dont think it was about you
@Simon also, you know that doesnt ping me when you do that, right?
Yes, which means that it doesn't matter much if you read or doesn't read it.
@Simon s/doesn\'t/don\'t/
Morning language failure.
A: Make your language unusable

VɪʜᴀɴJavaScript Shell This will make the language completely unusable. clear(this); Isn't it nice how JavaScript has such a nice function to destroy itself? This is pretty simple, the clear function completely empty an object. this refers to the global object clearing out everything including ...

Oh, JS.
that's great @Simon
1 hour later…
Dude posts this answer:
A: What causes a copy/paste in terminal to sometimes execute the command?

PSkocik What triggers this behavior? The newline character.

Click on his profile, read the first line: "I'm a minimalist..."
No shit Broski.
@Simon well, he is technically correct
which, as we know, is the best kind of correct
Yes but it should be a comment.
@Simon but where are the sweet sweet internet points for that?
@Simon I +1'ed. Sometimes you don't need a paragraph when you can state 3 words.
@RoraΖ Yes, but I'm a big fan of a short and sweet version and TL;DR one.
Eh, in all honesty I don't know how the accepted answer got that long.
I don't think a TLDR is warranted
@Simon hey hey better not let your donut hear that
@DavidFreitag pls, why would choosing a UNIX-based OS with a decent interface and stability make you an idiot?
@Simon oh don't worry your little head about it.
I'm waiting for an actual argument, ovid.
@ThomasPornin has a Mac at home, are you saying that the man is an idiot?
(I could have said that I do too but that would have had backfired).
@Simon I use a Mac and a Linux-based PC. I also have a life.
@ThomasPornin Hey, me too for all those things!
As a physicist I think Apples are pretty useful. For studying gravity.
@CodesInChaos and for shooting arrows into.
ovid, where's the argument?
I'm still waiting.
@Simon you're the one doing all the arguing.
I knew I wouldn't get anything from you.
no, that was too cruel.
@RоryMcCune roro you need to reset the timer.
I was just thinking that :op
@AviD last rule incursion 14:06 23/10/2015 GMT, previous rule incursion 14:00 22/10/2015 GMT
so far it seems like 14:00 is your danger time!
@RоryMcCune hehe
Nothing good happens after 2 PM ?
I guess that allows me to mention my ween a few times.
oh damn, ftr I was planning on editing that into something particularly fun.
heh, one w word... one kick :op
it looks like my subconscious knew better and autodeleted it.
why is there no undelete??
@Simon of course not, I'm just implementing a previously agreed deal
that you and I agreed
@kalina Mods are allowed to break their own rules without consequences but as soon as I do it, I get... ABUSED!
(That'll lure her back in)
<sottovoice> good plan </sottovoice>
<fogeyreferencevoice> good plan </fogeyreferencevoice>
yeah it really is terrible to see this mod-abuse, if only @kalina were hear to set them straight, I'm sure if would get sorted out
however without @kalina , I'm afraid it'll go unpunished!
@Simon not without consequences, in my case I had my message deleted by a mod. In your case, your message was... deleted... by a mod...
You deleted your own message?
That's like if you'd slap your own ass for being a bad boi.
@Simon or for being a good one.
here's the thing, though - deleting your message is not abuse, nor is it punishment.
It is simply achieving the proper state of the universe, that is, without the offending messages (mine included).
I am sometimes smart enough to be aware of this on my own, hopefully not long after typing such a message, and delete it promptly.
However, in your case, I cannot make such an assumption, and I help you by deleting it for you.
Such a lack of artistry...
Whew, that was a long drawn out insult!
on the other hand, @Simon if I didnt delete those messages, I would re-craft them into something fun, entertaining, and hopefully educational to you.
@ThomasPornin What's the closest English word of "brimer"?
@AviD: a cluebat?
I'd rather something more poetic than "to victimize".
@JourneymanGeek basically.
@Simon mmh... something between "oppress" and "bully", I think
Oppress is probably the closest, yes.
Where did I hear this exact quote?
@Simon Monty Python and the Holy Grail
and then as with all things Python, it gets re-quoted alot
I'm sure it has been referenced elsewhere too.
yeah from the original sure
speaking of Python hey @TerryChia did I tell you we've got a well known Python Dev in Lochgoilhead
dude who made PyQT
@RоryMcCune Cool. Sadly I don't do GUI stuff. :P
@TerryChia we have a lot of techies for such a small village
So, GW2 just had the smoothest expansion launch ever.
Good thing that you have the only person who knows/has played GW on ignore here.
@TerryChia ohhh it's out ?
@M'vy Yup.
Servers basically stayed up the entire time just like the original launch. Really impressive stuff from their ops team.
@TerryChia wut, now "servers staying up" for more than a few minutes at a time is now "really impressive stuff"??
@AviD Compared to almost every other MMO including the big name Blizzard? Yes.
"You should buy our product, it actually even works! Most of the time!"
@AviD sounds like most of the software industry
hmm, I think winamp actually did put something similar on their marketing.
Pretty sure battle.net crashed almost the entire first day of D3s launch.
@RоryMcCune nah, they would never say that
@TerryChia in this day and age, I think THAT is the more impressive.
@AviD well they would say that and then bury "but if it doesn't it's not our fault, you don't own this software and we have no liability if it blows up and kills your dog" in the license agreement
@AviD You don't play much online games do you?
@TerryChia s/much/many/
@RоryMcCune quick, get Jeremiah on that.
@RоryMcCune no, he meant "much" as in time, not number of games.
and not really, to both :-(
@AviD that would be "you don't spend much time playing online games"
Is it beer o'clock yet?
pls roroz
@RoraΖ it's always beer oclock.
Why don't I have a beer?
speaking of which, it is time for me to bid you all adieu.
Gentlemen. @Simon.
@TerryChia hey I QA a lot of reports, it has an.... effect ... on you after a while
@RoraΖ cause you drank the last?
@AviD Go jump off a donut while you're at it.
@AviD Adieu
@Simon hey man, its the bro code, I aint touching your donut.
@AviD l8rs
@M'vy Damn it, that happens a lot
I'm pondering shaming someone for bad security practices.
@JourneymanGeek What's the bad security practice?
running everything as root.
@JourneymanGeek How else can you install programs and check email at the same time?
@RoraΖ: rm -rf /
That only works if you do rm -rf /*
See watch. roraz has signed off
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek slap them publicly
people will understand
@JourneymanGeek Honestly, running everything as root is not that bad.
The problem of rm -rf /* is not that the guy is doing it as root; the problem is that the user does not know what he is doing.
Laying the smack down
No, it is not "encrypted with the private key". This is a flawed analogy that does not work for algorithms other than RSA, and, when looked at closely, does not work for RSA either. It is an old way of explaining signatures that, in practice, spreads more confusion than enlightenment. — Tom Leek 3 mins ago
@AviD Okay, sure that's a fair point. But when in doubt I don't want to make my presence known to the proletariat.
@Simon Correct, that wouldn't make you an idiot. Which is why using OS X isn't classified under what you said.
lol osx is the fucked up baby between bsd and a fisher price toy
@Simon From me probably
One of them days. Sent this...
Really wanted to send this...
user image
@Iszi Damn I need to send that to people
oh man @Lighty correcting grammar
Seems to be improved!
@RoraΖ I don't believe it.
@Simon it's part of the @kalina alt leaking over into the @Lighty alt
@Simon Impossibru
Thanks, I guess
@Lighty I didn't mean anything bad. I like that your edits have improved.
I know it wasn't meant bad xD
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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