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@ton.yeung The separatists don't exactly have external diplomatic representation. Right now, they can talk to Russia or be shot at by the Ukrainian army; they don't have any real means to communicate with anybody else.
(Which makes Russia unavoidable for any attempt at a truce, by the way. If only as a glorified telephone.)
If the plane got shot, one cannot expect too much information from the flight recorder anyway.
Test test
One two one two
It's weird that I'm using Kisu's computer. - Adnan
I'm writing stuff and then her name appears next to them
That's... amazing.
I don't know like this. I'll close the tab.
@Kisunminttu isnt that like one of your fantasies?
I couldn't. I opened it again.
Let's all remember, @Kisu is @Adnan's sock...puppet.
@ton.yeung Marbles. She makes jewelry, and sometimes she makes googly eyes stuff.
@AviD I think it's one of her fantasies.
yknow, you say that, but.... its YOU saying that.
very confusing.
I dont know if this situation is going to make me like @Adnan more, or @Kisunminttu less.
@ton.yeung I have no idea. Never seen her work on them.
@AviD Heeey!
@ton.yeung would that be like that Ghost scene....?
@ton.yeung Yup. But I see pieces of evidence laying around her place every now and then, so I know it's a real thing.
Anyway, this is last message by me.. Adnan.
Much lies, very lying, w0w.
Well that was odd.
@Kisunminttu is this a suicide note??
@DavidFreitag Listen to this plz: soundcloud.com/s1ngularmusic/food-for-your-brains-1
though technically it would be a murder/suicide.
@Simon I'm making bone transducer headphones.
@DavidFreitag wat
@AviD DID does not qualify for that.
@Simon They transmit sound into your head via your skull
@FEichinger did?
@DavidFreitag I'll fund that shit.
@Simon Heh, not a KS. Just a project
With everything I have in my wallet.
@AviD No, DID.
10 motherfuckin' bucks.
@Simon 10 whole deer? Gat dayum that's so tempting.
@FEichinger ahh right. Are you sure?
like that scene fight club.
@DavidFreitag IKR!!
oops! spoilers!
@AviD Fairly certain.
I can't even take my girl out for dinner with that.
Luckily, I have cards that, as far as I know, have unlimited supplies of money.
@Simon Yeah but you can slaughter one of them in front of her and devour its beating heart. She'll totally love that.
@DavidFreitag I bet she'd request the animal's skull.
@Simon Sounds like a keeper to me.
I knooow.
But you better restock on chains and chloroform just in case.
Blargh, I wanted to avoid restocking.
Could we, like, not suggest @Simon hold someone hostage?
It's something he might actually do.
abduction 4 lyf3
@FEichinger His mom would eventually wonder why her basement has a padlock. They would only spend a day or so.
@DavidFreitag Why is the padlock on the inside?
My poor mom.
@ScottPack Oh that was dark.
@ScottPack Kinky.
@FEichinger I haven't played Cards Against Humanity in a while.
I had to have "the talk" with my daughter today... it was painful to explain the difference between the Xbox One and the PS4 regarding 1080p
@ScottPack We used to play that at a local diner and rope other patrons in on our jolly good fun.
@AviD Which one doesn't display in true 1080?
I dont have either one, but I thought it was funny.
I'd probably find it funny if I had kids.
One does 1080p the other does 1080i
@AviD, the uninformed guy.
@ScottPack okay now I'm bothered. what is the difference?
nevermind. googled.
@AviD Basically 1080i is 30fps and true 1080p is 60fps
@AviD Ugh ... Now I went to twitter and want to strangle people again.
@FEichinger you hang out in the wrong areas.
@DavidFreitag thanks
I bet it's the One that does 1080i.
@AviD I actually just followed a trail from that tweet ...
@Simon of course you would. you hate Microsoft with an irrational passion.
@AviD 1080i is broadcast at 60fps, but it only transmits half the picture at a time, so it takes two frames for a complete picture.
And ended up on tumblr leaking to twitter big time. Well, as big as you can get in 140 characters.
Summer is coming...
@Simon Funny enough you are correct. Except it seems that the issue isn't the console, but the games themselves.
Accept it, or except it?
Oh, great, the neighbours are having sex again. Well, either that, or I should call the police.
@AviD Always make that mistake :\
@FEichinger Pics or it never happened.
@DavidFreitag Friends did it.
@DavidFreitag ಠ_ಠ
@AviD Every time I watched that show I got distracted so I don't remember much
it was early seasons
Yeah but I was like 10
@AviD No. Clue.
@ScottPack Mostly just framerate. Although some 1080i controllers only have 24bit color depth instead of 32.
@ScottPack The "i" means "interlace". It means that the graphic hardware only generates half of the picture for each frame (it skips every other line)
So basically one frame contains only the even rows, the next only the odd rows.
Heh. My Atmel order is coming from Malaysia, and its going to cost $27 to ship something that should cost $5 -.-
Since you somehow get 60 half-frames per second, some people say that you actually get 30 frames per second.
@DavidFreitag Insurance in case it goes missing ... with the plane.
60 fps interlaced is still "smoother" than 30 fps "true"
@ThomasPornin That depends on whether or not it actually interlaces, or just buffers.
@FEichinger Yes, some hardware will send 60 fps "interlaced" by computing 30 fps and serving each frame in two steps.
@ThomasPornin Or the receiving end waits for the "full" frame before displaying it, rather than pushing the lines it already has.
