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@Simon Oh really? So I'll be receiving a care package any day now eh? :D
@Simon hmmm don't think so, the SE shop is gone, kaput, dead, ceased to exist... like the parrot. There ought to still be the option to order swag for events where you might be able to promote the site tho, so if you're hosting, or a speaker at any conferences e.t.c. I'm sure they could arrange some Sec.SE relief packages be sent your way :)
But if you get a positive answer, make sure to let me know ... I'd want one too (I only got the diamond hat so far, and a Sec.SE tee would go neat with it)
same color too, I believe
@RoryAlsop should know, he ought to have both... or @AviD... wouldn't bet on @JeffF tho, I'm not sure they let him wear anything else than FB swag or maybe a Lynyrd Skynyrd's Free (and dead) Bird, or a broken g+ string Girl From Ipanema motif tees
How's it @TildalWave
@D3C4FF Bit bored, all over the SE this weekend... some bug caught me :|
@D3C4FF you? still hanging it low and easy to pick?
@TildalWave Ah fail. I just got over the flu.... Was pretty bad. :P
@TildalWave Its pretty much dragging against the ground now, my testicles that is.
I'm doing reporting for the last pen-test i did. Interesting pen-test, boring reporting :(
lock, stock, bam, reload...
In other fun news, we (me and my buddies) purchased an ATM
The drive was erased
so no software
but alas! Apparently contractors/banks think 'erased' means format NTFS -> FAT32
SO BAM! Fully working ATM WITH all the software required to run it!
@D3C4FF you shot a video you all loading it on the truck, right? :)
@TildalWave Needed 7 people to move the bloody thing!
Weighs approx 700KG!
heh I bet
It was like sailing again, so much swearing
killed a man in Breaking Bad too
broke him bad LOL
Now the next question is, we have a working ATM, how can we hack it!
Ala Barnaby Jack style...
@D3C4FF yar load it with funny money first, add Pinball Fantasies track to it while waiting to spew out the goodies
Its isss running xp
talking of which, did they establish yet what Barnaby died of?
@TildalWave No, i was looking that up... Government conspiracy?
Dunno even what happened, all I know is they have ruled out foul play almost immediately since it came out with the first reports, and that the autopsy report will be published months later... so yeah, I bet there's loads of conspiracy theories floating about. :|
@Simon @TildalWave @D3C4FF I think the swag pack is a one time thing.
@TerryChia Is, or was?
@TildalWave Dunno. I know that I want a sec.se shirt and have not gotten one yet. :(
I know you get a pack for running in mod elections, but that's just a boring stackexchange shirt.
@TerryChia Well nobody ever asked me for my size yet, so I'm not keeping my hopes up
@TildalWave Yeah ditto on that one...
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@TildalWave Possibly of interested for the mod of sex.se. arstechnica.com/science/2013/09/…
2 hours later…
@D3C4FF lovely :-)
@TildalWave TWSS
SecSE swag for the top users was a one time thing, unfortunately. SE do still provide swag for events etc, but as the swag shop is shut there aren't any other ways to get SecSE T-shirts
@RoryAlsop and very limited on the shirts, too.
got a nice set of sec.se flashlights, though :-)
@RoryAlsop Any ideas for avenues of attack? :P
course I'm paying a huge stinking pile of cash to release the package....
@RoryAlsop Sweatshops in china? :P
@D3C4FF I did that a couple of times, but I'm running out in a few minutes... remind me tonight...
@AviD Can do! I'll be idling for a while
btw quick bottom line - almost all the countermeasures rely at the end of the chain on the physical security. if you have it in your own lab, those are all out :-)
@AviD Huh? What physical security? The PC component is pickable in under 5 seconds and the safe is literally FULL OF HOLES!
exactly. usually they try to put the ATMs in physically guarded locations, with e.g. cameras or guards or whatever...
and why bother picking it? dont have a crowbar with you?
these things do not usually include tamper-evident seals... or self destruct mechanisms.
@AviD it must have self destruct and a big red button if it is going to fit in to you lair!
@AviD Crowbars are heavy :P
@RoryAlsop and that is why I dont have an ATM in my office.
that, and it would be abused by my kids.
@AviD heh - of course. What child wouldn't want to play at hacking a real ATM
@D3C4FF meh, most of the ones I've seen would pop with a good strong tree branch.
