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@Xander on second thought I think I was confused, and am remembering mutexes and etc from VB, not VBScript.
I havent actually found a generic mutex implementation that supports IDispatch directly, at least not obviously.
So I am confused as to what this "mutex" object in ASP is.
3 hours later…
@AviD Yo momma.
3 hours later…
@TerryChia just in general?
Morning all
Q: John the ripper gets password on the first iteration but never again

Justin YappI have a shadow file with the following password hash (password= toor) root:$6$0w9WRuc5$ldas/kVEO40xeKnzBTWvt4IKMIQN2a5/eQ1xfKWC.6Hns19UNZVnj0KNt87CHOiiz2dq00klFUsVJBKvGM7Ri1:16079:0:99999:7::: and stored in a file called shadow1. When I run "john shadow1" I get john shadow1 Warning: detect...

Should we close?
@M'vy Always.
after that I will go look at the question.
I'm cranky this morning.
Ah ah
@LucasKauffman you have competition as official DMZ SongWriter
@M'vy I agree with @schroeder - an RTFM reason would be helpful :-)
@AviD from Taylor Swift?
@M'vy tag? really? WTF, 80 questions??
@RoryAlsop @M'vy was rapping up a storm
@AviD where?
2 mins ago, by M'vy
2 mins ago, by M'vy
Ah ah
urggh nevermind
I am not one with the clarity on this day.
hahahahaha - sorry. Mind was not in the same place :-)
Coffee awaits.
@AviD said in the same tone as "The Dude abides"
@RoryAlsop hehehe, yes, that was actually where my head was...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because you didn't read the manual or the program message. — AviD ♦ 14 secs ago
how's that?
@AviD All of them except 3 were about password or hash cracking. I have removed it from the other 3 as they were nothing to do with cracking, in any way. Which means we could replace cracking - it is now purely a synonym of
@RoryAlsop yaayyy!
@RoryAlsop you, sir, are my favorite moderator.
well - I still have to now go in and actually do the synonym bit, but yeah, okay :-)
hmm, should that maybe be ?
or for that matter...
well, the passwords tag includes cracking, currently
@RoryAlsop hmm
hash cracking would be 100% more acurrate, but no-one would use it
has 1458 posts
@AviD what you talking about?
@RoryAlsop then again, many people do use . unneccessarily.
@LucasKauffman yo momma
we could change [cracking] to [password-cracking]
that would work
or [password-cracking] even
I'll do that then :-)
@RoryAlsop is it all about pwd cracking though?
@AviD They all are, yes
had a quick look through
passwords on SQL, wifi, Unix, SAM etc
I am seeing some hash cracking, encryption cracking...
@AviD ahh - but look at the hash ones. Open them up and they're password hashes
@RoryAlsop fair enough
(caveat - I didn't actually open all 80-odd)
since OF COURSE hashes are only for passwords OF COURSE
but I did open the ones that looked different to basic password crack questions
license cracking
I'll sanity check
what have I just read?
who linked this ethernet cable to me
@kalina it's astonishing, isn't it
just... O_O
an idiot born every minute
the cable looks pretty, though
@kalina not sure that's the best reason. That said, I have some guitar cables bought because they are pretty (orange/blue glow) - but the cost increase was about a tenner, which is justifiable
wow that much lines. I just went for a cofee!
@M'vy espresso leads to smaller transcript read-back
@RoryAlsop all of my cables are pretty
@RoryAlsop Well it was a short one this time... but no more sugar, so I drank slowly :P
why is that worthy of starring
@AviD okay, of those 11, 3 should not have it
@kalina BIIK
@RoryAlsop I'm working through some of them
just because I have a collection of multi colored usb cables?
(Bu**ered If I Know)
so what I have pink usb cables
I have yellow ones too
I even have a blue one, somewhere
Ahh - stars may be indicating approval of colour
I certainly didn't pay more than 5€ per cable
the various analog cables are a different story, they're slightly more expensive and can't be seen, so they're all ugly black ones
@RoryAlsop some of those should be cryptanalysis.
I'm not ready for this week yet
actually a lot of them.
crap this rabbit hole is full of rabbit dung.
?? Really??
okay, one useless meta tag at a time.
