C'mon guys what's going on here? You can't give it to @Gilles just because he cares, can you? And I don't think he should be expected to wear gloves while asking to better our approach to handling stuff of us here either, do you?
Does anyone know if its possible to add/create an account with NT\SYSTEM that has domain admin permissions (i've popped a shell on a PDC but am unsure if this is possible??)
I've made an account via net user /add and net localgroup administrators /add
which works fine, but yeah, can i elevate that to domain admin?
From memory i can, but for the life of me i can't remember the commands... :(
@ScottPack it's like Tune so of yours I guess Kyoon is the closest. Just as well I don't have the gaelic spelling of my first name (ruaridgh) or who knows how people would try to pronounce it ....
@ScottPack there's always a new kernel in ubuntu-land! and sometimes they randomly break full disk encryption which is super fun if you're out on customer site!
@ScottPack I don't think so, at least, as far as i have seen, there is a huge amount of Ubuntu documentation around. Not to mention anyone i have ever met that has ever liked Linux has used Ubuntu.
@DavidFreitag In the Linux server space we've pretty much always had RHEL and it's children, with Ubuntu taking market space in the desktop. I suppose I shouldn't be, spending as much time on SF as I have, but it still surprises me that you would want to use a desktop OS as your server.
@ScottPack Well, people learn it in the desktop environment. If i was going to make a server, i would choose the OS i had the most experience with...
Not that i have any comparison to make, Ubuntu server really pretty much configures itself automatically, so for a novice user it's really a dream come true.
But i could see why, from an expert point of view, that might be a bad thing.
@DavidFreitag The RHEL-kin tend to lag behind in software versions and you have to pick up a broad spread of repositories to get more esoteric stuff. In some cases you can't even find a repository that has a package for what you want. Most of the rpms I build are for perl modules from CPAN.
@DavidFreitag Ubuntu tends to be much faster with updates and by including Universe you get a shitload of stuff.
@DavidFreitag In one case you're purposely holding back on adding new features so you can better support the whole. In the other case you're getting all the new hotness right off.
In the Security Office we do quite a lot of perl work. As the guy who manages our systems I also would rather spend the time writing a SPEC than telling our guys to go to CPAN.
@DavidFreitag Quite right. In the general case I lean more towards the stability side, but there are certainly business cases to be had for both. It just seems as though the business case most often heard is, "I used Ubuntu on a VM once to see what this whole linux thing was about so now it's a server cuz linux."
That's Hard Trance. The beginning is very Hardstyle-like because he's a Hardstyle producer. The climax is missing the kick which makes it not Hardstyle at all.
@DavidFreitag I think I had about 3.5 hours of log review and research in before thinking, "I installed this app from my backup set. Maybe I should just reinstall it fresh."
@DavidFreitag Whenever it tried to invoke the second factor I never got the notification. Thinking something got borked there I deactivated it both client and server side, and then attempted to reactivate.
That wasn't working so I started the troubleshooting process. We don't have a significant population of users using the app yet so it was largely just me.
@DavidFreitag Then, just before contacting support, I wondered if the restore missed something else and did a fresh install.
@ScottPack So, let me get this straight. You are talking about losing your contract activation? Or does this have something to do with the Azure MFA side of things?
@DavidFreitag Ah, sorry no. Activation is the Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (née PhoneFactor) terminology for enabling the soft token phone app for your account.
@DavidFreitag Paid. You don't get access to the mobile app with the free version. At least not when using it on premise. I don't know about if you're using it with an Azure instance.
@DavidFreitag Clockwork just does the nandroid backups, yes?
> CWM backups are full system backups, so they restore it to exactly how it was when you took a backup. Everything including apps, settings, preferences, even call log is saved.