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So - finally saw the Ender's Game trailer yesterday - this is my most anticipated film ever, and it looks pretty good from that wee clip
@Simon I like Edward and Simon :)
@Adnan <3
Damn, the new site name thing is pretty cool. I like it!
@RoryAlsop he does a lot of voice acting too...
@ManishEarth Yeah baby!!
is it bad that I kind of hoped it would say Infromation...at least for a few days :-)
@RoryAlsop okay thanks, I just was wondering if something is wrong with SE's custom flag system, one of my flags on SO is nearing the three week mark
@Manish - it still says IT Security on my accounts page
@Manish - it is fine everywhere else, except for my accounts page, and the SE front page
Here, try this. Go to your meta, and edit the meta close reasons
And replace the $Topic variable with $SiteName and $SiteShortName
see if both work
if so, then the change has been completely made sans caching
Hmmm - that's not going to be doable for the next 3 hours or so - iPad=3rd circle of hell
I manage to moderate decently well on an iPad. An iPad 1, too.
can't do anything useful on an ipad
it sucks more than trying to do useful things on a smarthphone (non apple)
@RoryAlsop yup.
@ManishEarth Brag about it.
I know the iPad moderation blues.
It is quite possibly the biggest pile of **** I have ever been forced to use for a job
/me uses Chrome or Terra on iPad, even if it's slower than Safari I like it
@RoryAlsop I'll trade you my nexus 7 for it. ;)
Yup - I try to use Chrome as it is better than Safari, but it is a bit like polishing the proverbial
@ManishEarth The Safari is iOS 7 is pretty decent. Might wanna give it a shot.
@TerryChia iPad 1. iOS 7 will kill it.
@ManishEarth Ahhh. Ouch.
Nexus 7 is sooooo much better than this latest ipad with ios 7. But work would get upset with me
I haven't even put 6 as 5 made it pretty slow
@Terry So, we were talking about it. Do you have any plans to enter Sec.SE elections if/when they happen?
Also, @RoryAlsop. iPad 3 is the worst of the iPads. The processor couldn't handle the Retina display.
@Adnan Most likely yes. I took part in the last one.
Should we make a meta post about elections?
Do we really need another mod though? I feel that the site is self-regulating enough that 4 mods can handle the load.
@RoryAlsop flash Nexus 7's Droid version onto the iPad. Then install an iOS 7 emulator so you can make it look like nothing changed when work is having a look
@Simon I'd say it's a good idea. There's a lot of load on the two mods we have
@TerryChia We have 4 mods? Really?
@Adnan ^
@TerryChia Me too, but usually it's good not to overload mods
@Adnan @Hendrik isn't on chat, but I think he still does his fair share of modding?
Hey, don't get me wrong, but this is my honest opinion. Only @RoryA and @AviD are moderating.
That's how I see it too.
@JeffF is probably too busy denying bounty rewards. That asshole. ;)
@Adnan The mods have a way to easily check up on that, but they probably can't tell you if that's true
It's possible that Jeff is just handling flags and mod messaging without diving into the queues or hanging out on meta.
Hendrik mods a fair bit - he just doesn't do as much answering of questions these days. And @Manish is correct about Jeff
We have our league table on the admin pages, and it shows all mod activities - including highlighting when folks are way behind the average. All is well with our mod team :-)
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that being a mod is about sitting in the back and clicking. I see being a mod is about being engaged in the project (this site), interacting with the userbase, etc.
Question to the two mods here, @AviD @RoryAlsop. Do you think we need another mod?
My opinion is no.
Damn all of you.
@TerryChia A 5th mod? Absolutely not.
Except @Adnan
A 3rd one, though, yes.
@Simon Awwww! <3
Aside from the occasional slow flag (which is usually down to us waiting for answers, or for a decision, or for something to be implemented) we don't have to handle as many flags as we used to. There was a time when it was quite manic, but we have now reached the size where the community is very proactive. Which means the flags we get can be a bit more complicated, but generally means the site is running as it should.
@Simon Except for your face of course.
