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@kalina c'mon if we'd take hours you'd only be thinking of what shes to buy next during sex then... how's that any better?
@Simon Katie and I both got called out by my family for being "too skinny".
@ScottPack Like an intervention?
@ScottPack did they start force feeding you cake?
Very nearly.
ok check this out for messed up
there is a "browser game" called candybox 2
just a bunch of ascii art and text
it has resulted in more questions per hour over a 24 hour period than grand theft auto 5 did
on arqade
What about "candyvan 2"?
@avid - yeah it really happened. Ruined my 17th birthday present from my girlfriend
Candyvan candyvan candyvan candyvan ...
Is that anything like the Free Candy Van?
You mean that red van with the word candy scraped into the side of it that drives slowly around town?
You know what's way creeper after thinking about that? The song from Willy Wonka "The Candy Man"
Yay bed
Mmm banana cinnamon tapioca pudding.
Man, I'm dying for sugar right now but I'm on a non-official "I gotta eat well" diet.
@ScottPack what did you think snozzberries were?
@Simon Sugar's not bad.
@ScottPack Well you know, I still eat apples but not candies.
@AviD You mean like this? cdn.meme.li/i/p9x1w.jpg
oh lordy. that's gonna haunt my nightmares.
Speaking of which. Ladies. @kalina.
@ScottPack reminds me of @Simon
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
C'mon, I might be creepy that much but definitely not as ugly.
Nor worse.
Just because i said it reminded me of you, doesn't mean you look exactly the same.
Or even remotely similar for that matter.
You're still a greasy frenchman though.
If you have to ask..
Man, Frontliner is the stuff of my dreams.
Told ya.
Got 'ny more?
More of his tracks or more DJs?
More DJs
Hang on, gotta think of a proper melodic one.
Just shotgun some of the good ones. They don't have to be very close, just very good.
^ He's one of the fathers of HS.
high school?
Hardstyle, sir.
@Simon mmmm yes, that's very good.
@DavidFreitag Italian Hardstyle usually is very good.
Few Italian producers out there: Activator, Tatanka, Zatox, Tuneboy, DJ Stephanie, Technoboy of course.
@Simon Meh, i could care less about nationality.
@DavidFreitag Well, Italian Hardstyle is a thing though.
An unofficial subgenre.
@Simon So's your face, but you don't hear me complaining.
Looks like it's going to be another long night of studying again Ç.Ç
Totally forgot about this track: youtube.com/watch?v=kBEzX9z5x90
Wait, this is WAY better: youtube.com/watch?v=k1tAdpNDCq4
Still waiting for the first one to get good at 2:30..
@DavidFreitag Switch to the second one, it will probably be too hard for ya anyway.
But yeah it's kicking at around 3 mins.
2 hours later…
The transcript got weird again...
Also, I just picked up my iPhone 5s! Wooo!
@TerryChia Wow, I'm... sorry for your loss..
@DavidFreitag It's an awesome phone. Deal with it. :P
@TerryChia I would deal with it, if that was a true statement.
@DavidFreitag Meh, I'm not gonna start this again.
@TerryChia I'm only kidding ;] It does exactly what you want? More power to you
@DavidFreitag :)
The only Android phones that appeal to me are the Nexus ones and the Moto X really.
And the Nexus ones are generally underpowered in one or two aspects.
I have the Galaxy Nexus. It was and still is the prettiest phone i have ever seen
Albeit it is getting quite slow. Even after a bi-weekly ROM update, it still bogs down
@DavidFreitag Oooh, yeah that one looks pretty good.
The rumoured Nexus 5 is appealing if you want a large screen.
And at least once every few months i completely disassemble it and submerge the PCBs in isopropyl alcohol
It's not about size so much as it is about unlockable bootloader and aesthetics.
@DavidFreitag Oh sure, an unlocked bootloader is a must on any Android device I purchase. Which limits me to the Nexus family really.
The N5 looks pretty good, but I dislike phones with large screens.
@TerryChia Yep, and even then sometimes you get shafted and have to buy the developer edition.. at full retail.
I don't exactly want a frozen waffle either. My two criteria are: It needs to fit in my pocket comfortably, and i need to be able to type with one hand.
@DavidFreitag Which is really difficult to find in the Android family. The small phones are generally underpowered compared to the large ones.
@TerryChia But that logic makes sense. A smaller device means less board area. Generally more powerful chips are either larger or need more external components. Not to mention the obvious need for more battery.
@DavidFreitag The iPhone disagrees with that really. I think it's mostly because of Android being less optimized than iOS for specific combinations of hardware so Android devices need larger batteries to achieve decent battery life.
Which makes sense really.
I'd love a 4.5" Nexus device that can match the iPhone 5s in raw power. But that's not gonna happen.
