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Borderlands is pretty cool ... how much is different in Borderlands 2? Better, about there, or worse?
@TildalWave Much better. Way more content. Way more woob.
@DavidFreitag woob?
wobbly boob?
@TildalWave Gameplay is pretty similar, the game has more depth and substance to it, though.
ah nice that's always welcome
what I don't like tho is inability to save
I was half way through some rather challenging part last night and I noticed it put me right at the beginning again now
even tho there were checkpoints after that I went through
NSFW language^
Also, fucking hysterical.
And then of course there's a shit ton of DLC for Borderlands 2, @tilda
@DavidFreitag I heard that even the characters in that game did the ice bucket challenge when they were nominated.
@Simon umadbro?
@Simon Kinda, sorta. Borderlands was nominated by Warframe. Claptrap's voice actor took one for the team.
@FEichinger Have you played Warframe lately?
I haven't played Warframe ever.
Shame. It was good. I just don't know whether I want to download it again to check their progress...
That's another game I joined in private beta
@RoryAlsop Sorry I'm lagging. Should be getting a donation in later today.
@TildalWave is that you??
@AviD no he's the guy with the moustache throwing the water over his head
@AviD no dude, I paid for a professional fashion model to do it for me and couldn't afford for a better looking one :P
@TildalWave heh. well... I thought you were old, yknow?
@TildalWave Yeah, with the way you talk I was imagining the older guy with the kid was gonna get dunked
@DavidFreitag Don't you mean wub?
@Iszi wub, woob, wab, wob, does it really matter? It's... dubstep...
@DavidFreitag dude I'm 40 not 70!
@AviD Old is relative innit? With all the young'uns here I'm prolly a dozen years over the average. Then again so are you :)))
@TildalWave 40, 70...Once you reach that point, it's all kinda the same thing, yaknow?
@Xander there there now you're just scaring the ladies! :D
@Xander icebucket?
@LucasKauffman Yes yes yes, it's coming. Was just thinking about it. Still in the planning phase.
These things can't be rushed.
@Xander who do you think you are, Bill Gates?
What planning? You take a bucket, and you pour!
well a sunny weather would be nice
@DavidFreitag NO
@Iszi And a video, right?
This (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=2555) has got to be one of the most hacky PowerShell script solutions I've ever seen. Then again, maybe I just haven't been around enough yet.

Problem: Need to deploy a VPN configuration to computers via PowerShell to Windows 7 systems.


1. Write an XML file that defines the properties of your VPN profile.
2. Write a PowerShell function that effectively works as a C# compiler.
3. Use C# to implement new .NET Framework namespaces & classes that have the functionality you need to set up a new VPN connection via R
@AviD hehehe it's still funny after all these years
@AviD Well, you need a bucket. And some ice. And some water. And a camera. And someone to hold the camera. And the names of some people you want to nominate. And a brief eulogy to offer for your pre-poured self. And clothes that can tolerate the ice water. And a location. And probably some other things I haven't thought of yet, and still need to think of.
@TildalWave That, I do have in abundance.
@Xander It takes a whole 20 mins to deal with that.
@Simon Of what? Me making a donation online?
we had half a month of crap here till today
I'll screenshot the receipt, I suppose...
@Iszi Be a damn donut.
@Simon A what?
You're so old.
I hereby declare @Iszi as the oldest's person in The DMZ.
@Iszi A donut. It's the word @Simon uses to universally describe the human condition. He has a very small volcabulary.
@Simon Nah. That's already been canonically declared to be @RoryAlsop.
@Simon are you saying that @RoryAlsop has gone past being counted as a person?
He's even older than @RoryA
@Simon Hardly.
@Iszi Then pour a bucket of water and ice on your head and record it you donut.
@Simon or pour a bucket of water and ice on your donut, and head you record.
Like #Simon.
I'd like to point out that my gf threw the donut away so she's the evil one.
I might have told her to do so but still, she's the one who did it!!!
@Simon Why, if I'm making the donation? The challenge is donate or dunk. Not both, as many have misconstrued it.
