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The bass makes it sound faster, I think.
Or at least harder.
I'm using a pair of old wireless headphones at work, i can barely hear bass
I'm using Sennheiser HD 280 pro.
@DavidFreitag I did that but nothing appeared on the tablet, so I guess that the base OS (the Linux kernel) does not load the relevant module.
The tablet is not rooted, by the way.
@ThomasPornin It's running Android? My guess is that it doesn't have the drivers. I have only tried with non-Android OS's
@DavidFreitag Yes, Android 4.0.
It is a cheap tablet that I bought some time ago. Its internal WiFi is very weak, which makes it mostly unusable for travelling.
Can you root it?
Probably nothing you are new to though.
Does he understand English though?
Don't start.
you must be joking
I'm so bored I'm considering an early night
Wow, that's bored. I wish I had enough time on my hands to be that bored.
I lied, it sucks to be bored.
the only thing stopping me from going to bed, and you'll find this sad or laugh
I usually laugh at stuff.
is my ipad won't accept a movie I've downloaded, and I don't want to watch it on my phone
I'm emotionless.
otherwise I'd already be in bed
I'd never watch a movie on my phone.
@kalina I guess that's what you get for having an iPad.
I'm sat here considering if I can be bothered carrying a TV to my bedroom
followed by a PC and something to stand the TV on
Are you depressive?
Isn't it like 8:30 where you live?
I skipped on like 12 hours of sleep at the weekend though
@DavidFreitag eww
I have a house full of PCs, I can spare one for my bedroom
Yes, and with that all you need is a laptop across the room
Or, across your house.
@kalina Gaming?
@Simon yeah
It will grab your wifi and get messages from there.
I'm sure I have a spare ssd so I could build a completely quiet pc
@kalina Kind of glad that I'm out of that world.
but the amount of time it would take to put it together and install an os on it I might as well just watch the movie upstairs
it's such a dilemma
@kalina it takes two seconds
you plug it into your tv and open chrome.
@DavidFreitag you know this to not be true
@kalina Go talk to your parents for once.
I don't have parents
it takes less than five minutes
also, fuck you for suggesting it
they can die in a fire like the scum they are
All you need to use the chromecast is this: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-cast/…
and a tv
@DavidFreitag hardly, more like 10-15 minutes to get the pc put together, 10 minutes to pretty up the insides and tidy all the wires, 20 minutes to install and configure the OS, 5 minutes to move it all downstairs, 5 minutes to plug it all in, 30 seconds to realise I can't see it from bed, 5 minutes to move and plug it all back in, 30 seconds to realise the extension lead no longer reaches, etc
You could watch a channel on youtube called Roosterteeth, especially the Achievement Hunter team. There's even a British dude in there, he's funny as fuck.
@kalina heh, you don't need a whole new computer
@DavidFreitag and multiple days to deliver it
@DavidFreitag er, I'm not taking my main pc or fileserver down into my bedroom
I have enough parts around to build something is what I said
you guys are more awkward than I ever am
Fuck off.
It takes one computer with network access and one tv inside your wireless range
you could even use your phone
or your ipad
my ipad is already next to my bed
Because Google is cool enough do build stuff on both Android and iOS.
that's where it lives
I''m just going to download handbrake and convert the movie
Dude, she's gonna murder you if you link more stuff.
you could get a chromecast, then when you find a move you can just stream it to the tv through teh wifis.
Wow. So much anger.
@ScottPack inorite
what? murder is a little extreme
Dad, don't get involved.
I can handle this.
@Simon You do realize you just called your love dad.
I've been calling him dad for a day now.
Wait, I get your point.
Is he my dad or my love?
Daddy issues much?
Big time.
Please no.
Let's discuss about this girl instead:
I think she's good looking.
which one..
I think she lost a few buttons.
theres only like... a lot of them
The one @ScottPack is talking about.
Nice sun glasses though
you don't go to a club dressed like that if you're actually going to dance
Whatever she's doing seems right to me.
Gah. Where's "Too Localized" when you need it?
Q: Need help with this puzzle

Joe McKinnyIt involves this: http://pastebin.com/rK2e0W3S Can someone walk me through what I need to do here?

