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Whoa, it's 3 PM and I'm not wearing pants yet? Ain't gonna fix that.
@AviD Of course. I mean, kids get out of school at that time, right? You're not gonna wear pants now, creepy old man.
@AviD pants/=trousers
@RoryAlsop @Simon this
@RoryAlsop No no, he's actually not wearing any pants.
Trousers is a word that doesn't exist.
I did hear he was a commando...
I heard the same.
heh, nooo
@RoryAlsop :D
@RoryAlsop In that state one has to be careful where and how one sits.
I heard that kilts are much healthier for the little men.
@ScottPack A male one.
@Scott - a meta question which might interest you:
Q: What do I do if a question belongs here but is answered on Super User SE?

Zsbán AmbrusThe question How to destroy a CD/DVD rom safely? already has good answers on the sister site Super User Stack Exchange, but I think it belongs on this site. If the question didn't exist there already, I'd ask it here. What should I do in this case? Should I ask the SuperUser admins to migrate...

I know how you like the thermite...
no, its true!
@RoryAlsop Our conference keynote speaker told me his wife runs a media destruction business.
That made me excited.
oh - in reading more of that CD destruction one, I see @Iszi already answered it :-)
back in a bit gang
TTYL lad
are we a gang now? I thought we were a posse?
Or maybe a collective?
I like the term collective.
I think "gaggle" is most fitting.
If anything we're more like peacocks than we are geese.
I think it well reflects the inanity of conversation here.
Here we go, the same dude who was talking about genetics is now explaining the infrastructure of our network when he learned all about it yesterday.
Perfect timing to go back to my beats.
@RoryAlsop I missed something about that?
(Sorry. Too early in the morning to be bothered with trawling the log.)
@Iszi I picture you as a grumpy guy since the professionalism comment.
@Simon That's probably pretty fair.
Fine, I am here
Morning sunshine.
Wow... he's never been this nice to me.
I don't feel like sunshine
I'm still not 100% committed to staying awake yet
What a waste of time, sleeping.
it's what, nearly 2pm
so in comparison to a normal person, I'm 6 hours late waking up
but, in comparison to a normal person, I will be 8 hours late going to sleep
The only thing that I miss about my bed right now is the heat.
tomorrow I will wake up at ~4pm
the day after I will wake up at ~6pm
Great schedule.
it is
It's also not a schedule
Still is.
@kalina "Most" people are at work at 8, not waking up.
that would imply that I'm waking up to an alarm or coordinating any of this
@ScottPack yes well, unemployed
deal with it
@kalina I'm not commenting on when you're waking up, but your assumption that "normal" people are waking up at 8. It seems a bit late.
I don't think he has to deal with anything related to this.
I get up at 6:30 QQ
at my last job I woke up at 8:30
@kalina Apparently, the "normal" circadian cycle for human beings tends to average on 25 hours. That is, if you take a human out of a day/night reference, he will tend to sleep and wake on a 25-hour cycle.
I wonder if she'd had the balls to be mean to le bear-.
Which is why, when we have to wake up to go to our daily jobs, it always feels "too early".
@Thomas - what is the circadian rhythm for bears?
and is that 25 pretty consistent across mankind (and womankind)
@ThomasPornin based on how reliably my sleep drifts when I have no commitments to fulfil, I think mine is 26.5 hours
Womankind sucks.
you wish.
Without alarm clocks and work, I wake up earlier and earlier... wonder if my clock is just under 24 hours as opposed to just over
avid beat me to it
@RoryAlsop For bears, if I am to believe this article, food takes precedence over light: if you feed a bear at times not synchronize with daylight, the bear will align his waking cycle to the food, not to the light.
I think it makes a lot of sense.
Bears are French.
I've never seen a bear with a white flag.
hmm - food related... maybe I am French...
@RoryAlsop The figure depends on people. Some people have longer cycles. Also, it is an average; experiments on isolating people in caves have shown that people will occasionally do 70-hours or 13-hours "days".
So two shorter rest intervals instead of one long one?
I remember the famous one that was reported in National Geographic, but haven't read enough about it yet
@Simon Ah ! That would be a royalist Bear. Republican Bears don't use the white flag.
Oh, makes sense.
On the note of sleep. dustincurtis.com/sleep.html
i've gotten very good at sleeping in odd places while doing this.
@RoryAlsop There has been several. One was conducted in France; the woman who got isolated for three months took a lot of notes, then afterwards was famous, published a book, and committed suicide. It is a bit of a sad story.
@ThomasPornin Wait, did she go mental because of the experiment?
@Simon She probably realized she was French and decided giving up was the only natural thing to do.
@jrg That doesn't sound at all like you.
I thought you hated change.
@Simon It is unclear. Some people say that she went mental because of the subsequent media exposure (and, in particular, the sharp drop of exposure after a few months).
@jrg this article doesn't discuss "the kalina" - "12 hours of core sleep followed by 18 hours of awake"
@ThomasPornin That sucks.
it's actually more like 10 and 16
but varies
if I'm playing Mass Effect through again it could be 16 and 36
I am a fan of polyphasic sleep in general, and when not working long hours I used to practice one that was a bit like the everyman-2 described there. Unfortunately my current role does not allow for even a siesta.
@RoryAlsop me too!
@kalina, gaming sleep patterns don't correspond to any normal pattern. But they can be fun. I remember a 4 week period of two 1-hour sleeps a day for 24 days I did back in the late eighties. I was hallucinating like a fiend by the end of it!
last year I stayed up for 5 days playing an MMO from start to finish, and then slept for 2 days
@RoryAlsop They had video games back in the 1880's?
I pulled off a 3 day coding marathon whilst at college a few years back
think I was awake for 68 hours straight
Such a strange feeling living through a day that doesn't end
puts all your daily routines into perspective
@deed02392 Man that's insane.
@deed02392 You should write a poem about it.
I only manage 3-4 hours of productive work a day. :P
@TerryChia lol
@deed02392 yeah, until you hit the 25th hour you really don't realise how many hours there are in the dday
but by the 48th hour you start to lose count
and by the 72nd hour you start to see things that aren't there
@TerryChia i am lucky if I get in 6, but average is closer to 4.
if I get less than 8 hours sleep when I do finally go to bed, it causes a disturbance in the universe
Q: What are the attacks that can be detected using Wireshark?

