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I'm extremely excited! I get to see @Adi in just a couple of hours!
3 hours later…
I think most of us are beyond the point where rep has any meaning, but 705 in one day is an accomplishment.
Such bracket.
What's it for?
3 hours later…
@RоryMcCune A good! Looking forward to see it :)
1 hour later…
@Kisunminttu where's he been till now?
@tylerl @Simon isn't.
how did you beat the repcap?
ah, I'm guessing a 500 bounty?
@tylerl A bounty? A sudden spike of 30 accepted answers is rather implausible.
@CodesInChaos but not impossible
@tylerl I still have to care, can't even view deleted answers on security.se.
Having to earn passive privileges on every damn site is so annoying.
@CodesInChaos yeah. I think that past a certain level of extreme network-wide rep, there should be much lower requirements on any additional site.
but I aint gonn' try to submit a feature request on meta, nuh uh.
Or just make passive privileges network rep dependent
site rep is important for features which need you to know how that site ticks.
Like upvotes...
dunno. there is some logic to being required to have some experience on a given site before getting privlieges.
though for passive privileges there is less to say...
2 hours later…
@AviD Gallavanting around the Netherlands no doubt...
@RоryMcCune "gallivanting" and now we are to reexamine the @kalina theory....
now that you mention it, he did seem quite flushed when I saw him at the conference.
@AviD hey no @ pinging her, she'll end up flouncing in/out again
AAAAND he was in quite a rush to shower the filth away....
@RоryMcCune wrong name :-)
@AviD oh yeah, good point
@AviD I believe she has a web bot with desktop notification for both
@RоryMcCune maybe to wash off her perfume?
@RоryMcCune heh, well then she cant blame us for that!
@AviD I take it you picked up a huge wooden spoon in Holland?
@AviD care for a wager on that?
@RоryMcCune huh? spoon?
@AviD for stirring up trouble :op
@RоryMcCune well, she will, but I meant she shouldn't.
@RоryMcCune hahahahah thassa good line. I will use it.
@AviD this is true
my kids have started asking me: "Do you want some popcorn?
... for the movie which you seem to be living in?"
@AviD good line.
btw I was disappoint this morning. Most of the shirts I picked up at AppSecEU were too small :-(
only the checkmarx shirt was a good fit. the appseceu shirt is wearable, but a bit snug.
I need another conference to stock my summer wardrobe.
@AviD We could probably devise a good conf-title from that
@M'vy hell could probably give a talk about that, would get accepted at RSAC for sure
1 hour later…
@AviD I think we should organize a security.se conference
then we can legitimately wear t-shirts saying "sec.se"
@AviD Ohhhh go on, poke that hornet's nest, you know you want to!
@Rhino pls
@Rhino @RоryMcCune legit wore a sec.se shirt when he spoke at AppSecEU
I'll probably wear one at AppSecIL again
@AviD Have you been hijacked by Simon?
(i didnt last year, but did the year beforE)
@Rhino Inspired by
whoa, I think thats the first time @Simon ever inspired anybody to do anything.
Except perhaps puke.
Simon in charge of moderation powers... there's a scary thought. All flag responses to be "approve, reject or pls"
Questions vote to close as "offtopic, pls, or you donut"
@AviD I think my one still says IT security stack exchange from before the IT/Information wars of '13 or '14 or whenever it was.
Back in my day we did not care about information! And everything was better!
hahahaha lol
@Rhino seems like a nice 1st of April joke :)
@Rhino oh! omg, didnt notice, I think mine does too.
we need to get SEI to send out refreshed shirts for everybody!
@Rhino I should check mine
^ lol
This is why "security" questions are bad
Not talking about the fact they are called "security" question when they do not provide any kind of security
@M'vy I find that article to be the latest entry in the "Duh" category
and it doesnt even mention the fact that it is based on information that you are required to give out to any other service that asks for it...
password are weak.
then someone think it's be fine to select a word from a (very little) subset of those available for passwords
How can this be secured!