@TerryChia I think it's a mix between lack of optimization, but also the fact that Apple does its own R&D, it designs everything so they can plan ahead. Android manufacturers don't have that luxury because they aren't big enough.
They cobble parts together from many sources to create a product
Whereas Apple can ballpark what they need, then outline how they intend to achieve that, then the engineers can execute the plan.
@DavidFreitag Yup, vertical integration does has it's benefits. But Samsung really disagrees with your theory that "Android manufacturers don't have that luxury because they aren't big enough." :P
@TerryChia Well, Samsung as a whole may be big enough, but Samsung's mobile phone division isn't.
It's crazy though. Apple literally designs everything. From the screws that they specify a special composition and thread angle and the composition of the thread-lock that they use.
Morning gents
@LucasKauffman Morning.
Most of the time, i really like Apple hardware. At least on the fine scale. As a whole, most individual Apple products are... back asswards.
I like apple hardware, it's my wallet which tends to disagree with me
If i had to describe Apple hardware in one short sentence, i would have to say: "Clever use of game mechanics" cause some of the shit i have seen in apple hardware is just astonishing.
I really find their motherboard designs really nice
With the integrated fans
Happy bday
Now it looks like you knew. :)
Yay :)
Now I can go to sleep.
Biggest birthday wish: that the bear acknowledges my existence.
@paste Happy Birthday @paste! What would we do without you and @copy?
Plagiarism would get so much harder for one!
Let us summon the bear
"base64 is an ideal crypto algorithm"
Now his bear sense should trigger
knock knock @ThomasPornin knock knock @ThomasPornin knock knock @ThomasPornin
@DavidFreitag That. Is. Gold.
Calling all bears.
1 hour later…
Bear will be with you as soon as he finishes his chores.
@tylerl Dayum.
@LucasKauffman This is clearly not something that would work. He'd see right through it. You have to come up with something plausible. Like this:
@ThomasPornin Quantum cryptography offers significant security gains of any mathematical methods because the electron tunneling effects make key distribution completely impossible to intercept. It will render symmetric cryptography completely irrelevant within 5 years.
See -- your average visitor might even believe that drivel. The bear must intercede.
@tylerl That sounds very realistic.
@TerryChia I count at least half a dozen critical flaws in that argument. They're packed in pretty tight.
@TerryChia hipster wannabe.
I find it odd that some people stay logged in all night
Unless I do to, in which case I instead find it odd that the system doesn't know I turned off my computer.
why? I dont close the window, and my computer (usually) stays on most of the night.
I just close the rdp session....
@AviD you access the site over RDP?
@tylerl no, I access my computer over rdp.
@AviD Rephrasing: You access chat through a browser which is served from a remote workstation accessed through RDP?
@tylerl close enough.
my workstation isnt exactly remote...
but other than that, YES
"Remote Desktop Protocol"
hey, it works locally too!
not allowed for links across your desk!!
So... why?
so here is my setup: I have a big honkin desktop machine, running as a HyperV server. I login locally (limited user, of course...) and RDP into the different VMs.
there are several advantages to this, which I'm too lazy to go into at length right now
I'm in the middle of cooking
@AviD I don't think using an iOS device counts as hipster behaviour. ;)
There are too damn many of them.
@TerryChia thats why the wannabe.
@TerryChia They're by definition hipster
but in principle, I could also put the VMs in the cloud, and get more benefits.
I want a Mac Pro. Although I have no idea what I will do with the computer power.
@TerryChia hmmm - so far, in comparing at work, Samsung S3 and S4 phones totally whup the iPhones on battery life. By a large factor!
actually, only 2 benefits really are backups, and power redundancy.
@TerryChia that does not matter.
those are worries for later
@LucasKauffman hehe.
I reeeeheeely need to buy a UPS...
@AviD and one critical drawback, which is a compltely inaccessible workstation if your network goes down
@RoryAlsop how long can you work with them?
@tylerl exactly.
@RoryAlsop Battery life is of zero concern (within limits of course) to me really. I leave my phone plugged in whenever I'm at my desk.
@TerryChia I just want a Mac Book Pro, it's worth it just for the battery live those things have
there are other benefits of doing it locally, of course - control, performance, etc....
@LucasKauffman my desktop has ridiculous battery life.
@LucasKauffman Got an Air when the new ones came out. I don't like Macs, but this is the best computer ever built.
@TerryChia ahh - fair enough
@AviD Portability is the problem there
It's worth dealing with OSX's condescending user interface just to use the hardware
@LucasKauffman true. Thats why I need to get a good tablet.
@AviD If @Simon was the one saying that, I'd ask him to edit the stupid out of it. ;)
Of course, since it's you I know what you mean.
@TerryChia I do love that turn of phrase...
@tylerl Then just load Linux on it. :P
@TerryChia thats a relief.
@TerryChia My desktop has about 90 minutes of battery life. At least that's what the UPS says
@tylerl On idle or with a normal load?