@Terry - I don't know what stats trigger a mod election (aside from one standing down) but I guess it includes a buildup of flags (cc @Simon)
@TerryChia Flag all over my face.
Hah! Who flagged @Simon?
@TerryChia Exactly
Good grief. Numbers appearing on my head. You lot are highly illogical.
@allquixotic Indeed we are.
@TerryChia I first flagged it
Apparently, the rest joined the fun
Why are you spamming us with chat flags.. STAHP IT
@Simon We have the power to delete your messages.. hwwahahaha
Jesus. What the fuck are you guys doing?
malleus tempus
Stop spamming dammit!
Grow up kids. This isn't The Bridge.
here come all the mods.
stop flagging pointless stuff please
What HAVE I DONE?!!!
Now. All you other people. Shoo. Shoo.
I'm not even a mod
We don't want your kind here.
you know that a selection of every 10k+ user on the network sees what you're doing, right?
My god people keep coming
Would you fucking stop with the fake flags, it pops up for every other user on the site
Oh no!!
@Simon here ya go
The next flags coming from this room get validated, I don't care if you cry about it afterwards
Please forgive me :(
Can I talk now?
Every in-chat 10k rep user gets shown your flag.
@ManishEarth You're the man, LOL.
@Simon Dude!
@Simon apparently
I was locked for 30 mins >.>
@kalina are you trying to bait them in to flagging you?
@tombull89 That's not quite true. It's usually nearly impossible to actually see the flag before someone invalidates it.
They're spamming us, our chat, our star wall.
@Blem yes, it's like star baiting but on the next level
Go back whence you came!!
@ScottPack think of the annoying notifications though!
@tombull89 They know that, it seems to have been the case
@Adnan This isn't spam
@Adnan We were invited here by your behaviour
If you don't like it, learn your own lesson
@enderland I've been completely jaded to the flag notification thanks to the Bridge.
I am on a mission to take over the DMZ star wall
Wow, I'm actually happy that our community isn't like this.
@enderland I never actually get notifications.
Jesus Christ people, grow up.
@pauska Touché*
@ScottPack no kidding.
Sincerely, Bert Glanstron.
@TerryChia my notifications are b0rken because I use Chrome :(
@enderland Same.
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; the topic of this room is "The first breach costs you an arm...." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Stop flag-sniping, guys
Not cool
Hear that. The next person who breaches into the chat room loses an arm. @ManishEarth decrees it.
@Simon Savages!
@Adnan Seriously...
@ScottPack Can I lose a leg instead?
@ScottPack can we have that "an arm and a leg" just this once?
@Simon Where do those.. things come from?
@Adnan The caves.
I have actually realised there is an upside to iPads - I saw NONE of that. NONE I tell you - mwahahahahaaaa. All I saw was a whole slew of new faces chatting. I don't see the star wall or the gravatar wall on this device. Superb!
@Adnan Canada.
@RoryAlsop Don't update to iOS 7 on an iPad 3.
@ScottPack ಠ_ಠ
@TerryChia Dude, look at them. All bronies and shit. Ugghh
You will curse and swear even more.
@RoryAlsop as a mod, you didn't get to see the fancy shmancy timeout numbers either
seriously though - what did they do? I couldn't really tell from here
timeout numbers? I have never seen them
@ScottPack Did someone say Bridge?
never heard of them actually
This is soon "The Bridge 2.0"
@RoryAlsop the chat box disappears and is replaced with numbers that count down
Did we get invaded for some amusing reason?
@Blem This won't be jack shit.
It's odd. I thought it would have been better to go 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 rather than 19, 15, 12.
@RoryAlsop Flag spam.
@Simon Are you a board game or what
@RoryAlsop you got invaded because your denizens were abusing the flag system
@RoryAlsop Because @Simon was being a noob. :)
@RoryAlsop is "flag abuse" amusing or not?