I would tell you that you should get rid of her, but then you'll just have to buy a new one.
@AviD Here in America, that is illegal.
@Iszi You suck donuts.
@Simon nah, you can inflate as many as you want.
I remember when you said you'd stop picking on me for a few days, it lasted 1.
@Iszi According to the official page: "People can either accept the challenge or make a donation to an ALS Charity of their choice, or do both."
@Simon that's not picking on you!
@AviD don't they come with "no pricks" warning sticker on them?
@Xander there is an OFFICIAL page?
@Xander There's an official page?
17 secs ago, by AviD
@Xander there is an OFFICIAL page?
Hang on, let me join this awesome discussion:
21 secs ago, by Xander
@Iszi Yes. http://www.alsa.org/news/archive/ice-bucket-challenge.html
Oh, thanks.
29 secs ago, by Simon
Who the fuck is Jack Soucy? Why is he there?
@Simon Have you forgotten your meds again?
Meds <3
I hate insomnia.
Who the heck is Convio/Blackbaud?
It's 5 PM.
@Simon It wasn't when I was trying to sleep all of last night.
Heh, I have 999 rep on SE
The homepage (HTTP) on ALSA.org has a Donate button that redirects to a HTTPS page on a a domain called convio.net with a certificate signed for Blackbaud, Inc - WTF?
@DavidFreitag You're welcome.
@Iszi guess it's gonna be an ice bucket after all.
@AviD lolololol
@DavidFreitag 1271 actually, but you do have 1009 rep on SO
@AviD Good point.
@TildalWave That's because some donut...
@DavidFreitag Go downvote some crap and fix it yourself. Only 10 downvotes to go.
@Arperum Couldn't be bothered.
@DavidFreitag And I can't be bothered to go downvote you to fix it, also, five downvotes would be undone for serial voting anyway.
@Arperum Only if they were for the same person. I have gone on downvoting rampages on SE before.
@DavidFreitag True, but to cost you ten rep, I'd have to downvote five things of you.
@Arperum oic
@Simon then go eat some salmon
@Simon Pogos?
@Simon Aren't those lead paint chips just begging to be eaten though?
@Simon ...no, that's a corn dog.
Oh, they have an HTTP login page too. web.alsa.org/site/UserLogin?NEXTURL=http://www.alsa.org
@DavidFreitag It even says "Pogo" on the stick you donutely donut.
@Simon This is a pogo
@Simon Looks to me like it says "Pooo"
Is it big enough now?
@Simon No, it's still miniscule.
@Simon that looks disgusting
@LucasKauffman It's pure heaven with some Ketchup.
@Simon Yeah, I had to borrow a microscope and a micrometer to measure it last night
But you know a lot about measuring tiny things as well.
Yes, donuts aren't big usually.
@Simon Clearly this is why donuts never get laid.
Poor donuts.
@AviD Sorry, I consider refusal due to violation of basic security principles as a perfectly acceptable option for exemption.
@Iszi So mail them a check
@Iszi Burn.
You should have a look at their login page too. HTTP only, even though there's a link to VeriSign's "about SSL certificates" page.
@DavidFreitag Because that is so much more secure.
@Iszi All I see are excuses. I want to see action.
@LucasKauffman Yeah, he sounds so much like my ex.
@Iszi Better than mailing them your social security card and the password to all of your online banking accounts.
@LucasKauffman Working on that.
1 hour later…
@Simon see? I didnt kick you! Even though I thought about it!
@Simon - I followed a link. It had an attractive screenshot, which fooled me into thinking 'Best Melodic Dubstep' might be correct.
I lasted the first 40 seconds before going "GAAAAAH"
hahaha, @RoryAlsop seriously??
@AviD Well, maybe 30 seconds
that is so pinnable, I am sorely tempted.
I tried. I really did.
@RoryAlsop there are pills for that, you know.
heh heh
I try to plan my linebreaks, as well you know
I am unconvinced that was intentional.