@M'vy good idea.
every day this week, we will nuke one large overused useless meta tag.
starting with anything with "security" in the name.
Cleaning the sec.se one tag a day :)
how in hell do 1/3 of q's not have anything to do with modsecurity??
sure, come to a security site, type in "security" in the tag box and just randomly grab the first one you see.
I'll write a short meta topic then, so we can gather all the tags we want to clean
@M'vy oo good idea.
its important not to do too much at once, we dont want to flood the site
@AviD hahahahaha - wow
which we probably already did
one tag a day seems nice
@AviD yeah - I think a quick run through them to remove the cracker tag from cryptanalysis ones, then replace cracking with password-cracking
@RoryAlsop yeah I did a bunch. selected from that filtered list I linked earlier... sanitycheck if I missed any.
@AviD wilco
wow, unsurprisingly is so, so much worse.
out of 52 q's, I would guess no more than a dozen or so are actually ontopic there.
I am thinking of prefacing the wiki excerpt with something like "DO NOT USE THIS TAG IF IT IS NOT WHAT YOU MEAN!!"
another day, though
@AviD no one will read it :-(
@LucasKauffman you should do that, just go gradually more carl as time goes by
@RoryAlsop figure the first line or two pops up when you select the tag.... but you're correct.
Q: The great 2015 tag cleaning

M'vyWith every passing year and our growing popularity, we see lot of new questions. This is a good thing :) Due to the nature of question tagging, we are generating lots of new tags every week. It's not uncommon to have question that are mis-tagged, whether it's non relevant tags, redundant or meta...

nicely done :-)
Seems I can't CW that question, but I think you can edit the question by yourselves anyway
@M'vy added the tag
@RoryAlsop good :)
I've looked for references, have we done this in the past? Does not seems so, I linked Jeff's post instead.
@M'vy I'm not sure we have had to here - we have informally done bits, off the back of chat in the DMZ
Ah ah : just for the laugh you should see that one : meta.stackexchange.com/questions/60562/meta-tags-on-meta
Hum that's funny. Even though is a synonym of it shows as a different tag in the search area.
@AviD aviiiiiiiiiiiid what did you do?
btw. there are no way of knowing if a tag is a synonym or a tag with no questions unless you click on them.
Oh! I stand corrected: there are no "edit" link showing up on hover.
@RoryAlsop +1
@M'vy or one question
@AviD yeah one. not none :P
@M'vy oh! intersting.
or there would be no tag indeed.
@AviD there are now no posts responding to your search query :-)
@M'vy I mean, no way to tell between a tag with 1 question, or 0 questions (which would eventually be autodeleted).
@RoryAlsop :-)
@AviD still not the best use-friendly thing to be :P But I guess synonyms are already in the last pages cause they do not register questions counts anyway.
'Timezone DMZ. How was our weekends?
@AviD aviiiiiid what happened to @Simon's hands? aviiiiiiiiid
@BarryCarlyon ended 2 days ago. Way to be US-centric.
@LucasKauffman nice!
@AviD ouch :-(
@BarryCarlyon good good, weekend with the missus
@BarryCarlyon hehe.
@LucasKauffman are you suggesting that @AviD has the rumblies?
@BarryCarlyon that has bitten me in the heinie more than a few times. More than timezone differences.
Nice week-end. There has been skiing on saturday :)
@RоryMcCune indeed, plus in theory, human hands should be kosher right?
grand! Friday night was 4 hours driving, 2 hours gig, 4 hours driving, 3 hours sleep. Saturday was 3 hours driving, 4 hours gig, 5 hours driving, 2 hours sleep....
heavily caffeinated today
btw @M'vy re selection strategy, we need to come from both ends - we need to catch new tags that shouldnt exist, and also review some of the older, more popular ones that are likely misused.
@LucasKauffman uhhh no, not at all
Sounds like we all had a good one :-)
especially not @Simon's
private beta :(
@LucasKauffman oh is it still?
hadnt been there for a while.
having a caramel latte at the moment - the Matthew Algie on my floor is out of Vanilla!!!
oo yeah looks like it stalled a bit
I'll have to wander to the canteen for a boring old Nescafe.
yea $client here has shitcoffee as well :( sucks
I should bring my aeropress
@BarryCarlyon I dont want to make you jealous, but I just AeroPressed a cup of fresh roasted Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. DEE.LISH.IS.
