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what the hell is x509
In cryptography, X.509 is an ITU-T standard for a public key infrastructure (PKI) and Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI). X.509 specifies, amongst other things, standard formats for public key certificates, certificate revocation lists, attribute certificates, and a certification path validation algorithm. == History and usage == X.509 was initially issued on July 3, 1988 and was begun in association with the X.500 standard. It assumes a strict hierarchical system of certificate authorities (CAs) for issuing the certificates. This contrasts with web of trust models, like PGP, where anyone...
thanks for that
so helpful
much glad
@Flyk Well you made the mistake of not pinging @ThomasPornin when asking about x509.
maybe if he's so good at it, he could write the tag wiki
@Flyk ya know that's what's needed here, a system of allocating tag-wiki entries to people to manage
I'll tell you what is needed here
far more reputation for doing maintenance tasks
do you think that a tag like is A LITTLE BIT REDUNDANT AND AMBIGUOUS on a site about information security
@Flyk yeah good point
in fact, if I list all the tags I don't like, it will waste my entire day
time to switch to plan g
that part where you're operating in a taxonomy frame of mind and randomly google things like "snot"
before going EW WHAT AM I EVEN DOING
@Flyk Nope, never been there.
yeah I'd expect you never have been
@Flyk Drive barefoot. Put slippers on to go into the shop. Then take them off to drive home again.
@Flyk That's because I never plan ahead. It means I never get to plan g.
@RoryAlsop no, that would put my feet in context with the footwell of my car
they'd be dirty by the time I got out and then I'd end up walking that through my house
@Flyk No, you would get the inside of your slippers dirty.
I don't think needs to be alive
@DavidFreitag no that's not how the universe works
@Flyk If you put your slippers back on before entering your house....?
I take pride in causing you pain.
now that I know the pain you cause is intentional that completely changes the rules of engagement
Lol - I love driving barefoot. Although I'm not as extreme as one of the Lotus guys I used to race with. He would never wear shoes. Even if the track was covered in snow and ice. He said he was ex-SAS and thought he was incredibly hard.
@Flyk uh oh - I sense escalation
it's only escalation in that a minute ago the plane was heading towards the tower and now the tower is collapsing
you have a
you're all end users
meant in the most insulting way possible
@Flyk s/ a / an /
@RоryMcCune lol
Just realised your smiley could be usefully re-used as :opSec
@RoryAlsop in a kind of LOL OpSec way... yeah that would be apposite
@RоryMcCune exactly
@RоryMcCune actually the word "tag" is implied but removed by the formatting
so... no
must be such a hard life being so wrong all the time
@Flyk Indeed it must.
@Flyk nice try, but no, afraid what's there doesn't mention "tag" and implicit wording doesn't count for grammar :op
@RоryMcCune fortunately, the tag formatting removes the need for your so called grammar, the outline and clickability of the tag indicates it's a tag
@Flyk Yes, but the outline and clickability of your face does not indicate that it is a face.
@DavidFreitag Ceci n'est pas une tag
@RoryAlsop Le gateau est un mensonge.
@DavidFreitag lovely
I mean: L'Ovely
never realised mensonge meant that
@Flyk I browsed. I saw your Dec 2014 question. I lol'ed :-)
actually, the past tense of lol should be lol
my december 2014 question?
Windows Phone is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite phone OS
Cortana is my favorite digital personal assistant thingy
@Flyk yup - the deleted one
@RoryAlsop That explains why I can't find it...
I don't even know what that is
@Flyk I don't like digital personal assistants
@Flyk you'll find it on your profile
god, it must be so hard for you to just link it
not that I was looking to see if you had any posts that deserved a bounty or anything
@RoryAlsop Me either, I only use Google Now to check the weather.
@Flyk I'm out of that window now
I thought that was appropriately tagged
open the last closed tab in chrome
@RoryAlsop You should get a screenshot so us plebs can see.
@Flyk nvm - just tried it. Cool - thanks
I lernded a new thing today
you randomly keystroked something you were advised to do on the internet?
or am I not a threat or something
that could have literally done anything and you just randomly did it
@Flyk I assessed the risk, and then dud it
weren't random
@Flyk not currently, I think
if only I knew enough to actually be dangerous
I don't think I have annoyed you :-)
And I understand pyro risk management
that new bear is at it again, rejecting my posts as "attempt to deface"
@Flyk I want that to be "randomly keystruck"
going to deface him soon
should he be banned network wide for the picture in his profile?
because if not I have some extremely hot but NSFW firemen I want to share
@Flyk I would have probably added JavaScript rather than replaced Flash with JavaScript - that is where the defacing comes from, I guess. But to be honest, it's not really a substantial edit...
