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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

 at least
 four spaces
@LucasKauffman though markdown often fails in chat if there's linebreaks. looks like it works for this one.
@TildalWave you're worried? A fair number of the people looking carefully at this are my coworkers, and this was an embargoed release. I've been carefully looking over everything I've said to make sure that I didn't accidentally leak something proprietary.
And i'm the one who pointed them at pornin's findings. So it's not like they wouldn't know it was me.
@tylerl Dear lord no I'm not worried at all. a bit angry with myself perhaps for always missing the best moments of the DMZ. It's my karma I guess that each time I'd take some time off something major like this happens in the meantime. But hey I managed to read a pretty good book so not all is bad :)
@tylerl Were you aware of any information before the release?
@TerryChia I had a little information but not a lot.
@tylerl Ah. I can see why you were worried then. :)
Holy fucking shit, an iMac with a 5k display?
@TerryChia Thaaaaaats going to cost you.
Three quarters of one spleen and one and a half kidneys to be exact.
@DavidFreitag I'm definitely not buying an iMac. But Apple releasing that probably means prices for standalone screens will start dropping.
@TerryChia I'd buy it. And put windows on it.
Huh, the base model is only 2.5k
@TerryChia: IIRC dell has one already. And I wouldn't be surprised if they start churning out off brand ones, like they do with QHD screens
@DavidFreitag Dude, look at prices of 4K screens from Dell.
@TerryChia Screens or all-in-one's?
@DavidFreitag Screens.
3.5GHz quad-core Intel Core i5
Turbo Boost up to 3.9GHz
8GB (two 4GB) memory
1TB Fusion Drive1
AMD Radeon R9 M290X with 2GB video memory
@TerryChia: I'm pretty sure I can build something nicer for less.
Not as flat I guess
@JourneymanGeek Well, duh.... It's pre-built for one, and it's also an Apple...
@DavidFreitag That's 3840x2160. The iMac is a 5120x2880. And it's a all in one.
@DavidFreitag: and the relative lack of thin itx boards
@JourneymanGeek More importantly the relative lack of itx cases with usable non-proprietary power supplies
@DavidFreitag: eh, there's quite a lot actually
coolermaster elites, and the HAF XB for example/
@TerryChia Is 3840x2160 not 4K? I don't really know I'm still stuck in 1080p land
Both take standard ATX psus. The PSUs on most mini itx are also 'standard', just not atx
@DavidFreitag The comparable Dell screen is something like this unreleased one: anandtech.com/show/8496/…
I'm still stuck on 720p
@TerryChia And this is why being on the bleeding edge will always bleed you dry
@DavidFreitag Exactly. And that's why I'm surprised the iMac is only 2.5k.
Because looking at screens of comparable resolution it's actually pretty damn good.
It's because it was assembled by some slave worker in $ThirdWorldCountry
Who got paid four wooden pennies to assemble ten of them.
I want 5k screens to drop to < $800 in 2 years time. I'll pick one up then.
Make that < $400 and I'll get a few
@DavidFreitag Heh. That would be a dream come true.
That's why I'm happy Apple released a 5K iMac. They are probably the only manufacturer out there that can get the economy of scale to drive prices down that much.
@TerryChia It's what I did with my current displays. There was a TV on sale on Newegg that was a 40" 1080p display for only $186. I bought three.
Even though personally I'll never buy a all in one.
@TerryChia Other than for work, me either.
@DavidFreitag Oh, I also remembered that current 4k displays are pretty hacky because the current HDMI and DP standard doesn't have that bandwidth.
IIRC most of them require 2 DP to drive a single monitor using MST.
Then how the hell is that 5K display supposed to work...
@DavidFreitag My guess? It bypasses DP because it's an all in one.
We'll probably need to wait for someone to tear down the iMac before we know for sure.
I'll get my hammer
On an unrelated side note, I got an email from one of the admissions people at Georgetown out of the blue this afternoon
3 hours later…
good murrrrnin people
Moderation/Advising question
Q: Longon and logoff audit

James YeoI guess I need to rephrase my question. I understand that u can enable or disable the logon and logoff event. I know how to do it for the logon event, but how about logoff event? how do I disable the logoff event audit?

was my comment here sufficient to help the new user ask a good question?
or too shallow?
