@Flyk but - is that useful? Would you come back in here and chat with us? If so, at some point we'd figure out that newname69 is actually kalina and then we'd have that linkage with the history
Similarly if someone asked about a friend's description, I wouldn't say they have long hair, blonde hair etc. Because it changes too rapidly and unpredictably
@AviD Although I have one friend with a massive mohawk. The colours change regularly, so I wouldn't say - the dude with the green mohawk - but he has had it for years so I may point over the crowd and say - HIM!
@RoryAlsop his eye colour changes naturally according to e.g. his clothes. It's a subtle, yet effective (according to the books) affect that helps disguise him.
@Flyk that always was awkward. I used to just dip the ends of my hair in a mix of hydrogen peroxide and ammonium hydroxide, and then when they went white (about 25 seconds) I'd rinse and dip them in purple, blue or whatever
right so now I suppose I'd best get a team of people designing this thing, since in my friendliness I have discussed an potentially profitable idea in public
I want to color my hair in some kind of green or blue, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be accepted when I arrive like that at work. Especially since I'm looking for a new job. I'm generally special enough already.
my main problem with wearing suits is the heat. even in shirtsleeves I'm on the verge of sweating through everything. Even in the winter everybody has their heat cranked up. as if it gets actually cold very often.
thats why I like my A/C cranked up and pointed straight down at me.