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did you know they've had global issues with stackexchange newsletters?
liike the au one redirected to astronomy or something...
interesting - hadn't seen any info on them ever, before this afternoon
wow... this person should be slapped...
@RoryAlsop : did you get the invite?
Q: create and grant a normal user with root privileges

alwaysonnethow to create & grant a normal user like 'sybase' with root privileges? i found useradd, adduser, passwd to be useful, but are there any other files to modify to get 'root' like privileges so that user can do installation tasks.

anyone want to tell me what security risks are not caused by giving a non-root user default root privileges?
Oh, another thing to ping @RebeccaChernoff about (or, if a mod could @@ ping her?):
@TheEvilPhoenix "In testing, anything is fair game." - Really?
@Iszi So I notice that she didn't downvote to oblivion all of those posts :)
It's taken me a long time to convince, developers especially, that no matter what they call their environments, any environment that contains live data needs to be treated as production.
@Mvy just checked - yes, thankyou!
@ScottPack LOL
@ScottPack Hahaha.
@ScottPack Test shouldn't contain any "real" data.
In other news, developers will eventually accept (if not understand) that the data stored within the environment is what determines what level of access control is used :)
@Iszi Now that is a topic that will trigger a nerd rage in me.
@ScottPack Oh?
Love today's RLC:
When do girls start dating nowadays? 11, 12?
@ScottPack Dunno. Any time before 30 is too early, and even that's pushing it.
That seems a bit much to me. I mean, she was 25 when we got married, after all.
And you were, what, 13?
@ScottPack When were you married?
@ScottPack Sorry. Got stuck in over-protective-dad mode.
I'm glad my 9 year old is a tomboy - otherwise I think she'd be allowing boys to date her
@Iszi Do you mean, how old was I, or how long ago it was?
@ScottPack What year?
@Iszi '04
@@Rebecca - ping
Q: Should we add #infosec to our Twitter bot's posts, for publicity?

IsziThis idea is spawned from @ScottPack's post in the thread about distinguishing blog posts in Twitter: How should we distinguish blog posts in the Twitter feed? I think it could bring a bit of publicity (and, hopefully, more traffic - and, consequently, more users) to the site if we added the #i...

@ScottPack That puts me at 22, and already married for a year (on paper).
@RoryAlsop You da mod!
i wanna t-shirt with I are da mod!
OMG. I just heard VA Tech has another gunman on campus.
@Iszi Oh, I thought you were even younger than me than that.
@RoryAlsop XD
@RoryAlsop With the Sec.SE logo, too... hell, yeah!
@ScottPack Funny. Most people who've met me in person gauge me as a good deal older.
Mod This!
It's probably the beard, though.
Sec.SE MODs!
@Iszi oh no!
@Iszi What is wrong with their water?
@Iszi I know, right? They're all kind of idiotic over there, no?
@nealmcb - have you seen this story:
the lottery rolldown story
darn i only need one more upvote on anything over at U&L to get it added to my global flair... >.>
@TheEvilPhoenix wanders over to U&L.....
and considering i'm 100% correct...
except with sudo
in which case there's some security there
except that people still do, for reasons they think are valid (and in some cases are valid) but that destroy the security model
I saw a question about GUI elevation privilege.
The admin created su[#number] accounts with uid=0
you are on 200 over there @Thee
@Mvy LOL
@Mvy nice
The poor guys could not update when the GUI ask for root passwords.
I did not respond either, because I would have ste up sudo. I bet his best shot was to su in console and run the program by hand.
@Rory then they need to update the flair yells at SE
Oh! My Sec.Se reputation jumped over SU one!
my AU rep still is greater than any other site's rep I have...
by almost 2x for the second runner-up one :P
@TheEvilPhoenix usually waiting until tomorrow works
@TheEvilPhoenix same here - me sec.se rep is nearly 3 times my music rep
i'm horridly impatient though :P
@Mvy excellent
@TheEvilPhoenix not very surprised :-)
Q: Root authentication with another root user

slashveeI have a pc at work with Fedora 14 on. For security/administrative/whatever reason, the IT guys did not give around the password for the root user, but instead, if needed they create a specific suXXX user with root permissions. The entry in /etc/passwd looks like this: su9705:XXXXPASSWORDXXX:0:...

