@ton.yeung The separatists don't exactly have external diplomatic representation. Right now, they can talk to Russia or be shot at by the Ukrainian army; they don't have any real means to communicate with anybody else.
(Which makes Russia unavoidable for any attempt at a truce, by the way. If only as a glorified telephone.)
If the plane got shot, one cannot expect too much information from the flight recorder anyway.
Actual interlace requires that the logic computes the 3D model 60 times per second, even though it then renders only half of the rows. Thus, interlace is slightly more expensive than plain 30fps
@DavidFreitag Modern displays will display each half-frame immediately, either reusing the previous frame for the rows which were not sent, or doing some interpolation.
Oh, I see the problem, @ThomasPornin @DavidFreitag. I have no fucking clue what the difference between xBone and PS534 are. I just said that to be smarmy.
@tylerl Not really. There are $300 programmers out there.
I prefer paying a bit extra for the legit tools instead of buying a $17 tool on amazon or ebay that has no documentation and only works when it feels like it.