@RoryAlsop hacking? hell no! "just give me the money, daaaaaad"
@AviD The safe's seem (more or less) secure, although i do have some concerns about the design of it... But the cabinet, surely i could just whack on a fluro vest pick it in the middle of a shopping centre and enter 'manager mode' :P
There are no countermeasures that stand up to your kids' puppy dog eyes when they really want something.
@AviD Paper bags?
@D3C4FF on their heads or yours?
Depends on the number of kids vs how many bags you have
@D3C4FF oh yeah, I was talking about the cabinet, not the cash safe.
@AviD Oh, yeah, that's got a wafer lock. I'm pretty sure if I sneeze it'l pop open (i sneeze fairly hard though)
The cash safe has issues i think, but that's to be tested at a later date :)
btw what brand is your ATM?
@AviD NCR Personas
(Not relevant but still interesting, youtube.com/watch?v=pZPM2QFN7Uc I always enjoy a good safe-cracking) Note that he completely ignores the digital dial and instead goes straight for the PCB controlling the actuator. Bad-ass
hmm, I think I reviewed one of NCR's models. Dont think it was the persona, but they probably have the same shared core. I'll check later...
@AviD Yeah if you could check that'd be awesome, i got given access to most of NCR's diagnostic manuals/tech manuals etc so i'm pouring over them at the moment
I'll be back in a bit, just gotta eat
@D3C4FF hell thats more than I got.
@D3C4FF I dunno, drilling seems so.... provincial.
@D3C4FF You should walk on a Blackhat stage with a crowbar and start beating the crap out of a ATM.
@ThomasPornin congratulations on the 100k :)
Oh boy oh by oh my god!
> 9,999 questions
A mod should superping whoever asks the 10000th question.
Please please @AviD and/or @RoryA
@Adnan Get a screenshot! I can't here at work.
Oh - actually I might be able to on my phone
we should have planned for this and got some swag in as a prize.... actually....maybe I have the odd bit left in my swag drawer...
@TerryChia - get a good question in, and maybe you will get some Sec.SE swag
@RoryAlsop "What sort of alcoholic beverages should a pen tester stock up on?" This can be our boat-programming equivalent.
@RoryAlsop "This security stuff, it's all a bit of a waste of time isn't it?"
@TerryChia Place bets on how long it will last....
@RoryMcCune hahahahahahaha
@TerryChia surely it is whisky - and every 2 shots gives you an extra 5 minutes testing
@RoryAlsop Hahahah!
@TerryChia A lot better than the questions we've been seeing lately
Perhaps @TildalWave can whip something up for us.
If nobody asks one then I will - and you know you don't want that.
Actually, maybe @ThomasP should have the 10k question
That would also be his first...
interested, Big Bear?
@RoryAlsop That would be fantastic
@RoryAlsop So I assume the world is coming to an end tomororw?
Are Canadians asleep at the moment? Oh, it isn't winter so Ursa Major is probably not hibernating
Btw, will the question count drop if that jerk @Community starts deleting questions?
@TerryChia I don't know
@Simon Have you watched it already?
@TerryChia Cheers, it's a nice article. Perfect for the "morning" coffee reading :)
@RoryAlsop It's a cold morning!! :P
@Adnan I wish... I'm on hot teas like some teetotaler since the pesky bug caught me :(
@AviD Its not JUST drilling... its drilling to access the PCB then jumping the electronics :D But such precision while drilling just seems extreme. And the anti-drill countermeasures seem good as well!
@TildalWave It's alright, sweetie. Get well
What an anticlimactic ending!
Q: Is it possible to compromise a virtual-machine's host-machine?

crooveckSo basically I need to know is there any way to find a connection between packets sent by my VMs and my host machine. In my lab I have lots of workstations, each running a VirtualBox with network adapter bridged to the host adapter (eth0 or wlan0). Each virtual machine has a malformed MAC and of...

Congrats Sec.Se! 10,000 questions!
For symmetry and nice numbers sake @Adnan
@D3C4FF Maaan. I love you! No homo
@Adnan :D
@Adnan are you in Helsinki? or some other part of Finland?
@TerryChia And just scream VULNERABILITIES VULNERAABILLLIIITTTIIIESSS!!! While doing so...
@AviD I like the drilling technique personally. Seems practical.
@RoryMcCune No, I'm not in Helsinki. But I frequently go there.
Need anything/help?