@TheEvilPhoenix What is AU?
@Mvy askubuntu.com
another SE site
sighs I started editing a post to fix some glaring spelling mistakes, and while doing it I read deeper and realized that it was clearly written by a non-native speaker.
ah.yes.. Cuold not get used to This one!!
@Mvy you'll notice i abbreviate site names sometimes :P
Almost looks as if the entire post was run through Google Translate a few times before hitting English.
@Mvy oh dear lord - i guess it gives them accountability, but no actual protection
Yeah I do it too
SO, SU, SF, SE, etc..
AU = askubuntu, ITSec = here, U&L = kind of straightforward (Unix and Linux), SU = superuser, SO = stackoverflow, etc. etc. etc.
@RoryAlsop not even sure...
SF = serverfault, etc.
i could go on'
but i wont
I usually use full names, as my abbreviations are probably different to others
If syslog record uid = 0, you won't know who does the changes.
here - Sec.Se
the food one always confuses me
@Mvy good point
sudo gives better loggin
yeah Cooking is SA
@RoryAlsop That's a bit of an understatement.
Seasoned Advice
You know what else gives good logging? Auditd.
@ScottPack I'm okay at understatement, I guess
@ScottPack yup - we likes auditd
@Mvy I was going to say it's the abbreviation for the NIST Auditing and Accountability family of controls.
@RoryAlsop I just wish there were better systems for reviewing the logs. I'm not familiar with a good way to do it.
I think our admin uses nagios. But I don't know to what extend.
Presumably SIEMs should help out there. Unfortunately, I really only have experience with enVision, so I can't speak to what SIEMs are actually capable of.
@Mvy Nagios is a great health monitoring tool, but unless it has a broader feature set than I know of (entirely possible), it won't really help much here.
right. I thought you can hook up some things.
it's still not that fully featured
SIEM should come into it's own mid 2012 according to a lot of projections
the tech is just not there yet
@Mvy Wasn't there a scene in The Cell like that?
(good attempts by a lot of vendors)
but still very kludge-y
@ScottPack I do not know what you are referring to... so...
@Mvy Poor attempt at Pop Culture humor. It's a bit of a weird movie from 2000.
That explains :P
Q: Frameworks or any Solutions for authentications/security/ login management in Java Web Applications

Marcos I am looking for a framework/solution for authentication/ user-login management/ security in java web application that can make the naive developer's job easier/faster and make the application relatively more secured against potential threats. P.S. : I'm using JSF 2.0 as the front-end devel...

@ScottPack Or WebApps?
Yet another time that I don't understand which belongs where
Much as I love Firefox, it's an effing memory hog on my work PC.
Easy + security?
@Iszi I found FF to have quite a reasonable footprint, until I started using tab groups.
Even with the same tabs, just spread out between groups.
780MB :S
Mine's around 400+ MB at the moment, but it bloats throughout the day.
Mine's running about 900MB right now.
Mine grows from 350 to >750 in a day. If it hits 1G I kill it
Holy crap, when did I get so lazy about my taskbar?
29 windows open!
hahahahaha - I try and keep few enough that I can read each name
if I need to do more things I run another computer:-)
I'm looking at 2 windows right now. FF and Outlook. Yummy.
@RoryAlsop Right now, I've got barely enough room for the icon, about 2-3 letters of the name, and an ellipsis.
@ScottPack but you like tabs...
Tabs is life
now if you could say that in a Geordie accent - that would be brilliant
(tabs are cigarettes in Newcastle speak)
@RoryAlsop Oh tabs, yeah, I have close to 50 of those between all the groups.
What can be say in english that cannot be misunderstood?
that is why English is so much fun
Tabmix Plus, however, rows them out so that I get about the favicon, 6-8 characters and the ellipses.
favicons rule in that scenario
@RoryAlsop Check out IdentFavIcon. It rocks for sites that don't have one.
@RoryAlsop I wrote it very quickly last night, start to finish, so I'm not surprised if it contained an error or three!! @AviD I think it depends. My personal opinion is that itsec and physsec people probably have a different set of needs as communities even though they have things in common, but I'm probably not the best person to ask and I'm not the only person to ask either, hence asking the questions I did.
Oh that's fun, speaking of community Xover:
Q: Are you interested in beta testing games?

