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random downvotes
@LucasKauffman Is that a request?
and I dont know why because it's perfectly valid
@LucasKauffman disgruntled customers?
oh crap. just got notified that the swag SEI sent for the OWASP conf has arrived. However, I have to pay more than I should to release it from customs.
@AviD that's never good
on the other hand - yay! swag!
@RoryAlsop I have a feeling that it is at least in part because my name has a flag in their system.
"AviD?? Prepare the latex gloves!!"
Plastava, everybody!
@AviD You live in a bunker. I'm not surprised.
@Adnan Make mine a double
@Adnan plastava, indeed.
In fact I'll have a Plastava and coke
@TerryChia heh, no I work in a bunker. I live in a mansion (well, relative to average houses here...)
@RoryAlsop Double Plastava with a coke for the gentleman.
@AviD oh damn, should have expected that to be starred out of context.
@AviD Anything interesting going on? Or should I just go back to sleep?
@AviD hahahaha - yeah, but work in a bunker in a mansion, in the heart of a volcano on Skullcrusher Island :-)
@AviD welll...I am awake :-)
@Adnan I got screwed by customs for trying to do a good deed.
@AviD I'm sure there's something in there.
@RoryAlsop oh yeah, I gotta get me an island. No volcano, though, too hot and sticky.
@AviD Doing a good deed for a government agency?! Are you insane?
though it would make barbecues much easier... hmm...
@Adnan no, for SE and OWASP.
@AviD you could almost automate the barbeque, and have the lava flow deliver cooked animal to your table
@AviD Now I'm lost
@RoryAlsop Soo.... minecraft?
@TerryChia yeah...sorry
I'm not going down the whole GTA V route
I have my own time sinks
Yeah, I need to get me Minecraft again.
Does it run on Linux?
@Adnan read up just a few lines.
although I do like some of the fun stuff the guys have put in GTA V. The company is local here, so they have added in lots of relevant Edinburgh/Scottish stuff, including a blatant copy of our tram debacle
5 mins ago, by AviD
oh crap. just got notified that the swag SEI sent for the OWASP conf has arrived. However, I have to pay more than I should to release it from customs.
@RoryAlsop I like that idea. Would need to build in a heat-proof (and heat containing) mechanism for lava run-off...
@AviD WTF?! Didn't SE mark the package as gift?
@Adnan the warehouse marked the actual costs on the invoice. :@
@AviD they do that...
@AviD Amateurs/idiots!
I had heard they learned to mark things as gifts... though I'm not sure it would have helped here, the customs here really screw you.
to think that the customs office is the only government agency that is NOT completely incompetent....
@AviD Well, to be honest, there's nothing to be done. They received a package with the cost written on it. It's done
I love Chinese sellers on eBay. They mark everything as a gift.
That was a bad idea.
well, the customs here dont fall for that, they are familiar with all the tricks.
I think they are all professional ex-smugglers, so they know all the tricks much much better than I would.
@AviD It would be interesting if that was in the criteria to be a cop.
> Ex-convicts are preferred.
@Adnan Could you imagine Han Solo in uniform??
@Adnan well, arguably, cop/convict has a bigger distance, with ethics and legality issues. Smuggler/customs is usually about skirting the law, often within the law, and there is nothing unethical about it.
@AviD Yeah, nothing unethical about smuggling some nubain to get some kids' lives fucked up.
@Adnan heh, had to look that up.
Drug smugglers are inherently different from smuggling to avoid customs.
@AviD I think I agree on that one.
friend of mine works at customs since about a week now
@Adnan you seem surprised to be agreeing with me about anything.
the stuff you see people carry is insane
@LucasKauffman Do tell
@AviD Nah, I agree with you on many things.
Choice of whiskeys, for example.
@Adnan dildos and colars with chains
@Adnan hehe, oo yeah I gotta get another couple bottles. I'll be passing through the dutyfree in the airport in a few weeks...
dried lizards
@AviD Can a Israeli customs officer make the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs?
@LucasKauffman lol, how much is customs on that??
@AviD airport customs check out
@LucasKauffman and they bust people for that?
Are you talking about airport security, or something like that?
@Adnan no they don't they do bust you for having drugs :P
which were stored along those items
re swag, this is interesting:
Q: What is swag? And where does it come from?

