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On my 1:45h drive to the office on Fridays I drive past a Tim Horton's so I can pull into another that's easier to get in and out of.
... quick, let's get him an appeasing position of apparent power and keep him far away from us.... — Jeff Ferland 16 mins ago
Hell, it looks like I drive past 4 of them before I even get out of Columbus.
@kalina Wait, what. Does that not exist anywhere else?
@MichaelDunfield I can't say "anywhere" else, but not in my experience, no
Until last week Tim's was having a deal where any sized coffee was $1. That made me sad when it ended.
I hate coffee.
I drank it during my internship after I fell asleep at work one day.
But I didn't like it.
@ScottPack Wait, what? You do have Tim Horton's in the US?
@Simon Yeah, they've started into the US.
Goddammit. Now I want Timbits
For a long...long time.
@MichaelDunfield Reeeeeally?
Ain't no Tim Hortons in Scotland
@Simon Yeah, a while ago actually.
@MichaelDunfield Man, I always associated it as Canadian business.
But then I don't want the taste of coffee to ruin my caffeine intake so I'm not bothered...as long as I get my Irn Bru I'm fine!
@Simon It totally is. It's the largest brand in Canada.
@ScottPack For the next 4 Fridays, I will be waiting for you at one of them.
@MichaelDunfield Do you drive at 100 km/h in the left lane when you're in QC?
I don't drive at all.
So no, sorry.
he flies!
But haaaaa
Oh, no that was @Kalina
Okay, guys. Let's get serious for 5 minutes.
What do we think about this: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/38311/… ?
@Adnan I refuse.
I'm thinking about starting a discussion there about merging with us.
i can't - I have just watched over 250 emails in response to an email sent to a distribution list asking to be removed from the list. It got funny after the first 50, then blackberries started dying and it got hilarious
@Adnan Well, we're not exactly the best environment for non-info security
@ManishEarth Looking at their questions, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't fit in our "new" slightly broader scope.
@RoryA @AviD Ideas?
@Scott and @Gilles also
@Adnan this proposal has the most answers I've ever seen on a proposal linked in chat
@kalina Questions?
@Adnan that word, yes
that was a bit of a brain failure for a brief moment
it happens
@kalina It's alright, this is a safe place
safe is boring
I don't feel at home unless half of the world around me is burning to the ground
@kalina 1996?
@Adnan ...?
@kalina The year you were born
you wish I was 17
@kalina You cannot be older than 20
@Adnan first of all, why not?
So, 1993?
@Adnan second of all, I'm not
thirdly, even if you guessed correctly, I would provide you no confirmation
Soooo... play a lot of GTA or time travel to WWII?
@JeffFerland play payday 2
@kalina Too many questions
@Adnan ok let's do them one at a time
Why can't I be older than 20?
which was actually the only question I asked
@kalina Just a a gut feeling. You talk like @Simon
I don't know Simon and therefore don't know if I should hug you or set fire to you
@kalina The latter.
sets fire to @Adnan
I'm the good guy here.
@kalina Simon is a great guy.
stop messing with my head
I only have to survive 3 more minutes until hometime
don't make me run out of sanity before then
@kalina He actually is.
@kalina A/S/L?
@Simon er... this isn't Yahoo chat
@Simon You did not just say that!
@kalina I'm not sure how to tell you but... it actually is.
I was just saying you're a nice guy.
@Simon no it's not
@Adnan ASL is soooo old school that I can't just not use it.
@Simon Get out of here, you're not Canadian in my eyes any more.
if you ASL me again, I will end each message I post with "xD"
@kalina You're no fun.
@Simon So I guess A/S/L for you will be "13, F, Worst Country in the world"? :P
I am a different kind of fun
@kalina At least it's not ":3"
@Simon if you ASL me again, EVER, I will ":3" you in pings multiple times a day, every day until you quit
like this:
@Simon :3
@Simon xD
@kalina Can't you ignore people in here?
@kalina You should look into scripting it.
you can
but who would put me on ignore? I'm literally the nicest person in the world
And then on the next day, she cheats on you.
I don't trust ladies anymore.
@Simon You can trust @Kalina. She has a Slavic name, just like your best friend @Svetlana
@Adnan I hated that bitch, I'm glad she's gone.
@Simon Haa! :O
You know why I hate her? Because it meant that I wouldn't see my @Adnan if she was around :(
@Simon Awwww! <3
@Adnan I don't feel like our scope has been broadened, only renamaed.
@Simon She looked like a man in drag.
@ScottPack Damn right.
@Adnan our scope hasn't changed, we just brought the name closer to the scope (but still not quite all the way)
Like @Gilles said. We don't go all the way.
A: Privacy is not Information Security

GillesAs you write, all technical questions related to privacy are already on-topic and being asked on Security. This includes questions on organizational policies and legal requirements. Discussions about proposed changes to legislation belong on a larger site about politics, if politics can work in ...

