I'm going to visit reddit:nosleep... and read all the horrifying creepy stories and then think about them at night, when I'm home alone, in the dark, wrapped inside my blanket, all scared and sweaty.
don't worry though, chances are with such a blunt and largely irrational refusal to do something that there is an alternative me that uses reddit and never uses stack exchange
I've got ASCII message. I convert it to binary - then I've got 8*(ASCII message length) bits - let us assume this value will be called n. I have to negotiate key, which length (after conversion to binary) will be equal to n. Is there any possibilty to do that? Do I have to choose specific random ...
Hello. I heard recently about Steve Gibson's SQRL. I wanted to ask about the security of this, but I see that this older question exists: security.stackexchange.com/questions/43374/… Is it appropriate to basically ask this same question again here a year later? I am wondering if there has been changes that would change the answer.
@AviD: I didn't mean that you should watch it. I was just wondering if there where anything new about it (something that might have caused the talk to take place).
@AviD: Yes, I have already seen that page (it still seems a bit outdated though).
huh. @Iszi @ScottPack - just had a brilliant idea for a several-episode arc for next season of #Scorpion. He meets up with Gibson, first seeing him as a rival/enemy, and then they come to realize they are they same, and become best BFF friends foreevsies.
Then you can have a spinoff starring Gibson hisself.
@kisu - The Shining. The first time I watched Event Horizon (when Kylie Minogue want distracting me) and the first time I saw Alien. They were quite scary
@Xander - no worries
@kisu - I enjoy a good suspense horror, but for horrors don't do anything for me. At all.
Saw - bag of crap nonsense with a plot so transparent my 5 year old nephew could see through it. If I let him watch the bad special effects gore