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@DavidFreitag IDK, I have a green bassett couch from the 50s
@Herringbone_Cat @DavidFreitag sorry had to use the baythroom
generally you don't need to apologize for crapping
When I started putting in the sound system I found this
For some reason previous system has a Line level converter
I have no idea what it was for
interesting. I don't like adding any gain stages into my setups, so i'm not sure why they needed this
perhaps they needed a limiter
@Herringbone_Cat I am not sure. THe Stock Sub was gone as well as the amp so the previous owner must have took that and previous system with them
I still have it in the car. Keeps things nice and crisp
Once I got the old speakers out then I could do this
I have had bits and pieces of that system in my 2 other cars before this one. This time I was going to do it right. I got the full set :P
@JukEboX I wouldn't go so far to call a ported 2-12inch sub setup "doing it right" :)
Ported < sealed for subs if you want quality. Ported enclosures like that scream "ghetto bass!"
@Herringbone_Cat I mean get the whole system. Tweeters, speakers, and subs
@Herringbone_Cat I like the low base. Plus it keep sit from rattling my truck like crazy like my old JBLs did
That is exactly what it is
@DavidFreitag know what it does? I looked it up and didn't understand it
@JukEboX I believe it is converting the raw audio output from your head unit into an rca output.
But I would not quote me on that.
@DavidFreitag then it is doing nothing for me since I ran a new set of RCA Cables to the sub
@DavidFreitag my headlights were a whole OTHER story. LOL I just got those in
@JukEboX It's not the deepness (frequency response) that you get from the ported enclosure. It's SPL, or loudness, at the expense of fidelity
@JukEboX Oh yeah, what'd ya get?
@Herringbone_Cat I really like the sound that it all makes together
The deepness is determined by the frequency response of A) the amplifier, which likely HPFs adjustably at around 10-15hz for subsonic sludge, and B) the subwoofer, which will probably drop off at 20-40hz
@DavidFreitag I bought a set of EXCEED headlights and ripped them apart for retro
@Herringbone_Cat Well I am still running this from my old car
@JukEboX Yeah don't be putting a SEAS or Rainbow system into an old beater. But, if you ever ge ta new car, I recommend a sealed enclosure, custom fiberglass or wood box
and lots of deadening
This is my new car. Hence the enclosure. My old box was a basic wood/carpet box with 2 JBL 12" in them
When your outside the car you can't really hear a bunch but inside it is nice ;)
I have a single 600W 10' sub from sundown audio
it will rattle the car next to me at a red light if turned up
@DavidFreitag I got a set of these
Ran them for a week and realized they aren't very bright
Oooh pretty
@Herringbone_Cat haahahahah
I haven't modified anything in my car.
@DavidFreitag had a friend open them up and began construction
Here is how it turned out
DRL switch back LED strips and Turn signals
@JukEboX which country in asia do you descend from
Then a full halo retro
Added the blue side markers as an homage to my old headlights
Those look pretty damn awesome.
Hold on to your seat
I'm always firmly gripping my seat. With my butt.
so much blue
Then went full quad demon eyes on the headlights and dual in the fogs
Plus a blue strip behind the grill
Do you have normal colored headlights or just the blue ones?
I have a set of 6K XEnon Bulbs
And to top it off
Retroed my fogs as well with a set of Halos
All COB ultra bright LEDs
Ok good, I really hate it when I see someone driving around with blue or purple headlights at night.
@Herringbone_Cat the good o' USA
@JukEboX I mean your family. You have a mitsubishi lancer. :)
Makes me want to run them off the road and get my crossbow out.
@DavidFreitag yeah I am just a the right spectrum of pissing people off and being bright enough to see
@Herringbone_Cat that is my second one. I LOVE the Lancer.
@JukEboX I've yet to meet a non-asian-descending man who owns a mitsubishi lancer. :)
@DavidFreitag Yellow is actually the best to be driving with because it is at the right spectrum to illuminate everything correctly
Those driving with blue can hardly see anything
@Herringbone_Cat you have now
I don't think mine are yellow, I think they are just standard white
@JukEboX Srsly? Not even a little bit? :)
@Herringbone_Cat neg
I have had all Mitsubishi cars
Oh god that thing is so pretty
that's my other vehicle (stock picture)
That was my first
I've always wanted a motorcycle, but I'd die
97' Mitsubishi Galant ES
i would get real scared if i saw that thing with the headlights off in neutral
@DavidFreitag Why do you say that? :) It's not that hard.