@Lighty the OP should help theirself by checking out the "help" section
@HamZa i see no shame in helping "new" users, but mentioning the help section in such a comment in the future doesnt seem like a bad idea
@Lighty welcome. Good to see people motivated.
i finilized the memory game i had to make for school, seems to work, but that was one hard nut to crack
@Lighty which school do you attend?
@HamZa ROC GildeOpleidingen, in Roermond, The Netherlands, i'm working at a company for half a year to get to know the buisness i'm studying for
i practise/train my Javascript at the moment, as you can see
@Lighty I see...
I presume this is MBO?
but the quality isnt as good as i hoped it would be
its more of a "starters" way, something you do before going to HBO, to get a foundation
@Lighty lol, I also went to ROC (ams). It's a mess. The level is too low. Basically a no-go if you have better options.
so brace yourself and don't put high expectations. Although I've heard from some co-students that some ROC's do have a nice course/content
@HamZa the problem is i have no better options at the time, i am planning to try and get a Stage with the police force's IT departement in Venlo for the last period, to help me make a choice, since i was always kinda interested in that
yea, the quality of this ROC's Application Developing course isnt that great
the teacher is "old", as in, he still uses situations from 20 years ago
@Lighty well just continue and finish it to get your diploma. There are some security-related HBO programs you might follow
@HamZa yea, i've been looking into that one, still knocking on doors for information here and there, but Gilde Opleidingen doesn't really have awnsers for me, so looking for a good source is hard
Google is your best alternative.
I'm currently at the HvA doing technical computing since I find it more challenging than the other programs.
We also have "System and Network Engineering", which also has some security modules.
The HvA wants to change the courses to support "thema semesters". Each student has to plan which thema semesters they want to follow. They must choose at least one from their direction (for example I need to choose at least one related to technical computing).
The good thing about this is that even if I'm doing technical computing, I could choose "security" or "digita
Q: Recover Windows Server 2003 admin password through restricted user

QuintenVKOK, so here goes after a lot of trial and error: background: My client recently took over another firm. However, apparently the administrator passwords to the server (along with some other non-IT stuff) hadn't been passed on. And now i'm charged with the task of re-gaining administrator privileg...

@HamZa hm, that would indeed be a far trip, but i've found alternatives in my region, but i have to check them out first ofcourse, and i want tohave a stage at the police force as IT guy first, to see if that is something for me, but i'll keep on the lookout for any other possibillities, thanks for your advice
the question appears genuine, but it's a spam magnet
even the accepted answer is spam
@Lighty Aight, good luck. Ping me whenever you have further questions...
@HamZa thanks for the offer :)
I'm defining any answer that says “we used this commercial software its grate buy it” as spam, because what are the odds that this is really a satisfied customer and not a sales rep?
@Gilles hiren boot cd is the answer to all "recover my password questions" :P
@HamZa Hiren <3
that said, the sec.se CTF team is apparently dead...
@Gilles for malware removal i always recommend Malwarebytes or HitmanPro, but those have commercial options too, but i always address you can use them without paying too, is that concidered as Spam/Advertising too then?
@Lighty if you explain how you would use them, and when you would use a free vs paid service, etc., then that's fine
if your answer could work on 1000 similar questions, it's spam
its mainly to questions like "My PC is on fire and there is malware on it, how to remove?"
use a fire extinguisher and buy another PC
and when i flag them as duplicate of 99999999 other questions, i respectively give the awnser " try using CCLeaner to remove weird shit, use Malwarebytes/HitmanPro and use holy water"
holy water may be better for hellfire, but for a mundane fire I recommend CO₂ or halon instead
@Gilles I wonder if "wololololo" would help
I came in touch with my inner self just now i think
@Lighty The malware part is easy to solve. Simply wait until the fire destroyed the PC. Goodbye malware.
@CodesInChaos funny, but i was referring to the fact my boss is a cheap prick and buys thin and cheap toilet paper
You can never have enough Babylon 5
@CodesInChaos or Monty Python
my girlfreind never heard of him, or the group
@Lighty don't forget this chat is public. Once I found my boss on SO (chatroom). Luckily he didn't recognise me :P
@HamZa i know, but my Stage Boss is not the same as the building Boss
who prolly never saw me before
the company i work at is stationed in a Office Complex, Sablones xD
Ah I C
1 hour later…
@AviD Hey, I got a cost saving measure for you for the next Appsec IL. ;)
You pay more than 1000€ for a security conference and this is what you get for lunch. Fucking Joke #BHEU http://t.co/s71YXHHbbs
At least its not BlackHat
oh wait
I'm thinking of going to DEFCON next year.
