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@AJHenderson we have a line?
anyway given our usual over the line merchant is AWOL in hipster-land, someone should really fill his shoes...
@RоryMcCune @AviD hasn't been around lately?
@TerryChia he's around on twitter but I've not seen him in here in aaages
guess $hipster_co must be keeping him busy
@RоryMcCune Pfft Twitter. Typical hipster.
@TerryChia he's probably got an ello.co account too
@RоryMcCune Wait, what the hell is that?
@TerryChia it's a hipster social network , no ads , invite only ello.co/friends
@RоryMcCune Interesting...
It's amusing how the profile pictures they display on their landing page is repeated a lot of times.
it really blew up before they were ready, so they have been slowly ramping up the numbers, unfortunately for them the hype will likely have completely died down before they get a good userbase
@RоryMcCune oh yes, there is a line
1 hour later…
Just found an obscure XSS vuln in stack overflow
@ManishEarth nice! do they have a bug bounty programme, or will Internet points be your only reward?
@RоryMcCune my name gets listed here? stackexchange.com/about/security
doubt hey have a bounty program
It's scary. I decided to look for sec bugs, took me 3 minutes.
@ManishEarth yoinks nice find
The vuln basically lets me XSS most visitors.
My own sockpuppet-maker :p
@ManishEarth ooh so stored or reflected?
@RоryMcCune stored
@ManishEarth nice
I'll give the details once they fix it
@ManishEarth yeah that'll be interesting to see :)
It's a whopper, but a bit special. Can't reveal too much without it being guessed
@ManishEarth Neat. :)
1 hour later…
this is why i love my GF
she's at central station now, and got approached by this random dude handing out flyers, and trying to convert people to his religion (some form of protestanism or something)
and she went like "wololololo yourself"
My parents are fairly hardcore hindu. Apparently a friend of theirs invited a bunch of people who were going door to door in... and started talking about hinduism to them ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm lucky i live in the netherlands, there are 3 groups here, the major one is typically athiest, they just live life and dont care, then you have the believers that only believe when other believers are around, and the other group is believer and up
i.e., my mom believes, my dad doesnt really, and i just dont care xD
while the netherlands has a history in the protestanism (or whatever its called) branch of the christian religion
i think
@polynomial Are you anywhere in range? Is this odd? quora.com/… It is my question. I didn't know
@Lighty: Oh, they don't try to convert people. They just talk about religion all the time at home, in the car....
how to phrase it right for ITSecurity SE. I also found this, cert auth error, also for Trilateral Commission website quora.com/… oops cc @polynomial
Urg I'm sorry, Quora has an imbecilic walled guarden policy. Why does the Trilateral Commission FAQ webpage URL resolve to 403 Forbidden but is not? trilateral.org/go.cfm?do=Page.View&pid=9#5 and Why does the Trilateral Commission website return a cert auth error? trilateral.org/go.cfm?do=File.View&fid=181
From puzzling.SE, some more cryptograms that you infosec guys might enjoy:
@Xander some more potential issues with MS14-066 aws.amazon.com/security/security-bulletins/ms14-066-advisory
@AE Thank you! I like these.
1 hour later…
@EllieKesselman: oh good! I am glad. :)
What can one do in Munich in 3 hours?
@JourneymanGeek trolololol
@Adnan beer?
@ManishEarth: Yeah... ;p
Q: Why do code-bases in n-tier development have an equal, if not more, number of JavaScript code now?

Jane WayneI've been doing web programming for a long time now, and somewhere, I lost track of why we are doing what we are doing today (or how did we come to do things this way)? I started out with basic ASP web development, and very early on, display and business logic were mixed on the page. Client-sid...

Is it wrong to answer this question with "Because hipsters."?
@TerryChia That answer would be technically correct, but unlikely to be deemed acceptable by the average readership.
@Lighty Here in India hinduism is not really a conversion-religion (nothing against it, but not much for it either, and society frowns on it heavily ), but there are quite a few cases where laws and executive action is taken with Hinduism in mind. Been happening much more recently :/
2 hours later…
@RоryMcCune Interesting, thanks for the link. That's worth keeping an eye on.
@Xander apparently it's a TLS 1.2 issue, but can be fixed by disabling the new ciphers support.microsoft.com/kb/2992611?wa=wsignin1.0
So the S in HTTPS stands for "Swiss cheese"?
Fuck. Caught some malware.
Reinstalling is annoying.
But what annoys me most is that I don't know where it came from.
1 hour later…
@CodesInChaos yeah that's a pain :( bad enough getting malware but a bugger if you can't trace the source
2 hours later…
@TerryChia well that was a tedious read
I was like Cut to the chase already, I get it, you're old, OP is old, and thanks to you now I feel old too. LOL @ "mainframes".
So - oneplus one invites are in...
I may have one or two left
if folks are interested
Q: SQL Injection if table structure/db structure not known

Haroon Dilshadcould an attacker who'd just found out that you're using mysql make an SQL Injection attack with only this information? If you don't know Any table/db name how come you can find it out? Is that even possible and how to avoid that? Thanks

For donuts sake.
Make sure to watch it in HD and take proper pictures to share them to me.
@Simon no idea, could be some student thing like come hop on my tractor or whatever
I voted as too broad because when you get answers that start with "that depends" and the next one starts with "in addition to what the one that said it depends said ...", well ... it is
@RoryAlsop you have oneplus one invite for oneplus one?
that's oneplusoneplusplus!!

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