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@Xander Improbable, but not impossible. This tweet was rather poignant.
But more to the point, if the Truecrypt signing key was stolen & and the TC devs can't let us know -- that's reason enough to be cautious.
Is there reason to suspect the signing key has gotten out?
@ScottPack So long as you suspect the whole thing is a hoax, yes.
Interestingly, I believe I've seen contradictory claims on this though. Some claim the key was changed shortly before the website update, while others are claiming the key is the same that was used to sign 7.1a.
Signing key aside, if anything has been compromised which would allow anyone to pull off a hoax like this, and the TrueCrypt devs can't let us know, then that really is almost more worrisome than the possibility that this is actually real.
I agree. The closed mouthiness of this is probably the weirdest part
I say that admitting the first I heard of it was a couple of hours ago in this room.
@ScottPack I'm not sure I'd say "weirdest". Given that nobody really knows who the TrueCrypt devs are, and I'm pretty sure they have no social media or other noteworthy online presence, it almost makes sense that the website update that has been done is the only message we might ever hear from them.
Someone just fork Truecrypt already.
@TerryChia assuming the license allows forking.
$5 says that Friday's xkcd is about the TrueCrypt scandal.
@strugee It does I think.
@TerryChia oh ok
I thought no one knew
that was supposed to be a part of istruecryptauditedyet.com, right?
2 hours later…
@strugee Yeah. Phase 3 I think.
Speaking of... what's up with the cert at istruecryptauditedyet.com ?
@strugee it's a OpenSSL-style GPL-ish license with funny attributation requirements.
So, according to Krebs, Green and company plan on continuing to use the crowdsourced funds to finish the audit. I wonder if anyone will start up a new project called IsTrueCryptRewrittenYet?
GoDaddy says IsTrueCryptRewrittenYet.com is available.
@Iszi Go grab it. :P
You could get istruecryptforkedyet.com as well.
@ThomasPornin should write the new TrueCrypt.
I mean, really, who else could we trust to do it?
trust no one
its obviously a forgery, truecrypt works on multiple OSes not just Windows.
@this.josh That's addressed on the site also, though seeming more as an afterthought.
Clearly rhetoric designed to throw the average user into panic mode.
Which ironically is a Linux feature
btw stack chat is still very Tor/locked-down browser unfriendly, but I suppose no one else complains
@this.josh How locked down?
Just need to enable JavaScript from three domains.
no local storage, no cookies, no cross scripting
@this.josh Ah. There's probably one or two in there I haven't bothered with yet.
a browser should leave a zero byte footprint on your device or it is no longer a 'browser'
I usually get "No referer was present - this may be due to a browser setting" on my first few attempts.
Are cookies really necessary to get everyone's gr/avitar icon?
@this.josh Are cookies really ever necessary for a site like this?
I mean, sure they facilitate some nice usability features. But, at its most basic level, does the site really need them?
No! But aparently I'm only allowed to see 4 avatar icons.
@this.josh That's odd. I thought everyone's avatar was served by Gravatar now.
even if I manually load the image url and see the image by itself
Interesting. Anyway, it's way past my bedtime.
bedtime is irrelevent
@this.josh No, I'm pretty sure I've had more than my allotted dosage of sleep deprivation for the week.
sleep time is relevent, its the bed you don't require
@this.josh Yeah, but it's generally frowned upon to use one's desk at work for the purpose.
2 hours later…
bloody frikkin hell.
@AviD What is it this time?
I can't get my ISP to send me my bill as a proper attachment (they use links to their site, as if that's "included" in the email), but my pension/insurance company is happy to send me quarterly reports. To my email.
of course, signing up and getting access to all me details was as difficult as verifying my email address - and then providing any (national) id number. So I guess email is not worse.
oh hang on, the file is encrypted. "encrypted", heh.
this gonn' be gewd.
@AviD Security is Hard™.
@TerryChia I'll tell ya what else is hard....
@AviD I'd rather not know.
guessing the password for the encrypted file.
I am not impressed.
seriously, somebody should teach these clueless programmers a thing or two about security. OH WAIT I AM SPENDING THIS MONTH DOING JUST THAT.
and suffering for it.
to be clear, the email states that the password to the encryption is 4 digits from my national id.
a. 4 digits? Seriously? what is this, an ATM?
b. National Id's here are public knowledge.... easily available on government websites.
so I want to complain to them about the fugged up email policy, but its not like its gonna help, they couldnt really understand much when I complained about how easy it was to get access to any person's policies.
on the other hand, there is this:
Q: How to generate pure random string? A: Put a fresh student in front of vi editor and ask him to quit.