MarkWe are interested in learning existing attacks , mechanism and detection of them using Packet sniffers like Wireshark or TCP dump. We are doing a project on attack detection using Wireshark/TCP dump. A detailed list them with possible discussion or link is highly encouraged Empower future Secur...

Fucking asshole (yep, I'm gonna be this rude):
"A detailed list them with possible discussion or link is highly encouraged"
"We are doing a project on attack detection using Wireshark/TCP dump."
yea @kalina by the last day, on my walk home pigeons were circling around me and parked cars looked like they were trying to steer towards me
@Simon "We have a project to do. Could you please do it for us ?"
@ThomasPornin Exactly why I'm calling him an asshole.
@deed02392 lol
I remember when I first started playing Left 4 Dead
we played it excessively
and everybody in the street turned into zombies for several days
that's kind of like a lot of things
for example if I've gone through tetris marathons
I see falling blocks when I close my eyes
"Empower future Security experts please"
I wanna punch this guy so hard.
when my guild was wiping on Ragnaros people started turning into flame elementals
moving desks is really stressful
@Simon A simple VtC: Too Broad will work. That's what the button's there for.
@Iszi You're getting grumpier.
@Simon Sleep deprivation, though in this case admittedly self-imposed, can do that.
Yeah, I get that.
@Simon Says the pot who wants to punch somebody to the kettle.
@Xander le fu-
@Simon A kitten dies every time you say "fuck" in The DMZ. Kitten killer!
@TerryChia A polar bear dies every time that you laugh at Canadians. Are you sure that you wanna piss off bears?
french polar bear?
in The Bridge, 19 mins ago, by kalina
every time somebody disagrees with me I incinerate a kitten
@kalina You and @Simon are just two peas in a pod aren't you?
Maybe you wouldn't be so prone to violence if you slept a little more and took your vitamins.
@TerryChia I actually wouldn't mind to punch someone to death if I saw that person hurt a cat.
do you believe in capital punishment @Simon
@deed02392 Dexterism feels right.
I believe all punishment should be capital ole chap.
Q: When is violence appropriate?

joeshmoIn what situations would violence be appropriate? The way I see it, the only excuse is as a response to violence (self-defense). Am I missing anything?