@AviD I've heard of tests against ATMs being done only in 'cages' with limited access to media/tools/etc etc so researchers/pen-testers couldnt exfil any useful data...
@Adnan ahh perhaps then you would know. Are there any particularly good places for bandwidth/quiet working in Helsinki? Someone I know is over there and will be working whilst there...
@RoryMcCune Sorry, I don't know what "good places for bandwidth/quiet working" mean.
@Adnan is there somewhere someone visiting the city could work which has decent internet access/is quiet. So in the UK coffee shops or libraries might be places to try...
@RoryMcCune Aha. Okay, first of all you need to know that Internet Cafes don't exist in Finland, and as far as I know we still have no Starbucks
@RoryMcCune I always go libraries when travelling. Universally quiet and almost always excellent bandwidth, plus not to many restrictions on internet. Alternatively, universities also are in a similar vein. And usually have terrible network security.
@Adnan wow. I have 3 in this building alone :-)
@D3C4FF You can't do that in Finland, you can't just walk into a university and use the Internet connection.
@Adnan Well, your not supposed to but if anyone asks, your a dumb/lost tourist trying to find your way somewhere via google maps :P
@D3C4FF That's not the issue. If the university doesnā€™t implements access cards (which most of them do), you still need username and password to access the network.
@Adnan Same here in my campus.
So it's not that you just can't walk in, you're not able to do that. There's a huge door that prevents you
The network is locked down pretty decently.
@TerryChia Yeah, I actually quite like that
@Adnan >_> <_< ARP spoofing
@Adnan Man, it sounds like they take security seriously...
@ManishEarth How do you ARP spoof without being on the network? :P
@ManishEarth I'll let you think about that sentence
@TerryChia ah, you mean MSCHAP auth for wifi. Hmm
@D3C4FF Yup, they do.
In Aus, you wander in wherever the hell you want, plug in a ethernet cable (after unplugging a library PC) ignore the proxy altogether and enjoy fiber speedz
@Adnan Ahh, my campus is open to the public. It's the libraries/labs etc that require an access card.
@D3C4FF haha
And if your a jerk, you walk out with your laptop AND the library pc
@D3C4FF That doesn't sound so good
I did that for a pen-test once. So i could work on the PC at home. And then included a section saying 'stole entire PC from library without being questioned by staff'
@TerryChia My entire campus is closed to the public (though it's not a big deal to get in). Internet is proxied, and wifi has a password. But with a LAN drop one can just ARP their way through (They still haven't replaced the proxy)
Brought it back the next day though :P
@ManishEarth My campus' network is locked down with WPA2-Enterprise. The username/password combo is tied to the Windows Domain (I'm not too clear about the setup but that's essentially it...)
Yeah, we have WPA2-Enterprise as well
@TerryChia Uni's usually secure wifi pretty good, mine required certificate setup of some kind
But mine doesn't have a certificate. So I guess it can be sniffed too
@ManishEarth All the LAN ports are in labs that require access cards though, so it's not that easy for members of the public.
@RoryMcCune So, back to that. Libraries in Helsinki has a network called Stadinetti, you need library card to be able to use the network.
Not here. LAN drops are easy to come across
@Adnan lulz. Derailed that one, sorry @RoryMcCune
I'm so gonna bring my Pineapple to my campus one day. Setup a rickroll and troll people. :P
@D3C4FF heh s'ok :)
@RoryMcCune Your last resort is either find a cafe/pub, or just use one of the cities open networks (completely legal to use) hel.fi/palvelukartta/?lang=fi&search=WLAN&city=helsinki
@Adnan ta for that. I'm guessing speed might be a bit tricksy on an open network but better than nothing I'd guess :)
@RoryMcCune Of course, you need passwords from the INFO kiosks :D
@Adnan well she's a tester, so she should be able to work round that I'm sure :)
@RoryMcCune But, you want my advice? Tell your friend to get a the data package from Saunalahti or some other cheap provider for 20-30 euros and just use the 3G network.
@Adnan ah true, 3G may be the best approach in a big city...
@TerryChia Wait a second, I've noticed this. What the hell?!
@TerryChia Sweet!!
ah hah - just tested - if I delete questions the number does come down :-)
@CrazyBuddy Sup
@D3C4FF Hello... And, looks like there's someone who knows me in the crowd... :D
@CrazyBuddy I don't know you at all, i just see you lurkin' here all the time never saying much (well at least you don't say much when i'm around anyway)
ah... (Yep, my first time) :D
But, I visit here sometimes :)
@CrazyBuddy What for? Just for teh lulz? :P
wait wut
I shadow a few people :P
what's that?