“City of birth?”
@M'vy "Capital of California?"
^ true story.
YEAH GUESS WHAT?! Nobody knows!
@M'vy well to be fair, most americans would get that wrong.
especially Californians.
@AviD well I'd guess miami
what IS the capital of california?
@M'vy lol
oh wait
I hope you're joking
that's the other side
SF or LA ?
use a zero-knowledge proof to show you know, without revealing the answer.
ah ah
@AviD that would be funny
like I said, most would get it wrong.
I know, because my 9 year old was learning them this past vacation. Yknow, for fun.
yeah, I'm wrong too.
Even knowing I've been wrong, I'd have trouble finding the good one
@AviD It's none of the obvious ones.
@Rhino thats a good start, but also obvious.
thats true of most US states.
@AviD I don't know how I tell you I know, without telling everyone else I know AND what it is!
@Rhino MD5?
@AviD 7e0f5618564616ae06980184343b6fa4 - assuming first letter capitalized for proper noun.
Rainbow tables at the ready people!
I also didn't know until recently that Washington D.C. was in D.C. OK wait! Stop Laughing! What I mean is it is in the District of Columbia which is NOT a US state and so has no senators with a voice in the senate (although it has like fake ones however that works). So the irony of living in the capital is that you have no voice in government!
Hmm. am I misspelling it?
@Rhino true, but it does have congressmen.
@AviD No, he has it wrong I think :P
until recently it was irrelevant, very few actually lived there. that has changed substantially in recent decades.
Speaking of Washington, it has a capital too. :P
@M'vy yeah, and its not "Washington".
that would be silly
(or to easy)
@AviD Capital first letter. I did echo NAMEOFPLACE | md5sum
In all lower case 20b7c273c376090218fdefc906adbacd
nope, not a match
works for me. But the online version fails at it
perhaps you're misspelling it? or got it wrong.
got : 2ff4bdbec0419eb92d7fada8b262b480
Intriguing, me too via hashlib/python
I wonder what md5sum is doing, then
ah shrt
probably adding a character somewhere
md5sum takes into account \n
@M'vy yup thats right
That would be my guess
Do hashlib.md5("PLACENAME\n").hexdigest() and you'll get my answer.
okay now we need to deal with everyone just copypasting @M'vy's answer.
I guess we have to go with salts.
@AviD Yeah. I'm just intrigued I did not know this. I realized I didn't know much about the US states at all.
in this case I am agreeable for each to use his/her own username as the salt, for simplicity,
But don't do this at home, kids.
@AviD I think we should maybe read up on zero knowledge proof protocols because I don't think "paste md5" is quite it...
@Rhino so if you liked that, you'll love this one:
What is the capital of New York state?
assuming, of course, that you knew that New York is also a state, and not just a city.
Unless of course you're featuring in the new move "Troll Hard 2.0"
@Rhino oh clearly. it's @Simon's defintion of "zero".
salted hashes does work though. Right?
it's kinda equivalent to challenge/response, with out the time control element.
@AviD It's not an area I'm hugely familiar with, but I believe the idea of zero knowledge is that, as the verifier, you should not know the secret information - that is as the verifier I'm supposed to be able to prove an assertion to you, but not the secret data on which that assumption relies.
Because, as it stands, you could also prove knowledge of the secret information to others following the exact same scheme
oh. oh yeah right.
I did know that. I misspoke.
I pulled a #simon again.
@AviD I thought that was well placed sarcasm ;) I'm not entirely sure what it's called when both people know the secret and just want to verify they have it correct
There's probably a whole field of literature on it, but for this I must seek spiritual guidance from the bear.
@Rhino yeah, I was being all loosey-goosey with terms there. I dont think this topic requires perfect forward secrecy, either.
