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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Griffin after changing it on one site, click “Save And Copy Profile To All Stack Exchange Accounts”
@Gilles ty
@Griffin Don't change them back.
@RobertHarvey hm?
You heard me.
They already are. and why?
The only people that have the power to change profile pictures are moderators. The only reason a moderator would change your profile picture is because they found it inappropriate.
@RobertHarvey You'd think they'd talk to the people.
Uh, no. Why?
Because I don't know why it reverts itself.
Well, now you do.
And if they want me to not have that picture they should tell me not do it randomly.
Consider yourself told.
Are you changing it?
Why is that? We just had quite the conversation about why it was not bad.
@Griffin I think we had the conversation that some may find it offensive, and that you should prepare for people to complain
Because Stack Exchange is a professional venue. There is an expectation that participants exercise a minimal level of professionalism.
And the people who do can come and tell me why.
I just did.
We have my little pony and tiger as avatars....
They're not the same, and you know that.
I have a picture of a girl drooling.
@Griffin Madara, Rhys and I gave you pointers.
@Griffin Just change it already, is it really worth getting banned over?
@DavidFreitag It was changed for me.
Because we all know that this is where its heading.
@Griffin It's ugly and in bad taste. However, I don't think it is offensive enough to censor.
Ah, silly caching.
Nothing is showing.
@Griffin what @Gilles said - it may not offend him or me, despite what we may think of it, but we do need to listen to the wider audience. When it was just in the DMZ it got a couple of complaints. Having it on all your accounts has gained attention from that wider audience, and the decision has been made to tell you not to use it any more. Personally - I'd use a different avatar.
@RoryAlsop Oh he absolutely loves it.
More drama while I was gone? Aw.
@Simon it happens
The DMZ has become a soap opera lately.
And everyone knows that the opera sucks.
Worst. Browser. Ever.
Where's my Packster?
I miss him way more than this @kalina gurl.
Is this happening?!?
I was watching Ironman 2 on TV. I was thinking: "Oh man, if I'd watch this movie with @ScottPack, he'd be able to tell me what is accurate and what was added by the pesky producers".
Actually I really couldn't. I never followed Iron Man.
Of the Cinematic Universe I've only seen the first IM. I need to watch the others.
Wow! We have so much in common! I actually told my mom how much he's my least favorite superhero.
I really dig Downy's rendition of him, though I don't know if it's comic book accurate.
Dear StackExchange: I have homework. Please do my homework.
Q: Template free biometric technique for authentication

FrOgYI know about biometrics and different technologies within biometrics. I am working on one case study in which I have to show some latest technology in biometrics such as "TEMPLATE FREE BIOMETRICS". My questions are as follows: 1. Is palm vein biometric an example of template free biometric? Yes...

@tylerl thanks
Oh god, what happened now?
somebody flagged our feed bot
Man, The Bridge looks like one hell of a boring place.
says @Simon, the most boring person on Stack Exchange
@kalina Dropping the big B.
Yup. All the flags. Blindly validating all flags is the only way to get people to not use flags. It's like the nuclear option only the shooters haven't figured out the warheads are live yet.
Another round of flag abuse...? God I just woke up.
Oh, it's The Bridge. Ok I don't care.
@TerryChia Abuse? Nah, it's The Bridge. That shit's full of flags all the time anyway.
Bridge flags are best flags
Certainly the most voluminous.
one of your blues are probably going to have to unban @simon shortly
Unban? Why would they do that?
How many valid flags does it take to get someone banned?
@Simon because you're obviously just stirring the pot
@ScottPack 5? maybe
I know it's sometimes possible to double flag something too
@kalina Lame. I've only validated one against you so far.
@kalina Well exactly, they wouldn't unban me.
and bans stack
@ScottPack I very very rarely validate a flag
even for the most obvious stuff
I'd much rather join the channel and berate them
which... is how I ended up here!
@kalina I used to reflexively invalidate then.
@Simon I invalidated that, enough people disagreed
all the interesting questions were asked long ago. Now all we get on this site is tech support and homework.
@tylerl many stack exchange sites go through this phase
@tylerl I look at it more as "FREE REPZ" when I get the mood to answer them.
yeah but homework style questions start driving away your actual talent
@kalina See, that's why I vote to close them when I don't have the mood to answer. :P
@kalina Yeah, SO is a complete disaster now; I haven't looked at it in ages. Sec.SE was plenty fun before everything had already been said. Now....
@TerryChia inconsistency is a really really bad thing though
Arqade suffers a lot from it
once you start confusing your users with inconsistencies it starts getting a bit messy
Physics is suffering from the homework questions thing
> I am definitely a mad man with a box.
cc: @Adnan
@DavidFreitag That's..... good.