InitiativI'd just like to know where it comes from. This is a word that I've heard all my life but it has always been a special kind of curtain. I was baffled when kids started calling each other curtains so I googled it and I just found these bullshit answers like secretly we are gay or sex with a ginger...

@LucasKauffman Ahaaaa
@AviD Sooo, this means I have swag?
@AviD curtains? ginger? some people need to get out more :-)
@Adnan no, you ARE swag [1] ;-)
@RoryAlsop I honestly have trouble understanding most of that question.
@AviD backronym
1 hour later…
It's so unrelated I'm even hesitant to ask, but here goes anyway: Would you guys object to me posting Space Exploration ad among the Sec.SE community ads? I realize it would have to be voted on to be effective at all, but I'm not even sure myself I'd want it there, even though I made it LOL
Or maybe better I just ask of you to vote on those that are already posted on other, more related sites? Anyway... back on topic, what's new here? 12 questions and 120 rep away from the round 100k/10k milestones I see.
@AviD Sex With A Ginger ROFLMAO
@TildalWave I would be more comfortable with that. Otherwise it's back to the "special exception for regulars" issue, IMMO.
@TildalWave heh, sounds good!
I still have no clue what the "curtain" means in that context....
unless its about the carpet matching the drapes....? Which is (almost) always in bad taste, if you ask me.
@AviD Yeah... that's why I asked. So, if any of you wanna help us vote those ads up, the links to where they are posted are in this thread: meta.space.stackexchange.com/questions/364/…
@AviD Dunno... but that'd be an ancient analogy no? So I'm thinking maybe from the times when girls had clothes matching (or even made out of) curtain materials?
@TildalWave Just ask @RoryAlsop maybe?
@TerryChia what happens behind the curtains stays behind the curtains :P
@TildalWave Damn, those are some nice posters.
@TerryChia @TildalWave yes, kudos on the iconic artwork.
Cheers! Note that the upvotes on the linked to meta threads on other sites count, not so much the votes there where they're displayed
@AviD you endorsed me for icons already? :)
actually... what am I asking, you were probably among the first to do that LOL
@TildalWave 'course! twice!
@TildalWave I want to, but that involves me logging into LinkedIn.
Which would mean typing keepassx& in my terminal.
Sorry. :P
@TerryChia somehow I think @TildalWave meant it ironically.
Which would make him a hipster douche.
@AviD Isn't he already?
Or she.
@TerryChia Don't you get those pesky reminders in emails every week? I'm still not sure if I'd ban the shit out of it, or just ignore and let them be for now. I do get nice IISP threads tho, they're a good read
@TildalWave Gmail is automatically sticking it under the "Socials" tab so I don't get too annoyed by them.
Btw, you might wanna consider a poster design based on Star Trek/Star Wars theme and sticking it on Scifi.SE.
@TerryChia hmmm no, we clearly wanna distinguish between fiction and reality, I don't wanna cause people having false assumptions that sci-fi is on topic on space.se... it isn't
sci yes, fi no
@TildalWave I see your point, although a theme like "See that cool thing in that movie you like? We actually do it IRL" might be fun.
Also Im doing a lightning talk at brucon
@LucasKauffman Meh. :P
You should get down here for Syscan next year. They are gonna have a category called WhiskeyCon.
> Finally, we will have the WhiskeyCon. Anyone attending SyScan’14 can go on stage and present anything related to security (NO PRODUCT PIMPING!). The amount of time you have will be based on the number of shots of whiskey that you drink before the talk. Every 2 shots of whiskey get you 5 minutes.
@TerryChia Sci-Fi, even mention of it, is on Space.SE a bit like the Don't Be a Dave meme here, so dunno... I have other ideas for the time being that still need to materialize, time permitting. And we obviously don't wanna look too desperate and needy either with the use of popular culture "icons". But maybe for other ads, like for the main chat or similar, yup that could work.
@TildalWave yeah, but its more about the community - a large part of those hanging out on scifi would be the type to be interested in sex.se too.
@LucasKauffman cool, what about?
@AviD Oh, definitely. :P
@AviD protecting against dns amplification
@LucasKauffman nice! that sounds a bit heavy for a lightning talk, though...
@TerryChia brilliant!
@AviD It's just short BGP38 and make sure you aren't running open resolvers
@LucasKauffman aaaaand... done!
@AviD Consider that for your next OWASP con. :P
@AviD we had some utterly "far out" questions that we want to avoid... some of those would be a better fit on Phy.SE (theoretical drives e.t.c.), and some were plain insulting for any scientists, engineers, and others actually involved in space exp.
@LucasKauffman I got a shorter one. "Don't piss off random dudes on reddit or 4chan." :P
I gave a lightning talk once about CAPTCHA ("the security we all love to hate"). It was a two-person talk, so it was even more challenging...
still, it was one of the talks I had the most fun with.
needless to say, most of those questions came from regulars on Sci-Fi and Skeptics
@TildalWave Sceptics?
@TildalWave Astronauts!!!
@TerryChia corrected... typo
@TildalWave Just messing with ya. :P
@TerryChia I know :P
That yellow font is horrendous.
@LucasKauffman Make sure you get in a little Sec.SE pimping.
@TerryChia yea the problem is work is sponsoring a part of it
so I might just get in a security stackexchange logo
I also thought adding a slide which states: "Respect the crypto bear"
@LucasKauffman 70 more rep to 100k!
@TerryChia 100k o.O?
@LucasKauffman Big Bear.
@LucasKauffman Get upvoting. :P
actually, we need 12 questions more for the milestones to happen more or less at the same time... the bear will collect upvotes, no question about it
The question is, how many beers / shots is suitable to drink for the occasion of the round milestones? 10? :D
30 more rep!!!
@LucasKauffman Nice.
Q: I hereby declare the 22th of September each year to be Bear Day!

