The Pentium II brand refers to Intel's sixth-generation microarchitecture ("P6") and x86-compatible microprocessors introduced on May 7, 1997. Containing 7.5 million transistors (27.4 million in the case of the mobile Dixon with 256 kB L2 cache), the Pentium II featured an improved version of the first P6-generation core of the Pentium Pro, which contained 5.5 million transistors. However, its L2 cache subsystem was a downgrade when compared to Pentium Pros. In early 1999, the Pentium II was superseded by the Pentium III.
In 1998, Intel stratified the Pentium II family by releasing the ...
I think thats the one state that tries hard to emulate Australia, which as we all know, is God's playground for creating weird shit to torment Hell with.
actually never been there, honestly have no idea... :-)
@Adnan well, as a site we are quite heavily tipped, rep-wise, towards the top few tags. So any high rep user is likely to have achieved a decent chunk of that rep, in those few top tags. Statistically, odds are good that would be the case, even if not definite.
it would be interesting to see the actual rep-achieved-ratio per tag.
hmm, it should be possible to do on, just not simple at all.
should probably calc that in relation to posts, but ignore bounties, accepted, rep loss for downvotes, etc.
@Adnan and @Thomas only has 30% of that.
hmm, actually this gets complicated - because you only have the final score per post, but dont know if there were downvotes there, so you cant calculate an accurate rep.
still, it would be interesting information. "the most profitable tags"...
@Adnan Didn't find a perfect query yet. But some approximations:
`SELECT SUM(IIF(Reputation>=101,Reputation-101,Reputation-1)) FROM Users` returns `1327464` `SELECT SUM(Reputation) FROM Users where reputation!=101` returns `1758353`
@RoryAlsop yeah I don't have as much time either lately, even have a few of my answers marked by myself to rewrite (some questions changed or were later clarified)... one of these days... you know, this decade of thereabouts :)
> This challenge is a special challenge. You can collect some minor extra points here by proving that you are a truly international player. Each time you visit your reference URL from a different country, that flag will be activated and you gain an additional point. You already have 108/222 points.