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@AviD I am so joking
I happen to be the best at what I do. And what I do is very nice. Even if not graphically pleasing.
sec focuses on sec. dev focuses on dev. they work together and critique each other
portfolio link
@Ohnana strong disagree
@Flyk careers.so/avid
@AviD sounds too much like using stack exchange
@AviD justify?
i assume both are not morons and can work in a team without being pants-on-head or studbborn
@Ohnana sec is part of dev. Just as dev need to focus on UX, and performance, and maintainability, and a thousand other concerns, security is one of them.
a big one, surely, or even a meta-set of concerns. But it is dev's responsibility.
sec people are there to support and guide and help fill in gaps.
@AviD as a ball park figure, for 3 months of dev mixed discipline as a freelancer how much would you charge?
@Flyk depends for what
but hypothetically
3 months, full time, building out a website - gimme a second
though I usually would not price per month
build something in .net, some server admin/configuration, blah
but per project
well, ballpark, this isn't a quote
I just need to know so I can evaluate how stupid my friend is being
35-40K usd, probably
problem is, 3 months of dev never takes 3 months
I'm not going to give him money without owning at least half of his company, and I'm not owning a company that is going to get hacked in the week it goes up
@AviD it is. but with security, it's the details and the little things. Devs have enough work and bullshit, and I think they'd benefit from having a work buddy who understands these things
@AviD sure, it'll probably take a year
@Ohnana "work buddy", well put
@AviD that's not a bad salary, do people actually pay you that?
of course it also depends on the type of company, the technology depth, culture, etc etc
oh right, freelancing
@AviD yeah, ideally the sec person would have dev experience and help write the code and stuff
ignore last
that ^ was for @Ohnana
37 secs ago, by AviD
of course it also depends on the type of company, the technology depth, culture, etc etc
it gets confusing when there are 2 parallel conversations, of which I am part of both
I should be in neither.
lack of multitasking ability
nobody gives a damn what I say anyway
@Flyk I prefer focus
@AviD I see
though in this case, it wasnt my abilitiy, it was chat ambiguity
@AviD based on careers.so I'm guessing you'd very much require a Windows based server with IIS/ASP rather than a Linux server with PHP(LOL)
@Flyk heh, yeah
you need to go to careers.so for that, you havent caught that from me here?
I would likely need some kind of graphics designer as well
though I would pedant that into "ASP.NET" instead of "ASP"
@Flyk yeah, I suck at that.
so lol, four figures, now I'll go back and say "yeah you basically need €150k to make this work"
halfway decent at UX, but not the graphical design part
@Flyk don't forget hosting and rackspace!
@Flyk maybe he wants to do it himself?
@AviD looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
@Ohnana startups can typically get decently cheap/free cloud hosting.
@Ohnana meh, I can provision a server on my vm host
@Flyk I take from this that he doesnt write code himself...
that's literally the easiest part
@Flyk but there is still always some cost involved.
@AviD he can take apart cars, he struggles to turn a pc on
even if its easy.
@Flyk heh. Just the guy you want designed secure web servers for you.
@AviD the cost in this case would be absorbed by the free capacity on said host, though
You're an absorber.
that doesn't even make sense
go back to playing with your penis while thinking about your TB-3
right, you're already doing that
@Flyk doesnt mean there is none.
@AviD sure, but that's not really an expense I'm considering at this point
@Simon While I of course do enjoy this lowbrow humor, and tend to partake in it myself (okay hell I'll admit I practically invented that one), we are refraining from such humor during the moratorium.
@Flyk but he should be.
it should appear in the business plan regardless.
even if it gets summed out in the end, in case any circumstances change.
oh, this is me fleshing out his business plan because he doesn't get it
I'm already at the point where it will basically take him the next several years to break even on the initial investment
even more so, he should get that that is an expense he needs to consider
even if you are covering his butte for him.
and I really don't have 150k to blow on some side project
@Adnan-Adi Hehm well I got what was left after customs stole a bunch ;]
I do, however, now have enough solid information and educated guesses to talk him out of him making it my fault that his business idea didn't take off
and for me to have the conversation without being guilt tripped
just FYI, it is definitely possible to find cheaper devs. especially the kind that will give you a monthly rate.
I wonder if there is like a "careers.so" for "I will make music for your games if you pay me"
@AviD meh, cheap isn't better
of course, if you think working with professionals is expensive, you should see what working with amateurs is like.
@Flyk exactly.
just if he throws it up at you "ohh but I have 3 Indians that will work for 16$ a month!"
I'm not being racist here, that is pretty much a line I've heard used.
@AviD From experience, that is a terrible idea.
@DavidFreitag of course it is.
"yes but are they smart and dependable"
1 min ago, by AviD
of course, if you think working with professionals is expensive, you should see what working with amateurs is like.
@AviD The problem is when they meed the President/CEO/CIO at a conf somewhere and sell themselves as professionals.
@DavidFreitag yeah
PROTIP: A professional will price it for a working piece of software. Not manhours or manmonth.
Unless it is by definition defined as completely speculative.
cool, chrome just wet itself
Two years later the software is so late you decide to pull the source and finish it yourself. Only to find that what they have created is not "software" but a textual representation of satan himself.
in which case, its a sucky project.
@DavidFreitag heh. and usually a sucky representation at that.
@AviD guy works with cars, I will just give him the analogy of "that would be like letting chell [his girlfriend] work on your car"
heh nice
not that she's a girl, more like she struggles pointing out the correct end of a spoon, let alone a screwdriver
no sexism at all
@Flyk I don't think I could date someone like that..
he's always happy, I suspect she has talents elsewhere
I'm not entirely sure that would be enough for me. Maybe he feels powerful because he thinks he is so much more intelligent than she is.
who knows, the psychology of men is something that's always eluded me
the real question is, would @AviD be willing to sign one of my non-disclosure agreements
@Flyk is that a proposition?
Why would you want tigger to sign an NDA?
"hey baby, i got an NDA for ya..."
@Flyk I didnt assume
my super legally enforceable unless you run away into <list of countries>, in which case you're purely in hit man territory and the nda wouldn't even matter anyway
@Flyk we've already agreed, s/men/assholes/
@Flyk likely, if there is nothing onerous
I've signed plenty
very few I've regretted
now THERE is a story, but I cant tell you
because NDA
which is really the only reason I regret it
the irony is, I've breached every NDA I've ever signed
@Flyk yeah, I've found that NDAs are usually not enforcable, unless you could have enforced it anyway.
I've stopped asking for them, but clients still sometimes want
@Flyk uhhh
I know
@Flyk To the dungeon!
they were all pointless NDAs anyway, for computer games
most often the biggest use of NDA is so that everybody else doesnt know how clueless he is
that's the biggest secret
even though everybody already knows
("he" is not referring to your friend, just in general)
Hackers wasn't as good as I remember it to be
I might have been high last time
'course not, its dated
oh yeah, and its sucky
Hackers 2 isn't very good either
shame they never made a sequel to Hackers, though.
since Kevin Mitnick wasn't really a hacker, more into social engineering
asking for a password and then being given it is not hacking
that definition of hacking is also not hacking
cracking? no?
and Hackers 3 seems to be a piss take of Microsoft
I am just imagining that it's about Google
Hacking is such a shitty term anyway.
@Simon the cringe is real
...with an axe
aka your mouse had a bit of dirt on the bottom so it wiggled wrong
my floating head is typing this
@Ohnana Haha, yeah.
I think we should all start using that as an excuse for everything.
@AviD disagreed with me, I must have been hacked
COP: "Why were you speeding?"
EVERYONE: " I was hacked!"
@Simon said something clever, I must have been hacked
@RoryAlsop didn't age again, I must have been hacked
Teacher: "Were you copying on the test?"
Student: "I was hacked!"
"Did you cheat on me??"
"I was hacked!!"
No phone signal? Hacked
PC didn't boot? Hacked
Microwave exploded when you put a metal object in it? Hacked
Car didn't start? Hacked
"I just drove my car straight through the show window into the Walmart. I was hacked!"
Join chat? Hacked
Leave chat? Hacked
Blown up by ISIS? Hacked
Girl turns you down? Hacked
Boy turns you down also? Double hacked
Somebody needs to remaster "But I was high" into "But I was hacked"
Lads, I think we got the idea.
Kalina starred in chat? Hacked
Simon understood something? Hacked
replace that with "because I was hacked"
would be a hit at Defcon
I wanted to point out how your lyrics were wrong but I decided that donuts have feelings too.
@Flyk tfw
@Simon ?
"But I was high"
ahh, "but" -> "because". fair.
regardless, my point still stands
@Ohnana engels?
@Xander Imposter!
A: Is there a best practice to handle vulnerability scanning attempts?

