> We have conducted a number of enquiries and isolated CCTV images of a man and woman we believe may have important information in relation to this incident.
@Simon Please, don't take the honour away from the U.S. media. While other media engage in the same activities, the U.S. media easily gets the crown for it.
@Thomas Then I think you probably need to mention that you wrote the paper you cited in your answer.
@Simon Hey hey hey! Easy. While I totally dislike this over-sensitivity and the whole thing about getting offended by anything, I still find it not cool to use such language in this manner.
@deed02392 you've been a stackexchange member since 2011-10-26 and generated 3.7k network rep, I've been a stackexchange member since "2013-07-29" and generated 30.2k network rep
@deed02392 Well, it always just gets awkward. When she asks you what you do and tell her that you're a developer, she realizes you have absolutely nothing in common then it gets awkward.
@Simon Until relatively recently, the general tone in this room was (though it may be hard to believe) at least somewhat professional and mature. Though off-color humour and friendly jibes are commonly traded, F-bombs and similar profanities were generally few and far between, and hardly ever used with the arrogant and hostile tones we've seen in here lately. It would appear at least one person would like to keep it that way.
then why typecast them as being defensive?! your experience with them is obviously biased because that's how you want them to be, for your own entertainment
@Adnan I don't think it is important (it is a published research article, not a product that I am trying to sell) but hey, if that makes you happy, then why not.
@lynks Why is that unusual? Seems pretty logical to me. Starts as a school teacher (boring) and slowly positions himself into meth kingpin (interesting)
@DavidFreitag I mean in the sense that most shows have a great first or second season, and then get weaker. BB got stronger. seasons 4 and 5 were the best.
I'll finish Breaking Bad for the last time... Probably transition to Dr. Who again, that'll last a few weeks. After that maybe Burn Notice and then White collar... after that I got nuthin.
By then if i watch Dexter from episode one to the end, it will be spring again
I swear, every time I'm gone for more than a few hours, everyone gets all dramatic. Just once I'd like to be here for the drama with a bucket of popcorn.