The question How to destroy a CD/DVD rom safely? already has good answers on the sister site Super User Stack Exchange, but I think it belongs on this site. If the question didn't exist there already, I'd ask it here.
What should I do in this case? Should I ask the SuperUser admins to migrate...
@kalina Apparently, the "normal" circadian cycle for human beings tends to average on 25 hours. That is, if you take a human out of a day/night reference, he will tend to sleep and wake on a 25-hour cycle.
@RoryAlsop For bears, if I am to believe this article, food takes precedence over light: if you feed a bear at times not synchronize with daylight, the bear will align his waking cycle to the food, not to the light.
@RoryAlsop The figure depends on people. Some people have longer cycles. Also, it is an average; experiments on isolating people in caves have shown that people will occasionally do 70-hours or 13-hours "days".
@RoryAlsop There has been several. One was conducted in France; the woman who got isolated for three months took a lot of notes, then afterwards was famous, published a book, and committed suicide. It is a bit of a sad story.
@Simon It is unclear. Some people say that she went mental because of the subsequent media exposure (and, in particular, the sharp drop of exposure after a few months).
I am a fan of polyphasic sleep in general, and when not working long hours I used to practice one that was a bit like the everyman-2 described there. Unfortunately my current role does not allow for even a siesta.
@kalina, gaming sleep patterns don't correspond to any normal pattern. But they can be fun. I remember a 4 week period of two 1-hour sleeps a day for 24 days I did back in the late eighties. I was hallucinating like a fiend by the end of it!
We are interested in learning existing attacks , mechanism and detection of them using Packet sniffers like Wireshark or TCP dump.
We are doing a project on attack detection using Wireshark/TCP dump.
A detailed list them with possible discussion or link is highly encouraged
Empower future Secur...
In what situations would violence be appropriate?
The way I see it, the only excuse is as a response to violence (self-defense).
Am I missing anything?
@ScottPack Probabilistic capital punishment has been suggested by serious-looking philosophers (but they are covertly more than half-crazy, of course).
I ordered a 1/4" screw-type adapter yesterday for my headphones, the dude told me it would take 1 to 2 weeks. It is ready for pick up this morning, lulz.
Later tonight, I might write an extended answer on this one. But for now, let me address one big misconception here. Deep web sites (specifically ones that you can only access using Tor) usually reside in the Tor network itself; Tor hidden services (which usually run Tor deep-web sites) are hosted on a Tor node. There's no exit node to be analyzed/monitored here. I thought I'd never say such thing, but I'll go ahead and say it: For more on this, please check how Tor hidden services work at Tor.SE. — Adnan1 min ago
@Adnan Someone may argue that the "introduction points" for hidden services serve a similar purpose as exit nodes for that service, and the usual analysis applies.