@CrazyBuddy Clicky clicky stalky stalky? :P
We went from glorious 10001 back to 10000 :(
7 mins ago, by Rory Alsop
ah hah - just tested - if I delete questions the number does come down :-)
@TerryChia derp
@Simon The offer was a one-time, but there still is a way: I just got an email telling me that since I got to 100k, they would be happy to send to me some swag. I am not sure it would be security.SE branded, or just generic "stack exchange" stuff.
So just get to it; at 100k, a T-shirt.
@Adnan The last episode of Dexter? No, not yet. I will definitely watch it tonight though.
@ThomasPornin :-)
@ThomasPornin I bet you're gonna wear that t-shirt at work as soon as you get it.
@D3C4FF I deleted a couple of very old crap questions that had been downvoted past -10 and closed
@Simon I watched it today, i don't know how i feel about it...
@D3C4FF Awwww.
Judging by the preview, shit's getting serious but I sincerely hope he's not gonna get caught (no I don't wanna know, I wanna see it by myself!).
@Simon I gave up on dex around season 6
@lynks How come? I thought season 6 was quite good.
@Simon 4 was my favourite, I found 5 and 6 progressively worse and found myself losing interest.
breaking bad has had me hooked from day 1 however
@lynks I liked Breaking Bad more too.
The first episode was quite something, yeah.
@Simon theres only one episode left D: although for me there are 2 left
@lynks I have never known which series I am on. I think I have watched them in the right order, and I may be on the current series, but tbh I wouldn't know... sky+ makes me dumb
as I am currently banned from watching last night's until my gf gets home.
@lynks Breaking bad, Dexter, True Blood, Falling skies - they are the series we watch together, so they get watched when we are both in front of the tv at the same time...this is not a predictable schedule
@lynks Pussy.
@ScottPack Hey I just spent 2 days straight playing Payday 2. I'm happy.
For us it's Game of Thrones, Falling Skies, and Doctor Who.
We tried True Blood but didn't make it past the first episode. It wasn't too gory, or poorly written, or poorly produced. We just didn't care about any of the characters. I actually felt kind of bad about it.
I love Nikita. Lyndsy Fonseca is hot!
@ScottPack the books are much better (or they were for the first few - they went downhill eventually)
Nikita wasn't bad, but it was all together too cheesy for me. I really liked the original tv show.
@RoryAlsop That makes some amount of sense.
@lynks Yep, I have no idea what I'm gonna watch next.
@ScottPack You caught up on all three seasons?
@TerryChia Is it still on?
@ScottPack They have 6 more episodes scheduled for the fourth and last season.
@Simon we also actually watched every episode of Johnathan Creek about a year ago. Terrible, terrible tv, but for some reason highly addictive.
@lynks That's odd.
@lynks yep
@Simon Thats the netflix effect.
@TerryChia I thought it was cancelled after the first season.
@ScottPack I think they moved the timeslot.
I dunno, I just torrent the show because we don't get it out here in Singapore.
@TerryChia That wouldn't have mattered to me, I don't do live tv.
@ScottPack Too mainstream, right?
@TerryChia Setting my recording schedules to "any time on any channel" kind of cleans that problem up.
The second season was definitely excellent. I can see why you think it is cheesy if you only watched the first one.
I've been using MythTV since 2004.
new here
id like to know how to hack wifi for laptops??
same as wifi for desktops
yeah, any ideas that you might share. :)
@Simon Honestly, a tie does not look good on a t-shirt.
@ThomasPornin I bet you could make it look good.
Also, I already have two security.SE t-shirts that I don't wear at work.
@lordzden dunno what you're after, google for aircrack-ng it's IMO the easiest to start with
@Simon My mandate is to help the customer with his PKI issues; not to humiliate him. It is already enough to have him bask in my radiance.
@TildalWave hhmm, do i need like antennas or something? or it only requires laptop :)
@lordzden You need a big white van like in those movies.
So @ThomasPornin wears a tie to work? You mean like this?
@Simon hahah
@lordzden you can always move closer... like I said, I don't know what you'd like to do, you didn't really describe it
@ScottPack That joke has already been done.