@AviD If I have an option. I always try to break them into snippets which can stand alone
Admittedly I hadn't fully thought that one through
I knew it would come out well, though
Heh - I'm getting to keep the roaming unicorn for an extra couple of days...so I can take it on tour with Metaltech, down to Nottingham this Saturday
aww shweet. you should hang it from your guitar.
@AviD fire risk...
heh heh heh - flaming unicorn
unicorns start fires?
actually I'm trying to keep it out of danger...
oh btw, speaking of which - I saw this in the shop today, and thought of you....
there wasn't much peril here, honest
it was only a little peril
@AviD hahahahaha
And when the noise was all too much for a small unicorn:
heh cute
My daughters do most of the carrying (which helps me keep my manly status intact...)
I ever tell you about all those times when I would travel to UK and US, and go into all these girly shops to buy hair accouterments for my daughters....
e.g. Claires, very girly shop. and I am the only (straight) guy in there.
and I am teaching the salesgirl how to use these complicated hair clips.
Note: I am very bald.
@RoryAlsop Oh god that's actually fantastic...
@DavidFreitag ... the picture of the girl?
@AviD Hahahaha - yes, I am aware of the baldness :-)
@RoryAlsop ...no not just that.
2 hours ago, by David Freitag
@Iszi wub, woob, wab, wob, does it really matter? It's... dubstep...
@RoryAlsop I mean more the melodic parts. I could care less about the wub..
there are melodic parts?
@AviD Yes - between all the wubs
@RoryAlsop Gotta be careful with Dubstep if you're not used to it.
@AviD Done.
@RoryAlsop Would you consider an HTTP Shaming write-up of ALSA.org as a donation? ;-)
@AviD @Terry so the discussion has now turned into a discussion of a No-Porn header :P groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.privacy/1-kDWOtmvLY/…
heh. that's amusing.
hey, did you see the new Dr. Who? Funny as hell.
> "I'm Scottish! I can complain about things!"
@AviD What, the old guy?
He reminds me of you.
@AviD oy!
@AviD Eyebrows!
@Gilles no spoilers.
@DavidFreitag sweet.
@AviD Yeah!
@AviD Unless you didn't know Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor already, or that he's Scottish, or that he wouldn't be playing as an Englishman.
@AviD I don't care about spoilers
what's that about those upstart Scots who think they're good at complaining?
Come to think, has the Doctor ever not been English before now?
@Iszi Tennant was Scottish, but he played an English Doctor
> They're cross! They're crosser than the rest of my face! They're independently cross!
They probably want to cede from the rest of my face and set up their own
independent state of eyebrows!
<3 that bit
@ManishEarth Hehehe
@ManishEarth So, no for the case of Tennant.
@ManishEarth no, he played scottish
@DavidFreitag I wonder if the Scottish reference there was intentional
@AviD Really? When was that put out?
@AviD wut
@Iszi there were a few comments, I believe
@AviD citation needed
but that could have just been vagueness
@Iszi will look into it
or we could just ask Mister Doctor, @RoryAlsop
@AviD Why would he fake a non-scottish accent if he was playing a Scot?
@ManishEarth was he?
sounded scottish. ish.
he even had that brogue.
Scottish was Karen Gillian and Peter Capaldi (the new dude). So much scottish
ah yes.
@ManishEarth The reference there was golden.
@FEichinger Yep!
@ManishEarth Oh, wow... I was going to say "And what about Rory?" but apparently he's not Scottish.
@Iszi Nope :P But our Rories are :D
I mean, I'm pretty sure Rory Williams was but Arthur Darvill isn't.
@Iszi Amy was a Scot living in London(England? forgot which). I think the Doctor in the early bits once notes that that a girl who has been living in London for years hasn't taken on the new accent means something
> Amelia was born in Scotland in 1989. Her parents, Augustus and Tabetha Pond, were swallowed by the crack in her wall, and Amelia was raised by her aunt Sharon in the small town of Leadworth. Despite living so long in England, she never lost her Scottish accent. (TV: The Big Bang)
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