@Flyk firemen meaning men, or the more generic "men and women firefighters?"
@Flyk what's his profile?
@RoryAlsop She didn't replace Flash, she added JavaScript
@RoryAlsop I didn't remove Flash, and the edit was to fix the spelling mistake in the top part
Oh - yep, I see that now - sorry...old browser is old
All I see is a white bird for his profile picture
In that case I have no problem with your edit, other than it is a bit minor
@RoryAlsop oh it looks like it has updated now
it was the tux drinking from a windows carton but was defaced with a penis
Oh - him. Yes - I corrected it network wide
(Well, I corrected the avatar, and the CM's I called sorted the profile picture)
I'm shocked at how quickly he repped up
and yet I get banned for a week for telling the CMs to do their job
the irony
@raz I'm sure he's either that deleted user he asked about on meta or has a group of socks
@raz yeah. Understands rep-trains is my guess.
all of his posts are sensationalist as well
@Flyk lolwut?
I'm not sure if I can describe it better than I have already
@Flyk is okay - he's banned for a year on SE (or SO...one of them)
@Flyk possibly depends a bit on how you do it :-P
@RoryAlsop I think it was something like "I'm sick of your fucking incompetent moderators kicking me for no reason other than their own shits and giggles so fucking do something before I leave a StackExchange sized hole in the universe"
obviously they missed the context that I am the overlord of my own universe and that all the above meant was that I'd leave
@Flyk I must have missed that part
but then I got called a troll and banned
which is just wrong, I'm not a troll, a troll wouldn't care if they were hurting the people they were trolling
@raz well, I notice everything
buzzfeed.com/markdistefano/… <-- OpSec advice from Buzzfeed, whatever next..
I'm not looking forward to going to work today to tell my boss that a $500 prototype went up in smoke.
@DavidFreitag What did you do?
@DavidFreitag It's only $500
@Arperum Powered it on
Then the active ingredient leaked out all over my apartment
@raz That isn't really the point though
@RоryMcCune Buzzfeed, the high quality providers of opsec knowledge
@Flyk I would not have thought it from them, but it is an interesting technique
while simultaneously breaking your opsec by getting you to sign up to an insecure mailing list using an insecure protocol via an insecure protocol
all that super secret information they slurp
@DavidFreitag Well don't bring beer around electronics, and you'll be fine
such as my super secret email address [email protected]
@Flyk I may heve been just a smidgen more polite...
@Flyk Signed up for all the prons
@Flyk Solipsisms are my favourite concept
@raz What sort of engineer do I look like? Never waste beer.
@RoryAlsop maybe, in all honesty I give as much respect as I receive
Although I prefer the multiperson pantheistic solipsism proposed by Heinlein
I will not waste my kindness on people who do not deserve it
@Flyk fair enough
now if TimPost had been the person I was speaking to
that would have been super kindness
I wonder if anybody else will notice what I'm doing before it's too late
@Flyk taking over the world?
well that's a background task, more of a long game
I was talking about today specifically
@Flyk getting a tag wiki editor badge?
@Flyk erm...talking with us here in a pleasant manner?
@RоryMcCune getting the tag wiki editor badge
that nobody on this site has yet
@Flyk ahh
@Flyk good plan, all I'd suggest is that you don't do really minor edits
are you close to it?
@RoryAlsop no I started today
@RoryAlsop I'm primarily focusing on tags without wikis, therefore there is no such thing as "minor"
@RoryAlsop out of curiousity, 'cause I've noticed this in a number of areas like question or answer edits as well, there seems to be a discouragement on small edits, how come? I'd have thought that any edit that's not incorrect would be a good one..