@deed02392 It would be a work of a lifetime to come up with an half decent answer.
@deed02392 Short answer: @simon.
@AviD I thought you'd say "religion".
@Simon @deed02392 see?
@ScottPack Probabilistic capital punishment has been suggested by serious-looking philosophers (but they are covertly more than half-crazy, of course).
@AviD :)
@deed02392 When it helps you win?
@deed02392 I'll probably go to Sander on the November 8th :)
@ThomasPornin Of course.
@Xander Oh my god, that was sooooo American of you.
@Simon It's not my fault I was born a winner. Don't be jealous.
I ordered a 1/4" screw-type adapter yesterday for my headphones, the dude told me it would take 1 to 2 weeks. It is ready for pick up this morning, lulz.
@Xander Sorry.
@Xander he spells that with an "h".
@AviD Ha ha.
@AviD Take that sand out of your mouth, I have no idea what you're trying to say.
@Simon sorry, I just woke up from my 20 minute nap.
True story.
20 minutes nap?!? That would just kill me.
@AviD h isn't a vowel, as such, use "a" not "an"
@kalina no, but it's name starts with a vowel. I am correct.
@kalina Definitely sounds better if you say "an "h""
no you're not
@Simon it's still wrong
@kalina Just like your life.
you dont say "a ess", you say "an ess" (an "s").
@AviD your face
@Simon my life isn't wrong
Call me the retaliator this morning.
@kalina heh. I think that's the closest we'll ever get to you admitting that you are wrong.
@AviD I didn't say I'm wrong, stop making assumptions
oh no, of course not. wink wink.
Why do the weirdest things ever programming-wise happen when I'm coding in PHP? Oh wait...
@Simon answered your own question
@kalina You're a clever one.
Look at me, trying to help Tor.SE and whatnot!
Later tonight, I might write an extended answer on this one. But for now, let me address one big misconception here. Deep web sites (specifically ones that you can only access using Tor) usually reside in the Tor network itself; Tor hidden services (which usually run Tor deep-web sites) are hosted on a Tor node. There's no exit node to be analyzed/monitored here. I thought I'd never say such thing, but I'll go ahead and say it: For more on this, please check how Tor hidden services work at Tor.SE. — Adnan 1 min ago
That's it. I've done my good deed for this week.
@Adnan It's only Tuesday...
@Simon let me know if you ever come to the UK/Europe for a music thang
i'll join you
Sure, should happen in less than 5 years.
how about <3
Should happen between now and never.
lgtr three
@kalina twss
I've never actually said that during a so called intimate moment
I've certainly thought it more than once
But I'm sure no man ever thought that of you because you are the most amazing woman ever, right?
I am pretty good at faking it
interesting, my keyboard layout has changed to US
I'm not "amazing", I have just as many faults as the next person
Mark your calendar everyone, she just said that.
I mean, I've already quite clearly stated that I would break up with somebody for watching porn
@Simon I think i took her down a notch
that's gotta write off 90% of the male population of the planet just there
@DavidFreitag How did you manage that?
@kalina you might want to rethink that, the "next person" happens to be @Simon.
before or during a relationship with you @kalina?
@deed02392 before if I find out, during is definitely a castration level offence though
@kalina But why? Pron is just the filler, the spice once might say, of a relationship.
@kalina and how much of the female population?
@Simon MY tube sock comment
@DavidFreitag Ah, right.
@AviD I'm not really into girls
That was an amazing comment.
@kalina that's not relevant.
@Adnan Someone may argue that the "introduction points" for hidden services serve a similar purpose as exit nodes for that service, and the usual analysis applies.
@kalina The "really" could make any man wish for a 3-some.
And believe that it could happen.
I nearly died in the middle of English class.
and kids - remember to keep it on this side of tasteful.
@DavidFreitag You attempted to hide your laughs?
@Simon I have <censored> a <censored> before and it was <censored> but I wouldn't <censored> again unless <censored>.
@kalina I believe that some censored words could be uncensored and it would still be clean.
@Simon Yes - and quite well. I imagine my face was beat red though.
"and it was ?"
@DavidFreitag I hate when I can't stop laughing in class.
@AviD I think it's interesting that you request tasteful discourse then repeatedly post links to CollegeHumor.
@ScottPack DAYUM.
@ScottPack heh. well, it pretty much defines the border.
@Simon It wasn't about not being able to stop, it was the fact that i was laughing so hard.
@Simon I believe that the removal of said self censorship would allow you to actually have a clue what I just said
@AviD So....shouting anal fisting is where we draw the line?
@DavidFreitag Yeah... That sucks too.
@ScottPack pretty much, yeah, I guess.
@kalina Actually, it confused me more than anything.
i think i'm coming down with a cold
@Simon I believe that confusion is your natural state
got a bit of a sore throat
on the plus side, i can smell gravy
@deed02392 swallow <censored>. Resolves sore throat.
@kalina Nah because usually I turn my confusion into not caring.
@AviD I would argue that my tube sock comment isn't nearly as bad as anal fisting.
@DavidFreitag LUL
@kalina bananas
Bananas for a sore throat.
depends how descriptive it is.
oh my god
@AviD It wasn't descriptive at all
someone in this office has my old alarm clock sound as their ringtone
gives me shudderes
@deed02392 Cleanse it with fire.
i had a banana already @DavidFreitag
@DavidFreitag a possibility
@deed02392 White or brown?
This event
Does it ever actually happen?
@ScottPack what
@deed02392 @Simon has lozenges that make your throat go numb.
@kalina Once every 3 years.
@deed02392 Gravy.
but the event happens like weekly
you bastards
@AviD I demand you bring your daughter into chat so I can corrupt her
@kalina I think @Simon has said the same thing.
@ScottPack different kind of corruption
@ScottPack I'm pretty sure he meant it differently.
Just confirming.
@Simon's corruption will leave her unsatisfied and bored
okay, that's a bit... yknow.
Mine will turn her into a fire wielding man hater
13 year-old kids like me don't do that kind of stuff yet.
I am unaware of the age of this girl
My corruption doesn't have a minimum age range
@kalina Yeah, i bet you make children in the womb listen to ponies.
I prefer to corrupt kids with Disney material.
@kalina referring to your simon comment.
@Simon Disney material is surprisingly dark if you read between the lines
That way, they'll think that true love exists and that will be enough to crush them when they grow up.
That dude sure looks dark.
listen to it
@kalina It's all old news to me.
Disney is written by grown ups so it is bound to happen.
Everyone is corrupted with a twisted mind.
@Simon From what i have seen, disney stories are based on real-life stories or events with much darker endings.
@DavidFreitag All I'm going to say is that in Beauty and the Beast, a woman falls in love with an animal.
And in Sleeping beauty the girl marries the man who raped her while unconscious.
Disney movies are filth
@Simon has lozenges that make whole bodies go numb

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