@TerryChia Way ahead of you. But the battery life is worse under all but OSX. They save the best drivers for themselves.
I think next week I start looking into UPS. Never bought one before, need to read up on it to do it right.
@TerryChia helifino. Never actually pulled the plug and let it crash.
@tylerl well it works really well, since my dad started using OS:X I saw a serious decrease in his questions about how things work on a computer
@tylerl Heh.
@AviD You did I think.
@AviD Look at how expensive/difficult it is to replace the battery. Those need to change every few years, or you 90 minutes becomes 90 seconds.
@AviD you never used a UPS before?
@tylerl yeah, this should be the biggest decision factor.
@LucasKauffman not personally, only at work where others have purchased and managed it.
@tylerl cool, thanks.
@AviD it's expensive, but can be worth it, unless when you ask your girlfriend to unplug it from the net during a storm and she detaches the server from the UPS instead.
@LucasKauffman Oh, it's super-duper and all that. But it's also condescending. Everything is on a need-to-know basis. Thank god it's based on a sane Unix OS.
right, time to get back to my cooking.
this, if you're interested:
Cholent (Yiddish: טשאָלנט, tsholnt or tshoolnt) or Hamin () is a traditional Jewish stew. It is usually simmered overnight for 12 hours or more, and eaten for lunch on Shabbat (the Sabbath). Cholent was developed over the centuries to conform with Jewish laws that prohibit cooking on the Sabbath. The pot is brought to boil on Friday before the Sabbath begins, and kept on a blech or hotplate, or placed in a slow oven or electric slow cooker until the following day. There are many variations of the dish, which is standard in both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi kitchens. The basic ingredients ...
though for the reocrd it tastes much better than it looks.
I love stews
last time I made a rabbit stew in cherry beer with wild mushrooms, carrots and raisins
grr. rsync did not rsync everything I thought it did. So now instead of switching DNS records, I'm watching files transfer. It's 1am
@AviD Manishearth? What Manishearth? I am my own master. Do not insult my sentience!
There are many ways of doing it.
room owners can post as the -2 ??
@ManishEarth please teach me, master.
@AviD Nope
Mods can edit posts. Mods can incite -2 into posting. Put 2 and -2 together :P
@ManishEarth how incite?
Add/remove owners, freeze/delete the room, etc
Make gallery/sekrit/normal
Change topic
Maybe not the last one, iirc that posts it as the user
@ManishEarth interresting. so how do you reply as -2?
@AviD I think he edits the reply id thingy.
that is sneaky
@AviD I reply to you and then instead of posting it, copy-paste into the edit
and surprisingly brilliant, for a chemist.
I'm a physics student!
@ManishEarth Theoretical or applied?
Chemistry moderator!
@TerryChia not yet sure. Currently messing with condensed matter (theoretical and computational), but I'm just a sophomore. I'd like to check out pure theoretical BSM and/or quantum, but I don't know enough yet
@AviD Also Physics mod. But I was a Chem mod first :P
@ManishEarth exactly.
@ManishEarth Man that's no fun. I wanted to quote Sheldon about applied physics. :P
That episode were Bernadette says: "Like Sheldon's work, your sex life is also theoretical"
btw re tablet+linode: @RoryMccune see this: Surface + Linode
@LucasKauffman Oh god I remember that one. Bernadette is hilarious!
@ManishEarth hmmm - how does that change the author?
@RoryAlsop No, I don't post the reply. I just copy the :11857579 reply code
@ManishEarth baffled. What do you copy it into..
do you wait for a posting by StackExchange?
No, I forced SE to post
@RoryAlsop He triggers one.
I added/removed myself as a room owner
@ManishEarth this seems like a lot of work :-)
I approve
morning gang
Wild thing, I think I love you, but I wannaaaaa know for sure
I am listening to happy hardcore
I think my friends have ruined BBT
Everyone just assumed because I like computers and science that I would love it
And I think that specifically made me detest it
What is this BBT?
big bang theory
I just find all the humour so cringey
and not in a good way like Peep Show
@LucasKauffman lol that's an unfortunate quote of you
acronyms are ambiguous. The big bang theory just reminds me of lots of my friends
but the IT crowd has better friends:-)
@RoryAlsop Howard is kinda like @AviD.
Whenever you compress data without providing information on how to reverse it, its meaning becomes at least more ambiguous :D
I work for Sheldon
the IT crowd UK right?
oh, yes, definitely
@AviD's like Howards, @jrg is Sheldon.
reminds me that there are new episodes of The IT crowd
Didn't it stop after only like 2 seasons
oh really
E&T magazine "Biometric cryptographic system to eradicate cybercrime"
alrighty then
Dear Firebrigade, Help! Help! Help!