I'm the only technical person at a Arts and Crafts shop… So coffee choice is limited.
@AviD I think the meta-topic is well suited for the large-scale tags. Smaller tags can be purged quickly without much disturbance anyway
shakes fist at @AviD
@LucasKauffman oh tell me something. did you get that metal filter, or are you using paper filters?
@AviD this sentence just makes no sense Aviiiiiiiid. What did you do with all the Ethiopians Aviiiiiiiiiid
@AviD paper still
@AviD is the metal one better?
@RoryAlsop hahaha
@LucasKauffman there was a question there about getting crema from aeropress. I can never get it, @Abby claims consistently good crema. Only difference (besides beans, but mine are likely better), is the metal filter. Curious if thats the difference.
@M'vy true, but they can be floated here too.
@AviD yeah - helps for a quick sanity check and to chat about whether too much bumping to the front page is happening
p.s. I am loving the star wall right now
just as I was thinking about sanity checks
@RoryAlsop excellent
@RoryAlsop Funny enough, I never use the "front" page and just pop the newest questions link :)
@M'vy For ages I didn't realise they were different, and got very confused
@LucasKauffman oooo
hmm. multiple paper filters might work instead of the metal filter, apparently.
but I was on the right track.
and, to show my appreciation....
(wait for it...)
(or hit refresh)
aaand the star-wall is back to it's usual self
@RоryMcCune a bunch of psychopaths with a history of violence, how is this still a surprise to you?
@AviiiiiiiiiD well it usually has more quotes from @kalina and @Simon on it..... Aviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid what did you do with @kalina and @Simon ???
@RоryMcCune it was kinda a quote -ish :-)
@AviiiiiiiiiD I know, thus my kind of in cartoon response :)
I'm thinking they're going to end the series at number 12
@RоryMcCune heh, well it was subtle, wasnt sure it was unambiguous enough
@AviiiiiiiiiD nah I just read the line in Carls voice and it made sense...
sooo.... everything I say is now going to be read in Carl's voice?
well everything YOU say will be in Paul's voice ;-)
@AviiiiiiiiiD yes
@AviiiiiiiiiD ah no @LucasKauffman is paul
he's a llama and everything
@RоryMcCune yeah it was aimed at him, since I expected him to answer.
enters the room YOU ARE ALL MAD! leaves
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
@Arperum That should be the automatic welcome message for new visitors.
@AviiiiiiiiiD points to room description That place can contain messages for everyone.
@Arperum you can contain messages for everyone.
I'm confused. Didn't kicks involve a one minute ban since some time? Because I'm pretty sure I was just kicked, but not banned.
twasnt I
@Arperum ahh I assumed that after your messsage you'd deliberately dropped
@AviiiiiiiiiD Your mom contains everyone.
@Arperum you're a mom.
@RоryMcCune I did, but got dropped a second time unwanted.
@AviiiiiiiiiD I fortunately don't have any spawn running around, nor am I female. So the part where I'm a mom is pretty impossible.
@Arperum you're impossible
no, you're @Simon's mom.
@AviiiiiiiiiD I agree on that one.
@AviiiiiiiiiD Wat. No.
@AviiiiiiiiiD aviiiiiiiid, aviiiiiiiid your work isn't finished here yet aviiiiiiid
Ah hahahahahahaha - perfect @AviiiiiiiiiD - I only just got the refresh now
@LucasKauffman Is he related to that Aviiiiiiici dude that does music stuff?
Hey llama, there’s an endless amount of hats to re-discover. Hey, Aviiiiid know the water's sweet but blood is sweeter. Oh, if the knife comes thrusting down from you,
There’s nothing in this world that slashes harder than youuuuu.
@LucasKauffman I assumed that was an Avici lyric, but had to google. I think you have recemented your position as top Sec.SE lyricist.
@LucasKauffman turns out the only Aviiiiiiiici song I know is through this Red Hot Chilli Pipers version:
but damn thats impressive. They've managed to make a gang of bagpipes not sound horrid.
that is some fine musicianship.
and I just got that they are NOT the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but the Pipers.
that's just unappropriate.