@Simon sure, if by "pick up a girl" you mean "thrown in jail" or more likely "slapped in the face and kicked in the nuts".
While reading about what's on-topic there's a broken link: it doesn't get resolved through voting, you can flag it. The link should probably go here. — dcaswell 16 mins ago
@AviD ^
@AviD Glad that someone answered. Dude, you don't get thrown in jail for smelling some girl's hair, where the hell do you live? Oh wait...
@Simon I could fabricate enough of a story for a molestation charge from you smelling my hair
@kalina Best of luck, m8.
@Simon no, not just for the smelling, but... well, what @kalina said.
although to be fair, the damage to your pelvic region would be sufficient for me
You wouldn't do that to a dude as cute as me.
getting floored by a girl half your size can't look good for you in front of your friends
How do you know my size?
also since this are probably 10 year old girls that you're smelling, there is the whole pedobear thing.
@Simon I don't need to, if you're my size and male there is something wrong with you
@AviD I said in a club!
@kalina my male is half your size ;-)
Unless it's a young ladies club.
@Simon right, the Mickey Mouse Club. No?
@AviD That must exist.
@AviD in fairness, I had assumed 18+ based on him mentioning clubs
@Iszi We have an off-topic reason for "breaking the security of a specific system" that I use for questions like there.
@Simon Of course it does! Always has!
@Xander That's what I flagged it for too.
@AviD I'm not sure what this means
@Simon you put a picture of yourself on here, bone head.
She probably hasn't seen it and it's kind of hard to figure out someone's size via a picture.
@kalina my "male". The Major General. Little AviD. Any other horrible typical nicknames other males tend to give to their genitalia.
@AviD so you just said you have a tiny penis?
@Simon It's easy. How else do you think we figured out Ferland is a halfling?
@kalina half your total size? I think not.
@ScottPack Really?
@kalina whatever, nevermind. Just got lost in translation, or maybe I am not well-versed in douchiness.
@AviD you have a 80 cm penis?
@ScottPack He gets something like +2 dexterity though, right?
@kalina that is what I was implying, yes.
boy, you're short!
how much is that in foot
5'2" lulz
@Simon I'm 5'5, there was rounding involved
I'm no longer lulzing.
you obviously are
@kalina wait, thats not so short.
I'm 5'8" :(
ohh maaan, I think its too late for me to be mathing on an empty stomach.
@AviD are you kidding, literally everybody I work with is > 180cm
wouldja believe I managed to get to 140cm...?
I feel like a dwarf around them
@kalina shortish, but not midget proportions.
taller than my wife, I think.
then again, I'm not exactly a giant. At least not in height.
me??? not at all.
@Simon he's still talking about his penis
not quite as svelte as I used to be, but thanks to my supermetabolism I still dont gain a lot even being sedentary.
but thanks for asking.
@kalina oh dayum.
I was wondering why @Simon was asking.
I am 6' tall, most of my friends are 6' 5" and taller.
@kalina ahh, MY comment was referring to brain power. A giant in braining.
so, 200cm+
@DavidFreitag you guys must be popular for basketball.
@DavidFreitag They can probably touch the moon.
@Simon They do indeed.
@DavidFreitag Pure insanity.
super tall people freak me out
I bet @ScottPack is about 5'10"
@AviD sports? heh, don't be funny
@kalina i know, right?
@ScottPack we like to collectively go to a local diner. It's not every day you see a bunch of 6' + people walk in together.
how do they sleep?? folded up all night?
@Simon About 5'9".
especially when I can feel myself looking up to make eye contact
@ScottPack I'm a pro.
@kalina and they stand super close to make you stretch backwards.
Making eye contact is overrated.
I'd rather watch the floor.
@AviD Diagonally, i imagine.
@Simon oh so you're one of those shifty people who never make eye contact, that's probably worse than super tall people
@AviD I had a professor who did that. He also chewed tobacco and had incredibly bad breath.
@kalina I'm not 12.
@kalina Super tall people who want to look at the floor are even worse.
@ScottPack I love staring at the floor. It means i never trip.
@ScottPack That's odd considering that many chewing tobaccos these days come in mint-flavored varieties.
@Iszi "mint" flavou?red
I can never see the floor properly because my wiener is blocking my sight.
in fact
@Simon didn't you say you liked hardcore
@kalina Hardstyle > Hardcore but yeah I listen to some too.
I'm not normally one for linking stuff that I do
but I linked this in the bridge the other day
since they apparently didn't know I had a musical interest
I wrote this while at a lan party instead of playing games
@ScottPack Hrm. Perhaps I'm mistaking "Chewing Tobacco" for "Dipping Tobacco".
it's not mastered at all so you''ll need to turn it up
I know brands like Skoal have, e.g.: wintergreen.
@Iszi I don't think so.
That's what I was thinking of.
The fuck. Did you rip the kick?
@kalina What's the difference between an introverted programmer, and an extroverted programmer?
How long did that take you?
@AviD I don't know, what is the difference between an introverted programmer, and an extroverted programmer?
@Simon lan party was friday-sunday and I did get quite a bit of CS in
so... 12 hours maybe?
@kalina an extroverted programmer looks at YOUR shoes while talking to you.
Pretty good.
@ScottPack Well, apparently there is a difference between chewing & dipping - never realized that.
@Simon I don't understand why you needed "time spent on project" to rate it, explain
@Iszi what do you dip it in?
@Iszi Yeah, but I've honestly never seen anyone use actual real chewing tobacco.
@Simon What the hell? Is that some sort of euphemism?
also why did you think I ripped the kick?
@kalina No, I'm not a producer so I have no idea how long it can take someone to come up with stuff like this.
I know some DJs spend months on kicks.
@ScottPack I've worked at places where it was sold, but dip was far more popular.
I mean, your kick is simple but still pretty decent.
@Simon well I wrote the first half of the track while it was light, played CS for a few hours, played Mass Effect for a few hours, and then wrote everything from the main pad breakdown to the end after they turned off the lights in the main hall
I was also rather smashed by that point
@AviD kick drum
in a drumkit it would be the big bassdrum with pedal that you use with your foot
@kalina The ending sounds Happy Hardcoreish.
@kalina okay, so how does one rip said kick drum?
@kalina ya, I know what a kick drum is - not clear how you have one if the music is just electronic.
@AviD you'd find a track, and sample the kick out of it
@AviD By kicking it very hard?
@kalina And that sounds like another euphemism.
@Simon that would be coming up on copious amounts of mdma
@kalina Haha.
which was a nightmare to control in the main hall, because the airconditioning was crap
@AviD Kicks are often the soul of a DJ, especially in Hardstyle. They define the style of a track and can be recognized. Some lazy unskilled/unprofessional people just rip them and hope nobody will ever notice if they release the track.
@kalina You should keep up the producing when you're bored.
there isn't really much place further to go without releasing stuff
and last time I did that it resulted in my name appearing in google's results
so I didn't do it again
Sigh. I don't understand this whole anonymous thing.
@Simon well they're a collective of "hackers" who go around lobbying against people and causing trouble for the "lulz"
I knew you'd say that, god damn it.
here, if the last one was too fast take a listen to this
this is much louder than the last one
so... volume
I got proper headphones.
also the filter on the acid line in the intro is super ugly with way too much uncontrolled resonance
and this track is like 4 years old
with mastering distortion due to saturation and clipping
so sue me
however it proves you can make a dance track out of a stephen king movie
which was the bet that resulted in the track being made
Hooray for the drop.
This would be considered as Trance, right?
lol no
it doesn't really fit into a genre
it's trance speed
no drum and bass is like this:
well, kinda
it's not really drum and bass
Yeah but I get what you mean.
more hardcore breaks
proof that you can make music out of random crap on the discovery channel: soundcloud.com/dreyauc/dancing/s-3yGwx
You can make music out of everything.
yes you can
you can even make music out of Hilary Duff's vocal: soundcloud.com/dreyauc/stranger-18/s-zqIeU
Great. Now we have @Simon and @kalina talking about making music together.
Oh lawd, not sure if I wanna click that.
@AviD Music is the most beautiful thing in the world.
you shouldn't, I was like 14 when I made it
I regret linking it already
@kalina but her visuals are the best part!
The bass is decent at least.
Here she is.
@Simon nothing in this track is decent other than the fact I know it took me less than an hour to put together
You need harder drops and more euphoric melodies, AKA you need to produce Hardstyle :).
Oh and of course of a proper BPM of 140-160.
@Simon hardstyle is so 2008 though.
@DavidFreitag 2008 was indeed a crazy year for Hardstyle.
I've linked you like 1% of the total tracks I've made, there are many that are as finished as the first one I linked but I might want to release them one day
@kalina You should do that.
one day I will find a label willing to abide by my privacy rules
@Simon 2008 was the only year for hardstyle... noe one i know still listens to it
@DavidFreitag Nurdz don't listen to HS, that's why.
realizes he listens to Hardstyle
God damn it.
I tried to /me, wow.
@Simon Heh, i make it a point to have a group that isn't largely composed of nerds. It's how i get my exercise.
@DavidFreitag Hehe.
Otherwise we would just sit around dreaming up things to melt.
grr. hate it when clients call my cell #
What the fuck is this dude saying?
Q: integrity in information flow