I never though a chatroom would be so fun to view in timeout - though not being able to remove my ping drove the OCD in me up the wall
@tombull89 depends if you're using it to ban people or whether you're the victim
Don't think I have ever seen flag abuse
@RoryAlsop Adnan flagged Simon, either accidentally or on purpose. Went downhill from there, with people from all over the place berating the room
Wish I was on a PC today to see it
@RoryAlsop Come to The Bridge some time
@ManishEarth Definitely on purpose, haha.
@RoryAlsop every 10k user on the network in chat invaded the room to see WTF was going on.
@RoryAlsop Somebody flagged something along the lines of "Let's stop flagging".
@ManishEarth It wasn't "one flag"
I know
@RoryAlsop It's not that exciting. I never saw any of them. :(
from just one flag???
It was 4 in a very short period of time
There was a second flag-ban, which I also reversed
Flags get handled too quickly to see them. Had to join the room so I didn't miss the drama!
so the system works then. Good work chaps. Carry on.
People from the bridge don't jump on a single flag popping up
That Christian/Islam room gets lots of flags, go invade it.
Just send The Bridge notice next time so we can all come watch firsthand.
@Adnan I have never seen one from there.
@Adnan been there, done that, posted snails
Man, it sounds like this has been the most exciting thing that happened in these dudes' life in a while.
@Adnan I did join the Christianity one once. Got a guy try to convert me to Islam. Never again.
There's a joint room for christianity/islam? that's.....brave...
@MichaelDunfield Pretty much every flag I see either comes from there or The Bridge.
@ScottPack Usually they come from Math.
@tombull89 Want me to convert you to Atheism?
People in The Bridge are just way too sensitive.
@ScottPack I only see Bridge ones actually.
@ScottPack our experience is that Math generates the most flags
Or buddhism
@tombull89 Oh, I think I know the one you're talking about. He patrolls the religion chats. He also is in my uni, and he knows that. Hope he never finds me :S
this would be an interesting statistic - which chat rooms have the highest percentage of flagged comments
wonder how downvoted I'd get if I suggested that on meta.so
@Adnan How about @Rory-ism.
I think we need @ThomasPornin to talk about some algorithm to scare them off.
@enderland Probably The Bridge.
@enderland Go for it. I'll have a downvote handy.
Ahh! What happened! We're interacting with... them
I don't convert folks to Rory-ism...I just impose it upon them
@ManishEarth Yeah, he got a chat ban fairly soon after, and whined on MSO about it a fair bit. And he goes to your uni? You poor guy.
@enderland To /dev/null probably
@MichaelDunfield I actually doubt this, but it would be interesting to know either way
@MichaelDunfield they have a ton of chat though - not sure it'd be the highest %
@enderland Yeah, that's true.
Our poor star wall...
@Adnan and I am not a brony! TYVM
When I get home tonight I'll clean it up @Simon
@Simon Mention The Bridge at your peril!
@tombull89 I know (I think I was an active part of one of the bans too) . Fortunately he hasn't looked for me yet :P
@RoryAlsop Good but I hope that you have a lot of free time.
We are very adept at ruining star walls
@fredley star wall manipulation is actually what we do best.
@kalina Grony?
@fredley @kalina Pfft kids.
@kalina About 50% of my day is taken up with manipulating the star wall
I can't see the star wall, but scrolling up I see that I have been starred a lot :-)
@Adnan pegasister obviously
And that's coming from a 19 year old.
That's it. Cut it with the flags.
@fredley I only manipulate the star wall when people quote me out of context
This room was placed in timeout for 5 minutes; the topic of this room is "The first breach costs you an arm...." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
So anyway - thanks for visiting guys. Made the afternoon - interesting.
wrong room, oops
Jesus Christ!
Feel better everyone?
Q: The chat timeout counter is hard to read

fredley Perhaps a lighter shade could be used?

Sorry about that guys, but really, stop flagging.
So, what have we learned? Anything flagged gets shown to all in-chat with 10k users who may or may not mark the flag as valid. If it does get marked as valid, the person that gets flagged gets a 30 minute chat ban. You also get a lot of people visit the room. Now, be good.
