Nowadays, I am seeing unprofessional profile avatars of guys on Stack Overflow. IMO, it simply is not good to have these unprofessional profile avatars on this professional website because this is not anything like Facebook.
See here and many more I am seeing nowadays.
Are moderators not taking...
@LucasKauffman I've got a green and blacks tasting chocolate thing at the moment and they recommend butterscotch chocolate with whisky, not sure that I see it really
well I just got a new colleague who is helping me develop on a project, his prefered language is SCALA. Ruby all sounds very sensible to me if I had to make the choice
I'm glad you asked this... There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding how much stuff gets deleted, and who is responsible - so I'm going to provide a bit more information than what you asked for, in hopes of clearing this up.
Questions deleted during the past 365 days on Stack Overflow
@RoryAlsop @LucasKauffman Ya know in a real case of unexpected serendipity my missus has just come back from shopping with a bottle of 12 year old Balvenie!
@AviD well don't like is probably too strong, don't like as much as the others would be closer. the missus on the other hand really didn't like the laphroig, described it as "drinking stale cigarette ash"
...No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink".
and just replace Norway with Canada - job's a good 'un
So I get interchanging but same frequency of "Someone has sex in North Dakota" and "Someone in Denver orders a pizza" I wonder what that means?
@deed02392 I didn't read it, but a working quantum computer will break all commonly used forms of asymmetric algorithms and reduce the time needed to break symmetric algorithms by half.
Ah OK. So theoretically, if an entity was harvesting SSL traffic and the exchange, someday they could decrypt that traffic with a quantum computer (since the symmetric key was exchanged with the easily breakable asymmetric algorithm)?
@TerryChia problem is I've been spoilered for it already, with all the Internet chat, I pretty much know the salient points (people get killed a lot, there's a lot of nudity, the dragons never turn up) already
You know what they say. It is twice as hard to debug code, so if you write it as clever as you can, by definition you are not clever enough to debug it.
> int increment (int a, int b) // much better than a++, because this is generic, secure, and faster. // Also we can change what increment means if we decide.
@ScottPack they both show a fundamental misunderstanding of the development process, and will nearly always be indicative of a crappy programmer, and even more often of crappy code.
though I would agree that the former gets in the way a lot more.
Well, statistically, any code written by a programmer has a pretty high probability of having been written by a crappy programmer. Even higher if it wasn't written by a programmer.
@ScottPack the difference is that with the former, at least the programmer is making a token attempt at improving his code (for some misunderstood value of "improving"). In the latter case, the coder is not even capable of conceptualizing a full statement, and is using higher-level languages as if they are assembly.
@AviD I can go with that. Though with the latter I can read and comprehend it, even if it is overbearingly long. The former I have to decode, which is fucking annoying.
I don't want to have to use a sooper sekret decoder ring to understand what something is doing.
@ScottPack lol actually not glaswegian it is a uk english expression to indicate that the persons statement to whom you are responding could be considered a "double entendre"
Soon end support for Windows XP. I do not want to pay for another version of windows when my Windows XP is sufficient for my needs. So i seeking secure solution to continue with Windows XP.
When i access web from Xubuntu in VirtualBox running in Windows XP, it is environment of Windows XP secure...
@AviD In many places XP was the standard desktop image and the migration to 7 never happened. It seems like the more regulated the industry the less likely they were to migrate.
Plus it's hella hard to properly lock down and certify an image correctly.
@AviD I also hear that in some cases regulations/legislation require reporting and the like. The applications for those types of systems are also heavily wonkified so the development lifecycle for them is near infinite. So in some cases the users are required to use IE7 in order to even do their job.
@ScottPack as I've said never read the books/watched the program, I'm going off the South park episodes and other Internet related comments regarding the show...
@kiBytes well, its only 2, so I would need to flip a coin ;-)
@kiBytes typically, each role in an RBAC system is system-wide, and not resource-specific.
that makes it no longer an RBAC system, but (depending on other characterisitics) a DAC system (most likely, anyway) - or rather, a (common) variation thereof