@TerryChia I thought it was quite funny.
@TerryChia ehehehehe. So true...
what passes as an acceptable suggested edit on Arqade is far less strict than around here
I'm a bummer.
@Simon Yes.
Q: Infect remote machine

yohann2008I would like to know all existing solutions to connect to a remote machine (for subsequently infect). I would try for example to find the password by brute force or other ... It is to be used in C + + Thank you in advance.

Uh... no.
@kalina what do you mean?
@tylerl it means exactly what it says
It was not an ambiguous statement
@kalina By which I meant: What would be an acceptable edit on Arqade but not Sec.Se?
minor edits fixing individual words
@kalina so edits which don't really change the content or clarity of the question?
just general minor fixes
like all the ones I had rejected on here earlier
@kalina This time of night, all the new questions need editing just to get them into English.
And remove stuff like "please send me the answer, thank you"
@tylerl You forgot the "in advance" part
@DavidFreitag Please send me the answer in advance
@tylerl "please send me the answer, thank you in advance"
@tylerl considering I've read questions on this site and they look like gibberish after they've been edited, I don't feel I can contribute here
Here you go, @kalina -- about 600 questions that all need editing:
@tylerl Hey, good idea.
malware is off topic right?
what close reason
I flagged it as off-topic "Break the security..."
malware is only off-topic if you're talking about breaking the security of other people's computers
if you just want to learn about it that's OK
but if you want to unleash it on an unsuspecting world, then plonk
I've done some edits
@kalina Approved.
It's about time I started towards generating more rep around here than @Simon
3 more edits and I can begin downvoting him
@kalina Can we make out already?
I don't want to be a replacement for your ex
I want you to love me for being me
and you can't give that to me
so no, it will never work
also, you have a tiny penis
@kalina It would help if we knew you.
@kalina How would you know that? Hmm....
But not by much i suspect.
@TerryChia spoke to his ex
@kalina Yes, but what ex girlfriend wouldn't lie about such a thing?
@DavidFreitag are you kidding? Women talk
and it's not lies when you're no longer involved
if the sex was good, it's really obvious
Women hold grudges.
you still can't hide good sex
Honestly, i wouldn't know.
@Simon: what is it that convinced you to throw yourself at @kalina?
Everything you know about her comes from Internet chat
@tylerl It all started in 1925 after a night of drinking.
You haven't even the foggiest idea what she looks like, what she enjoys doing, or what interests you might share
in fact, all you know for certain is that she doesn't like you
Alright, alright. Before you continue, I would like to point out that I am joking.
which, if I might be so bold, is not a good start.
@Simon sure, nice save.
but I might point out that you don't speak the same way toward, say, @TerryChia
Or @Iszi, who we're not 100% certain is male
@tylerl When i doubt don't get caught flirting with a male?
@DavidFreitag How about when @adnan spent the day as a very large-breasted woman?
@tylerl Let's not talk about that.
made a lot of new friends that day
@tylerl How about the way I speak to @ScottPack?
@Simon as if you're his daughter, you mean?
@tylerl Son sir, son.
@tylerl *lover
now I officially owe him something
you're right
Don't let him get into your head
@DavidFreitag gross
@tylerl Er.. that's not what i meant.
that's what you said though
@tylerl What now?
@TerryChia Nothing, just an example
Has @Simon ever professed his love toward you?
@tylerl Ok good. Because I'll be very offended if you even suggest I want anything to do with @Simon.
@TerryChia that goes without saying
@tylerl Well, you see, @Simon can't verify that @Terry is a man.
@DavidFreitag Nor can he verify that @kalina isn't
Everything's possible.
For quite a while, @Iszi was anybody's guess.
@tylerl I think at least @kalina admitted to it. I don't recall @Terry pointing anyone in any particular direction. For all we know @Terry is actually a tree.
@DavidFreitag Hey now... @Lucas has verified me.
@TerryChia But who says we can trust @Lucas?
^ Did someone verify him?
@DavidFreitag I think he was verified by @RoryM.
Do i need to be verified?
@DavidFreitag If you want your status to be unambiguous, yes.
I'm a guy. I promise.
@DavidFreitag That's what they all (except @kalina) say.
Oh well, my gender remains ambiguous i guess.
@kalina revised link -- prolly best to limit cosmetic edits to open questions http://security.stackexchange.com/search?q=thank+you+closed:no
@tylerl fair game until it's deleted
@kalina edits trigger a re-open vote
> Florida Highway Patrol troopers say a two-vehicle crash Tuesday was caused by a 37-year-old woman driver who was shaving her bikini area while her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat.