@ScottPack 10/10
Whatever you do don't black our your windows and spray paint "free candy" on the side. @Simon can tell you about that.
@ThomasPornin A joke is never done until I've had a go at it.
@ScottPack Yeah... The police still is stalking me daily.
@TildalWave I'd like to know the password of a secured wifi using my laptop
@lordzden Look up aircrack-ng like he told you.
I sec :)
@lordzden OK so borrow your neighbour's bandwidth? You don't need any additional hardware, if you see the AP then you're already receiving its packets... and the rest, I suggest you first establish what the access is protected with, then find suitable software you'd feel comfortable using to try and crack it. But aircrack-ag is possibly the simplest to start with, with a lot of online documentation, videos and whatnot
@TildalWave quite a lot of stuff there, getting nosebleed right now, but i think its okay. by the way thanks for your time dude! appreciated. been downloading softwares right now I'll be checking the Aircrack-ng, and I think its difficult, doing youtube right now... .
Shameless self-promotion, but you gotta love the photo I made for that answer LOL:
A: Can I borrow a lunar rover?

TildalWaveFun question! Provided the three Lunar Roving Vehicles (LRV) left on the surface of the Moon by the last three Apollo program missions were not towed away for unpaid parking, reckless driving and littering fines, or clamped by the Lunar people (not to be confused with Lunatics), I don't see why n...

@TerryChia You might want to be very careful about that. Someone at the campus i go to did that, they sacked him with a $486 fine and revoked his tuition for the semester for doing that. They also won't allow him to register for all of 2014 either.
I have to say I never really understood the Pineapple popularity, particularly amongst respectable security folk. It is nothing I couldn't turn any laptop into given a day or two.
@DavidFreitag I know.. :P I don't think I'll actually do it...
@lynks I always thought it's just some fun gadget and that's all there is to it, am I missing something here?
@lynks Well, it's cheap (relatively), so I can just leave it somewhere and not lose a lot of money if it gets confiscated/stolen.
it might as well have been made by thinkgeek, for all I know LOL
@TerryChia Yeah - believe me, its kinda funny for the first few times, but the few giggles doesn't outweigh the potential problems.
You are better off just doing it at some random starbucks
It's also much more discreet and easier to hide than a laptop.
The best you can hope for is some "writer" with a laptop gets super pissed that throws a coffee or two and storms out.
@TerryChia Pussy.
@TerryChia that's the best argument for it that I've heard
@Simon You are Canadian. Aren't you supposed to be polite?
@TerryChia It's much better than having "Cyber terrorist" labeled all over your official college transcript ;]
@TerryChia Oh, believe me - he is apologizing silently right now.
@TerryChia Not today.
@DavidFreitag Probably.
@Simon Someone piss in your wheaties?
@DavidFreitag I fucking went out 3 days in a row like a clever man. I'm tired as dicks now.
Yes, dicks are tired by definition.
@Simon Then take a viagra?
That's a metaphor for speed, right?
You'll have enough energy to plow a thousand virgins - Or walk around like you have a stiff back, whichever.
Have you experienced it?
@Simon Viagra + Extasy = A very fun weekend
@DavidFreitag Whoa.
and subsequently a very sore week
No shit, damn.
@DavidFreitag Personal experience?
@TerryChia Ayep.
@DavidFreitag Should try throwing in some Marijuana into the mix.
@TerryChia It doesn't belong in the mix. E makes you horny and viagra, well, you know.
@TerryChia Meh. I don't really like the stuff
@Simon That's the point.
All that shit is illegal here anyway.
Viagra and Ecstasy are uppers, Pot is a downer - its just a bad idea..
@TerryChia Viagra too?
@DavidFreitag I dunno..... it should balance out right? :P
@Simon Ah no. Obviously.
@TerryChia And that reasoning is what fucks a lot of people.
@TerryChia I think that's what people think when they mix Red bull + Vodka.
I'd never do that.
@TerryChia Yeah - right so you sit around for hours on a couch with the most massive erection you've ever had. What a waste
@DavidFreitag Eating pizza.
@Simon 'xactly.
Mixing uppers and downers doesn't just balance out because they work by modifying different parts of your body chemistry. It does weird things to you.
@ScottPack That sounds boring.
@ScottPack once mixed apple juice with orange juice. He didn't go to work for a week.
@Simon wut?