@ManishEarth As a mod, can't you identify the culprit (assuming it's one/two people) and reprimand them directly?
@tombull89 Thank you, Oh great Lord of the lessons.
@fredley not for offensive flags. Which sicks.
@fredley We have to ask SE for that, we only have rather blunt instruments available for such situations
@MadScientist ban ... ALL THE PEOPLE!
@ManishEarth Sounds like a meta post
only way to be sure
I'm still hungry, though.
Really? Then why do people on Meta SO tell me I flag senselessly if they can't see?
@ManishEarth Do it. I could do with a productivity boost. ;)
If chat was shut down at least 50% of my day would be reclaimed
@ManishEarth And the spam bots, surely?
Meh, those guys are ok
They're my best m8s.
@Simon Sweetie, you have no mates.
@Adnan Life sucks.
So, having never encountered this sort of madness before, I have identified a couple of lessons: dudes - be sensible with flags! and hey, mods can post while a chat is in timeout :-)
@Adnan He has. He scripts them himself.
@TerryChia Daaang!
OK, now back on topic. @Simon's mom.
Although @Simon, PHP is a pretty shitty language to be writing a best friend in.
List of Bridges please. SEE GUYS, I DID IT.
@TerryChia Replace "a best friend" with "anything" and you'll have my agreement.
@Powerlord We are in agreement then.
Well, I have that logic backwards, but all you non-robots know what I mean
Hey guys, SkyDrift is amazing.
@Powerlord Recalculating...
@TerryChia "Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expected friendship"
@Michael - yes. Especially when you hack it about a bit on your PC through steam to let you play with a PS3 sixaxis controller :-)
@RoryAlsop ;]
@ManishEarth I thought they finally changed T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM to something more sensible.
@Powerlord PHP, sensible? What are you smoking?
@TerryChia Well, I say "heard" because I haven't used PHP in a few years now.
@Powerlord How can you live a such life?
I kind of barely made it through php in college. Not really what I want to do more of.
@Simon Don't get your expectations up... my day job involves writing Java.
@Simon Honey, it's not your fight.
@Powerlord Probably to T_PN, analogous to T_SL
@Simon How can you not?
in The Bridge, 26 secs ago, by fredley
I still have stars to use in DMZ, lets all go there for a bit?
Hello DMZ
@Powerlord It's better than PHP really.
@kalina Just leave them alone.
We're hijacking your channel and using it to bolster our star capacity
Resistance is useless
Our channel?
You do know that after you're all gone @ScottPack will just clear the stars? Or me?
@Simon She's from the 60s, it's okay
If I collect 120 stars, do I get anything special, or do I just unlock 120 more?
@Powerlord You get to meet Yoshi.
@Adnan I wasn't born in the 60s
@Michael - I also rediscovered TrackMania - on a top gaming PC it is awesome :-)
@Simon Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@Powerlord You need to spent $19.99 on IAP to proceed.
@RoryAlsop I still haven't gotten around to that one, always been a huge download...
@RoryAlsop Are you a fan of racing games?
@RoryAlsop Ah, yes, TMU was good fun in college, trying to beat friends by 0.002 of a second
Well, I had my broadband speed upped to an amazing 3Mb, so the download was ok
@RoryAlsop First world problems indeed.
Racing games - definitely - although real life is my preferred racing scenario
@RoryAlsop your broadband is that slow?
@TerryChia Was Super Luigi U only $19.99? I thought it was $29.99.
The first one is excellent.
Excited for the sequel.
@Kalina - yep. Despite other Rory having over 10 times that speed only 600 yards away from my house
Are we evil enough to raise flags in The Bridge?
Wait, why are we talking about games? That sort of thing belongs under the bridge.
@Simon Stop it dude.
@Simon If you flag just for the sake of flagging you'll probably get a talking-to.
@RoryAlsop I'm in the same situation, but the other way around... I have rediculous BT Infinity while the rest of my street are using RADSL
@Simon evil? maybe. Stupid enough to? I hope not.
@MichaelDunfield It feels like elementary school again.