@RоryMcCune there's a handful of reasons
@RоryMcCune It's mostly on posts - it bumps things to the front, sometimes for unnecessary reasons
primarily it's because of the "not worth my time" problem, in which established users feel it's not worth their time
low rep users push an edit into a queue which requires somebody else's effort
the second problem is the way SE works, activity bumps to the front page
For wiki edits it isn't such a big deal, but the idea is that if you are going to add a single word, wouldn't your time be better spent doing a bigger edit
this is the same reason that people discourage editing old content
yeah - what @Flyk said
which results in sites that don't keep themselves clean eventually devolving into being full of crap that nobody wants to edit
and when people come along to edit it they get shouted at for filling the front page with posts from 2009
yeah with the bumping thing you'd think an idea would be to have a "minor edit" button which stopped that happening..
but not just established users - also if the editing user has that time why not find something that needs a bigger edit
but I see now.. :)
@RоryMcCune oh - totally this. It has been requested many times
@RoryAlsop I counter this argument with "I work from post 0 forwards, your method is illogical and results in posts being missed"
For the SOund Design merge, three of us racked up over 2000 edits, popped them in a scheduler and Se devs actioned them specifically so the front page was not impacted
if you're going to miss posts for any reason, you might as well not bother at all
@Flyk that's a very valid point
just like if you're goign to edit a question, edit all of the answers where needed as well
because it's one bump
also, if you're in the post, flag all the obsolete comments
or, instead, just sit around in chat whining about somebody actually doing the shit job that nobody else wants to do until the person who has put their time and effort into cleaning up the site and increasing the overall value of your content becomes demotivated
and be part of the problem instead of part of the solution
which is what normally happens
and yes, I will edit a post and change one letter to a capital letter and add a couple of line breaks if that's all a post needs
it's irrelevant that it's a minor edit if the edit improves the post
like a lot of @AviD's old posts use single line breaks instead of paragraphs
who would even vote somebody that did that into a position of power is beyond me
@mods can we seriously ban this user already?
it only takes one reject vote?
That's hardly democratic.
no but he's rejecting everything I submit where he can
he's rejected every single one
that's abuse of the system
he's not reviewing, he's using the platform to attack
All of the edits are adding completely new content to tags.
His reason doesn't make any sense, he's just pissed that @Flyk rep-trained over him
If others approve, at some point it will blcok him from being able to review
Morning Gang
@DavidFreitag \o/
Morning @Flyk
Morning @RoryAlsop
@Flyk Is this still that same user? Again, with this browser it doesn't show who has rejected
@JukEboX salut
Morning @raz
@RoryAlsop yes
@JukEboX afternoon
What's shaking this morning?
same user who didn't like me posting a non-sensationalist answer to his sock puppet's question
@Flyk link?
@JukEboX morning
Quick question. Do we have a SE for questions about legal/ownership of web assets?
@JukEboX Legal advise is something SE doesn't do
Because we're not lawyers, even if we say we are, you can't use that as any grounds for what we say being a good idea
@Flyk I am not looking for advice
If you're not looking for advice, any interaction with SE will be completely pointless
@Flyk Ok thanks.
Well - we sort of do now, as there is a Law.SE
well, stuff changes over the course of the years
it's only the other day that I realized since I left Araqde, they're no longer the #3 site on the network
not that I'm sure if there is a correlation between those two things
@RoryAlsop I am just asking because I am about to stop supporting a web system I built and I am wondering what is my property and what is the property of the company that paid me to build it.
@JukEboX Freelance or employee ?
@JukEboX if the company paid you to built it, they own it
unless you agreed otherwise in advance
(ie: "we will provide you this service... bla bla of some really nice CMS I wrote while in bed one day")
@JukEboX well - I think that would be acceptable on Law
If you were employed, you probably have paternity rights, but no exploitation copyrights etc... If Freelance, could be different depending on the agreement / contract.
@Flyk There probably is.
@M'vy Freelance
@Arperum it would be awfully arrogant to assume, though
@JukEboX Did you use your money or contract money to purchase the equipment/software?
@Flyk there is nothing in writing of if I provide the server or if it was for them but all the domain registration and hosting is under my name
@raz software and computers to build the system is all mine and hosting and domain I paid for and are registered to me
@JukEboX And you were never reimbursed in any way for that?
What did they paid you for ?
@JukEboX well if you have nothing at all in writing, then (a) seriously, sort your shit out, and (b) provide them formal written notification of at least four weeks in advance that you're no longer supporting the service, that you're currently hosting and whatever, and that they've got four weeks to arrange the moving and rehosting
with all of your contact details, etc
and then after four weeks, kill it
ensure that you mention that if you kill it before they contact you that you will not be held responsible for the data, and that it will be gone
@Flyk You did a lot of stuff, so it might be correct. Or at least helped speeding the downfall.
