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@DavidFreitag hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
That would be Fifty Shades of Grey.
I need to put some thought into that answer
All the women with a nonexistent sexual life were so damn hyped.
I didn't hear any hype. I generally don't with a few miles of water over my head.
I duno, Breaking Bad is probably in my top 10, but more because of the content, individual characters (Saul... seriously), drugs, violence, and it being pretty unique in the grand scheme of television
the main thing was that it wasn't the "same usual formula"
The only tv shows that have actually managed to keep me interested from the first episode to the last are In Therapy and Lie to Me
which is probably what will kill Better Call Saul
because it's no longer a unique formula
Better Call Saul is damn legit so far.
the pacing is better for sure
I won't see it until it hits Netflox
@Kisunminttu if you struggle with season one, keep at it
@Kisunminttu if you struggle with season two, give up
Or if I lose all semblance of sanity and decide to download it.
season one is literally all back story
@Kisunminttu Love Lie To Me! Definitely in my top 5.
tbh, I have some decidedly "meh" shows in my top 10
like "Burn Notice"
burned spy... pretty unique idea
and the general narration
otherwise, average acting, average story, cheesy
NCIS also
@Flyk burn notice was actually really fun
fucking sam
because srs <3 Abby Sciuto
@Ohnana yeah but fun != amazing
it met my criteria of enjoyment.
@DavidFreitag brilliant thanks!
@Flyk Hah, me too :]
yeah I enjoyed it, I've seen all seven seasons like 5 times
@TildalWave I would have posted sooner but the sky shit out another 6" of white devil this weekend.
the joys of never committing TV shows to memory
@Flyk The joys of a goldfishesque memory.
And wait till 2:30 for the first proper pyro
Then it gets better
@Flyk They are removing it from netflix D:
by the way - you guys were awfully chatty today
@RoryAlsop is will still be Rammstein
@RoryAlsop I was present
I was in a zero signal location for most of the day so only catching up now
@DavidFreitag This is why I download TV shows
and why I store them
@Flyk Play it with the sound down then
is awesome pyro
@DavidFreitag heh yeah I saw ... that was the one they said it won't be much huh?
huh that bassline sounds very Quake 2 soundtrack
@Flyk I would do that except it would take an eternity with my 1mpbs when I prey to the gods.
@RoryAlsop got audio?
@Flyk so good live. Especially in the front row burning your eyebrows off
@TildalWave They said 2-4 with rain. It ended up being 6-7" some of the heaviest snow of the season.
@Flyk oh yeah - just a slightly different speed :-)
wasn't most of Q2 music by Trent Reznor?
@RoryAlsop that kind of music works much better for a pumping soundtrack to a FPS
@RoryAlsop no
Quake 2 was by Sonic Mayhem
Quake 1 was by NIN
Quake 2 was Rob Zombie, Bill Brown, Sonic Mayhem and Aubrey Hodges
I think Nine Inch Nails were also the inspiration for the nail gun
@Flyk that's the one I was thinking of then
@Flyk Trent is rather good live as NIN
Quake 1 soundtrack is less pumping and more atmospheric
everything on the Quake 2 soundtrack made you want to murder everything
or at least me
tbh, I think early ID software just wanted to commission their favorite artists to write the soundtrack
I never played any of the Quake games
@DavidFreitag The main dudes are very similar in the two shows. I think that's why I like them.
@Kisunminttu Never heard of In Therapy. I'll have to check it out
@DavidFreitag I played them all retrospectively, the communities associated with each told me I had missed out and that "I had to be there to fully understand"
presumably because the games in question happened at the time the internet was becoming a thing
@DavidFreitag It has many storylines going at once. Some of them super interesting, others boring as f.
In fact I have missed out on quite a lot of things
my first FPS was Quake 3
and as such, my favorite FPS and my opinion on how an FPS should play is based entirely on Quake 3
I could probably count the number of books and movies I have read or watched on my fingers and toes.
I imagine those older than me have equal opinions of Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Half Life, etc
And games I have played too
@DavidFreitag I couldn't
the number of games I own is around the ~500 mark, the number of games I've played is at least double that
Unless you consider textbooks, there's probably one or two I have actually opened
my WoW character's playtime is measured in years
that's a year of being logged in to the account
@Flyk heh, mine too until I sold it for $700
@Flyk Not if you have an internet dongle like I do
I should sell my account but I'm super wary of the fact it has my name on it
@DavidFreitag OK the other one I mentioned before (space.stackexchange.com/questions/8198/…) got I think a satisfactory answer by now ... maybe still check it if you want
Ping is >500
@Kisunminttu :S
great, now I'm sat playing the Quake 2 soundtrack on YouTube
@Flyk and I'm playing Rammstein's Nimes concert
@TildalWave I might weigh in, I'll have to do a bit more reading into radiation hardening.
