@Ohnana well given that a large part of several multi-billion dollar companies revolves around these techs, how much do you want a bet that management in those co's isn't aware of this....
@raz I'm going to abandon the notion of kernel space/user space and just give all my users full rights to tinker in the kernel. For performance, you understand.
I am going to build a major website and instead of worrying about such things as sql injection and what not, I'll just give everybody a nice and easy to find link that allows them to run commands as root
@RoryAlsop sucks! one benefit of relative isolation is reduced illness! that said I have a feeling it makes me more susceptible when I do venture into the busy places...
The request validation in .Net 4.5 has been further tightened, and my previous methods of bypassing it no longer work. (e.g. <input onfocus="..." autofocus/>).
Are there any publicly known ways to bypass .Net 4.5 request validation, for XSS?
@RоryMcCune yep - but you can give them a call and let them know that you are speaking and will require a space. That would get one reserved for you just in case
Hacker Fantastic is a whitehat who enjoys writing software, tinkering with computers and everything security related. Electronics & Radio enthusiast. @MDSecLabs
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The request validation in .Net 4.5 has been further tightened, and my previous methods of bypassing it no longer work. (e.g. <input onfocus="..." autofocus/>).
Are there any publicly known ways to bypass .Net 4.5 request validation, for XSS?
I am watching very closely how the latest proposed legislation goes - as it will seriously impact on that close reason. Personally I thought this one was ok, a bit unclear for me - but my assumption wa sthat it was because I don't do much in that area, so I left it alone.
@paj28 I'd vote to reopen if you clarify a bit, maybe add that link (so I don't have to add it to the million favorites where I'll never find it again LOL)
@Simon Breaking a specific systems means either a) a system that's too specific for us to know about, or b) for other future users to care about, and often some combination of both. (E.G., Here's an encrypted string, how is it encrypted and how can I decrypt it?)
@paj28 BTW, Microsoft doesn't consider request validation to be a security boundary any longer...Only a defense in depth tool. So, a website that's relying on that alone should be a finding in and of itself, if you have that knowledge.
@Simon Most VtC is subjective to some degree. It's about making reasonable judgments as to whether the content is more generally useful than to the single person asking about it.
@paj28 also IIRC it's limited in terms of the parameters it checks so some data can bypass it. A rather contrived example would be a site that reads header info (e.g. User agent) and replays it, wouldn't be caught by request validation
@paj28 also and I'm scraping my memory hear, it doesn't cover the parameter name, just the value, so in the unlikely case that the dev. renders the parameter name back it'll bypass as well
@paj28 I don't think so but I haven't seen a recent enough example to say... but a decent scenario for a modern app is data entering the application via an API which won't hit it, is then rendered