@AviiiiiiiiiD Aviiiiiiid, Aviiiiid, why are they're bagpipers lying on the floor chopped into pieces? Aviiiid
What happened to @AviiiiiiiiiD?
Why is he now @AviiiiiiiiiD?
@AviiiiiiiiiD it's cos they have bagpipes....
@TerryChia llamas with hats
Cool, PolarSSL got bought out by ARM and relicensed to Apache!
@RoryAlsop yeah I got that
3 mins ago, by Rory Alsop
@AviiiiiiiiiD it's cos they have bagpipes....
@AviiiiiiiiiD hahahahaha
2 hours ago, by Lucas Kauffman
@AviD aviiiiiid what happened to @Simon's hands? aviiiiiiiiid
I'm guessing mentioning @AviiiiiiiiiD is now an insta-star thing?
@TerryChia gawd I hope not
@TerryChia why, whatever do you mean? :-)
lol youre useless
@AviiiiiiiiiD you're a useless
@RoryAlsop 10/10
so how did I become the Carl in this story?
@AviiiiiiiiiD You're #Simoning again. Or should that be Siiiiiiiiiiimon
@RoryAlsop okay, I've got it.
The idea of the month.
@RoryAlsop you should wear a Paul mask next time you're on stage, instead of the Doktor.
or on top of the Doktor.
you'd even have the creepy flashy eyes already built in.
@AviiiiiiiiiD That would be excellent - wonder what percentage of our audience would get it...
@RoryAlsop You should wear a tigger mask.
@TerryChia you're a tigger mask.
@AviiiiiiiiiD @AviiiiiiiiiD!
2 hours ago, by Arperum
enters the room YOU ARE ALL MAD! leaves
@AviiiiiiiiiD 10/10
we should change the room description to "A bunch of dangerous sociopaths with a history of violence".
@AviiiiiiiiiD #simon would be shorter.
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman now photoshop that on top of Doktor Mayhem.
can do that
will do that
room topic changed to The DMZ: A bunch of dangerous sociopaths with a history of violence. [donuts] [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [rory] [security]
room topic changed to The DMZ: A bunch of dangerous sociopaths with a long history of violence. I don't understand how you keep forgetting that. [donuts] [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [rory] [security]
@AviiiiiiiiiD Lovely!
@ScottPack and other room owners / mods, feel free to put it back.... soon.
think we still seem welcoming enough to new people?
@AviiiiiiiiiD "appropriately" welcoming
@AviiiiiiiiiD If they can't handle that they can't handle us.
> You sit there in your fancy uniform, Lieutenant.
Hello @TerryChia
You are right: you found a bug in my implementation of Makwa
> But deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you WANT me on that llama. You NEED me on that llama.
@ThomasPornin WAT
A bug is a bug.
@ThomasPornin pops the champagne :)
you're a bug.
and @TerryChia found you.
@AviiiiiiiiiD gets eaten by a bear
@TerryChia I assume you will be putting this on your resume.
@AviiiiiiiiiD lol
Anyway, it is easy to fix: just add 'case 0:' before the 'case MAKWA_SHA256:'
In what? Honors and awards?
@TerryChia @AviiiiiiiiiD already cooked all the bears.
@M'vy The.Biggest.Honor.Evar.
@AviiiiiiiiiD @AviiiiiiiiiiiiiiD - these sausages taste an awful lot like bear. Has anyone seen the bears?
@RoryAlsop wait till you see the surprise.
@RoryAlsop I have eaten some bear once. Not that tasteful after all.
It was polar bear; I guess that's what you get from an animal that eats seals.
@ThomasPornin ever eat llama?
@AviiiiiiiiiD Not knowingly.
baby llamas of course. you cant use just any llama meat.
And your new name is ridiculous.
@ThomasPornin Hmm. @RoryAlsop?
@ThomasPornin hahaha, true.
have you watched them?
@ThomasPornin What, no, what? You are Thomas Pornin, the Chuck Norris of crypto and programming.
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman apparently @TerryChia is the Bruce Lee of bugs.
@AviiiiiiiiiD llama is yummy
@AviiiiiiiiiD :D
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman I meant, cooked as meat. Not licked for mutual enjoyment.
