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This chat became too educated for my taste, I don't understand shit. What's wrong with the laid-back talk over beer and boobies all of a sudden?
well, or that ... to each their own I guess :P
@paste You're Eva?
@TildalWave Who's asking?
@paste A humble twitter follower LOL
Ok, I am.
i.e. a stalker
But don't stalk me please. :(
Is there some way to make "categories" on twitter without creating multiple accounts? In essence, I'd like to filter through a few categories of twitter accounts that I follow easily, say "security", "space bollocks", "other bollocks"
oh and "real folks"
is lists that stuff me needz?
I think so.
@copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste
How are we both?
Fine :)
Whats news?
Pretty good, nothing new report
How are the kangaroos?
Kangaroos are slimy as ever.
I'm doing the ASIS.ir CTF which is a bit different to normal :)
How so?
Oh, it's iranian
i'm not sure...
It's not the same format as most other CTF's
I don't even know where to log in or where to submit answers...
Sounds weird. Good luck anyway
Someone went through all the answers for security.stackexchange.com/questions/41447/… and downvoted it. :O
1 hour later…
@TerryChia That's because you are not loved.
@D3C4FF And cane toads, wombats, koalas and rabbits? :P
@TildalWave Why you no CTF ehhh?
@D3C4FF don't really have teh time :( trolling is faster :P
@TildalWave grrrr!
@D3C4FF Bro, you CTF hard. I wish I CTF but I gots no skillz
nobody's there LOL
@TildalWave Thats my point!!
what's this countdown on ze page asis-ctf.ir/en/tasks ? thing go boom?
they could at least say what they're counting down to ... i.e. is that when it starts, or when it ends?
@TildalWave That'd be disclosing too much info.
yeah it's good I can click with the mouse tho, we're already winning it :)
@TildalWave Teach me your ways.
@TildalWave TEACH ME I already reached the end of the internet long ago.
@TildalWave How to be a dick parent. Also saves your kids grade.
Ladies, I'm off. Have fun yo?!
@StackExchange Go away.
@StackExchange You're just spreading it further
Fuck, I just spent 3 hours at work reading TDWTF.
@TerryChia Could be worse.
One word... TVTropes.
Hi @Iszi
> We like to think outside of the box. For example, we had someone who needed to connect an LDAP server to a JavaScript application using a serial port... it took some jury rigging, but he got it done."
2 hours later…
@TerryChia Good, thats educational.
It might not help you become a better programmer, but it will stop you from being a worse programmer.
@ManishEarth!! You're still aliive??? ;-)
The random posting on the internet was wrong!
@AviD Yep. Busy, but alive.
@ManishEarth btw did anything come of that? you talk to the police?
India doesn't quite have a good mechanism for this
And there are reasons why I'm not bothering (can't explain them here, have to do with another case)
okay then.
That event definitely was... amusing? No thats not the word I'm looking for.
Well, it sure was an event.
1 hour later…
morning gentlemen
't is a lovely day
@LucasKauffman its a bit chilly here, had the heated seats on for the first time since winter D:
My mother might have been hit by some evil bank-stealing malware, I'm considering posting a question about it, but not sure how to ask.
@lynks heated seats? Sounds kinky.
@AviD Very.
@Adnan haven't seen u on here in a while
I dislike heated seats - they kind of make you feel like you have wet yourself... maybe that's an age thing
@RoryAlsop These are mostly lower-back
@RoryAlsop I love it in the winter
I'm quite a fan of Recaro racing seats, with no leather, heating, padding etc - just fitted to me :-)
@lucas - it doesnt get cold enough here in the winter
@LucasKauffman Big release coming ahead and I'm having very little free time.
generally it is too warm for me in Scotland - so windows down is the usual way to drive
@RoryAlsop Scottland isn't cold in the winter?
@RoryAlsop define cold
@Adnan - I helped with your makeup - removed all rouge :-)
@Lucas - it rarely gets below -5. And almost never below -20
@RoryAlsop that's my definition of buttfreezing cold :p
@Lucas OSCP starting on Sunday, though. I'm a bit worried.
@RoryAlsop I didn't really understand.
@RoryAlsop WHAT MAKEUP>!!
@Adnan tranny
@LucasKauffman Krastavas!
@TerryChia What was that website again with those cases you wanted to use for your NAS?
@Adnan - it was a spelling correction. You wrote rouge, but meant rogue:-)
@Lucas - in a 400bhp car, there is a fair amount of heat generated. Admittedly I wouldn't have the windows open at -20, but I probably wouldn't wear a jacket or gloves until it gets really cold.
(I would wear them outside if it was windy)
@RoryAlsop Ahaaa! So you've edited one of my answers. But I didn't get any notification. Which one was it?
@Adnan Hmm, sneaky mod powers?
Nah- it was a comment so you wouldn't get a notification.
@Thomas, @AviD, @Iszi and @Terry - how would each of you like to spend 15 minutes to write a quick QotW post for each of your posts mentioned here:
I'll also do the one I proposed - then we will have 5 weeks worth of QotW posts to schedule and publish
Also, anyone want to add to the list of nominated posts, feel free - just felt I should kick start it again
(after @Lucas did such a good job with his wifi post)
@RoryAlsop Sure, I'll write something up tomorrow.
And wow, those proposed ones were from 2012!
Q: Conveniently schedule a command to run later?