@TerryChia Heh, Dutchies have a bad rep of when it comes to spending money. (Or at least they do around here, jokes about Dutchies doing all kinds of stupid to not spend money are not uncommon.
@Arperum we have the same thing about belgians here, belgians vs dutch jokes are common in southern netherlands - nothern belgium
@Lighty I'm aware the jokes are a two way road, didn't know Belgian are said to sit on our money though, I knew the joke goes that we are stupid (but that's because these Dutchies are even dumber). </joking>
@Arperum reminds me of the news article that a belgian lady called the police that her right car window was stolen, and after inspection, a officer pushed the electronic button, and the window magically appeared!
but when i think about belgians, i think about people like Urbanus, or Alex Agnew, not dumb belgian jokes (maybe...kinda...)
@Lighty I'm pretty certain that woman moved in from the Netherlands. And did not expect a car after being used to a bike for forever.
@Lighty Quite a few Belgian jokes apply to Urbanus, but that's because he acts dumb. He can be somewhat of a dick though.
@Arperum atleast we dont have "Bakfietsen", you know, when you get hit by a car, the kids serve as meat shield :3
Might want to check my edit on this one
Q: Whats the difference between a virus scanner and a spam filter?

MaelstromCan someone explain the difference between a virus scanner and a spam filter on an email server? Can the two be used together? Is it possible for a virus to get through both of them?

@Arperum Urbanus is awesome, he's the belgian Rowan (mr Bean)
@raz i saw the original, your edit was just cutting the BS off of it, GJ
@Lighty Uhm... The only place where I've seen these things is in the Netherlands... Or imported by hippies.
@Lighty Thank you :)
@Arperum now i'm doubting, then again, I'm from limburg, you know, the guys that want a wall inbetween limburg and the rest of the netherlands
@Arperum Nah, Blackhat has terrible management.
@Lighty Oh, so do we, Limburg is a super slow province. They talk weird. And slow.
@TerryChia Dutch management.
@TerryChia You want terrible management go to DEFCON.
@Arperum I'm not anywhere near slow
please don't think differently about Limburg just because of the teenagers that live here
@Lighty TWSS.
@Arperum ;)
gentle != slow
@raz Just Belgian government will do perfectly fine for that.
@Arperum Like your health minister? :o
she's a real babe
for a pie commercial....
@Lighty She was a fucking doctor. I know she's overweight.
@Arperum Hahaha actually a friend of mine just did a semester there. From the U.S. Now the Belgian gov't is now saying she owes them taxes.
Could everyone stop hacking away at the person who is probably the most competent out of all the twats who are ministers now.
@Arperum OooOOoooOooo you said the F word
@raz What are you? 10?
@raz I fucking did it again.
@Arperum fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck
It greatly annoys me how people are going all kinds of mad about someones physique, completely ignoring capacities.
@Arperum I think everyone just needs to calm down
While the people with a normal physique get away with doing complete racistic stupidities. Because they happen to be working alongside someone who is fat.
That fat person proved herself on her previous post. Like, she barely knew anything about it, and did it better then it was doen for a long time.
Calm down fellow waffle-lover, it's only a joke D:
@Lighty I'm calmer than you are
@Lighty I just don't like it when all people can go on about is a persons physique, be it weight, race,gender or any other stupid thing. Skills are what counts.
@Arperum I agree with you, its unfortunate the rest of the world doesn't do things that way.
@Arperum i wanna make waffle comments, but arperum would eat me ;~;
I don't remotely look like the typical image of a IT-consultant. yet, here i am, sitting at a client in an outfit I can easily go to a festival with.
@Lighty As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't eat you, I don't think meat combines good with waffles...
I haven't tried waffles with meat though, should try that one day.
@Arperum But bacon goes great with Waffles
@raz don't give him funny ideas
I have no idea why I capitalized waffles there.
40 secs ago, by Arperum
I haven't tried waffles with meat though, should try that one day.
that moment
after hours of struggle
your code works
and you dont wanna continue building things in it
because of fear of destroying it
i need hugs, chocolate, and my blanket
@Lighty This means it's bad code.
you tell me
@Arperum Yeah, I more scared when code works the first time I run it.