@Herringbone_Cat mod the bike?
Well beside that, everyone that loves me would break it.
@Herringbone_Cat It's not me that would be the problem.
@DavidFreitag crazy friends?
People in CT can't drive to save their lives.
@DavidFreitag You are moving faster than traffic on a motorcycle so if you have good mental awareness, you'll be fine.
CT? Nothing compared to your neighbors in NJ :)
They invented the jersey slide
I would love to live in Jersey if it meant that I could avoid CT drivers.
Hey hey hey. CT driver here
And @Herringbone_Cat is right. NJ is 100000000x worse
I'd say CT is fine to motorcycle in, the disadvantage being, winter means you get 6 motnhs max of good cycling season
It's a sweeping generality, I am also a CT driver, but that does not mean I suck.
Here in California we have distinct advantages. Weather is good for moto year round, and, lane splitting is 100% legal
@DavidFreitag there are a lot of people in CT that don't know how to drive a car
@Herringbone_Cat and you have to take advantage since its nothing but traffic on I-5 and the 405
shakes fist at the 405
@JukEboX I never take those roads, except the I-5 to go to LA
I'd like to get an ultralight some day, take that to work.
I made it from SF to LA in about 3 hours one time.
@Herringbone_Cat Not to mention that spring is mostly all rain, same with the fall. I'd say three months of good riding season.
I stay within SF often on my motorcycle or my vespa, the main advantage is lane splitting in static traffic at stop signs or lights. Saves a ridiculous amount of time. And going around stuipd traffic like box-blockers or ppl parking.
@DavidFreitag We don't have to worry about rain in California anymore! :)
the lack thereof, perhaps
Oh did it start raining?
No, it doesn't rain.
Although it did drizzle enought his AM in half of SF that it ook my car rather than bike (if puddles are on the ground, I prefer to drive.)
I heard it rained for a few minutes the other day.
the lack of a windshield wiper on motorcycle helmets makes it rather inconvenienrt
That's why you bring a squeegee.
more like a glove
and you kick it into neutral so you can take your hand off the clutch at a stop light
If someone sent me a motorcycle helmet, I'd install a custom wiper on it.
good luck with that
@DavidFreitag what kind of car are you driving?
@Herringbone_Cat what is the non bike?
@JukEboX 2014 Mazda 6 Sport
@DavidFreitag NICE!
my main helmet is a bell bullitt
Zoom Zoom
kind of an awful shape to put a windsheild wiper on
@Herringbone_Cat what is your non bike?
@JukEboX 2010 subaru impreza
@Herringbone_Cat gasp the dark side shifty eyes
@JukEboX how so? I've been in this subaru cult for a while now
@Herringbone_Cat I am just playing. It's the whole Mitsu Vs Subaru rivalry thing
Umm...We have a new bear?
@DavidFreitag that is huge
is that a mazda 3 or 5?
J/K Sweet though
@JukEboX There is no less than 3" around my engine
I like the older 6 better
I was helping my friend look at cars the other week and the mazda dealership wanted $2k for the trim package that included bluetooth.
I looked at the dude. "$2000 for a $200 head unit upgrade?" "But then you don't have to mess with the electrical system! You don't want to do that!"
@Herringbone_Cat that is Bluetooth. It should be standard in every car
@JukEboX No way you crazy
As a safety feature
@JukEboX I will rip that PoS head unit out and put in a pioneer and a microphone in about 20 mins
@Herringbone_Cat did that to mine. Only mine was a JVC
@Herringbone_Cat The 2014 6 has bluetooth on the base model as standard...
even the nicest pioneer you can get, the NEX 9000, is like $900
@DavidFreitag I think it was the mazda 3 that had a trim package w/o bluetooth.
Although I have to admit, the head unit in the 6 is complete crap, and it's the only thing I actively want to change about my car.