@AviD I am intrigued but I think for our purposes salted hashes will do :)
hey, I thought that much was clear by my deliberate choice of MD5 ;-)
Ok I would not have known the one for New York State
I was going to pretend I didn't know it was a state, but...
had to look for the date, but I assumed it
@AviD I laughed muchly when I read it
Ok so I don't know the NY one
'course, when I saw the title - before noticing the LM bit - I did get all excited and stuff. So there's that.
@AviD Sorry, I think they're still working
I assumed another couple years. was surprised to see it already....
@Rhino okay then, Florida?
I keep one eye on it, but I'm spending my time in elliptic curves
@AviD That's easy!! Disneyland!
heh. of course.
Ok I don't know that one either
I am assuming it is not the obvious one beginning with M
seriously, almost all the US state capitals are counter-intuitive.
@Rhino correct!
@Rhino Texas?
I only know the California one because I have been to California
@Rhino I've been to california, but never the capital.
@AviD Ah c'mon that one's easy! e1747794d9ef7ec092aed822c6c2bfe4 (capital R, capital for state, all lowercase otherwise, rhino as prefix)
for that matter, I grew up in NJ / NY and never been to the capital of either.
@Rhino okay! you got one!
@AviD Wait you grew up in the US?!
@AviD funny thing, the map displayed on google shows only one town which is not the capital
@Rhino ayup, this is news?
@AviD Hey I got the CA one too! I've never been to the capital either but I wasn't very old when I went therefore super curious and somehow this fact has stuck with me.
@AviD It is to me - I always just assumed you were from Israel and grew up there. Hold on I'll check your wikipedia page...
ha! no wikipedia page for me - yet
I know the Texas one because that's the only place I know in Texas
It might also be the only place in Texas, I'm not sure
@Rhino really? dont know Houston?
We have a problem.
and no, its not the same.
@AviD Oh yeah forgot about that one! Duh
I had a friend who went to university in whatever the capital of texas is, so, I think that's how I know.
Check this spoiler article, interesting to note how many are not the biggest city in the state, and not the most well known.
They all ring bells, but the only one other than CA, TX I would have guessed correctly would have been CO.
I swear article 0 of the US constitution: "we will make our state capitals awkward to remember for future generations of pub quiz goers!"
I think this new user needs some help on how to answer. What does the room think?
@LvB eww, link to help center, but not sure he'll improve
On the spot, anybody knows some small blog?
One that has less than 5-6 posts
living on its own domain
what kind of question is that?
It's alright, I found what I wanted
I just wanted to test a small crawler
and I wanted something online that had few pages
@LvB I stuck my oar in.
It's a link only answer which are discouraged. I hope the answerer expands upon their answer, but
@Rhino thnx for the assist
@LvB I may have helped a citizen of the internet understand the workings of stackexchange, or, I may have prompted another angry rant about MODRATORZ ON STARKEXCHANGE and how comparatively we are 200% more evil than Dr Evil.
If it's a sane site, post link only answers as comment.
If it's a site with deletion happy mods, just don't post at all.
How many times has the same question been asked over and over again?
I marked it as dupe
I am personally getting sick with this behavior...anyway....down vote it...i am curious if anyone has examined the link i provided — John 11 mins ago
which do you think?
@Adi well the problem is "how to secure.... in a php file" is a question without a good answer. Ever.
oh cool. SO is closing in on 10M questions. I wonder if they gonna have a party when they hit it, and if they're going to invite us.
They should have a party and invite all the users on StackExchange except for @Simon.
2 hours later…
Hey general question as I'm terrible at "what's on/off topic" is legal stuff always off-topic?
I was thinking a question about Wassenaar could be useful
but then realised it would be a legal thing...
legal advice is off topic and legal questions that are highly jurisdictionally specific are too niche
I would say that general facts about wider legal topics, like Wassenaar, could be on topic
might be a fine line, though
@schroeder yeah my interest is in whether there's any practical information on what will/won't be in-scope.
so for example carrying a laptop with metasploit over a border
could be in-scope
(you're exporting intrusion software)
ofc if that's in-scope it'll be ..... interesting.... for pen test companies.