Brett White ΨYesterday, Alex Miller posted over on Meta.SO about a potential match-making service between our developer and user communities (namely Android, Apple and gaming enthusiasts). You can check out his original post, but the gist of it is that we have great developers and user communities on the site...

Though not really same problem as our.
2 hours later…
@RoryAlsop blog post up for review
2 hours later…
@ScottPack See what you did? You got me to come here. Now property values will plummet.
@WesleyDavid before or after the zombie apocalypse occurs, and then my subsequent burning of the planet occurs?
@TheEvilPhoenix Yes and Yes.
the first one wasnt a question
before, or after?
Only perhaps maybe.
you have been scheduled for burnination. have fun in Hell.
Q: How Internet Explorer core reacts to uninstallation?

asmoLet's say I update my IE8 to IE9 through Windows Update. Then, I remove IE9 from my computer using the "Turn Windows feature on or off" panel. The IE application will be gone, but will my IE core still be IE9 or will it have rolled back to IE8? I'm asking this because, while want the IE applic...

@Iszi to where?
The guy obviously needs some education about keeping his software up to date for security purposes.
@TheEvilPhoenix Well, considering that it's not here now...
oh i see
ll ask the superuser mods because i'm bored...
your thoughts are welcome
@TheEvilPhoenix Thanks. Didn't know the place existed. If this room was a little more crowded and a bit more often off-topic, I'd say we should have our own version.
ooh let me make the moderators' room. :P LET ME MAKE IT!!!
(FYI: running on caffeine-induced megacrazyrage)
@TheEvilPhoenix Crap. Forgot to take that into account.
Last thing we need is for @TheEvilPhoenix to own the mod room.
even though you all get default owner...
its technically irrelevant who owns the room
since room owners dont get /kick, etc.
they just get explicit read/write/edit stuff
for channel info
@TheEvilPhoenix Who's "you all"? I'm no mod.
@TheEvilPhoenix exactly
by "you all" i mean any mod :p
and as i said
whoever owns the room is irrelevant
but as i'm bored out of my mind
and wouldnt mind adding more channels to my favorites list by default
i'd be more than happy to create the room then give all security mods owner :P
even though they get implicit owner as mod
by the way @Iszi... there's nothing stopping me from creating the room... :P
i might call it "The Firewall" - a room for the Security.SE mods to do their jobs, filtering out bad and potentially evil questions
@TheEvilPhoenix I know, and that's part of what scares me.
you should actually be more scared of me when i'm drunk
@TheEvilPhoenix Maybe I should create some sock puppets to down-vote you into oblivion so you lose those rights. ;-)
caffeine-induced hyperrage is what got me addicted to askubuntu.com/review/
except the anti-rep-spam system would catch you
and you'd be shot
and also, the caffeine-induced hyperrage is what led me to get a 500+ flag weight on askubuntu
@Iszi guess what... i'm on the chat room creation window :P
and if i hit create chat room... i'll create "The Firewall" :P
@TheEvilPhoenix runs and hides
It's cool, @Iszi. It's a non-binding thing. If nobody uses it, then it doesn't matter.
and considering i just added the 3 security.se mods to the owners category
@RoryAlsop Nice story! Its nice that sometimes is simply pays to be smart, with support from voters and the general public :)
@Mvy @RoryAlsop Tip: there's markup for SE site names now, in chat and in comments: [so] = Stack Overflow, [security.se] = IT Security, [metaso] = Meta Stack Overflow, etc.
whats the markup then for askubuntu?
Also useful in comments: [faq], [meta] (links to the meta site from the main site, and conversely [main]), [ask] (/questions/how-to-ask), [answer], …
A: Add data.SE style "magic links" to comments

balphaMost of these now work. My comment below has the following markdown source: On [main], you are expected to write proper English (as advertised on [english.se]), but here on [metaso] it's more important to have freehand circles, so please [edit] your post, otherwise I'll have to flag you (see ...

