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@Iszi I don't get it.
Oh, the answer below yours has tons of comments?
@Simon Thought I linked the answer with the long comment thread.
@Simon you made him leave
@AviD the moment you arrived
@Iszi no, you knew what you were doing
dynamic range of 11
Y'know, as much as SLO has been posted here lately, it's a wonder they haven't added chat.SE to the script.
sounds so pretty
Does any of you lads play Hearthstone?
why would anybody in here play Heartstones
tell me why Simons
tell me
It looks fun even if it's a pay to win.
it's MtG in the blizzard universe
you've just lost the right to call anybody a nurd ever again
I've spent less than 10 hours on the game so far.
a winner is you
you could have spent that time writing a track
pls, I play when I need a break or it's useless to produce cuz too tired.
@kalina I think you mean "weiner"
@AviD no
I do not need to make phallic jokes or your mom jokes
sets fire to @AviD
@Simon tired is awesome for just writing stuff
you end up with some great ideas
I love it when the first word (or, in this case, initialism) in an answer demonstrates the reason the question should be closed.
A: What is a viable time-frame for links that expire?

Andrzej A. FilipIMHO 10-15m is too short for almost all cases. It practically excludes almost all delayed deliveries e.g. due to greylisting (quite widespread anti-spam technique) temparary overloads or temporary network problems RFC1123/5.3.1 recomends delivery retries no more often than 30 minutes. Anyway...

acronym surely
@kalina Does anyone ever actually say "im-ho"?
maybe you should look up the meaning of the word acronym
@kalina Meh, maybe for you but I highly doubt for me. At the stage where I am, I need good concentration.
Interestingly, I'm pretty sure nobody ever says "eye-emm-aitch-oh" either.
maybe I should look up the meaning of the word acronym
fortunately nobody noticed
so if I change subject real quick I'll get away with it
IMHO, "IMHO" fits squarely in the realm of "stuff nobody ever actually says out loud". So technically, it's neither acronym nor initialism - just an abbreviation.
@kalina What's this about you not knowing what an acronym is, that I hear so much about ?
said nobody, ever
to the next subject!
so quickly it causes a sonic rainboom
@kalina How's a rainbow a "sonic" anything?
It's a visual-only phenomenon.
Like my love for centaurs.
are you going to argue against cartoon logic
because I really can't be bothered
@kalina I mean, perhaps if you have synesthesia it's different.
@Simon huh, I wouldn't have clocked you for a centaur lover
learn something new every day I guess
Look at you damn Brits rubbing off on me. Making me put "a"s before "e"s where they don't belong.
@RоryMcCune well unicorns were getting old.
I don't think anybody should be rubbing anybody off
@AviD you should add a love of MLP to some of @Simon 's comments, I'm sure he does
@RоryMcCune It's just so he can exercise his love for horses without being too creepy.
I love horses, best of all the animals
@Iszi well I've heard he is a big fan of MLP
@Iszi really? I would think centaurs are worse.
@RоryMcCune Yeah, but somehow society isn't so rejecting of Bronies these days - see, they even have their own term.
@AviD No, 'cause they're at least part human.
I'd link you two to the Oglaf cartoon about Centaurs, but it's seriously NSFW
so I won't
@RоryMcCune plus, everyone would assume you were just secretlinking to superlogout
I do sort-of wonder what a rainbow sounds like to someone with the appropriate synesthesia. Must be interesting.
@AviD true, well if you want to know what it looked like just google Oglaf centaur
I belive there were several. which you mean?
@AviD heterogeneous is the title
@Iszi probably exactly like my best selling track... "What a rainbow sounds like to somebody with synesthesia"
ah yeah, good one
from the album See the sound, Taste the colors, Smell the shapes
@RоryMcCune Pretty sure @RoryAlsop has linked that here before.
100% legit
That place took hours of my life from me.
@DavidFreitag this is possible but he's a mod and can get away with such behaviour :)
@kalina isn't that a Skittles slogan?
@kalina You're a terrible person and you should feel terrible.
I am currently only 27% devious
which reminds me, best skittles advert ever....
@kalina you're just being like @Simon now :op
@RоryMcCune oh my
that's the meanest thing you've ever said to me
@kalina hey you were the one complaining that you couldn't click links in here 'cause of simon
@kalina Yeah and @Simon was only being like @AviD, so by the transitive property of being a penis, you are being like @AviD.
I now must go and re-evaluate my life priorities
then you go linking logout links yourself
@DavidFreitag hey hey now!
@kalina less trick links in future, more links to your actual albums?
@RоryMcCune no links ever
Q: "IS A", "HAS A" relationship design decision

g.pickardouI have a board and the board has moving tiles. It is pretty straight forward that my model will have a Board class and a Tile class what are POCOs and Board "has" tiles (Board has an IList <Tile>) I have a UI (Unity3d behaviour) Say BoardBehaviour "has a" Board. But here starts my problem. I als...