@JeffFerland Man, I'm so confused.
@ScottPack @Gilles True. Perhaps I didn't express my opinion well enough
But, looking at their sample questions, almost all of them fit here.
@Gilles What an outdated answer. Your link should say "Information Security".
@Gilles Similar thoughts
I seem to remember that someone here uses the handle Autocracy at places.
@Simon on the contrary, I'm ahead of the times, I use the name Security
Alright, this is the last time that I write something to Gilles, he always makes me feel bad.
It's over.
I need to go throw a few shitty answers out. I'm getting pretty close to 10k.
interesting article on password cracking
@RoryMcCune Cool, I'll read it before I go to bed tonight to have sweet dreams!
@Simon well sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?
@RoryMcCune Of course!
@Adnan I don''t get it
@kalina It'd be weird if you'd get it.
it was more of a prompt for you to provide backstory
I don't like the colours in here
they seem pale
@kalina that's what he said
on the flag/ping counters on your avatar
@Simon what? are you saying you're too good for me?
Wow, did @Gilles just say that?
@Gilles The other way around.
@kalina As a very scientific experiment, @Adnan changed his display name to Svetlana to see if he'd get more profile views.
oh righht
best way to get profile views is to be omnipresent
name doesn't really matter that much
Well, he did change his profile picture to a lady too.
@kalina and I gained a decent amount of views.
I don't remember the numbers, but I think I went up 300-400 views in a week.
I got loads of views by being extremely active
and then I deleted all proof by deleting my account
and now my party trick is having 26k rep in <2 months
> profile views: 538
@Adnan it was over 4k before I deleted
which for Arqade, is reasonably high
@kalina Whoa! That is high. Only 2k short of Thomas'
i think RavenDreamer has highest profile views on Arqade
I'm still below 1k profile views. I need to work on that.
well I got 538 in 64 days
@ScottPack I thought you'd have way more than that, pretty boy.
@Simon inorite
@kalina You mean in 2^6 days. This is InfoSec, you know.
I... don't... have any interest in this stuff
Oh, you'd rather go to raves, right?
in fact, if it wasn't for the flag abuse, I (a) wouldn't know this site existed, and (b) wouldn't know this chat existed, and (c) wouldn't know any of you existed (apart from @ManishEarth)
This site is awesome, btw. Also this chat
Except when @AviD's around.
That put's a damper on things. :P
@Adnan such a sad story
also, account undeletes don't restore your review queue history
so I don't even have my site first badges for 1000 reviews in all queues apart from close/reopen
(and suggested edits, Raven got that first)
@ManishEarth Is it more or less crazy than the bridge?
@Adnan I'm feeling lonely these days.
@Simon I would actually, dancing is the best thing ever
I don't know, it got pretty crazy last night with me and @Adnan.
but mainly, drugs.
@kalina pretty crazy. Drama too, but not the Bridge kind
usually nsfw
I don't care about whether its NSFW or not as long as it's not degrading to women
Heh, ayep.
and then... well, drama
@kalina This is where I was last month: youtube.com/watch?v=rIkTGpD8rfY
@kalina What about degrading to Canadians?
As long as you don't count TWSS as degrading to women
why would you want to be degrading to Canadians? They're not American
@kalina no, we don't do drama here. move along
@Simon Do you CryptoCat?
@DavidFreitag depends if they're funny or not
@kalina 10/10
@Gilles everybody else disagrees with you
@DavidFreitag half the time it's degrading to men
@Adnan No, I probably should.
@DavidFreitag What happened?! O_o
@Gilles degrading to men is absolutely fine.
I was asleep all the time
@kalina But they are Canadian.
I still like how confused i got when @Adnan became @Svetlana...
@DavidFreitag Hahaha.
@DavidFreitag Goot days
@Simon Don't feel lonely. We're all to comfort you with our cacti
I will comfort you with combustion
...of your face
@kalina I have some spare thermite, if you want some.
It's so much easier when you're in a relationship.
I don't need thermite
nobody needs thermite..
You don't have to go to clubs and be all cute to the ladies.
my spite is one of the powerful inflammables in the world
@Simon You say that, right up until i burn a hole through your engine block.
if by "engine block", you mean "heart", I'm fine with this
violence towards inanimate objects is uncalled for
Actually, this weekend i resupplied my potassium nitrate supply and made mini rockets with some sugar and some mega blocks
@Simon What?! Be all cute to the ladies? Does that yield any results?
no we normally just think you're freaky
Haven't quite perfected the manufacturing process, i had about a 20% explosion to rocket ratio
@kalina You're sub 20, your opinion on this matter doesn't count.
@Adnan By cute i think he meant use chloroform.
Actually, same goes for anything sub 25
@Adnan you never actually worked out my age, this statement is uneducated
@kalina Allow me to correct that. You seem to be sub 20, your opinion on this matter doesn't count.
that is so rude
@kalina Not at all.