Terry ChiaThomas Pornin, one of the most distinguished members of our community is about to reach 100k rep, a terrific milestone! A complete list of his contributions to the site is probably way too long to fit into a single post, so here are some of the more notable ones. An incredible answer specula...

user image
there you go ;)
Congrats to the Big Bear @ThomasPornin!
All three Bioshock games for $20.
@TildalWave congrats @ThomasPornin!!!
@TerryChia I dunno, I'm considering closing as Too Broad.
@AviD Blegh.
@TerryChia too late, I already have them all... liked the 1st one, not so much the 2nd one, and didn't yet have the time for Infinite
maybe during winter months :|
@TildalWave Hehe. Still a good deal for anyone who does not have them yet.
@TerryChia Oh sure, there's definitely more than $20 worth of gameplay there
@TildalWave I'm strongly tempted to get them, although I still have about 30 games in my Steam library completely untouched.
Yup that's the problem, isn't it? I stopped collecting for the time being with about 10 big titles I never touched yet
@TildalWave It's like.... $5 for 7 games and it's a small contribution to charity?
2 mins ago, by Terry Chia
I know what you're referring to ;) And there's some interesting titles coming out soon, so I will probably have like two dozens of them to play with come winter... and that's if I don't decide to go skiing somewhere and actually have the time to play any
@TildalWave I'm treating my Steam library the same as Pokemon now. Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Plus dammit, next year D3 is removing the AH from the game as well as revamping the item system. That would probably get me to go back.
@TerryChia what are you doing in the DMZ, shouldn't you be out watching the Grand Prix?
Yup I see now... good decision
@RoryMcCune Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. Kinda boring.. :(
I'll just watch the crashes tomorrow on youtube.
@TerryChia That sounds utterly brilliant!
@LucasKauffman do it
@TerryChia yeah you need headphones with this when watching, that'll help
@TildalWave I think I have 2 of them, but I didn't even play the 2nd as the gameplay dynamic annoyed me soooo much
But I know I must be weird as I think all the GTA games suck intensely
(Am playing LA Noire at the moment and it sucks much less)
@TildalWave Yup. I spent $30 in the AH. Completely blew through MP8 inferno, got to level 51 paragon and quit.
@RoryAlsop we just bought GTA V, but not for me.. Marion wants to play it..
It's a good thing they are getting rid of AH.
@TerryChia Doom 3?
Now that is a good game to play late at night
@RoryAlsop Cmon.... don't you think you get mocked often enough around here? :P
@TerryChia hey hey hey doom3 is modern
it's not like he said Duke nukem 3d (great game) or something..
@RoryAlsop Ha I actually feel the same about GTA
@RoryMcCune Cheers! I completely forgot about the F1 race
Not sure if i like it yet. Tune called Nuclear rain
eww hardcore pokemon
joking... but the intro reminds me of the music from Pinball Fantasies (another great game that @RoryAlsop might remember :P)
IIRC it was the yellow table
@TerryChia never did get to play d3. when it came out, my system couldnt support it (even though I had a license.... :'( ). now, i dont have time, and not sure how much interest...
Being at work at 8:30am on a sunday should be a crime
@AviD Doing a complete playthrough is still pretty fun.