@AviD It was a twatter link and thus still disguised.
@kalina you could make up for the fake ones by posting real ones :)
ah. Oh. You're still on that??
when hell freezes over I'll get right on it
@AviD Well considering you started it and now @kalina and @Simon are posting disguised links... Yes.
@kalina well apple had Microsoft on stage with them, so hell must be pretty chilly
oof, you're not wrong.
@RоryMcCune that's hardly the first time that happened
@kalina well first time since they became dire enemies, used to happen when MS were paying Apple to stay in the OS market
but not much since then
@RоryMcCune Nah. He at least put some effort into doing something on his own domain. She just used a free feature on TinyURL.
@AviD But it's ok, at least you had 50% or so good intention in posting the original link, I can't fault you because others take what you have shared with the group and turned them into weapons of mass destruction.
Wassenaar FTW!
I'm training you not to click my links
@AviD said no-one ever
it's not my fault you're slow learners
@kalina then you sneak in a link to a real track ?
@kalina I haven't clicked any of your malicious links...
LongURL ftw.
I haven't either, because too old :-)
@RoryAlsop you're too old to click links now, goddam, I better get clickin' fast to take advantage before I lose the ability :op
@RoryAlsop Still haven't gotten used to the mouse, eh?
Get this chrome extension and mouse over all links. Extra info (including redirects...) chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/longurl/…
@DavidFreitag blech chrome
got a FFox one?
@RоryMcCune Incompatible with the latest version.
No mouse here - I'm on mobile, and using it with my left hand. It's tricky
I think probably I don't use firefax
@RoryAlsop Chauffering again?
@RoryAlsop TMI.
Nah - gin in right hand
@Iszi lol
@RoryAlsop -.-
@RoryAlsop Good recovery.
@RoryAlsop heh better than chafferin' for sure
Was chauffeuring. Then accidentally have agreed to be on another committee then gin
@Iszi Have you tried this? addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/longurl-mobile-expander/… Or is that the incompatible one?
Well, lights just went out here. Which is usually a hint it's way past quitting time. See y'all later.
3 stars already? Wow - must have gin more often
@Iszi later
wot is going on
what happened to our wannabe troll?
He got super logged out.
We have a troll?
@RoryAlsop We had some wannabe troll in asking best hacking search engine, then rambling about Turing and trying to engage kalina. Big mistake there :p
barely even enough rep to chat.
@kalina got engaged with the new troll?
@Simon hm?
he said trying
Oh, yeah - I see. Heh, did multi logout scripts work on him?
@kalina :(
Studied Turing in Automata? Pish! Next he's gonna graduate in it by watching Ex Machina
BTW I mastered in encryption in Mission Impossible
I studied your mom in her va j j.
@Simon So you're a spelunker then?
@Simon stalactite climber
@Simon Spelunker - someone who enjoys exploring caves.
pls am french
ok am not fwench but i speek fwench
stalactites and stalagmites are the cone shaped things in caves either coming down from the roof or extending up from the floor. Caused by calcium and other deposits left behind by dripping water.
@JohnP Yes, yes, I'm aware of this.
I had no idea what a spelunker was though.
The term in French is spéléologue, quite different.
speliologist - one who specializes in cave study.
@TildalWave Spelunking?
@TildalWave now there's a euphemism if I've ever seen one
Q: What happens when I hover over a link in Chrome?

Jéferson BuenoWhen this link -> http ://a//%%30%30 (remove space to test) is clicked in Google Chrome, Chrome breaks, and closes all tabs and instances. But, in some cases I only need to hover over the link, and the tab crashes. What happens when I hover over this link? I mean, what does Chrome do when a li...

So, I guess that this link is new prank: post the link http://a//%%30%30
@Simon that vulnerability is sooooo yesterday, but not everybody has had the time to patch yet
last Sunday is the earliest instance I could find on SE chat

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