@AviD They won't listen until you Hack All The Things.
I'm awake
time to play watchdogs
falls out of bed
/me throws empty paper coffee cups at @kalina
switches to throwing pizza boxes
sets fire to @BarryCarlyon
I is coding here. I want to Watch Dogs TOOOOOO!
/me throws @kalina at @kalina
runs around the room screaming
@BarryCarlyon why would you spoil good coffee by putting it in a paper cup?
Watchdogs isn't anything special
It's such a disappointment tbh
The worst of it is
@AviD my co-worker brings it in paper cups.
It's not a "bad" game
@AviD I didn't see him saying anything about good coffee.
It's... just not a "good" game either
it also runs like a speedboat on gravel
The Mobile Game is clever. Someone challenged me to a race from his mobile and I drove a race on my Xbox One. I git a video of it somewhere.
Some of the game mechanics are clever.
@TerryChia that's like the age old question of an unstoppable object and immovable force...
that's just it
@BarryCarlyon I dont understand.
It's basically
@TerryChia ah! This does explain the paper cups part.
"I want to be GTA/Driver/etc"
and it does all of those things
although, the question wqould remain why drink ungood coffee, when I have fantastic coffee sitting right here?
it isn't "good" at any of them and it isn't "bad" at any of them
Sec I'll grab the video.
the only time the game is good is when it's being unique
@AviD Not everyone is a coffee snob like you.
@TerryChia haha
and that's let down by my PC struggling to get 30 FPS out of it because of how badly optimised the game is
@AviD you on about coffee of Watch Dogs mobile?
actually, my daughter just made me a milkshake. delicious.
her milkshake brings all the dads to the yard
there you go, ruined it for you
@AviD Because it really is delicious or because your daughter made it so it has to be delicious?
@kalina hahaha, no, thats damn funny.
@TerryChia no no, it's delish. She's old enough that I dont have to tell her its delicious when its not.
I would have to drink it anyway, just wouldnt have to say anything nice about it.
brb, teaching @AviD's daughter how to poison people
"here daddy, this one is arsenic flavoured"
that's.... a scary thought. Scariest part is she would probably get along well with you.
typical angsty teenager.
@AviD that's a burn
are you implying I'm angsty?
nooo, I meant her.
@kalina @ScottPack's daughter needs some education as well.
@AviD ...**Good** coffee?
there is no such thing
I saw a message I've never seen before lastnight
as a result of running Watchdogs for most of the day I got an "out of memory" error
@BarryCarlyon mobile game? What is this?
@RoryAlsop game that has wheels
@RoryAlsop well there's definitely bad coffee...
and not bad coffee
@kalina Ah - that is because you are young. Back in the day, when you only had 1k of RAM if you were lucky, it happened all the time
and nespresso's kind of nice
@RоryMcCune :-)
You spoiled me with your vanilla
@RoryAlsop starbucks frappuccino
@RoryAlsop Stop making me feel old, just because I've done all of that as well. :(
I want to learn how to drink ristretto
@RoryAlsop That sounds dirty.
Also, good afternoon, DMZ.
it's evening
@kalina you moving around again (at least putatively)
Afternoon @Fei, @ter, @kal and other Rory
@RoryAlsop On the Watch Dogs App. You challenge some one the PC/Xbox/PS version to a game. And in that video, I was challened to a check point race. I drove the race and the other guy tried to stop me finishing. By triggering the traffic lights etc.
@kalina For you perhaps, sleepyhead.
"someone on the"
@BarryCarlyon ahh - hadn't heard of it
sounds interesting
its not
do you know what else isn't interesting?
@RoryAlsop works fairly well in real time. But the guy who challenged me said there was a bit of lag. It's a clever idea. But I had heard there were other ways to affect other peoples games.
seventeen frames per second.
@BarryCarlyon there is a multiplayer option in game
@TerryChia "sounds" dirty...?
lets you enter people's games and hack them
far far better than the mobile app
I was playing aroudn with it all lastnight
one of the game modes you enter their game and hide and then start hacking them
and they have to find you before you finish hacking them
@kalina I tried to pop onto multiplayer when the tutorial thing went thru it but it didn't find me a game :-(
I just parked on the roof of a multistory carpark for a bit
That sounds like fun tho.
but there's also race modes and free roam etc
I was just driving around yesterday between missions and the challenge popped up :-D
my biggest problem with watchdogs is the story is crap
I could have forgiven everything else
Indeed. Not enough back story laid down at the start.
