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@Ninefingers I've done a full install of it. In the lab.
@ScottPack 99, yeah.
@ScottPack Not using it as a tool to learn Linux, though that'll probably be a side effect as well. It's part of the CPT practical exam.
@Ninefingers Downloaded the latest Ubuntu for that.
1 hour later…
Urks, the ruby and the java implementation of bcrypt are incompatible.
Is "my grand secret" -> "$2a$10$GtKs1Kbsig8ULHZzO1h2TetZfhO4Fmlxphp8bVKnUlZCBYYClPohG" correct?
That's from bcrypt-ruby.rubyforge.org/classes/BCrypt/Password.html but the java implementation says it is invalid.
Are you generating user passwords?
I am adding bcrypt support to an application.
But there does not seems to be a test suite for it. The java port of bcrypt can verify its own hashes, but not the one i found on the ruby page.
@ScottPack Certified Penetration Tester
Yeah, that makes sense from context.
@HendrikBrummermann Have you tried it unsalted?
Or, rather, have you tried an unsalted hash?
The salt is an essential part of a bcrypt hash.
The Java code passes the .NET test suite.
Can you generate an unsalted bcrypt hash?
I blame ruby. The example in the ruby brcrypt README file works, too.
So I hope they have messed something up on their webpage.
@ScottPack I don't think there is a an unsalted hash in bcrypt. The salt has a fixed length and there is no delimiter between the salt and the result of the hash.
The hash you pasted above is a unix password hash with the 2nd field being the salt. Which is an optional field.
2a is bcrypt, I don't think unix supports that.
My /etc/shadow only has 5 and 6 which is SHA-256 and SHA-512 respectivly.
That hash is 2a, which is blowfish
Which is supported, so long as your glibc supports it.
So bcrypt == blowfish ?
blowfish is an encryption algorithm, bcrypt is a hash function which is derived from it and designed for password hasing.
Putting either $2a$06$If6bvum7DFjUnE9p2uDeDu0YHzrHM6tf.iqN8.yx.jNN1ILEf7h0i or the broken one from above into my shadow file does not work.
This one is from a test suite for .NET, which works with the Java port, too.
The fact that it doesn't work doesn't really surprise me. It's not in the mainline glibc, but the man page says that some distributions patch it in.
2 hours later…
@ScottPack You still alive in here?
3 hours later…
@Ninefingers funny you should ask... asked him for more precise definition, and his answer: "he should know how to write process monitor"
of course they are not developing THAT, but the same skill set to write that kind of software
I assume you are up to that task?
(btw process monitor, he's referring to MS/sysinternals tool, not a general monitor counter...)
1 hour later…
6 hours later…
@Iszi I was probably asleep by that time. What's up?
So, I'm noticing that my stats on the /review page aren't updating at all. Anyone know anything about that?
3 hours later…
@ScottPack Was going to ask something about passing parameters through aliases, but Google tells me it's not doable.
Ended up figuring another way to get what I wanted out of the alias, and then some, without doing that anyway.
Yeah, your best option is to just write a function
I went with an alias that got me a bit more information than I was wanting, but with a name that reflects that. So, it's not so bad.
alias myips="ifconfig | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1"
@ScottPack What's "ew"? a five-letter alias that lists all the IPv4 addresses on the box?
(without any other fluff)
It just looks nasty.
@ScottPack I'm sure I could've done plenty worse.
Well, that's weird. The man page for ifconfig on Fedora 15 says that it's obsolete
What, you were hoping to find a less-emo way to do it?
I was starting to work on cleaning it up, when I noticed that.
Do you care about v6?
@ScottPack Not really at this point
ip addr | awk '/inet / {print $2}'
Hence my use of grep 'inet addr' instead of just grep inet
Oh hey! CIDR subnet masks with that one, too!
Yeah, I thought that was nice too.
Didn't know about the ip addr command, and I'm only barely aware of awk.
Change that to '/inet/ to get the ipv6 addresses as well.
So... let me make sure I'm reading this right...
I ended up learning awk instead of cut. Which worked out to be nice later on when I realized that most of the time I was just piping grep into awk.
So by putting the regex directly into awk it removed a step.
You're running the ip addr command and passing it to awk obviously.
Then, awk looks for "inet " and prints the second word off of that line?
@ScottPack Ah, but that means learning regexes. I'm not quite to that level yet.
More specifically, prints the second field where space is the default field delimiter, but yeah.
@ScottPack By "default" I presume you mean that's alterable?
While /inet / is technically a regex, from a practical standpoint it's just a string.
So, let's re-write that to use ifconfig.
So, if I really didn't care about the CIDR, I'd tell awk to use ":" as a delimiter and run ifconfig instead.
ifconfig | awk '/inet addr/ {print $2}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'
@ScottPack That... doesn't look right.
Which part?
I mean, it obviously works...
It just seems that one of those awks is superfluous.
So you're thinking that you can just split on ':' on the first one?
@ScottPack It would seem you should be able to.
You can only split on one string at a time
So, move the -F: to the first one and see what happens
@ScottPack Yeah, that was... odd. I think there may be some order to the parameters.
And that was even weirder.
First I tried ifconfig | awk '/inet addr/ -F: '{print $2}'. That dropped me to some sort of blank command prompt.
Well, you got two problems there
Let me back up.
awk is a programming language used for text processing.
I tried ifconfig | awk -F: '/inet addr/ {print $2}' and it gave me the IP and the next word.
So, the line, /inet addr/ {print $2} is really just code that awk is interpreting.
Apparently, when you set a delimiter, it's ignoring the default delimiter altogether.
The -F is an argument to the application itself, not part of the code.
Right, you're changing the delimiter.
So, can you specify multiple delimiters?
The blank command line you got is part of bash, not awk.
@Iszi To the best of my knowledge no.
There are thousands, of people out there that know way more about awk than I do. So if one of them shows me how, I'll change my mind.
Chore time. Gotta run
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