@raz i'd jizz my pants
@Lighty ugh I hate scripting
Things like --i within a while condition shutters
@Lighty No time to dig through js code now. Got to make sure this pile of java stays working. and yes, there is bad code in it.
i just wrote a comment above it all
> while (--i > 0)
Declaring new functions in an ELSE!? Are you mad!?
@raz now see what i mean with i need hugs chocolate and my blanket?
This is why scripting is terrible, it allows these types of things to happen.
it works
so idc anymore
i need a long weekend
and a bottle of Baileys
@Lighty Is this your code?
@raz i used a little bit of instructions from a tutorial
the rest was shat out by me, yes
user image
Not the actual xkcd because I couldn't find it.
if it works, don't touch it
@Arperum That wasn't a XKCD I think.
I'm pretty sure that's xkcd anyway.
@TerryChia It's super relevant anyway.
@Arperum Indeed.
@lightly your code is behind the bad code door.
@Arperum I saw JS mentioned earlier. JS automatically qualifies for the bad code door.
The code of my java project has gotten a lot better, but still contains enough wtf's to place is on the right.
@Arperum i wanna bet its under the "Shit" trapdoor behind the bad code door
working shit atleast
no idea why or how my code works, but i aint' touching it again
Hell, some problems are stumping me up intil now, but time has ran out, so weird hacks are in order.
6 mins ago, by Arperum
> while (--i > 0)
@Arperum whats with that?
Wow so after my edit, that question has a positive vote :)
@raz GG WP hands a waffle
@Lighty I like waffles, now I just need some chicken
@Arperum Meh. On a scale of terrible to holy wtf step away from the keyboard this instance it's just terrible.
@Lighty don't do that. That will cause bugs because misinterpreted shit.
@Arperum Belgium Health Minister:
7 mins ago, by raz
Declaring new functions in an ELSE!? Are you mad!?
@Arperum My horrible half-stolen half-hacked code works, shuddup
Québec Health Minister:
@ThomasPornin I know.
user image
It is difficult for me, but, in the name of Québec, I concede defeat. For now.
@Arperum Eh, I do that all the time.
@ThomasPornin At least ours will probably be competent, don't know about yours.
@Arperum yes, yes i am
We'll feed him some more poutine and we try again in two months.
@Arperum He looks like a short-tempered buffalo -- and he acts like one, too.
@ThomasPornin I read that as "feed him some more Putin"...
And now we have two legitimate answers to a question once filled with rhetoric and disdain. pats self on back
@Ulkoma I can't believe you referenced a landline, it's the 21st century dude!
@raz Maybe I should get a mobile phone
@Ulkoma Haha, maybe you should
@Ulkoma One of those Nokias maybe?
I here the 3310 is a pretty solid phone. ;)
@Ulkoma There are lots of encryption systems for radios and phones. But as I said in my comment, you need the infrastructure to create secure communications between endpoints.
And that's expensive.
@TerryChia Thanks for the advice
I think I used to have one like that!
@raz I'll stick to my lovely landline then
@Ulkoma Man, at least get a flip phone!
@raz flip ones make me feel like Jack Bauer
@Ulkoma Right, so what's the problem?
Motorola Razr! One of my favorite phones I've ever had.
@Ulkoma Dammit Chloe, we're running out of time! ;)
Are there any decent encryption systems for landlines widely available to the public?
For that matter, are there any decent cryptosystems running over public telephony (as opposed to voip) available to the public?
Almost all of the android app ones require data connections and are essentially encrypted voip.
@Ninefingers You can always use modems over a landline. You may get up to 56 Kbit/s, which is enough for voice encoding.
GSM uses less, something like 13 Kbit/s if I remember well.
@ThomasPornin true, and just dial the phone you want with a protocol you like.
In older times, in the 1980s, people were using modems not to talk to an "Internet provider" but directly to each other.
Yeah I'd forgotten that. I assume you could do the same with a gsm modem, surely
since it effectively connects to pstn via the cell infra
As usual, peruse the classics
@Ninefingers With GSM, since there is a heavy voice encoding down to 13 Kbit/s (in each direction), you cannot really expect more than 9600 bauds for data.
@ThomasPornin I'm only thinking of encrypted voice which shouldn't add much overhead
besides, theoretically I also have all the Gs to use too, depending on signal
GSM is a suitably mad protocol that really shows its age.
@Tinned_Tuna I think it also uses A5/1, which is utterly broken.