It just doesn't have the replayability factor of D2.
@RoryMcCune Marion sounds totally awesome.
And I'm not just saying that hoping to get her to gift me a tablet.... ;-)
@AviD Ooooh. We are giving away secondhand Surfaces now? I want in!
@TerryChia still hoping they decide to put a 3g/lte in the surface2...
@AviD well when I want to buy tech it is useful when my better half is egging me on :)
@AviD well be interesting to see what surface2/pro2 look like, not long to find out now
I'm really looking forward to the new iPad. I can't wait to see what kind of performance Apple can achieve in a tablet chip considering how much power they managed to pack into the 5s......
@TerryChia TBH for what I use it for, my rather underpowered iPad 3 is fine.
I'm interested to see what baytrail atoms are like though
@RoryMcCune Heh. I'm just crazy about benchmarks.
would be nice to have the battery life of the iPad with program scope of x86
@RoryMcCune Have you seen the anandtech review for the 5s? The A7 chip managed to achieve 80%~ of the performance of a Bay Trail atom.
That's jaw-droppingly good for a phone chip.
@TerryChia yeah Apple are definitely doing well on the perf front
It appears Intel is gonna be skipping Broadwell for desktops though. :(
@TerryChia I sense a pattern in your gear... are you trying to compensate for something ?
@ThomasPornin Hmm? I don't get it.
@TerryChia All these +lots of strength items
@ThomasPornin Heh. It's a barb. Strength is the primary stat.
@ThomasPornin he's also wearing girly pants.
D3 has a very simplistic gearing mechanism sadly. :(
One of the biggest letdowns after D2.
Stack crit chance/crit damage / ias as much as possible. Stack primary stat. Stack all resist.
@AviD Yeah the pants are iffy. :( Sadly they are the best choice from a gearing perspective.
@RoryAlsop "Doom 3" has been described as: the game for which you buy an expensive 3D video card, which would display impressive pictures if they were not always pitch black.
@TerryChia no no, really, they look good on you.
they make your butt look fat, but they go great with your hair.
It really makes your eyes pop, too.
@AviD Pfffffffffffffft.
So Terry wears pop pants?
@ScottPack better than poop pants.
1 hour later…
@thomas - that's what gamma correction was invented for :-)
@tildal - yes, pinball fantasies was brilliant
2 hours later…
Oh my god oh my god oh my god! 11 more questions till the 10k
Easy boy. Watch the spines.
@ThomasPornin Gz on 100k.
I installed a new hard disk. Still same download speed.
@Antony :(
2 hours later…
A: How are multiple launches handled?

TildalWaveTo answer the first part of your question, have historically multiple spacecraft launched on the same date from geographically distinct locations, yes. In fact, it just happened last Wednesday, September 18, 2013 when two rockets were launched on the same date, and both from different facilities ...

wanna help us "Super Collide" it?
it's been weeks since our last one on SEx.SE, and it's Sunday, it might work today
BTW when I say "Super Collide" I don't mean you actually collide it with another one at near lightspeed :P
3 hours later…
WAIT! Is this thing still working: meta.security.stackexchange.com/questions/667/… ?
If so, I think I just found the way to motivate my ass to post answers. A free Sec.SE t-shirt? Fuck yeah.

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