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> My other cousin Coskun has many hacker friends in Iran, and they've assured him they wouldn't engage in their national sport of using foreign CAs to issue them Google certificates if I was accepted as a CA.
@tylerl I would like to report that my sojourn to the land of comforters and pillows was a rousing success.
wouldnt the rousing part come only at the end, after the success was complete?
Which unfortunately came much earlier than preferred.
@ScottPack TWSS.
mmm - wonder if he needs a little suspension timeout
Terry? Probably.
This is an interesting read.
@ScottPack Oh definitely. I could do with some productive time.
Some of it should be a no-brainer, like the whole, "Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Eating too many calories makes you fat."
it is good to see scientists agreeing with me again @Scott :-)
@RoryAlsop No doubt. I can't tell you how many times I've had that conversation with family.
iyup - this page is being bookmarked for sending to various family members:-)
The calorie/fat burn rate was also interesting. The 2000-5000 actual range is pretty stinking broad.
to amuse me during conference calls, I have been deleting closed questions with a score of -5 or worse. Quite cathartic - especially when I gub the really bad ones
I'll bet
@RoryAlsop Make sure you don't delete anything I answered. :)
I wonder why the Office update wants me to close Firefox
@RoryAlsop you should post a screenshot of them here, first. They are usually entertaining.
@TerryChia @RoryAlsop actually thats a good point - even a single good answer should save a bad question.
I have already had to skip over some good ones, yes
@AviD Should be able to save. Sometimes even the best answer can't overcome that deficit.
and this one was amusing - well, the comments were:
Q: White Hat Communities

Charles HoskinsonI've been searching Google for a bit and I'm having difficulty finding credible White Hat forums. For example, when one wants to discuss bitcoin they go to bitcointalk, is there a white hat equivalent? Edit: My goal is to assemble an appendix of communities that an individual learning about c...

Oh yeah, I remember that. Good times.
@RoryAlsop heh
Wait, @Simon has been with us since July? Damn time flies when you are busy making fun of him.
so, @Terry - the lowest scoring question has one answer...by you... The question has a score of -10. Your answer has a score of +5, but I'm not sure it is enough to save the question...
Q: Can a cracked antivrus software do the job?

DesirePRGSome of my friends say that their cracked antivirus software updates regularly, and does the job as same as a legitimate software would do. Is this possible? How do they bypass the activation key checker, and do that?

@RoryAlsop @TerryChia Cracked has an anti-virus now...? I bet it's funny, at least.
@RoryAlsop But but but... my 50 rep. :(
@TerryChia heh, @Adnan will be happy.
@TerryChia and, its 60.
oh! @TerryChia congrats on moving up a row!
@RoryAlsop actually I think his answer makes a hell of a point, and as crap as the question is, IMO the answer makes the question worth hanging around.
perhaps the question should be edited into something useful...?
@TerryChia There is one big glaring issue of wrongness in your answer.
It is a good answer...maybe you're right. @Terry - want to update the question to make your answer even more awesome
"Can a cracked antivirus perform it's job? Yes, most definitely." Seriously? I would phrase that first as "Can any UNcracked antivirus perform it's job?" with a resounding "NO, of course not".
@AviD Heh. Well, wouldn't that depend on what you define as the job of an antivirus?
fair enough. But we can agree that it doesnt do what most people expect it to.
@AviD @RoryAlsop With regards to editing it, I can't see how else the question can be edited besides removing the anti-virus part and just focusing on whether a cracked piece of software can do the job it's originally meant to.

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