@M'vy they paid me to build it for them to use yes. I paid for hosting and domain because they are using space on my hosting that I have all my other sites. I started thislike 5 years ago when I was still in school
if they contact you within that timeframe, they'll likely want an extension, so sting them for lots of monies
@Flyk That is what I was thinking and I was still in college when I started building it so I didn't get anything in writing. I was thinking of giving them 60 days.
60 is more than fair
basically long enough for you to fulfill the requirements of termination of service as the provider
Since everything is registered to me I have the right to disable it if I wanted.
well, no
that's a dark grey area
if they've paid you for a service, you can't just turn it off
After talking to a lawyer as far as I understand the system is my property since I coded it and it was all my work but the database is their property or the contents there of
So you don't have any terms of service or whatever ?
I can turn it off after the domain registration expires
just because you have nothing in writing doesn't mean anything, in fact it actually hurts you a lot
Since I don't want to renew it
Yeah I like @Flyk's notion with 60 days notice.
since you haven't made any agreements to the variations in standard terms, provision of responsibility for the service, etc
@JukEboX I would go back and collect any and all email about the setup of the project.
@JukEboX anything involving the unavailability of their site is best served with a lengthy notification of termination of services
Any communication at all during the that time.
@raz there are only a few and that is how things work or dont' work. Everything was face to face
otherwise they'll just lawyer up and sue you for loss of business or whatever
(if you're lucky)
any content that they've paid you for is technically their content unless it was provided as a service rather than a product
which is a distinction that you probably didn't make
@flyk even if it's a product, you could sell exploitation rights only
@M'vy which he hasn't got any paper work confirming
@Flyk seems like they don't have one either.
@M'vy I imagine they've got more money and motivation to fight about it, though
So it's complicated I guess
@Flyk that's for sure
@M'vy @Flyk yes
Maybe there are precedent cases. You should probably look it up
Windows Phone 10 just... crashed?
I am severely let down by GTA V.
@M'vy I have been looking trying to get some ideas
@DavidFreitag YOU KIDDING. It's everything GTA should be!
GTA is such a conflict
how can playing a game where you can interact with hookers even be justifyable
@DavidFreitag pls dovid it came out like 179 years ago.
but how can you not appreciate an open world sandbox of that size
@Simon Not for PC it didn't.
@Flyk What is wrong with a little one-on-one with a hooker?
and Trevor made my skin crawl while simultaneously appeasing me with gratuitous fire
while I don't like the language towards women, I have no problem with setting fire to a house full of people
what is wrong with my moral compass
@Flyk @M'vy this is pretty helpful orbitmedia.com/blog/website-terminology
@JukEboX I love how HTML/CSS/Javascript isn't under "source code"
@Simon aren't you going to do something about the problem you're experiencing?
the 539 problem
I just spelled it out for you, what more do you need?
@DavidFreitag apparently that is actually my code
@Flyk I got the full bundle, mostly because I like driving games, but every single GTA appears to be crap. Can't enjoy the driving bit, and random wanton violence just doesn't push my buttons
@RoryAlsop That sort of thing is amusing, but the cops in that game are particularly frisky.
@DavidFreitag frisky? Meaning they try to frisk you?
@DavidFreitag yea just gotta be quick and nimble
@RoryAlsop Yes, with bullets.
@JukEboX Quick and nimble and intoxicated are two things that generally don't mix well
@RoryAlsop basically play to see how many police I can kill before dying
I have a feeling I should get a hold of legal zoom about this stuff
The game was entirely saved by the ability to design my own avatar in GTA Online
@DavidFreitag naah - I'll stick to driving games on my Playstations, Shooting games on my PC's, and the other games on my other consoles
otherwise I'd have played it like twice and then never again
the driving is crap
the shooting is crap
the story is crap
u crap
The controls are crap
the characters are the sort of people I'd willingly go to prison just to get them out of the gene pool
I'm just glad I bought it when it was on sale for $30
I'm just glad that I don't game anymore.
but nothing is quite as fun as jumping out of a burning helicopter that you've just crashed into a massive street fight and then gunning everybody who survived the explosion down
only to receive some of the sickest most disgusting death threats over voice comms to remind you that your fun to pushed 8 emo kids to suicide
@DavidFreitag I think I got the full bundle minus the latest one for £25
@Flyk pls leave emo kids alone
I wish my hair was emo so it would cut itself
@Simon hahahahaha

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