zigglytonesWhat integrity property does information flow not capture?How does information flow manage its integrity?Can information flow from o to o' if explicit information flow from o to o' is not allowed

@tylerl That's what you get for giving your cell number out in the first place
@Simon homework
@DavidFreitag A few of the techs at peer1 give it out.
@tylerl They give your cell number out? Isn't that a bit... rude?
@DavidFreitag Several of them have the wrong number down for me. Most of them have it right, but since each person keeps their own list of favorite contacts it's difficult to get everyoen on the same page
@tylerl That sucks. Better get on that then..
@Simon Definitely a candidate for "unclear what you're asking" .. cause... it's very unclear what he's asking.
@DavidFreitag Meh. Been this way for the better part of a decade. Slowly but surely.
@tylerl If you're going to meh about it, then you don't get to complain about customers ringing your cell ;]
@DavidFreitag pfft
Ohman time to learn how the RMII2 interface works... shudders
@ScottPack wjla.com/articles/2013/10/…. Ohio next??
@DavidFreitag Did I tell you that I reduced my oil consumption by half by using a decent oil?
@Simon yes
Fuck me.
Not in a million years.
@Simon the line is "lengthways!".
If I say this much gay stuff IRL, no wonders why gay dudes like me.
@Simon are you talking car or cooking?
@AviD Haha, car.
ah, so "use lots of olive oil" would not be appropriate here.
I feel like I would burn it very quickly.
Le time to go le home-
@AviD Yeah, it would technically be appropriate in this case. If he ran out he would have needed more
@Simon Le me too! Accept if by home you mean off to class.
wots wit all dis frensch??

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