@ScottPack ILY2
Vodka and red bull is just a nice drink though. I tend to have it are about drink 3 and drink 12 or so for an average drinking night
@ScottPack He's 13.
@RoryAlsop You crazy.
@RoryAlsop The worst part about drinking Vodka and Redbull is that it contains redbull and vodka.
> Apple sold a combined 9 million iPhone 5S and 5C smartphones over the handsets' first full weekend of sales ā€” the most it's ever done.
Not nice.
@TerryChia I thought about buying one to absolutely destroy it, but then i realized i would be buying one.
I wonder what sort of ragestorms melting a new iPhone with thermite would generate on the interwebs
@DavidFreitag Wait, that hasn't been done already?
@DavidFreitag Didn't you say you had a thermite cannon or something?
@scott - it's the only energy drink I actively enjoy.
@TerryChia Not sure - perhaps older models.
@RoryAlsop But does it give you energy? It doesn't do jack shit to me.
@Simon Yeah it kinda works. Has about a 60% chance of igniting thermite as it leaves the barrel and travels ~200 yards
@DavidFreitag You need to train your luck.
@DavidFreitag What's up with you and thermites?
@RoryAlsop Try Bawls
One night I accidentally drank twelve red bulls. It was an incredible mistake. Don't do that and drive.
@RoryAlsop Did you manage to fly?
@RoryAlsop Dude! I think the max you should drink in 24 hours is 1.
And how the fuck did you accidentally drink twelve red bulls?
@TerryChia Yeah - considering the other 40% of the time the thermite ignites and either plops out of the barrel burning at my feet, or just ignites in the barrel
Needed a point of gin and tonic to land once I got home
It was the only non alcoholic drink available
I bet you were shaking.
Yup. Major epileptic fit would describe it better
Oh god.
@RoryAlsop bawls.com It's by far the best energy drink i have ever had.
@RoryAlsop "Bois ton sang, Beaumanoir, la soif te passera."
Don't know if it's available here @David
@RoryAlsop You can get cases on amazon. I do. It's that good.
@thomas - will need to find Google translate layer
@RoryAlsop "Drink your blood, Beaumanoir, thirst you will."
The Combat of the Thirty (26 March 1351), known as Combat des Trente in French, was an episode in the Breton War of Succession, a war fought to determine who would rule the Duchy of Brittany. It was an arranged fight between picked combatants from both sides of the conflict. It was fought at a site midway between the Breton castles of Josselin and Ploƫrmel between thirty champions, knights and squires on each side, in a challenge issued by Jean de Beaumanoir, a captain of Charles of Blois supported by the King of France, to Robert Bemborough, a captain of Jean de Montfort supported by ...
Just pointing out that if you were intent on not drinking alcohol, then there was another non-alcoholic beverage available, with flattering historical precedent.
He just posted that because he knew I was the only one who could understand. The Bear likes me quite a lot.
> Remember the root word in analyst is anal, as in the cavity from where the pull their analysis.
I believe in learning foreign languages through awesome quotes.
Bestest comment ever.
@Thomas while I was on good terms with a number of members of that team, I'm not sure that relationship would stretch to vampire role play
@RoryAlsop I am not sure drinking your own blood counts as vampirism. In any case it is not sustainable in the long term.
Wasn't going to drink my own. It tastes of vodka and red bull!
@RoryAlsop Not to mention the possibility for misunderstanding when asking your teammate if you can suck them dry.
@ThomasPornin Dammit man! You just derailed my plans to solve world hunger!
It only solves world thirst @terry
@RoryAlsop K fine.
You can only drink like 3 pints of blood before becoming pretty violently sick too, so fixing hunger with that could get... messy.
Or is it 1 pint? I think you should test it @TerryChia
@Xander Do you think Ali hates you deep inside?
@DavidFreitag Ask @Simon.
@TerryChia I'm feeling like shit enough right now, you can test it.
@Simon Kinky?
@DavidFreitag Naaaaah
I feel like I kill the chat daily.
Oh, I'm perl scripting like a boss.
@ScottPack You are coding?!?
@Simon He is scripting.
No. I'm scripting.
Here, at least, there is a large difference in status between people who develop and people who write scripts.
Wait, what's the difference?
I am not allowed to develop.
It would encroach on the turf allocated to the developers.
@Simon I think he's probably come to terms with the fact that he'll be perpetually second best. Or first loser, if you prefer.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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