I'm not trying to be rude or offensive.
It's just that I would really consult a teenager on women-related issues
Yeah, if I were 18, I'd be happy to ask you for advice
@Adnan Ah, but you forget. It's not about the intention, but interpretation.
As much as I wish I was still a teenager, I'm' actually 20
I would write a huge sentence berating your rudeness but I am too busy rolling a huge joint
and once I light it, I will cease to care anyway
I suppose I should create an account on this site to get the chat badge
Nah, it's not worth the effort.
Neither's your face.
@ScottPack NICE!
you're right, I don't want to artificially inflate your user count and make you look popular
@kalina We are popular.
@Adnan no
I had a haircut this morning. I should probably vacuum my scalp.
@ScottPack Oooor, take a shower?
@Adnan Rarely.
that would mean he's showered twice today
men don't do that
@Adnan That would wash off the fancy shave oil and dusting they put on after the razor work.
or maybe it means he would have showered once today
@kalina I end up taking two showers per day most weekends.
@ScottPack Hehehehehe
weekends I spend most of the weekend asleep, showering more than twice would be a waste
That's what happens when you do exterior work.
@ScottPack Wild one.
Ahh, I'm way too drunk for The DMZ.
@Adnan Unpossible.
@ScottPack Can't you see how nice I'm being to @Simon?
@Adnan hey wait, you're drunk? Watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
@DavidFreitag Only wusses us termite. Nukes are the real thing.
@kalina I would rather carve my eyes out and swap them with my testicles.
@DavidFreitag I like to keep my testicles right where they are, thank you.
@DavidFreitag MLP:FiM is guaranteed to be liked by all men who're intoxicated, I have a 100% conversion success level in the matter
@CodesInChaos Yes, i forgot about my hidden supply of weapons grade plutonium.
...out of one
@kalina Watching is the harmless part. Listening is painful.
@kalina Alright alright, I'm convinced. I just have to do something awful first.
Good night, everybody.
I'd rather not like to tempt fate, for all i know my eyes might just fall out of my head.
Or morning.
@Adnan UGT states its night time
for you specifically
Has anybody noticed that the "leave (all)" link is really small?
@Adnan have you noticed the big red X glows when you hover over it?
you best not be a mac user
Not.. even... remotely.
I hate getting drunk on good whiskey.
I hate alcohol
@kalina Non-easy girl, pfft.
@kalina It's a gift from god for lonely bimbos.
I got very drunk last night. Monday night margaritas. $3.50 for a Patron margarita all night long
@kalina I'm a Mac user.
I mean, really, without alcohol, 50% of women will be permanently sexless.
@Adnan this is pretty much it, I don't like the effects and it reduces the effort required to get me out of my clothes
@Adnan And men.
@Adnan Amen.
@Adnan more men than women, it's our choice to get laid at the end of the day
@kalina How cute!
@Adnan thanks
@kalina Unless of course someone has a rag soaked in chloroform.
@ScottPack Don't get my started on that one.
@DavidFreitag this isn't even funny
@kalina It is if you wear a banana suit.
It's extremely difficult to get myself to listen to club girls for more than 1 minute, sober.
@DavidFreitag Does this smell like chloroform to you?
@Adnan what is a "club girl"?
that seems like a strange label
@NathanC Like @ScottPack i managed to build up a tolerance quite some time ago. So yes, it does!
@DavidFreitag Oh, you misunderstand. I only developed a tolerance to ingested chloroform.
@kalina About 80% of women who aren't locking themselves in their homes when not at work.
@ScottPack Ah, right. Well, through some miracle of overuse, i can breathe chloroform all day.
@Adnan interesting. When you said "raving" earlier, I figured you meant an actual rave genre, like drum & bass, hardcore, etc
I don't do "highstreet clubs"
they're basically buildings full of sluts
feel like I'm going to catch something just by walking into one of those
@kalina Can't agree more.
Those places are too loud.
@kalina That's basically the point.
loud is not a problem
@DavidFreitag if I go to a club it's to dance
Kids today.
@Kalina Problem is that smart, nice, intelligent women with attractive personalities don't really put themselves in social settings. So the only thing left for us to do is go to these slut-infested places.
@kalina I don't normally go to clubs, but when i do, i remember to bring my pocket protector.
Oh yeah, I was supposed to leave 15 mintuse ago
@Adnan smart, nice, intelligent women are either career oriented or already have the "companionship" thing covered one or more times
@kalina Which is exactly why most men are forced to go to clubs.
@Adnan So true.
@Adnan Soooooo true x2.
@DavidFreitag @Adnan Hey guys, let's go out together.
He's gone now @Simon, you've driven @Adnan to drink.
I'm so sorry.
cuz Canaduh
@Simon I can honestly say i wasn't surprised.
So, has the US government returned to normal operation yet? I can't tell..
You mean: is Obama done dancing in his office?
Something like that..

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