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@Xander literally the smartest decision anyone can make
4 hours later…
mornin' all
1 hour later…
just walked past a mirror on the way back up here with breakfast
must have accidentally completed the circuit in my sleep or something, hair... everywhere
@schroeder you're*
@kalina youv'e got a bit of a bee in your bonnet about that one, huh?
yes, it's like a nervous twitch
youre a nervous twitch
well yes, I am quite nervous in any environment that I don't own
it's no good, I'm going to have to spend an hour straightening my hair
@kalina I never had that happen to me from just sleeping. Headbanging ties my hair in the worst possible knots, but for the rest I have no issues.
I have long naturally wavy hair that behaves most of the time but seemingly randomly just explodes into frizzyhell
I suspect that some nights I sleep badly but not badly enough to actually wake up
resulting in lots of rolling around
I have long non-wavy hair (the right word has been wiped from my memory for some reason). And it seems to be quite knot resistent And not resulting in hair explosions.
straight hair?
wavy hair is not knot resistant
in fact, it seems to actively knot itself
granted my hair has been chemically abused to change its color so many times that I guess I've given up the right to complain
yup. That's the word. And I couldn't even google translate it because the brainpurge even purged the dutch word (and the worst part is that before I started typing I still knew it)
that's basically the story of my life
somebody should invent a knife that toasts bread as it cuts it
I have a USB lighter now
possibly the simplest idea ever
even I could have made it
@kalina is that like the low fat version?
@RoryAlsop thats a nasty trick. Trying to tease me with Ingress.... you know they are prejudiced against me for my platform beliefs!
it's a battery with a piece of high resistance wire and a usb port and a switch to turn it on and off
usb charges the battery, battery puts power through the wire, wire gets hot, hot lights joint
it's a lighter without any actual fire
which makes it kalina-safe
@kalina very important feature
very important feature
no more burnt hair
@kalina unless you're smoking soap bar.
@AviD :-) actually - I thought I'd send out a bunch of invites in one batch, and then not send any more - so I don't accidentally send multiples to the same person
and Morning
@RoryAlsop mornin'
@AviD s/youre/you're
@RoryAlsop i think mr D was doing that deliberately to aggravate @kalina 's twitch
@kalina my youngest has hair she can sit on - so at night I put it in a ponytail with about 10 scrunchies down the length of it. Otherwise she wakes looking like Cthulhu
@RoryAlsop why would you not want a child that looks like Cthulhu!
@RоryMcCune the personality goes along with the look
2 hours to get most of the tangles out is not a good use of time
especially when the worst tangles need to be cut out
@RoryAlsop youre a missing punctuation
@RоryMcCune lol
@AviD 10/10 #Simon
@RoryAlsop mine isn't quite that long, but it loses quite a bit of length in its wavyness
comes down to the middle of my back if I straighten it out
@kalina funny, @Simon said exactly that just yesterday
@AviD I don't care
@kalina what? no.
I'm not interested in your immaturity yet, wait until after the third coffee
aahh okay
yeah I havent had coffee yet - I'm out :-(
I might even put sugar in this one
good point - I've had a Vimto, but no caffeine yet - what was I thinking?
so I have the motivation to actually do something other than just hack all this hair off
@kalina shave your head and donate the hair to a cancer organization.
eww no
dammit 3 times I had to fix that. I guess my fingers really want a donut
not eww at cancer
eww at being hairless
@AviD I always wondered about that. Is it actually that useful, or would they prefer a few thousand pounds?
@kalina right right, poor hairless kids who are dying.
@AviD my hair isn't going to change that
@RoryAlsop probably both.
@AviD now that is some poor planning right there
but yeah, especially kids have a hard enough time. Being bald on top of everything - as a kid - is kinda kicking them when theyre down.
not all kids, but many would really appreciate it.
and wigs are just not the same.
I donate a significant sum to charities and while I don't feel it's enough I'd rather not be given a hard time about the subject
my daughter did that a few years ago
not the shaving head part, just cutting off a lot of long hair
I spent my entire life growing my hair
and I don't care that it's half dead and partially lifeless
@RоryMcCune I know, I always forget to order on time :-(
it's still my hair
@kalina hey I'm not hassling you about that
it was just a suggestion
@AviD I keep expecting youngest to ask if she can - she is very into helping others. I think though she raises more money being small and blonde and cute than she would with it cut off
@RoryAlsop hahaha
@kalina I miss mine
"I am keeping my hair - for charity!"
"I am doing a makeover - for charity!"
@AviD I'm serious - being photogenic definitely gets more newspaper inches
"I need a nose job - for charity!"
@RoryAlsop no doubt
So her wee smiling face has been over all the local papers
@RoryAlsop aww bless
whereas I only get in the papers with a scary mask on :-)
@RoryAlsop I will never cut off my hair
I might go blonde before I'm 25, so I can just prove to myself that blondes have an equal amount of fun to brunettes
I might go blonde before the end of the year
but my it's just so much sitting around for hours while somebody plays with your hair
and I can't do sitting around for hours
and DIY kits always look manky
@kalina take a tablet/smartphone/laptop avoid boredom!