Okay... This just amps up the WTF factor for that one question...
> I don't want to rollback the IE version, I want to remove the IE application, while retaining the latest version of the core for security. – asmo 2 mins ago
@TheEvilPhoenix You have more "(removed)" comments than anyone I've seen. What's the story?
@nealmcb In this case, it seems he was just testing a chat feature.
@Gilles That seems to have not worked here...
A: Regarding Our Scope: What's Acceptable, What's Not

M'vyThis proposition has reach is critical mass with regard to the "IT Security" scope. All the site is now branded over this specific topic, design as well as some other support (I don't know if they already planned T-Shirt, business-cards, etc). This makes me worry on two things about the scope br...

@Iszi What seems not to have worked?
@Gilles See the pointer in my post.
@Iszi I see what message you're replying to, but that doesn't help. Are you sure you're replying to the right message?
Oh, wait... you said in chat & comments. No mention of Q/As.
Though, you would think they'd be brought to Q/As first.
@Iszi Oh, I get it, in the answer you linked to. No, it doesn't work in posts. I think this is because it would have been too disruptive for main sites (imagine e.g. posting a regexp for “a or u”), and it would have been too much bother to implement for meta sites only. Also the markup engine is different for posts, it would have been more difficult to add.
@Iszi OK, I've weighed in with an actual answer now....
A: Regarding Our Scope: What's Acceptable, What's Not

nealmcbThe site already covers the topics you ask about since they are all related to IT security. In particular it covers many aspects of physical security. Covering physical security is critical to IT security - how do you protect servers, laptops, disks, remote backups, transit etc without physical...

@Gilles Interesting and surprising. But I don't get the "a or u" reference. I got the impression that comments were rendered more dynamically than questions and there are more of them, so it would seem that fancy features would come last to comments
@nealmcb If someone posts [au] intending for it to be a regexp, you don't want it transformed into [au]
Ok, that's maybe a bad example, because you'd use code markup. But consider a quotation: “blah blah, and as a consequence wibble”, shortened a bit to “blah blah, Stack Overflow wibble”
In chat or comments it's ok to allow this kind of edge cases, but in an answer on, say, English Language and Usage or Writers it would come out of the blue and look really bad
Oh well, I guess security pros don't need to be lectured against complex interfaces (:
@Ninefingers I agree, it does seem to me to be very different communities, with different expectations and different needs.
@ScottPack? did you change your gravatar just to spite @WesleyDavid?
wait, whats going on? @Zoredache now you have the same (almost) gravatar as both them?
Q: Paddington Bear Choppertar

Kyle BrandtMany of our top users seem to have avatars with a picture of themselves in a car with what appears to me to be Paddington Bear: So what is the story behind this?