Steve BennettWhat's a simple way to run a command, say, 8 hours from now? I can think of this way: nohup bash -c "sleep 28800 ; ./mycommand.sh" & Is there a more "proper" way?

I don't even.....
@TerryChia hahahahahaha
Anyone fairly good in C here?
@lynks If you are around? I recall you have prior experience with io.smashthestack?
@TerryChia yup
@lynks Cool, you are here. :D
I managed to get past a level, but I want to truly understand why it works the way it does.
@TerryChia sure, if it is on the new levels, I might not have got so far...
So this is the code basically, pastebin.com/ynvDVnjY
@lynks Level 6. :P
@TerryChia level 6 I have done :)
At first it might appear that the buffers are protected from overflow by the use of strncpy(name, buf, 20);
but a closer look at the way a NULL byte is written shows you can make the 3 calls that construct fullname actually write more than 42 bytes, giving you your overflow.
That was the note I made to myself after I did it, incase I wanted to revisit and needed a clue :P
@TerryChia can you pastebin the source?
@lynks Why does writing the first[] buffer with exactly 20 bytes without the null terminator cause the function to also write the contents of the last[] buffer to the first buffer[].
@lynks Already did.
@TerryChia Because they are neighbours on the stack
strchr(buf, '\n') = 0; when applied to the *first buffer will actually overwrite the 21st position
or not at all, depending
so you end up with buffer being [20 chars][null], but that [null] is at the same position as index 0 of the second buffer, because it was written off the end of the first buffer.
@lynks Ahhh right. So C basically considers the whole continous chunk of memory part of the first buffer until the null terminator is encountered.
null, not newline
Man, that's blindingly obvious now that you explained it. :P
@lynks Opps, yeah.
yeah, when you say to C, "hey can you read this string for me and do something with it" you give it an address, and it goes off down the stack incrementing the address for each character forever or until it hits a 0x00. (forever in this case means until a page fault)
I must say, going through io.smashthestack has convinced me to never write any C code if I can help it. :P
@TerryChia C is fun as hell, but yeah...it's so easy to mess up. kinda like crypto
I realise that explanation might be poor, but I am in a meeting.
And people keep talking at me.
@lynks Hehe. Well, I understood it so it's good enough. :P
crypto sanity check: someone wants to change “RSA modulus size” to “RSA key size”
what's the difference?
@Gilles Aren't they exactly the same thing?
@TerryChia yes, I can't see what difference he wants to make
the sentence he cites is even saying that the modulus size is commonly considered to be the key size
Too minor - reject :-)
@RoryAlsop TWSS
@TerryChia It takes a special kind of mind to see that one
Oh dear ;-p
@TerryChia there should be no concept of too minor. A minor is a minor is my rule.
@lynks One more question on level 6 if you will. :P I initially got pass the level by executing a shellscript that cats the contents of the level7 .pass file because I was unable to get a /bin/sh shellscript working.
I asked on the IRC channels and I was given this advice.
> <bla> you are most likely doing it in such a way that you close stdin
<bla> for example
<bla> ./exploit | ./level06
<bla> or ./level06 < exploit.file
<bla> these close stdin, respectively after exploit terminates or eof of exploit.file
I was also given this tip to get pass it.
> <bla> ./level06 < <(cat exploit.file; cat)
When I tried doing that however, I am stuck with a stdin that apparently does nothing.
Any ideas?
@TerryChia so yeah, when you use pipes or redirection, you send an EOF that closes stdin for your exploited process. What he is trying to show you there, is that you can send your /bin/sh shellcode and immediately follow it up with some shell commands to execute. Because you are delivering the whole thing as a single parcel, the commands get executed.
I think.
although that double redirect thingy looks weird
wait, yeah this is bash syntax that I am not familiar with
so possibly ignore me, @Gilles heeeellp
Recently I've seen an influx of security-related job postings in Finland.
Quite promising.
@Gilles "Key size" is an administrative concept, "modulus size" is a mathematical concept. On crypto.SE, the mathematical concept should be used, so reject.
@ThomasPornin The Bear explains what I was thinking, only he formulates it clearly. Thanks
@TerryChia if ./exploit generates the exploit input and you want to type shell commands afterwards, you have to pipe them both into the vulnerable program
e.g. { ./exploit; echo cat ~level07/flag; } | ./level06 or whatever it is you need to do to advance to the next level
or { ./exploit; echo 'bash </dev/tty' } | ./level06
@TerryChia that's process substitution. Search for <( in the bash manual
for what you're doing this is equivalent to { cat exploit.file; cat; } | ./level06
@Gilles can you explain the teletype redirect to me?
@lynks redirect input from teminal
@Gilles so /dev/tty is kinda like a /proc/me` of the tty world?
@Gilles good to know :) thanks
@Gilles I see! Thanks for info! :)
Q: How can the police find you online?