I am saying Bluetooth SHOULD be a safety standard.
@JukEboX yes but me falling asleep is more akin to trying to shut down Windows at the moment
@JukEboX You have to be in park to dick with it.
in CT it is illegal to be on your phone while driving. That would help solve that problem
just seem to be hanging there on the "Shutting down..."
@Flyk Yank the power cord.
What is the worst that could happen?
oh right, excellent idea
let's just stop my heart as a method of going to sleep
@Flyk no problem. I was just wondering because I wasn't being asked what "the point of my story" was for a while there
@DavidFreitag Pioneer and nakamichi are my favorite HU brands, depending if you want hi tech or classic.
nice idea @David, liking the dark thoughts
basically every car manufacturer puts in shitty head units
Oh, you know me. All about that dark.
@DavidFreitag you have to set up the Bluetooth device?
you can't find a stock one, even if you pay like hella $$$ extra, that is any decent in terms of sound quality, amplification power, etc
@DavidFreitag it's apparently a choice you don't turn back from
@JukEboX Yes, only once. It is a fairly painless process unless it derps.
@Flyk I thought it was a choice you didn't walk back from?
@DavidFreitag that is understandable
"fairly painless unless it derps" - basically sums up computing
I ripped out the BT unit on my car and sold it since my headunit came with one
I am really considering getting a windows Computer based HU in the future
did you literally rip it out?
was it still in a saleable condition?
I can see @Herringbone_Cat doing that
The head unit works just fine as long as you disconnect your battery once every two months or so.
what are you talking about right now?
I'm so confused
@Flyk we are talking about car stereos and cars
@JukEboX the problem is you need a special LCD. the normal ones you get, like a nexus 5, are not made to take sun and will get destroyed while parked real fast.
@Flyk up for normal awake time now?
@Flyk Our favorite flavor of candy.
@Flyk between attempts to sleep?
Mine is 2014 Mazda 6.
there is nothing normal about the time or me being awake
@Herringbone_Cat from what I have seen the devices are pretty nice and with top quality parts.
@Xander We do?
@DavidFreitag confused isn't a flavor
@Flyk you have a car?
that's a random question
do you have a car?
Or better yet do you live somewhere where the people drive like asshats?
@Flyk Given the current conversation, it really isn't
everybody drives like asshats everywhere
it's the universal rule of driving
you pulling random drifts around corners is seen as driving like an asshat by some people
@Flyk It's an honest question. I don't know if you have one or not. There are a lot of people these days that choose not to get their license hence have no need for a car
I don't drive like an asshat. Unless driving as fast as physically possible in the left lane counts as "like an asshat"
@DavidFreitag I've gotten tickets for that one.
@JukEboX right because I never travel
@DavidFreitag everyone does that everywhere
@DavidFreitag and your on I-84 no one cares up there. Its like 80 lanes acroos
@JukEboX Are you sure? More often than not it is someone driving as slow as physically possible in the left lane.
@Flyk OMG ok drop it .... again
oh noes, another bear
although the CHP didn't give a rats when I drove from SF to humboldt on thanksgiving day doing 110mph up the 101
@JukEboX four dot ellipsis for srs?
@Flyk for realzzzzz get used to it
down boy
@JukEboX 80 lanes filled with semi trucks and old people driving slower than the speed of stink.
@Herringbone_Cat well how could then your in a subie. they can't catch you
@Flyk It's an ellipsis...With emphasis.
@Flyk ;) But seriously assuming you do drive what do you drive?
@Xander I'm too tired to even...
@JukEboX a car
has a wheel in each corner and burns corpses
@JukEboX A lamborghini aventador.
@DavidFreitag makes sense
With a flamethrower.
@DavidFreitag that's why you gotta time the HOV lane just right
@JukEboX There are no HOV lanes here that are worth the ticket.