@ThomasPornin Aye, will you update the published code anytime in the near future?
you get to claim that accomplishment
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman Woo does it means we got to make a ThomasPornin facts website?
show it off in your github profile.
"Patched by Terry 'Bruce Lee' Chia"
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman Stop. You're making me blush.
@AviiiiiiiiiD llama is good. Not eaten bear as far as I am aware
@RoryAlsop @ThomasPornin now you both have a goal.
@AviiiiiiiiiD That's racist.
@RoryAlsop I wonder if Ken Allan sells his for meat?
@TerryChia why...?
oh haahaha!!
I did mean, of course, as Bruce Lee was the only one to ever beat Chuck Norris.
And he's dead now.
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman pfffffft - I thought you meant he has bears
@AviiiiiiiiiD Aviiiiid, Aviiiiid, why did you kill @TerryChia?
2 mins ago, by AviiiiiiiiiD
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman I meant, cooked as meat. Not licked for mutual enjoyment.
@AviiiiiiiiiD Yeah, that's totally not a euphemism.
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman well, you know, one minute you're washing your car, the next minute you're dropping an atomic bomb on Singapore. These things happen.
@TerryChia "tasted llama"....?
no way Imma lettin' llamaboy here get away with that one.
@AviiiiiiiiiD "licked for mutual enjoyment"
@TerryChia I was being subtle.
oh no, did I kill the chat.
@AviiiiiiiiiD You're as subtle as the a-bomb on Hiroshima.
so that makes 1001 things I've killed today.
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman you're an a-bomb.
@AviiiiiiiiiD #simon
and no fair using a-bomb references twice in less than 5 minutes.
@AviiiiiiiiiD "If you're having llama problems, I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 mental problems, but Paul ain't one"
@AviiiiiiiiiD it's 102, not 1001
One Hundred and Two H-Bombs is a collection of science fiction stories by Thomas M. Disch. It was first published by Compact Books in 1967. The stories originally appeared in the magazines Fantastic, Worlds of Tomorrow, Amazing Stories, If, New Worlds, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and Bizarre! Mystery Magazine. == Contents == Introduction" "102 H-Bombs" "The Sightseers" "Final Audit" "The Vamp" "Utopia? Never!" "The Return of the Medusae" "The Princess’ Carillon" "Genetic Coda" "White Fang Goes Dingo" "The Demi-Urge" "Dangerous Flags" "Invaded by Love" "Bone of Contention" "Leader of the...
@RoryAlsop hmm? No, that was a Carl-ism. as in, already killed 1000 orphans today.
@AviiiiiiiiiD aviiiiiiid, aviiiiiid, why did you kill all the orphans?
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman what would you rather I didn't kill the orphans? I don't understsand you at all anymore, Paul.
@AviiiiiiiiiD You are just, terrible today!
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman I did have a rather big breakfast, so that might be having an effect. Oh look, it seems I swallowed an entire person.
okay seriously, enough already. That show is sickh.
And the worst part is I could probably write a worse episode.
@AviiiiiiiiiD aviiiiiiiiiiid, you promissed you wouldn't eat people anymore for breakfast aviiid
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman and I promised not to explode orphanages too, and look how that turned out.
@AviiiiiiiiiD I'm really disapointed in you Avid
Burning orphans is like my least favorite activity.
an unrelated aside: how many stars do we get each day? :-)
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman I... didn't realize you were a guy.
@RoryAlsop TOO MANY.
@AviiiiiiiiiD: so you do burn orphans then?
@AviiiiiiiiiD Why Aviiiid, is it because of my pink hat?
@Lucas'Paul'Kauffman no, you just seem effeminate.
@RoryAlsop 20/room IIRC.
don't worry, we can send @ScottPack to verify you.
@Arperum :-) I can test that...
@RoryAlsop TWSS
@RoryAlsop going to star the whole sandbox?
@Arperum you never can tell with stars
@RoryAlsop Life is like a box of stars. you never know what you're gonna get.
@RoryAlsop I think pin/unpin might cheat the system though.
@AviiiiiiiiiD hydrogen fusion burns on your tongue, for one
That also works to star your own messages
@Arperum At some point we'll rattle through and clean them off, but for now it's vaguely amusing.

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