'morning folks
@RоryMcCune or a nap
@AviD I was going to stay exactly the same
(Us old folks, eh)
any chance for a nap
@AviD woah, sleeping in public is a big no no
last night I took a nap when putting kids to sleep, woke up at 4 am to go to bed.
@kalina you obviously have never been tired enough to fall asleep while standing on a bus.
@RоryMcCune my phone battery would drain in the time it takes to change teh color of my hair from a dark to a light
@AviD I have obviously never been standing on a bus
@kalina battery extender packs FTW
@kalina you should try using a non-crap phone. Yknow, something other than android.
@AviD you're an iPhone user, I thought it was accepted in the technical world that iPhone users do not have an opinion on mobile phones?
@RоryMcCune yeah that looks attractive
Or a tablet?
here, take this nice pretty work of art phone with a metal body and triple its size or hang a bunch of cables out of it
@kalina I completely agree on your opinion of iPhones and their Users. I would never choose to use one.
and no, I am NOT an iPhone user. I find that suggestion to be offensive.
@RoryAlsop nobody looks cool using a tablet in public
@kalina iphone...work of art? oh dear
@RoryAlsop htc one
@kalina I would. Mine would have lasers
@kalina in that case - yeah, it's quite nice
the first one, not the new one
since the new one is HUGE AND TOO BIG FOR MY TINY HANDS
@kalina TWSS
it's actually not, I just prefer to not have a phone that is that large
@AviD I had to reword my next line twice, at first it was "don't want something that big in my hands"
which is obviously a conflict with my actual feelings on the matter
I just burned myself with my flameless lighter
apparently there doesn't need to be fire for it to get hot
right, productivity time starts now
good idea
end of productivity time
my hair is now fixed more maintained than when I went to bed
now playtime?
while performing the previous task I took the opportunity to review all of the noises I've arranged this year
now I have a good idea that I have basically achieved nothing of value so far
fortunately, it is not an issue
@kalina 'noises' :-) and if they reached your criteria, they would be 'music', yes?
I am going to stick with the word "noise", "music" is too subjective and differs based on who you ask
everything I've made this year sounds very sad and emotional
I guess I really did go full Taylor Swift
for shits and giggles, I might subvert the whole hardstyle genre, for a future lulz reveal where I can mess with Simon
replace all my kickdrums with more distorted equivalents
@kalina that's a worthy cause, but I'm not sure the rest of the world could cope
I don't think I could either
too much noise, not enough dynamics
I am booked in for a blondification
it's the third time in my life I will have been a blonde
@kalina that was a quick decision!
I thought you were still havering about it
well, it will be easier to undo that to do
and it's a required step to go full TS
@kalina TS?
@RоryMcCune Taylor Swift. Keep up.
@TerryChia So taylor swift is so fundamental now that we have to abbreviate her name to TS?
TS.. more like BS :op
@RоryMcCune Yes. She's a shining beacon in the train-wreck of an industry that is infosec.
Today is the one year anniversary of this 6-week project.
@RоryMcCune I am merely considering the frequency of which said name appears in this google indexed room
shoulda got N1989TS
@kalina ah so the concern is that we end up inundated with swiftites
probably not, the signal to noise ratio on that particular topic will certainly leave this room out of the first 100 pages of the index
I'm bored and I'm synthesizing trumpet sounds
@kalina I'll avoid the obvious rude joke there
there was no obvious rude joke there
@kalina well not to you anyway :)
I didn't say I was playing the trumpet
sucking, slurping and gagging don't count as trumpet noises
@kalina that wasn't the joke
@kalina it wasn't in any way related to that
neither does the obligatory dirty talk to make your partner feel like the man
wait, this is going to be safer if you just tell me what you were thinking and I avoid doing the same
you're an obligatory dirty talk
@AviD only on coffee #2, and this doesn't make sense
it doesnt need to
I am going to actually not drink a third coffee today
just so we can have a semi normal discussion
@kalina s'easy trumpet close to "truimping" a euphamism for farting, so the joke goes "were you synthesizing the trumpet naturally or electronically"
its just like your face
@RоryMcCune truimping?
that's not a word that I recognize
and neither does google
no wonder I wasn't following
@kalina neither does your face
you talk about my face a lot, that's some serious infatuation you've got going on there
@kalina easy to see how one letter can confuse you :op
I feel like I am the one being trolled
by like, both of you
@kalina who us... troll you... a sohpisticated TS themed hardstyle DJ
BTW I take it you'll have that market niche cornered?
if that was the market I was in, I would have cornered it
like, already
but it's not, so I haven't
as a matter of fact, I purposely avoid small genres to avoid the big fish small pond effect
which is a little sad, because I grew up listening to a lot of hard dance, and hard dance genres are slowly dying
@kalina ahh I thought you did hard style stuff. So what genre do you do?
no, Simon wants me to make hardstyle
I'm certainly not answering your other question
@kalina ah too much of a give away?