It's a good thing we have Florida to keep the news interesting
> "She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit," Trooper Gary Dunick said.
If i was the ex-husband i would have swerved a couple times, at least.
Shaving her privates while her ex-husband took the wheel so that she would be all smooth to meet her new boyfriend.
that's takes a certain kind of ex-husband
Maybe he was going to join them.
It's le bed time because le head hurts which is surprising because I didn't know I had a brain until now.
le gn8
@Simon wha?
you didn't know you had a brain?
This is @Simon we are talking about.
@Simon head != brain.
Wow @kalina, you're really powering through those.
No power in the 'verse can stop me
@kalina indeed
@kalina Hey, stop editing!
I can't approve anymore till tomorrow!
@TerryChia ooh
tempting proposal
ok so which other person is willing to team up with @TerryChia to bribe me so that you can falsify your suggested edit review queue stats?
I need to do 100 today for mortarboard
I would but... you know.
@kalina Day rolls over at 0000 UTC, right?
so, you don't have to finish before going to bed
I've reviewed a dozen or two; you're doing a surprisingly thorough job for the rate at which you're pulling them out
I am a professional editor
@kalina are you really?
all I have to do is work out what your particular site finds acceptable in an edit
and then I can easily do 6 edits per minute
Yes, I can barely keep up
So how did you get into IIS admin stuff as an editor?
@kalina Also, tone down the reviews actually. We don't want the old questions to float up to the top of the front page.
did you know you can get a maximum of 1k rep from edits alone provided you do them all before you reach the rep threshold to edit without being queued
@TerryChia how many questions do you get per day?
@TerryChia night time is a good time to run through them.
Right now nobody is watching the site
@tylerl True.
@kalina 10-15 a day on average I'd say.
except for people who submit terrible questions.
@TerryChia REALLY?
well for a site with that low throughput, it's best to do the edits in bulk once
rather than breaking the front page every day
15 in the past 24 hours
SE disagree with me but I argued my point pretty well last time
also: it's the weekend
3 of which were closed
and this is more of a professional site
so I guess your traffic is better Mon-Fri
well, i'm out for the night.
@kalina you're 7 hours ahead of me, and you're still up later.
c'est la vie
the sun will be up momentarily
couple more hours
@kalina well, good luck
ok I've stopped
I will continue once people have some throughput to approve them
vox populi \o/
yes, I upvoted you @Adnan
long is nearly always worth it
and then I clicked the link
Heh. I found it quite cute. Mostly because It's my life in a nutsheell during high school.
@kalina I hope you did actually read it instead of going "Oh god 4chan" and left
@DavidFreitag no, I went "eugh 4chan" and closed it
@kalina Aw man. It's a good story i promise.
@tylerl the sky is turning navy
@kalina last few minutes before you turn into a pumpkin
or whatever happens when the sun comes up
I go to bed when the sun comes up
that's it
@DavidFreitag srsly, @David, why you gotta /b/ like that?
@kalina Are you a vampire?
@tylerl I'm sorry. I... couldn't help it.
@TerryChia no
Anyone used this before? hopperapp.com
@tylerl dark blue to turquoise gradient with an orange smudge across the horizon
@TerryChia never heard of it
@kalina the horrors!
what did castelvania 2 say when daytime came?
@tylerl It looks like a rather capable static analysis tool and much cheaper than IDA as well.
Maybe I'll pick up a license some time and give it a shot.
The night transition was "What a horrible night to have a curse"
That game had pretty cool music for an 8-bit square-wave generator.
which, by the way, can be perfectly replicated on a tesla coil
@kalina DEAR GOD
If you ever have someone with you at sunrise, that's what you tell them
night, kiddos
@kalina good luck with your whole... erm.. sleep schedule thing. When are you moving?
next sunday
maybe saturday
wow. that's a lot of pizza. you may have to branch out
I don't think I'll be eating much this week
I'm not feeling great after the last week
sorry to hear it.
nervous or anything?
So.. Just the pizza then?
Well, I'm out.
1 hour later…
@kalina I've approved two of your edits.
Just because she's a girl, it doesn't mean we should auto-approve.
@kalina While it's true, I do, indeed, almost always lean towards rejecting edits, your edits were begging for rejection.
> How do you translate this in security jabba jabba?
@kalina Please don't edit posts just to remove “thanks”. Fix everything that needs fixing, such as grammar, tags, etc. Also, don't artificially make titles into grammatical questions, most titles are better worded as titles than as questions.