I'm mainly driving games, all the CoD shooty games, all the Fallout ones, Portal and the Half Lives, and some weird ones
@Simon flagging the bridge would barely nudge our noise ratio
What is so great about flags anyway
@tombull89 How you doing, e-thug?
@MichaelDunfield (removed)
Quite enjoying LA Noire but hate GTA V
Minecraft keeps me occupied late at night too
@RoryAlsop Have you tried Quantum Conundrum? If you're a fan of Portal, you will almost certainly really enjoy it.
@kalina 2000s?
@RoryAlsop Damn, forgot to play it this weekends.
@RoryAlsop I haven't played that in like two years.
there - I'm done with my gaming update. Sorry, should that have been in the bridge with a flag?
@Adnan no no, not that late, I was born in the 90s
@RoryAlsop ಠ_ಠ
@Michael - not yet, but I have now listed it
@RoryAlsop Also I urge you to check out FUEL. Probably my favourite "driving" game ever. The world is massive.
@kaline - born...in the nineties?
@RoryAlsop Also Inverto.
Okay, that's enough gaming chatter.
Oh yes, I like Fuel. And I can't wait for the Xen update for Black Mesa. And I think I have about 120 games in my Steam account :-)
@RoryAlsop I forgot my steam account.
Too lazy to reset the password as well.
@RoryAlsop I have... well, more than double that.
@Michael - I would, but I have too many jobs, too many kids, and too little time to play much
I should get back to work instead of talking about games or how much PHP sucks.
@RoryAlsop Yeah... I buy way more games than I play...
@Powerlord You can work while talking about how much PHP sucks.
@Powerlord - well, lovely to see you, have a cookie from the jar before you go :-)
@Powerlord You should get a job where you get paid to talk about how much PHP sucks.
@MichaelDunfield Dammit Humble Bundle!
@TerryChia It I didn't have a meeting in my cubical in 5 minutes, you'd be right.
@Terry - yeah. I hear that
@MichaelDunfield If I could get paid for that, I would! :P
@TerryChia Yeah, totally. And all the other bundles. IndieRoyale, Bundlestars, IndieGala, Groupees, FlyingBundle, IndieGameStand...
@Powerlord Unleash the power of The Bridge on the php mailing lists.
I get paid to talk about things I hate in my field...well I say paid...I get free food and drink and flights and hotels...
@MichaelDunfield Oh fuck. I don't need more bundles to monitor....
@RoryAlsop Tha's not bad
@TerryChia Humble definitely consistently has the best games, but you can find good stuff in the other ones from time to time.
Also IndieGameStand is the shit.
@MichaelDunfield Dunno, I still have 30-40 games unplayed...
@Michael - I was doing quite happily being unaware of those bundles. Thanks a ... bundle!
@TerryChia Yeah... I probably have a lot more than that.
@RoryAlsop Oops!
@MichaelDunfield I think I still have the keys from one bundle unredeemed yet..
in The Bridge, 10 mins ago, by Sterno
@kalina @fredley This is all fun and games until they come hijack The Bridge.
@TerryChia I probably have unredeemed keys from multiple bundles...
@MichaelDunfield #firstworldproblems
@TerryChia True enough.
Anyway, if you guys want to keep talking about games, we should probably go back to the gaming room.

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
@Adnan No.
Just be careful what you say to people, they're sensitive there.
@MichaelDunfield Oh don't worry. Gaming is perfectly on-topic here.
@TerryChia Come on!!
Together with just about anything.
@TerryChia Except for flagging, according to @Manish we don't like that
@Adnan Don't stoop to their levels. ;)
What did your mom tell you about bullies?
@TerryChia Yeah yeah, we're better than them
@MichaelDunfield games are off topic on the bridge
@kalina No...
@MichaelDunfield it's a true story
@AviD That's exactly what i did, each individual table has a corresponding object with a member for each column. There are also members for the table name. I just don't want to use some sort of container for these objects unless it's a generic so i can avoid writing a shit ton of basically the same code over and over again.

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