did I miss some kinda mass gravatar changing?
@Zoredache ahhh thanks
The take-over begins.
actually thats kinda funny. in a sysadmin-sorta way....
does make it harder to know whos talking... actually need to read the names.
@Gilles so, we should start encrypting everything?
hmm, that would actually make for a pretty cool easteregg...
@AviD Good idea! -- Tvyyrf
@GrahamLee (and anyone else with an iphone, and sick enough) - you should get one of these:
anyone else notice different color fonts on tags?
I dont mean the special tags on meta, I mean regular tags on the main site.
very subtle, and didnt notice at my usual viewing angle till now - but now it seems very distinct, most are gre|ay font, but some are blue... just curious, is all.
@AviD I see it now. It's an artifact of your browser+OS's subpixel rendering
I see it in Chrome, but not in Firefox
@nealmcb I'm not quite sure I entirely agree with the answer as written, but I understand your reasoning.
@AviD Oooh... a ROT13 egg?
Or maybe PGP?
@Gilles We prefer the term "Choppertar"
Nah, PGP should work at the endpoints, not in the room.
@ScottPack Ow. That facepalm actually hurt!
@TomOconnor did a good job on mine. It's hard to tell, but he put my sepia eye inside the eye sockets of the old man.
@Iszi hmm, are eastereggs on clientside only?
I mean, are they always implemented in javascript space, or can it be done serverside?
cuz... I had a crazy idea for one... encrypt it for everyone, and decrypt only for the user that is pinged in the message.
so you can effectively be sending private messages in the public chatroom...
Oooo...private messaging
It would be client side
'course, that's ignoring the lack of SSL, and the dev-side access. but still cool.
The eggs are all javascript
woah - did I miss a metric crapload or what.....
@ScottPack hmm...
too late, and too much pinot grigio for tonight - will try and assess tomorrow
@RoryAlsop The Hell you say!
@RoryAlsop didja make it to the teachercast?
no - got hectic at work, as well as trying to get my car fixed in time to drive our kit up to the festival on Saturday. Looks like not only cylinder head gasket and radiator hose, but also radiator core...all linked issues, cost and time increasing:-(
oy. not fun.
Ouch. How are the valves?
read the transcript, mostly about @grace joining the SEI team, and talk about sponsoring conferences. oh, and lots of junktalk.
but I still havent gotten an answer about the owasp sponsorship... :(
@ScottPack valves seem good, think they have concluded on the scope of the problem, and to be fair they have said if they can't give it back to me by end of day tomorrow they'll give me a loan vehicle for the weekend for free
@AviD from the blog post it looks like it should be almost a no-brainer
@RoryAlsop i know, right?
Is a metric crapload an imperial or metric unit?
@@rebeccachernoff... still awating an answer re OWASP conference sponsorship... :)
definitely metric:-)
otherwise it would be an imperial crapload, which is obviously much bigger
And generally left unspecified.
A metric crapload is always metric. Simply referring to a 'crapload', one assumes Imperial.
Is a metric ton a metric unit? For some reason I though it was imperial.
sorry metric tonne
no, imperial is spelled tonne
@RoryAlsop That's good to hear. I've gotten to the point of hearing "head gasket" and assuming "engine rebuild", generally followed by "car shopping".
it's late, too much wine, yadda yadda
sorry, spelt tonne
@ScottPack oh, don't say that
@ScottPack yeah, I had that once. Decided to go leasing, ever since.
@RoryAlsop If the valves are fine, you're probably good.
Ever thrown a timing chain? That's exciting :)
@ScottPack not in a car I owned:-)
only on a track
While merging onto the freeway my old Volvo sliced through its timing belt. That was a tense few days while the local shadetree figured out the condition. Something about "interference engines" and "piston clap".
now you've stumped me...shadetree?
Shade Tree Mechanic. The guy that works out of his own personal garage, or front yard. As opposed to a big fancy shop.
gotcha - google only gave me stuff about trees
Until a year or two ago late '80s Volvo [27]40s were clogging the roads around here (old hippy town).
And the local Volvo guy was an old hippy that worked out of converted barn. Dude knew his Volvos, that's to be sure.
Oh, how good is the Finnux podcast?
The topics look interesting, but I'm nervous about adding yet another one to my list.
@nealmcb From what I've read ARPA was a fusion of defense research, corportae research, and academics. Of course there are important parts after ARPA, like NSF.
@AviD I still wouldn't trust it for sensitive data any further than I can sling a piano, but that would be cool.
@nealmcb I self moderate too often
@ScottPack Yes the defence concept was a geographically big, semi-decentralized, hetrogeneous network, with multiple independent routing options for delivery that would be robust against destruction of some number of nodes.
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