Xander46You shouldn't worry with all those bots. Just continue watching porn in the server closet until everything clears up.

@raz wtf
A: Do processors need to be hardened against vibration?

David FreitagWell, yes and no. The most important feature for modern space-bound CPUs (aside from 100% reliability) is radiation hardening. Radiation hardening is considered at every step of the design process from the materials used to the configuration of the transistors in each internal circuit. These chip...

Let me know if something should be changed.
@DavidFreitag everything
start by clicking on the "delete" link
I have two options: do some schoolwork OR watch Breaking Bad se1ep1 (never seen the show)
@Kisunminttu school work
@Kisunminttu schoolwork
the first season of breaking bad needs to be watched as a binge
@Kisunminttu I would say if the school work is even remotely urgent do that instead.
@Flyk You're right.
then watch tv with no guilt
@Flyk s/first season/entire show
it's very very slow and doesn't really kick off until season 2
@Ohnana That will never happen. I always have more pressing matters.
most people get bored of Breaking Bad because of how tedious season 1 is
I never found breaking bad to be that good of a show. More of a timekill
@Flyk Good to know, cheers
@DavidFreitag the last couple of seasons are pretty good
the rest of it is above average though
"not deserving of the hype", until the last couple of seasons
@Flyk True, but even then it doesn't come close to my top 10 shows
but tbh, with the hype generated over Breaking Bad, it would have had to have surpassed an alien invasion or the proof of god

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