Kind regards,
I rarely know such details of series etc, as I don't watch TV that way
Haha good clip @Lucas
@RoryAlsop the IT crowd is awesome
moss rocks
Maybe I have more episodes to watch then :O
was S4 recent?
@LucasKauffman Episode 2?
/me will watch it later today
Stupid timezones
I thought it's Moz though
Or are you talking about something else?
I think it's Moz too @ManishEarth
What other UK tv shows do you guys watch?
what about The Office
UK > US?
White Collar is UK?
I'm talking about WC. Dunno what Lucas was talking about.
oh no it is Moss
according to Wiki
@deed02392 None. BBT, HIMYM, White Collar. Past shows: Breaking Bad, Prison Break
RIP Breaking Bad
look @RoryAlsop, another one
@deed02392 How I Met Your Mother
Surely Game of Thrones @ManishEarth
Oh right, that
I watch that. Read the books too.
/me forgot (because it isn't currently running, nor is it over)
I have watched part of Sherlock too. Lie to Me as well.
I saw a music video with what looks to be mother of dragons yesterday
And, of course, Friends.
@deed02392 Mind your language.
That one is really old.
Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series which premiered on ITV in late-1977. Produced by London Weekend Television and directed by Stuart Allen, the show is set in an adult education college in London and focuses on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreign students. Three series were made by LWT between 1977–79, and the show was briefly revived in 1986 with six of the original cast. Production The Series was commissioned by Michael Grade, LWT Director of Programmes in 1977,...
oh, I thought I'd said something naughty
That came out 24 years before I was born
er, 14 rather
24 would be really impressive
@deed02392 17 for me. :P
Hilarious though.
Haha nice, might be worth checking it out then
Q: Facebook and Skype encryption on iOS devices are appreciated

anicojanDoes OTR in IM+ app is really secure on iOS and ANdroid ? Or it's like Google off-the-record, which has nothing to do with safety?

Shitty questions. Shitty questions everywhere.
Showed up in my email a few minutes ago:
At least it complains about the misleading advertisement in google's "OTR" which doesn't use the OTR protocol or anything like it.
Everybody should review his app and say that it's a piece of shit
just out of principle
cause spamming people is bad juju
If it had its source on github I might have even bothered to take a look
OK, Internet. Entertain me.
:( fail
caused problems
@deed02392 huh?
I don't know the details dammit @tylerl
google those three words
and you shall be humoured/entertained
Hehehehe! PHP.net started using Twitter
tl;dr: Two servers were compromised; services have been migrated to new hardware; Git and release tarballs are OK.
@official_php This might be the best follow up security announcement ever.
@Adnan Betcha the problem was that they were using PHP
@Adnan Wait, so they "fixed" the problem by migrating the services to new hardware?
@tylerl I cannot wait to see the full report they promised.
@TerryChia Yeah. I caught the irony in that one too. Known many people who "fixed" their problem by moving their vulnerable web app to a different server.
cause it was the PCI bus on the old server that was the real culprit
@TerryChia @tylerl According to their actual announcement on their website, they created new installations yada yada
@Adnan new installations of the exact same software? Or did they perhaps build something new in Ruby?
@tylerl php.net running on Ruby. That would be fun to see.
@TerryChia For security reasons. it was a necessary step
> It turned out that by combing through the access logs for static.php.net it was periodically serving up userprefs.js with the wrong content length and then reverting back to the right size after a few minutes. This is due to an rsync cron job. So the file was being modified locally and reverted.
Best JavaScript malware EVER!
@Adnan Yeah, saw that one already.
tmp4[Math.floor(Math.random() * tmp4.length)].appendChild(tmp0).appendChild(tmp2);
I've never seen anything like that.
@Adnan what's special about it?
@tylerl Instead of injecting the iFrame in a per-determined location, it just goes randomly through the DIVs and injects it in one of them.
I find quite neat
@Adnan interesting, but I don't see how it'd be helpful if chrome et.al use the destination domain/host to determine blocking rather than pattern matching
@tylerl I don't know the exact purpose for doing that. It could be just for gags
fair nuff
@TerryChia heh, hows that now?
I would have said @Adnan. Creepy, bad taste in clothes, and often ridiculed for being the least smart one in the bunch...
@AviD It sounds like you're talking about @Simon
I've seen the dude's pictures of Facebook. He fits the description.
@tylerl I got something like that... a request to connect on linkedin. :@
What?! It took that message 5 minutes to be sent!
@Adnan he posted his facebook profile?
@tylerl I hope he did. I don't remember how I found him
@Adnan appears not
@Adnan Cmon, even @Simon isn't that stupid.
@TerryChia You know, normally, I appreciate your idiotic sense of humour; it's fun, refreshing, and breaks the overall perceived intelligence this room has to offer. However, that did not make any sense at all. It's very low, even in your standards.
@Adnan What?
@TerryChia Yeah, after I said it I realized it was a bit assholish.

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