I'm not very far in so far.
Only reason I was casting it was for lol's
And it's far too easy to cast from the Xbone
Was only gonna play an hour ended up doing 3 1/2 :-D
I was going to sleep before today started but ended up playing until 6am
and the vast majority of that was murdering civilians
@kalina with fire I hope
with cars, with trucks, with boats, with assault rifles, with frag grenades
Some of the hackable peoples phone calls are filthy as hell…
with police officers
@kalina and how much of that was in-game?
@AviD oh about 3%
don't worry though, we're already controlling the flow of information
nobody will know I wiped out a large portion of china
Cool I need a new house
Can you get me something nice in China?
there is no "nice"
there is only smouldering flesh
piles of it
Have fun!
hey @AviD stop getting rep, you're making the users list look messy!
throws paper things at @AviD
huh? I'm losing rep, at least relative to my repneighbors.
oh. interesting. BACK ON SECOND ROW, B**CHES!
@AviD well in that case something happened to @LucasKauffman 'cause he's back down on row 2
@BarryCarlyon IGNORE
@BarryCarlyon should have used rocks or scissors :P
@RоryMcCune nah, its me jam.
@TildalWave Damn! :-D
@AviD either that or you told the devs you were training yesterday to go upvote you :op
heh, actually that has happened.
@RоryMcCune hahaha - yep, just need Lucas to overtake AviD and Gilles to overtake Hendrik - that will help ease OCD
during one of the classes last couple weeks ago, one of the guys started researching me, and then started asking me questions based on some of my posts.
more on SO, but here too.
and along the way upvoted some of them. Apparently.
@RoryAlsop yeah, the users list would look so much neater if there were no users on it...
Snowden endorsed #Lavabit. Closed. Also endorsed #TrueCrypt. Closed. #Pattern?
I heard that Snowden was complaining that the NSA claimed that he was "just" a lowly Sharepoint developer. He of course claimed that he had a BIG IMPORTANT SECRET job designing cryptography and such.
While the NSA is hardly a reliable source on this, his own claims did sound a lot like Russel Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind".
all sharepoint developers are lowly
it's inferred by the "sharepoint" word
real development is too hard for them
it's like people who develop using PHP instead of a real programming language
cc @fei
@AviD moderator admits to soliciting upvotes in exchange for accreditations
also I'm bored
@kalina heh, way to go on the reading comprehension.
only fools believe the official story
and only paranoiacs completely ignore it.
not true
so do journalists
and politicians
and in some cases, lawyers
all are proper subsets
smoke huge spliff outside in the wind
or smoke huge spliff in the conservatory
collapse on my bed and smoke it in here
this is pretty cool:
All three @kalina
remote controlled buetooth enabled electric paper airplanes.
Clever tech that
@BarryCarlyon what was that link to you playing multiplayer watchdogs?
with your friend on mobile
oh contains swearing :-D
And delightful video of my living room
@BarryCarlyon thanks, I just stole a screengrab for my first SE post in (relatively) ages
Nice :-D
@kalina is it worth linking to the video to show the whole interaction?
@TerryChia Apparently after a lawsuit from a company saying they ripped off their code they relicensed it to match the original product. I've never looked at that license.
@TerryChia Well, that's interesting. I logged in, and only saw that and the following 3 messages until I refreshed. I thought it had simply been a quiet morning.
Yay for chat derp \o/
@BarryCarlyon I just gave him the bit he asked for
you could if you wanted
Thunderstorm please go away I don't have surge protection setup yet >:(
Rain rain, go away, come again some other day
@Simon If I didn't know better, I would have thought that was Simon.
@Nick unplug all the things! (including phone lines plugged into ADSL modems)
@AviD and as you said that.... rain became hail :P
@RоryMcCune but i have work to do >:C
I don't even like broccoli.
thunder is the best
I sleep so well during thunderstorms
Nuuuu its not :(
@Nick ya won't if a lightning strike fries your firewall... happened to me (true story)
"my firewall is... on fire"
@RоryMcCune Once a strike made my router blow up... xD
Once a strike tried to strike me but I took an arrow to the knee instead
Man, who allowed these nerdy nerds to be nerding in the nerdiest chat on this nerdy website?