I have ordered a pizza
it will be epic
and I will watch Sneakers while eating it
I'm jelly. My belly are empty :d
@Simon yeah I weigh about as much as your leg.
Look I'm wearing a cap!
sideways as well
the yoof of today /lol
@RoryAlsop oh yeah, that's some pyro right there
@DavidFreitag There's shitloads of documents on that on NTRS ... most changes that I see are re density (from sensors to memory devices) and advanced polling algos. Let me know if you need anything and I'll dig around ;)
Are we talking about TF2?
@Simon mmph!
@Simon no
I never got into Team Fortress
either the original or the valve version
@Flyk good call
We should all play TF2 together one night.
most of the people I used to play games with all play TF2
@Simon that might be fun
if you're looking to get rekt
@Flyk my kids like it, but I'm sort of indifferent
instead of TF, I played CS
@TildalWave Well, from what I understand radiation hardening is simply a means to attain a 100% reliability. Charged particles can cause random bits to flip in the CPU's registers randomly, and can even cause an erasure cascade in EEPROM/Flash memory
So really it all depends on the OP's version of 'feasibility'.
I am >800 rep on sec.se
<wikipedia ads>If everybody currently reading this upvoted me once, I would be 100 rep closer to overtaking @Simon</wikipedia ads>
@DavidFreitag I know. Those pesky single event upsets. It's upsetting :)
WORLD ♥ Remember that little talk we had about not believing everything written in the media?!
also..... marrying a Prince not a prerequisite for being a Princess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZuMb19RJ4 - Courtesy of Alfonso Cuaron.
@Flyk I did prefer that
however, you're forgiven because of how awesome you are
@Flyk hahahaha - you'll get over 1k soon. That'll teach ya
@RoryAlsop Good, maybe I'll get access to some useful review queues
@DavidFreitag ntrs.nasa.gov/… seems promising source (annoying PDF layout tho ... try also others from this search ntrs.nasa.gov/…)
@Flyk :-) do you have a favourite queueueueue
@RoryAlsop All six of them, simultaneously.
"why?", I hear you ask
Late answers are nearly always Flag > NAA
First posts require lots of edits because illiterate people
Close votes because of the above
Reopen votes because sometimes you just have to
Low Quality -> Edits > Rep
Suggested Edits > Edits > Rep
also: you two are perverts
IIRC, doesn't the edit rep die off after a point?
@Flyk This is the DMZ. Why do you act surprised?
@Flyk I think 3000 is the magic number
@Iszi yeah I think it's 2000 reps or 1000 rep from edits
@Flyk that wasn't me this time
@RoryAlsop yeah I saw
@Iszi I don't know anything about that.
you know, there are only two entrances
how do you take six at once?
study anatomy
@Flyk there are some strange videos on the internet
don't say "there are three", that's a discussion you don't want to have
@Flyk hahahahahahaha
@Flyk Three. Plus two hands. The sixth... well, that'll take some creative positioning.
Right, I need to brb a minute while I kill some kittens
@raz Pardon?
@Flyk also, if you review each queue individually, you'll only clear each post once, and you can often clear them from multiple queues at the same time and you get to those nice badgers faster then :)
@Iszi Now you were the last person I expected that line to come from. I did expect it, but from a different source
@Flyk hahahahahahahaha
@TildalWave you're reviewing wrong
tabbed browsing is a thing
SE doesn't handle it very well
@Flyk that's what I meant
@RoryAlsop brb edit grinding
effortless triple review the same post if you do it right
@TildalWave do you get the points in both queueueueues if a thing is reviewed in one
@RoryAlsop yes
there are some gotchas
@Flyk I did not know that#
He did not know that sharp.
if you cast a delete vote outside of the queue, you can't delete in LQP
also i didn't realize that when you flagged as duplicate it added a comment
but if you flag outside of the queue, you can refresh the page
@Ohnana usuk
i just thought everyone phrased things the same because hivemind
often I fail to do it in the queue because it's a pain to read context through the queueueue system, so I often come out of it and do my edits/messaging/deletion etc outside, so I'm guessing I get no review credit for them
@RoryAlsop nope, also your actions are binding since you're a mod
@Flyk Oh, I knew that :-)
@RoryAlsop I guess I hold back too much.
mostly I wait until something is at 3 or 4 votes anyway. Mostly </newt>
@Iszi I'm quite disappointed, it's a rather disgusting topic
@RoryAlsop only if you completed review in each queue ... but if some post is both in say first posts and late answers (sometimes it can be found also in low q ...) and you had all three open before the post was marked as reviewed by you, you can then do all kinds of magic to it ... downvote, flag, comment,... and you complete a review for that single post in multiple review queues. I'd sometimes even add a flag handling queue to the mix on space LOL
@Flyk not for everyone, though
@TildalWave oh - that's way too confusing
I don't really track these things
"vaginal and anal tearing"
@Ohnana Once you go black, you go deaf.