@DavidFreitag Describing his theoretical reallife-derived idea in terms of information security.
@Adnan Yes, i knew what he meant, i just don't know why it wasn't removed as part of the edit...
@DavidFreitag Because it's an integral part of the question. With it, we can know what he wants more clearly.
@Adnan Yeah i guess... it's too late for my thinker to do its thinking.
I've just went through @kalina 's edits (yes, Sunday morning, the dog is being walked). She had 25 edits approved. Only 5 of them deserve being approved.
Oh well, it's not the end of the world.
@Gilles If I may be honest, I don't think it's completely @kalina's fault. We are encouraging her to make more shitty edits by approving them.
@Adnan well, I rejected the bad ones. I only saw a handful though
@DavidFreitag It's not, you're 100% correct. The problem is that when we have a bunch of noobs making similar edits, can we really tell them with a straight face that their edits are bad right after we accepted @kalina's?
@Adnan Sure, why not?
@kalina Please don't flood the front page with minor edits to old posts. Concentrate on posts that really need fixing.
@DavidFreitag So, when a guy like Sajid (a good dude who's making edits and writing answers here) makes a minor edit and it gets rejected, how can I explain to him that we accepted @kalina's thank-you-removal edit?
@kalina You've been on SE long enough to know all of that
@Adnan just say that most reviewers suck
@Adnan "Because we did."
it's less true here than on SO, and I guess here we aren't used to floods of minor edits
@kalina If you're bored, there must be hundreds of thousands of posts on Stack Overflow that need edits, and Stack Overflow doesn't have a front page to flood
@DavidFreitag Forgive my harsh reply, but isn't that what you detest about your "culture"? On several occasions you protested such practices by your government. Now you're engaging in those practices.
@Adnan But it's waaaay past that time of night when i can physically give a damn.
And yes, you are correct.
@DavidFreitag Typical reply.
@Adnan Typical, yes. But also true.
@Gilles The only way for this situation to be resolved is if we actually reject some of her bad edits. 5 in a row and she won't be able to make edits for some time. Or something like that
In truth I'm just messing with you because you take things too seriously. Even though i agree with what you're saying.
@Adnan it's a proportion of the latest edits, so rejecting a handful isn't enough if a lot get accepted
@DavidFreitag Damn it! I can only imagine being a mod! I'd turn Security.SE into North Korea in a couple of days.
@Gilles Democracy.
@Adnan It's Sunday. Take a chill pill.
@Adnan Yes, yes you would; and I would gladly smear some black packing grease into the gaskets in your binoculars.
@Adnan countermands definitive Whitehorse deodorizers. Linen conjunctives D?
@Adnan re. security.stackexchange.com/questions/44843/… : if http://example.com redirects to https://example.com and if the rest of the session does remain as HTTPS to example.com (which 99% of users won't bother to check, but for the sake of my question assume they do), what can go bad?
A good answer would cover this too
Btw @Gilles, IIRC you are somewhat a RE guy? Have you given hopperapp.com a shot?
@TerryChia I am not an RE guy
@Gilles Ah ok. I thought you did most of the RE challenges in the CTFs. :P
@TerryChia no, I usually do the crypto stuff
@Adnan you didn't answer my question. Here's another chance
@LucasKauffman Morthing
@Gilles I wrote you an answer but the second I posted it it became 000000000000000000000. What the hell?!
@Gilles Okay, I wrote it again (edited) and undeleted it.
Honestly, why would this be upvoted? Other than the one upvote given to piss me off.
A: How secure is redirecting user from http://normal.bank.com to https://secure.bank.com?

that guy from over there Is this is still vulnerable to MIM attack? yes it is, because you'd probabl y go with session-cookies that might be sniffed through a browser-plugin like firesheep or man-in-the-middle'd easily. What are the precautions? best-practice nowadays is to have your whole application run via...

90% of the "answer" doesn't answer the question. Yeah, it's a good advice, but it's not an answer.
The 10% that pretends to answer the question (first paragraph) is actually inaccurate and even completely wrong.
@TerryChia @DavidFreitag yep this is true I can verify the existence of @LucasKauffman
In fact I was not only verified by Rory but also Marione
@LucasKauffman Nice web design work
1 hour later…
@Manish Since you're a math wizard, could you please check this?
20 hours ago, by Adnan
@Thomas If/when you have some time, could you please check my math in the 3rd paragraph of this http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/44821/does-including-the-username-in-a-password-make-it-less-secure/44825#44825
The more I read it, the more I think I've made a big mistake.
I dunno how exactly info theory math works
I think it's correct
@ManishEarth I can say the same :D
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