@TerryChia nurd
@BarryCarlyon an arrow to the knee is slang for getting married xD
Simon is biggest nerd
@Nick learn something new everyday…
Wait, who changed the tag to no-nono-yolo?
I dig that big time #yolo
@kalina Feels good, right?
@Simon flagged
@AviD Just type it once, you'll understand.
G .
./timeout @AviD 86400
yup, feels good.
room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [no-no-nono-yolo] [rory] [security]
Oh wait no mod powers FailFish also not Twitch Chat FailFish
sorry I'm afraid I can't allow random yolo'ing in here
But #Yolo
My head hurts so fucking much and I didn't even drink last night, when did I become a gigantic pussy?
Wow. I gotta remember to start closing my browser before I leave work. Still had pages with boobies and tits hanging open when I came back today.
@Iszi and clear your history :P
or have differnet ffox profiles for work and home
or dont browse crap when you should be working
@RоryMcCune Why would that help?
@Iszi so when you're using your work profile if someones looking at your screen and you start typing it doesn't autocomplete the dodgy site you were on the night before :)
@RоryMcCune room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [rory] [security] [screw-simon] [simon-sucks] [if-he-yolos-one-more-frikkin-time-I-will-slice-him-open-like-a-Quentin-Tarantin‌​o-character]
@Iszi I want to see your boss face if they have a proxy monitoring traffic xD
@RоryMcCune Oh, you're presuming I use history & tab sync.
dammit, he ran away before I could kick his ass
Nope, I was looking at boobies and tits at work Tuesday.
@Nick what kind of place do you think he works at?? This is 2014 for chrissake.
@Simon what?
@AviD I know a few work places that use a proxy :P
yesterday, by Iszi
The Blue-footed Booby (Sula nebouxii) is a marine bird in the family Sulidae, which includes ten species of long-winged seabirds. Blue-footed boobies belong to the genus Sula, which comprises six species of boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting their feet up and down while strutting before the female. The female is slightly larger than the male and can measure up to 90 cm (36 in) long with a wingspan of up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft). The natu...
as old as @AviD
oh, proxy sure, but traffic monitoring? for adults?
is an adult honest
@RоryMcCune on second thought.... I think I'm going to start using YOLO pretty often. As a threat.
@AviD A friends worplace has a proxy which dumps every DNS request and some people inspect it at the end of every day xD
@Nick if he is an intelligent knowledge worker, tell him he should switch to a mature organization, without a poison culture, where they will treat him like an adult.
blaming all of you guys
Sorry I take full responsibility.
@AviD Do you think I'll get to see a picture of your pillow patch before I die?
@Simon not a chance, ya damn pervert.
I'm married, and straight.
@kalina I recommend speaking to @simon for a while, he'll doubtless say something you could construe as offensive and then you can occupy yourself imagining an elaborate revenge
that or work on the ... song
@RоryMcCune @kalina or bore you into a coma.
or cheese
bore you into cheese?
Just cheese…
That does explain roquefort.
I'm the most entertaining man on earth. I can tell you random bullshit, you can hit me in the face and finally we can dance together to some hard dance beats.
room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [rory] [security]
@AviD #yolo
@RоryMcCune okay now I really did remove that senseless tag....
Guys, I think there's a bug in the chat. Every time I type #yolo, I get kicked out.
Don't type it then?
So what the hell is happening?
@BarryCarlyon #yolo
@BarryCarlyon speaking of which. We have Cheese Holiday coming up next week.
@kalina Hush you!
Yay for cheese! \o/
(or , in Ashkenazi usage; Shavuʿoth in Classical and Mizrahi Hebrew (, lit. "Weeks"), known as the Feast of Weeks in English and as Πεντηκοστή (Pentecost) in Ancient Greek, is a Jewish holiday that occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan (late May or early June). Shavuot commemorates the anniversary of the day God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel assembled at Mount Sinai, although the association between the giving of the Torah (Matan Torah) and Shavuot is not explicit in the Biblical text. The holiday is one of the Shalosh Regalim, the three Biblical pilgrima...
dammit, it doesnt onebox the internal section.
Any excuse to enjoy cheese!
anyway, the dairy companies here have turned it into a Glorious Cheese Day, much like Hallmark turned Valentines Day into a romantic holiday. or whatever.
@TerryChia ymean about TrueCrypt?

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