I agree, but that falls into a practical application of international law, which, IMHO, would be off-topic and amounts to legal advice
the other issue you have is changes to laws of the country you are travelling to
@schroeder ahh well guess I'll need to find another way to solicit info on this one...
I assume you are concerned about the proposed changes to the US definition of "weapons of war"?
@schroeder indeed.. anecdotally I heard from a guy from a chinese company that they've had a pen test co. bail out on them already because of Wassenar problems..
@schroeder well the US have now defined their legislation to implement wassenar and it has a broad definition of the treaty element on "cyber" weapons
what I found interesting about the US changes, is that it applies to security software intended to hide from security monitoring software (anti-malware, etc.) which provides a large loop-hole
so, it appears that metasploit would be fine, as long as you aren't crafting a payload to bypass AV
so no msvenom
but, that's my interpretation
@schroeder yeah there's some people taking it to be exploits mainly, and then there's this A-V angle but from what I've read it mentions "exploits" as a phrase and that catches a lot of things potentiall
definitely software like metasploit
Evening all
@RoryAlsop Watcha Mr Alsop
@RоryMcCune Haven't trawled the transcript yet (looks too long) - but how's it been?
You're back in UK, aren't you?
@RоryMcCune yes, it does concern itself with exploits, but I think it keeps researchers in mind by providing for the AV loophole
i'd still vote against it, but it isn't completely boneheaded - they are trying to address issues
@RoryAlsop yeah back in yesterday, conf. was good met various people, met up with Adi/Avi talk seemed to go ok (although not sure Devs in the room were too happy with the message...)
lol - that's something they may need to deal with
@schroeder oh indeed I'm not necessarily against it but if they're going to require licenses for moving pen test tools over a border they're going to have to get the regime in place sharpish to avoid really causing problems for the industry...
So our circle of validation grows - that's 2 Rories @AviD has met
@RoryAlsop yeah. I kinda want to find an IT/Infosec management conf. to do a variant of this talk at, that could be amusing :)
@RоryMcCune ISACA Scotland may be interested :-)
@RoryAlsop indeed unfortunately @LucasKauffman didn't make it across, but then I've already met him..
so did @AviD meet @Adi?
@RoryAlsop ahh that could work, let me know if a slot comes up :)
@RoryAlsop very briefly. @Adi was well late with travel woes, and @AviD had to get back for a holiday so they met for all of 20mins ish...
@RоryMcCune hahahahaha
@schroeder thanks
@RoryAlsop well of course he says it was travel woes, the other option is a secret assignation with she who must not be pinged
@RоryMcCune :-) heh heh - what would @Kisunminttu have to say about that?
@RoryAlsop ohh way to dob him in to his missus :op
@RоryMcCune pffft
1 hour later…
@AviD I am unfortunately not surprised
@RoryAlsop Sadly, it was only for 15 minutes or so.
I was so unlucky with the trains (some issue in some tunnel) and @Avi had to leave early.
It sucks. I wanted to see both @RоryM and @Avi more
2 hours later…
Low-level programming gurus, I need help.
During startup program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
(gdb) bt
No stack.
@AviD You're a father... did you ever celebrate n-th "how, what, why" question? Or don't you think that it's really your good answers that should be celebrated?
@SteveDL Possible problems: bug in gdb, stack is clobbered and gdb can't sensibly work it out, very early termination of the program. One thing you could do is get the program itself to do it: stackoverflow.com/a/77336/257111 if using glibc
I'm going to guess the stack has been clobbered, since you've got an invalid memory signal.
Another thing to do is to print the stack starting from esp/rsp and see what's around
check if you see things that look like pointers backwards. If you see them, try printing those pointer values asking for symbol resolution.
I hate memory corruption bugs.
@RоryMcCune as a dev I am happy with your message.
I regularly wget and exec random bash scripts from the interwebs.
But it's ok because the website they're on says "trust me this script is totally legit just run it as root there's no problem!"

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