Ok so now that @Flyk is back to make me feel bad about my self it is time for me to drive home..... like an ass hat apparently
@Flyk yes that's a 5 period ellipsis oh snap
@DavidFreitag yeah I know :/
@JukEboX they can catch cars pretty well but motorcycles they often break off the chase. Just don't install plates. :)
I have no problem with you drifting around corners as long as you stay within the points zone and keep the back out
@DavidFreitag except maybe the one toward Bradley
first CHP cop to pull me over on a motorcycle: "Holy shit! T hank you for stopping! If you hadn't, I would have never caught you."
@JukEboX Yup, and the cops watch that one like it is their job.
and everybody needs to see how fast their car will actually go at least once
@Flyk this is New England can't do to much driving without hitting a pot hole or a mountain
@Herringbone_Cat ahahhahahhaahaah
@Flyk to be continued when I get home
Back in about 2 hours
@Herringbone_Cat Luckily the radio signal travels at the speed of light.
2 hours... lol
@Flyk <3 you to :P By guys
@DavidFreitag "We're looking for a guy on a motorcycle doing 110 on <x road>"
@Herringbone_Cat You would be surprised how well that works.
@DavidFreitag chances of them intercepting someone like that before you get off the road and hide...very minimal
Then every cop in town is looking for someone on a motorcycle.
@DavidFreitag They don't pursue motorcycle chases for safety reasons. Not worth it over at icket to endanger the public in a chase.
Unless the off ramp is within a few hundred feet of your house, you're boned.
@Herringbone_Cat All they need is your plate number.
hardly, you have many minutes before anything real happens
@DavidFreitag that's why i said "if you don't equip plates" :)
Driving with no plates is a felony.
That's why you run from the police, duhh
A friend of mine learned that one the hard way
which is hardly relevant when you're driving fast enough to not get caught in the first place
@Herringbone_Cat And when you run out of gas?
@DavidFreitag No one in california has plates.
@Flyk You can't outrun a Motorola, as the saying goes.
@DavidFreitag and by no one, i mean anyone who doesn't want them. There's tons of loopholes.
@Xander like the police ever react instantly to anything
@Flyk I don't know about the police on the other side of the atlantic, but they react pretty quickly here..
@Flyk You're in Europe. Everyone's lazy in Europe. In the U.S., you'd think the cops were hopped up on amphetamines, as quickly as they react.
they probably are
@DavidFreitag also i'm not sure where you get driving without paltes is a felony
@Xander That's because they are used to chasing people who are hopped up on amphetamines.
here, it's an equipment violation, which is a fix-it infraction.
meaning you get 90 days to put plates on until you have to pay!
@Herringbone_Cat It is within the realm of possibilities that my friend had no idea what he was talking about, or perhaps I am remembering what he said incorrectly.
To anyone looking for car insurance: Don't use esurance (they suck), and they sell your information.
Oh look, lookout mobile finally sent out an email about StageFright.
twitter.com/hashtag/oraclefanfic?src=hash //cc: @RоryMcCune @CodesInChaos
Dear Oracle,
How many databases would a zero-day debase if a zero-day could debase a database?


you mean record not found?
@TildalWave ?
The Internet Oracle (historically known as The Usenet Oracle) is an effort at collective humor in a pseudo-Socratic question-and-answer format. A user sends a question to the Oracle via e-mail, or the Internet Oracle website, and it is sent to another user when he/she has asked a question, or requested one to answer. This second user may then answer the question (or not; if it is not answered within 24 hours it is put back into the queue to be given to another user to answer). Meanwhile, the original questioner is also sent a question which he/she may choose to answer. All exchanges are conducted...
Yes, I know that
I provided an alternative answer to your question in which the Internet Oracle suffered a zero-day debase :P
Oracle sues Google for $9bn

Oracle (NYSE:ORCL) had announced that it had launched legal proceedings against Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to claim $9.46bn in damages for copyright violation. “Google's Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) is clearly the product of reverse engineering of our EULA,” Oracle spokeperson M.A. Davidson said. “They took all the parts from our most valuable intellectual property and exposed them to the public. This is deeply distressing and they should be ashamed.”
@Gilles Ha, nice.
@HexTitan ?
you mean about the lawsuit? It's a joke. Duh.
Herp-a-derp, I'm a nub. :P
I wouldn't put it past Oracle.
well, if they do it, remember, you read it here first

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