@Ninefingers A5/1 offers a security of about 2^42, which is low enough to allow various breaking strategies; but its internal structure is sound. An A5/1 "boosted" with, say, a 192-bit internal state, would be very strong and still very cheap in hardware.
Anyway, the A5/1 in GSM is only between the phone and the base station; it is not end-to-end.
@ThomasPornin Ah okay, so the practical breaks on A5/1 could actually be mitigated?
I'm exceptionally pleased with iTunes 12. For the first time I can recall, it is not noticeably worse that iTunes 11, which was perhaps the worse piece of software every released into the wild. Ever version it has gotten worse, until now. As far as I can ascertain, all of the problems and stupid UX in v12 already existed in v11.
@Xander Which OS? I have not tried it on my Windows VM yet.
@Xander It has no sidebar
@TerryChia Windows 8.1.
@Xander Ahh. goes to update
I want my sidebar back
I only use iTunes for syncing anyway, there are so many better music players.
@TerryChia Any you recommend for Windows? (I need one at work, needs to support FLAC and mp3)
I mean, there's WinAmp, but
@Ninefingers foobar2000 on Windows no questions asked.
@TerryChia I do use it for playing, but I don't have many issues with that. 90% of my use is sync'ing as well. That's where the majority of my aggravations lie.
Best music player I have used. It's the only thing I miss from Windows now that I'm using Linux.
That, and podcast management in general.
@Ninefingers I used to use it with this theme but there are plenty of others: tedgo.deviantart.com/art/DarkOne-v3-1-187628705
Like I have this fun deal where it no longer updates any of my podcasts. If I want new episodes, I have to unsubscribe and resubscribe to each one individually. I haven't found any other solution that works. That started a week or so ago.
@Xander Ahh, I only use it to sync music. Didn't face much annoyances there.
Oh, and it's no a one time deal either. Everytime I want to check for new episodes in any podcast, I have to go through the unsubscribe/resubscribe dance.
Except that I'm syncing from a VM and the damn VM crashes if I unplug the phone.
@TerryChia Yeah, that's generally pretty painless for me too.
I do have problems from time to time, but nothing that's been unfixable.
Yeah, I can second foobar2000 as a nice player.
When I tried android the quality of music players surprised me. Every single one was absolutely horrible.
@CodesInChaos Yeah, I'm spoiled by iOS where the music app is actually damn good.
@TerryChia Yeah I'm spoiled by Android phones not costing me $600
@raz Right, ignoring the fact that I can sell my iPhone every 2 years for $300 and get a new one on contract without paying a cent. Ignoring the fact that every half decent Android phone here costs the same amount as an iPhone.
@TerryChia I just hate Apple
@raz And that's why your opinions mean nothing. It's ok to have opinions and criticisms but a statement like "I just hate Apple" doesn't lend much weight to them.
@TerryChia Well not all my opinions mean nothing, just the Apple one.
I've tried the iPhone. I don't find it intuitive.
I think I compare Android to C and Apple to Java. Can I shoot myself in the foot with Android? Yes. But I like having the option of shooting myself in the foot if I want to.
@Ninefingers Not without breaking compatibility, of course. I am talking about designing a new algorithm with the same basic tools (namely LFSR with irregular clocking).
@raz And that's why I will never recommend an Android phone to a normal person. A normal person shouldn't have to flash a fucking rom to get security updates. iPhones or Windows Phones always until more OEMs start doing the right thing...
But enough about that, the Android update situation always gets me angry.
@TerryChia I got a new phone last Sunday, and when I first powered it up and connected it, the first thing it told me was that it needed to download a system update.
I configured the WiFi and then it proceeded to download about 600 MB...
That's a Samsung (S4 Mini) so at least that phone has some sort of updating procedure.
Not sure how long they will keep it, though. Regardless of how the updates are distributed, they must still be packaged at some point.
@TerryChia Yeah me too, which is why I'll probably start rooting my old phone. Playing around with updates and what not. At least I know how to do that kind of thing.
1 hour later…
@ThomasPornin Did you have a Samsung before? With my S3 I got pretty regular updates. Everyone couple of months or they would just so happen to update when a vulnerability was released.
Anyone know the linux networking stack like the back of their hand?
@raz No, I had an Acer. Never an update, but at some point I could manually download a new firmware which brought the OS from Android 2.1 to Android 2.2.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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