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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

@kalina at this point I shall fall back to one of the Internet's oldest guiding principles... "Pics or it didn't happen" :op
pls can you imagine what the governments of this world would do if a being capable of displacing them overnight arrived and started randomly chatting to civilians on the internet
also pls, that saying wasn't updated for the photoshop era
@kalina well there were always ways to fake pictures even pre-photoshop
pls, nobody removed any Trotskys from any pictures
@kalina just track distance to @Simon's mom, use her location as universal barycenter
that's impossible, her mass distorts time
yes, but constantly
no, there are too many varying factors
I thought this thing did Wordpress boxes
doesn't even load
Aaaand I broke my server. Awesome.
Probably OOM'd it :(
@JeffFerland ooh now I get an Ubuntu Default Apache page :/
oh good it's alive
memo to me: fix that. OK, it's alive now
God dammit MySQL, you don't need that much memory...
@JeffFerland FWIW I use Octopress + github pages for blogging these days, gets away from the hosting pain..
Fuck it all. Swap file.
Nmap usage questions: Here, SU, SF, or other?
Here if it's protocol level things, SU if it's flag related things?
@Iszi depends on who you as. My opinion is here ('cause security people are likely best placed to know) others may say SU or SF as we don't do tools...
@RоryMcCune Situation is: Target is running HTTPS server on a non-standard port. Want to use Nmap scripts to enumerate supported ciphers, etc. Nmap not detecting service as HTTPS, so script isn't working. Want to temporarily override Nmap's service detection to force script to run, without making any (semi-)permanent changes.
Having the same incorrect service detection problem on another scanner, which is why I'm trying with Nmap to begin with. :-(
@Iszi ooh... that's interesting, I'd expect that to fly ok
@Iszi as a workaround would a straight SSL scanner (e.g. TestSSLServer, sslyze) work?
@RоryMcCune Actually used the former, and it worked, but hoping to go with something a bit more well-known for better reception among certain peers.
@Iszi well FWIW sslyze is the defacto SSL scanner we use. Originally developed by iSec github.com/nabla-c0d3/sslyze
@RоryMcCune Thanks. I'd considered that, but felt better not having to mess with third-party dependencies (Python for Windows) for now. TestSSLServer comes in a nice self-contained EXE. Nmap comes with everything it needs in one shot.
@Iszi that is one of it's advantages.. Interesting point you raise about nmap though that definitely should be possible, will need to see if I can find/spin up an SSL service on a non-standard port to check
@RоryMcCune Particularly, go for a non-standard port that IANA has something else assigned to.
At least, that's what I'm pretty sure is the problem.
@Iszi so if I try nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p <port> <ip>
it doesn't work
however if I do nmap -sTVC --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p <port> <ip> it does
not sure what commands you've tried so far?
@RоryMcCune Tried: nmap -p [port] -script ssl-cert,-ssl-enum-ciphers [servername]
I'll give yours a shot.
@RоryMcCune Correction: nmap -p [port] -script ssl-cert,ssl-enum-ciphers [servername]
@Iszi so some playing seems to indicate that the magic flag is the -sV (although T and C won't hurt) my guess would be that without the version scan (V) it's not working out that an SSL service is present well enough to trigger the scripts
@RоryMcCune Ok, I did yours and it seems to have helped but not enough. All that happened was that the service went from being "[WrongService]" to "[WrongService]?".
@Iszi ooh, and this responds ok to TestSSLServer?
@RоryMcCune Interestingly enough, yes. But I have another tool that also just detects the wrong service.
hmm is it a weird HTTP server that's running or just something like Apache on a funny port?
@TomLeek Zefuq'dIDo?
@RоryMcCune I think it's Tomcat embedded in something else. Actually, hang on...
@RоryMcCune Yeah, headers look like Tomcat. Apache-Coyote/1.1
@Iszi your colleagues impuned the noteworthiness of ursine software
@RоryMcCune Oh, that's his?
@Iszi TestSSLServer... yarr
@RоryMcCune Well, shit. Who knew?
did @Iszi just insult the bear
can I watch him get eaten
@kalina No, my colleagues may be unknowingly doing so by failing to recognize his authority.
then the solution is simple
you either get eaten by the bear or you sacrifice your colleague
@TomLeek So, as long as you're here... any updates to that on the horizon? Noticed it's not testing for Logjam, while Firefox is giving me a pretty clear indication of it on this app.
speaking of logs getting jammed
where's Simon?
not that I care... or anything
@kalina dunno, he seems oddly absent today.. perhaps he got a bad doughnut!
very inconsiderate of him all the same
there's no need to immediately assume his significant other is the cause
@kalina ahh no, I said Doughnut, not Donut
oh I figured you were spelling it wrong
thus referring to the food product rather than his innamorata
^ ironic
you need the sarcastic squigglies
I need something
you seem quite happy tonight
I don't know what that is supposed to mean
Ah no wait that's just my userscript
@kalina I believe it's a references to your apparent state of mind
yes but I'm always happy so I'm unsure as to why I would only seem happy tonight
@kalina perhaps it's relative, and you seem happier tonight
@kalina Are we still perpetuating the delusion that @Simon has a girlfriend?
not to impune your base state
I feel like I'm being messed with
@Iszi why not, we still pretend all fifteen rories are in fact distinct people
@kalina no no, my bad, my bad
@Iszi you could try upping the version intensity on the nmap scan to see if that'd help with the port identification...
something like --version-intensity 9 may help force it to realise there's an SSL server present
@Iszi ahhh security.stackexchange.com/questions/87023/… has a good trick I didn't know put + in front of the script name to force it to run
@RоryMcCune BINGO
hey I learned a couple of things tonight about nmap, and I've been using it a while now :)
@Iszi I have an ongoing rewrite but no scheduled release date so far.
I wish this guy would stop asking questions based on what he heard a friend heard from someone else....
Q: Defeating VoIP encryption

Kaguei NakuekaA friend of mine was in a conference this week and one of the speakers said it is possible to get a text transcript of an encrypted VoIP conversation by comparing the Wireshark file against existing patterns. Is it really possible and feasible? What would be a counter measure for it?

@schroeder Sounds like he's referring to the side channel attack where compression leaks information about the audio via size of the packets.
side channel attack is the best thing
@ThomasPornin So.... "6-8 weeks"? Good to know. Thanks.
sleep 60 && !!
@JeffFerland I don't get it. I think the first part translates to "wait a minute and..." but what's the double-bang?
the last command
"Give me a minute and do that again"
Alternately, "Wait a minute and try again".
Cool to know.
David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor, is married to Georgia Moffett who played the eponymous character in "The Doctor's Daughter". Not only that, but Georgia Moffett is the daughter of Peter Davison, one of Tennant's predecessors in the role. They now have a daughter, so there is now a child out there that has the Doctor as a father and a grandfather. To sum up: A Doctor's daughter who played the Doctor's daughter and then had the Doctor's daughter.
Oooo....My poor head.
@kalina all kinds of awesome
"Who's your family?" "yes" .....
@schroeder does the transcript look like: inaudible, static, static, inaudible, silence, static, static, inaudible,...?
I'm gonna start a VoIP transcript as a service service, I'm really good at this :)
@TildalWave lol
I think that question boils down to Do penguins use VoIP?
I got so excited I gave myself a headache
Ow my brain
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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