Actual interlace requires that the logic computes the 3D model 60 times per second, even though it then renders only half of the rows. Thus, interlace is slightly more expensive than plain 30fps
I am currently 47% high
you know what
@FEichinger That's how interlacing works. The receiver must have both frames before they can be displayed.
soon I am going to go computer part shopping
it's about time I got a new keyboard on this pc
@kalina Oh, now you're getting a new keyboard?
@DavidFreitag Mmh, depends on the display. Typically, old CRT televisions would display each half-frame immediately.
well I got a nice setup for my music pc
If only because they don't actually have any buffering logic.
but the keyboard on this PC is so fucked
@ThomasPornin Heh. I didn't think he cared about CRTs :]
@DavidFreitag That actually was what I was referring to. It makes sense to disregard buffering and just push whatever you get.
@DavidFreitag Modern displays will display each half-frame immediately, either reusing the previous frame for the rows which were not sent, or doing some interpolation.
It's cheaper, and at 30fps nobody (except for people who wouldn't buy that cheap anyway) really notices.
@kalina ... I'm now not going to make the obvious joke.
When they just reuse, you can get the typical "comb-like" pattern for a fast-moving object.
@FEichinger there is no appropriate obvious joke
@kalina Who said anything about appropriate?
Come on, you know me better than that.
@kalina Did you run out of plates?
I figured that maybe you'd be appropriate for once
c'est la vie
@DavidFreitag ...
@DavidFreitag I can't believe I went looking for it for you.
57 secs ago, by FEichinger
Come on, you know me better than that.
@AviD I can't believe it either. Another chance to see Rachel's nipples
who am I, Chandler?
@AviD If chandler was much older, grupier, and pervier, then yes.
could i BE any older?!?
@AviD Yeah, you could be @Rory.
@DavidFreitag ahem please disambiguate that reference :op
you're already disambiguated.
@RоryMcCune Psh, you're still unpingable.
and so's your mom.
@AviD sure but people reading the transcript might not realise that, they may think that I'm the ancient one !
@FEichinger just the way I like it :)
inb4 "You are ancient."
@FEichinger he's not ancient, he's just plain old.
@RоryMcCune Well, I mean @RoryA does have being a rock legend to hold over your head. Perhaps it's time to one-up him?
@AviD you're forgetting each kid == +5 years, so I'm younger than you :op
@DavidFreitag I have better scenery :)
oh absolutely. Although you got the math wrong.
@RоryMcCune So if my wife has octuplets I suddenly age 40 years? That's terrifying.
it's not additive, it's exponential.
@AviD ahh true, I'm glad I dodged that one!
Dude it's almost august. This summer is flying the hell by. The winter had better do the same
Summer is coming.
Things are changing.
Big changes.
Summer is here. It's almost 35° out
@AviD Your hemisphere is broken. Winter is in January and summer is in July
huh? yes it is.
@DavidFreitag ah, nice that it isn't more than 35°
"Summer is coming" is like how the Starks keep saying "Winter is coming" even though it's already winter.
@Gilles It rarely gets much hotter than it is.
@Gilles no, you would come here for that. you would have to wait all day though.... at least till 9AM
@AviD Wat?
Is that a GoT reference? I don't watch that show.
Or read the books.
@DavidFreitag For someone who "lives on the Internet", you seem to be missing a lot.
ah. yes.
@FEichinger I never said I "Live on the internet"
I thought we went over this yesterday?
yesterday, by David Freitag
@kalina I live on the internet. It's no secret. I have the internets wherever I go. Home... work... you know. Everywhere.
@FEichinger That could've been anyone.
@Simon Just getting around to listening to that. Damn that's good.
@ThomasPornin This is a true statement.
Oh, I see the problem, @ThomasPornin @DavidFreitag. I have no fucking clue what the difference between xBone and PS534 are. I just said that to be smarmy.
@ScottPack I know.
@DavidFreitag He's really good, check out Engage too.
@Simon I did. Even better than what you linked
@DavidFreitag Oh yes it is.
Man these guys are so good. It's a shame that the lead vocals went to prison
@DavidFreitag who are you ordering through?
@tylerl Atmel
@DavidFreitag direct? Not through mouser/digikey?
@tylerl They only had what I was looking for direct. DigiKey was out of stock and mouser doesn't stock it
crummy. What part is it?
For the ATSAMD20 on the uServer v4
@DavidFreitag programmer?
@tylerl ARM SWD programmer
Since a AVRISP mkII won't cut it
@DavidFreitag linky
@DavidFreitag that's asspensive
cool, though.
@tylerl Not really. There are $300 programmers out there.
I prefer paying a bit extra for the legit tools instead of buying a $17 tool on amazon or ebay that has no documentation and only works when it feels like it.
@DavidFreitag true.
what products will it work for?
Pretty much everything that Atmel offers.
Check the store link i pasted and go to the "Supported devices" tab
anything can program an AVR, so that's not really special.
but their other stuff is interesting
It supports arm SWD and JTAG
So, theoretically, it supports quite a lot of devices. (maybe not out of the box, but with some hacking surely)
@tylerl And no, that's not true. Have you ever tried using an AVR dragon? Biggest piece of shit ever.
@AviD In later seasons her nipples were sticking out about 6 inches all the time.
@AviD hahahaha
@ScottPack the difference with GoT being that in GoT it wouldn't just be in later seasons?
@Gilles in GoT its not just the nipples.
also they seem to be having less of it in the later seasons.
maybe because they killed nearly all of them by now?

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