I duno, Breaking Bad is probably in my top 10, but more because of the content, individual characters (Saul... seriously), drugs, violence, and it being pretty unique in the grand scheme of television
the main thing was that it wasn't the "same usual formula"
@DavidFreitag I played them all retrospectively, the communities associated with each told me I had missed out and that "I had to be there to fully understand"
presumably because the games in question happened at the time the internet was becoming a thing
@DavidFreitag OK the other one I mentioned before (space.stackexchange.com/questions/8198/…) got I think a satisfactory answer by now ... maybe still check it if you want
@DavidFreitag There's shitloads of documents on that on NTRS ... most changes that I see are re density (from sensors to memory devices) and advanced polling algos. Let me know if you need anything and I'll dig around ;)
@TildalWave Well, from what I understand radiation hardening is simply a means to attain a 100% reliability. Charged particles can cause random bits to flip in the CPU's registers randomly, and can even cause an erasure cascade in EEPROM/Flash memory
So really it all depends on the OP's version of 'feasibility'.
@Flyk also, if you review each queue individually, you'll only clear each post once, and you can often clear them from multiple queues at the same time and you get to those nice badgers faster then :)
often I fail to do it in the queue because it's a pain to read context through the queueueue system, so I often come out of it and do my edits/messaging/deletion etc outside, so I'm guessing I get no review credit for them
@RoryAlsop only if you completed review in each queue ... but if some post is both in say first posts and late answers (sometimes it can be found also in low q ...) and you had all three open before the post was marked as reviewed by you, you can then do all kinds of magic to it ... downvote, flag, comment,... and you complete a review for that single post in multiple review queues. I'd sometimes even add a flag handling queue to the mix on space LOL
@Flyk Both things you're perfectly capable of doing to yourself via natural means, without six other participants' assistance. So, what's the big deal?