@Flyk that's one of my least favourite things to do
@Flyk /scream
Hahahah, so much for one week of borderline topics
@Flyk Both things you're perfectly capable of doing to yourself via natural means, without six other participants' assistance. So, what's the big deal?
@Iszi it's highly unlikely to occur with only two entrances.
A quick diversion - watch this guy's entrance!!!:
@Flyk Perhaps use a window?
ah, the virgin of the channel speaks
@RoryAlsop I know :) But I'd get really angry with myself if I miss one of the queues I don't have the gold badge yet and it was in it. Strategy ;)
@Flyk Wait... since when are you a guy? Oh, right. Chick in an internet chat room. Should have known better.
@Iszi -.-
@Flyk me? Erm...I have done it at least 3 times...
I think I just dislodged my brain by facedesking so hard
@RoryAlsop heh, no she means me because of how naive I am.
@RoryAlsop watch this guy's entrance somehow doesn't quite sound right just after @Flyk's ...only two entrances comment LOL
@RoryAlsop I thought you have more than three children?
@TildalWave ROFL
@Iszi the third is obviously an exit
Did Microsoft lose to the US Government yet?
@Flyk Well, all of them are usable as exits.
sure, but one is explicitly an exit only.
for me, anyway
(Hopefully not all at the same time. Rule 34 that, bitches!)
you... do what you want
@Flyk Is it labelled as such? Also, is there an emergency exit?
Ok, so two entrances and two hands... and some really, really creative positioning.
@Iszi pffffffffffft
Or extremely flexible legs and dextrous feet.
oh btw
Microsoft OneDrive is offering 100GB of free space to DropBox users
@Flyk they can shove it
@RoryAlsop Ah, right - the rockstar in the room should know!
@Iszi I need both feet for one, so I'm not sure how you'd do two
@Flyk knee pocket
:20213307 You don't need experience - just imagination. And when it comes to sex, guys have plenty of that by nature.
@Flyk Former life?
my pizza is here
Speaking of which, I really should get something to eat.
Avid is going to be so mad when he reads this.
So many removed comments
@Flyk Is that supposed to be a euphemism - something to do with the marinara sauce? If so, ew. But thanks for the warning.
@Kisunminttu Mine was just an accidental double-post.
@Iszi Is that a euphemism?
Awesome intro here, so disappointing when he starts singing:
turn the subs up loud for the intro
@Iszi no
(Watching some of the bands that will be at Download this summer - I'm not an Enter Shikari fan, but that intro amused me)
also, dammit, stop flirting with me, I ordered a pizza, not a date
@Flyk I wasn't
this time
@Iszi is flirting with you? Hey old man, I'm gonna tell my ex-mom.
@Flyk what if they bring pizza
if that was you who just delivered my pizza, then come back
but it wasn't
I know this as fact
he was too young
I hope this movie is less disappointing than the pizza
@Iszi there are some perks
I always imagined that life as a successful male is completely different
I could have sex with so many people and nobody would even care
oh look, there's a man, acting like a man
instead of
oh eugh, there's that slut
@Flyk well yeah women gossip about other women
@Flyk If you want to see a movie with a man not acting like a man, you should probably go watch The Birdcage.
so... Sneakers
I hope this movie is good
you're close to striking out
it's in 4:3 aspect ratio
-2000 points
@Flyk what ratio are films in these days?
is that a real question?
@Flyk Yeah - I have no idea. Admittedly I don't think I would care, but I still have no idea
Does it have black bars top and bottom?
16:9 or 16:10
no it has black bars left and right
Don't think I've seen that then. Although admittedly only my computer monitors are that ratio, and I don't watch films on my computer only on my TV
Even youtube I watch in wondows, not fullscreen
you have 4:3 monitors?
are they crts?
(not really a film geek, can you tell)
@Flyk no - my current monitors are 1600x1000 (ish) - but yeah I do still have some beautiful sgi badged Sony Trinitron CRTs
ok so you expect me to believe that in the 80s they could track down a hacker in real time?
@Flyk (shhh - NSA)
sorry Sabu aka @RoryAlsop
@Flyk heh
omg Dan Ackroyd
+1000 points
@Flyk did you see him on the snl 40th anniversary? He was soooooo old
@DavidFreitag snl is too american
@Flyk Have you seen the cast list. Some great folks there
@Flyk Yeah, I don't watch it either.
Ben Kingsley

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