@RоryMcCune some obscure sub-sub-subgenre that is virtually undifferentiatable from hardstyle by all except the few adherents to each.
@AviD I'm afraid I can't think of all these different dance genres without just thinking of Burnistouns jump style sketches
Damn, Agent Carter is a great show.
dammit man, I've got work to do
Anyone all caught up yet?
@TerryChia yeah it is.
@TerryChia I'm a week behind. No spoilers.
@AviD Ooooh! The latest one is Howling Commandos week. :)
urggh sooo hard to start the work week Thursday at 3PM...
dont forget friday is the weekend here already.
@AviD There's always next week. :)
you must be a mathematician.
anybody know what guarana is?
my double-kick fake redbull is spiked with that and "mate".
Guarana (/ˌɡwɑrəˈnɑː/, from the Portuguese guaraná [ɡwaɾɐˈna]), Paullinia cupana, syn. P. crysan, P. sorbilis) is a climbing plant in the maple family, Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basin and especially common in Brazil. Guarana features large leaves and clusters of flowers, and is best known for the seeds from its fruit, which are about the size of a coffee seed ("bean"). As a dietary supplement, guarana is an effective stimulant: its seeds contain about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee seeds (about 2–4.5% caffeine in guarana seeds compared to 1–2% for coffee seeds). As...
w0000t stimulants! double the caffiene as coffee!
also - whoa! @RоryMcCune I just finished reinstalling Checkmarx on a proper Win2013 Server machine - and it is FAST!
@AviD Vs a VM?
dont know if its just because I swapped to Server, or if its the MSSQL/IIS (instead of the embdded DB/webserver) - or if they did a ton of performance improvements, but wow.
@AviD Oh.
@TerryChia hmm? no, still a VM, but server-level specs. Fixed memory (vs dynamic), more cores, and NOT Win8.
I still wish I can afford a checkmarx license to play with. :)
While I love the results, I would dread clicking on anything in the web ui. now its nearly isntantaneous.
this is likely largely to do with the actual DB backend, but curious if there is anything else going on.
@TerryChia hell, I cant
@AviD Maybe they rewrote it in io.js?
@TerryChia hehehe
riiiight that muuust be it
@AviD What? It's webscale.
Using MongoDB in place of MSSQL will probably get you a 10x performance boost.
obligatory, for those not familiar
still love that
> "You turn it on and it scales right up"
@AviD I miss the guarana chocolate Boost. Not sure why they don't make that one any more
jeeeez car salespeople are a sleezy bunch.
even if you assume most of your customers are as bad at math as you are, why would you assume none of them will simply open a calculator, and call you on your bullshit?
@AviD They expect a certain percentage to call them out on their bullshit, then give these the correct price (or excuses or some other nonsense). But most people won't check it out.
People are dumb. Real dumb.
but it was blatantly obvious! even @Simon could have been able to tell that his numbers arent making sense!
actually.... dammit. I am sooo stupid.
those obviously wrong numbers were a "blue button". or a "Queen's duck".
@AviD pls
@AviD wat
it was intentional that I notice - so that I dont notice that I'm being screwed from the other end.
he gets me to focus on calling him on the mistakes and pushing him on the numbers, when he has the whole legal department lining up behind me.
it was simply a distraction for the less dumb.
2 mins ago, by Arperum
People are dumb. Real dumb.
@AviD ah. that's really sleazy
no, its brilliant!
You're brilliant.
@Ohnana those are classic examples of managing clueless PMs. Since they feel they always need to make substantial comments to the program, you give them something obvious to focus on.
@AviD neat
like a button that is too blue - it is simple to change, and look! he added value.
I would like to make an announcement this morning.
or a chess game, with an animated duck that goes wherever the queen goes.
I still haven't died from my severe cold but this should happen soon enough. If you have something to tell me before I go back to hell, it's now or never.
@Simon youre an announcement.
Or until Satan gets annoyed too much by me again.
@Simon can I have your computer
@Ohnana What would you do with my Macbook?
@Simon sell it on CL
or attempt to put fedora on it
You don't deserve it then.
youre a deserveitthen.
much fatigue very fatigue w0w
@Simon you need a DoubleKick(tm) fakeredbull with added mate and guarana
Or to absolutely molest this cup of coffee.
@kalina Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Also @Ohnana.
@Simon eh?
@Ohnana "Wanna come at my place tonight? We'll just watch a movie"
@Simon people don't proposition me
You're such a downer.
@Simon you asked
Also, were you Canadian in another life?
@Simon FTFY
@Simon FTFY
@Simon i don't have other lives. just this one

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