Pranksterso I want to know how the police can find out who you are if you post something on the internet? So just even this post, how does the police find out that this is me? How can they track me down?

if you guys want to reptrain on this, tell the guy to come to sec.se (assuming he doesn't find his own way). I'm not taking responsibility for unleashing him elsewhere
1 hour later…
Hi m8s
Hi dude
@Simon Hows the car?
@DavidFreitag Still throwing a P0420 code which is a Catalytic inefficiency problem.
But I'll be able to deal with that myself so it's all good.
It should be fine after that.
@Simon Bummer. Sounds like someone needs a new Cat. Hopefully that thing will support a generic Cat so you don't have to pay $1000 for a new one.
@DavidFreitag Well, it could be the rear o2 sensor, too.
@Simon Or for that matter the intake o2 sensor.
Also, there's a leak on the exhaust very close to the sensor so that might be the cause. I'll start with that, will do it on Saturday with a friend of mine.
If either sensor is bad when the ECU makes the comparison it will look like the Cat is bad.
@DavidFreitag Usually, it's the rear though. Hopefully it's not the front one because that'd be the last one I'd replace.
@Simon Yeah, it's less likely to be the front one because of its position. Less wear and tear.
@DavidFreitag Yup. I'll get an aftermarket Cat if needed, that's what my friend had. He paid ~300$ for the whole exhaust.
I bought a Bluetooth ODBII with the application Torque on Android. It cost a mere 28$ and it gives you much more options/details than a diagnostic tool you would buy for 200$.
@Simon Yeah, hopefully Subaru didn't use oddball sized piping like Ford did on my last car. I would have had to buy a new $1000 cat, so i just emptied it out and the ECU stopped throwing the code :]
@DavidFreitag Unfortunately, clearing the code only lasts ~50 miles.
A brand-new cat would be 1.5k. Fuck them.
Plus the aftermarket exhaust would sound better.
@Simon Yeah that sounds about right. I had to do emissions with my cat that was throwing codes, i cleared them in the parking lot, rolled it in. Passed with flying colors.
@DavidFreitag I'd definitely do that too, haha.
@Simon the funny thing is that the guy came out of the garage with a sullen look on his face. he told me that it wasn't even street legal and needed to be towed out of his shop.
@DavidFreitag Oh yeah you told me that one. He was kidding, right?
Or that's a different story?
@Simon Yeah, he was all poker face until he realized i just died a little
Now, I'm wondering if I should keep clearing the code. I dunno if the ECU remaps itself when it detects the code, some sort of safe mode.
@Simon Why clear it? Does it run like shit if you don't?
I mean, i can understand that annoying little orange light on your dash being infuriating...
@DavidFreitag Well, yesterday I was being a little nasty man and decided that it was a good idea to rev it like crazy.
Then, the motor said "Go fuck yourself, I'm throwing a check engine code and you're doing this to me? Good night!".
So yeah, it pretty much stopped when I was at a stop.
Then, I realized that I should get rid of this code before doing that kind of stuff again, especially if the cat is blocked.
@Simon That's just never a good idea...
@DavidFreitag Yeah. I learned my lesson.
It was running all fine this morning.
Not gonna go over 3k RPM for a while now.
@Simon Also, check your air filter. I had a rat crawl up into mine and make a nest. I thought i blew the transmission. ECU was throwing every o2 related code possible.
There are a few factors that could have caused this. 1- I rev'd it about 10 seconds after I started it (it was hot though, I drove to the gas station) 2- I pretty much stopped accelerating all of a sudden because of the stop. 3- Possibly those check engine codes.
Hum yeah, I guess I should check that too but it should be fine.
I remember driving to work on the highway and my car stalled in the middle lane and i lost brakes and power steering. That was fun
Anyway, I'll fix everything and then if it happens again, I'll start worrying.
@DavidFreitag No good! Damn.
@Simon Yeppers, almost got totally annihilated by a fully loaded car carrier. Luckily it happened while i was going down a pretty steep hill, otherwise i would probably been killed by a few dozen tons of new car
Talk about luck.
@Simon Theres nothing quite like arm wrestling with a steering wheel that won't steer and planting both legs into your brake petal that isn't braking at 85 miles an hour on the feeway.
@DavidFreitag What about arm wrestling with your parachute when skydiving?
@Simon Or spooning while ballooning?
Spooning while sleeping!
@Simon done
@Simon doesn't sound like the car is too happy? Hope the new o2 sensor sorts it
@Simon but that was probably a mistake
@DavidFreitag yeeeeeeek
It runs fine though. When it stalled, it did in a graceful way. I'll take it as a warning more than anything else.
@RoryAlsop Yeah, my old shitbox ford that had more rust than anything. Before i got rid of it the bracket holding the rear passenger leaf springs to the frame disconnected so whenever i hit a bump the axle slammed into the frame
Sounds like my Protege.
How on earth did they get a "Windows DirectSound" driver on ubuntu 10.04...
I don't think you'll ever find out.
@DavidFreitag Maybe something related to Wine ?
Man, VoIP services are so cheap. 0.5 cent per minute.
@ThomasPornin Possibly, but i don't see it installed.. could be a remnant of an old install though i suppose.

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