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03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

Eh english again this semester. How dreadful.
Wow, that is... brilliant. Convert VM image to hard installation: boot clonezilla ISO ontop of a VM and clone the VM onto a disk.
@DavidFreitag brilliant, or stupid?
@AviD There's a fine line.
While it is hypervisor-agnostic, I find it hard to believe there is a serious VM that doesnt support it directly.
Or better, allow for booting straight from virtual disk, VM-less.
Of course you run the risk of filesystem corruption, but that's an easy fix. Also it depends on how the virtual NIC was configured.
@AviD I'm not sure Virtualbox supports that.
@AviD Sometimes it isn't feasible to have every VM you run have its own partition, or entire disk for that matter.
@DavidFreitag that says more about Virtualbox than about my statement.
@AviD Virtualbox is also completely free.
@DavidFreitag so is Hyper- vee
@AviD Yes, but that only runs on Windows.
@DavidFreitag true :-)
well, actually, strictly speaking, it runs on bare metal, and windows runs on it. But your point still stands :-)
Either way, it think it's a pretty clever solution.
@AviD Semantics :]
@DavidFreitag considering the situation, yes I agree. It is a clever workaround. ;-)
@AviD If Hyper-V is so free then where can I download the platform to run it on?
@AviD Yeah, we just got a development kit from CriticalLink (It's an AM335x based SOM board) and they shipped us a development VM instead of a disk with a bunch of tools on it. It's a virtualbox VM of Ubuntu 10.04 all decked out. I want to run it on hardware rather than in a VM and i was looking for an elegant solution.
@ScottPack nobody said nuthin bout the platform being free...
Got a free 16GB USB 3.0 flash drive out of the deal too.
@DavidFreitag hehe yay for free stuff!
@AviD Then by default that makes Hyper-V not free... More like free with strings attached
@DavidFreitag no, the hyperv is free if you have the platform.
@AviD Exactly. Free with strings
By your logic (or @scott's), virtualbox is not free either. You need to pay for hardware.
And electricity. and internet to download it...
@DavidFreitag though to be fair, it is free with strings - there are different licenses and the free is not for all uses.
@AviD Also, iirc Hyper-V doesn't quite like linux. The last time i tried to use Hyper-V it vomited all over my attempt to install Linux Mint
@DavidFreitag havent trued it yet, but I heard that it should work okay. Drivers might be an issue, though.
@AviD Well, Mint worked - sorta. I tried installing some other "non friendly" distros (slackware and arch) and Hyper-V kinda... well... corrupted its self...
That server 2012 needed to be nuked from orbit after i tried using Hyper-V to install arch. Kept blue screening at boot for some reason loosely related to parts of the kernel being mangled.
whaa? that doesnt make sense.
there should be complete isolation between the vm and the host...
yay for generic regulations without care for context.
@AviD I've run Linux on it. Seems to be fine with several of the major distros...RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu.
@Xander good to know... @DavidFreitag ^
@AviD Azure has a bunch of Linux images that you can use for their IaaS VMs.
Hm, i probably fudged something then. I'll have to give it a try again now that the semester has started and i have access to the test servers again.
@DavidFreitag yeah, it doesnt make sense that the guest install would be able to bork the host. Maybe not work, sure, but if the guest could screw with the host like that, it would be a HUUUUUUGE security hole.
@DavidFreitag Also let it be known that I've only used Linux for servers on Hyper-V. Never tried to run a Linux desktop environment. The different use case may present different challenges.
@AviD Yup, that.
@Xander "Linux on Hyper-V for servers" or "Linux for servers on Hyper-V"?
@Xander This was on desktop hardware but using server 2012.
@AviD Fixed.
@Xander great, now I look like a dick.
@AviD Nice catch though. :-)
Ah, i see. Perhaps. It may also be that by default Arch needs separate partitions for / /home swap and sometimes /var...
@DavidFreitag could you have attached the host's system disk as a partition to the guest?
@AviD And I don't think you can hold me responsible for that. I think that's more the status quo. :-P
then the guest may have tried overwriting it...
@Xander hehe
@AviD It's possible, but iirc i was using a virtual filesystem not the physical disks for storage.
So. It turns out that yoga is some difficult shit.
@AviD Oh yeah? Find that out the hard way didya?
@DavidFreitag very.
And, when I can walk again, I will try again. Maybe next week.
@AviD Hehehe.
@AviD No way man. Potatoes.
@ScottPack Potates?
or, Potatoes?
@AviD Electricity.
If it can run GLaDOS then it can run a VM
are we just saying random words now? Is that what we're doing?
BOOM. Shnitzel.
That's actually my 4-year old's punchline to, "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Not quite sure what she (my 4-yr old) meant, but it was damn funny.
@AviD Portal 2 man. Get with the program.
sorry! GlaDOS ran on potatoes? Didn't catch that...
Hmm. Of course.
I ended up accidentally being filmed yesterday - I think for some internal video - as an example of someone sitting down and using a hot desk. They faffed about for a while, videoed me doing stuff, then as they were packing up one came over and said, "What is Aperture Laboratories?" - they had read my lanyard and wondered if it was something that could be in the video...
@RoryAlsop how did they take the internal video? With a tube, or a pill?
> All these science spheres are made of asbestos, by the way. Keeps out the rats. Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping. Because that's not part of the test. That's asbestos.
Or was this one of those goatse type situations?
@RoryAlsop So does that mean the desk does Zumba?
@RoryAlsop What exactly is a "hot desk"? Are you in love with furniture...?
@ScottPack I get it. Cuz the desk is hot.
@AviD pffft
you guys
must be bored or sump'n
heehee, you must hate sharing here.
nevermind them, it was a cool sitch, What did you answer them?
I was being serious. I'm not sure about them.
@DavidFreitag it's a shared desk.
@AviD I tried to explain... turns out they didn't get it until I just said - it's a geeky game
so people just come and grab a desk whenever/wherever they want.
@AviD yeah, my googlefu took over after he said it.
@AviD where you 'hotel' - or other corporate speak
It's management's way of saying "you are all replaceable cogs".
@AviD yep
I imagine the suicide rate is higher than normal.
@DavidFreitag I work for a bank - suiceides all happen to trader types, not techies
I saw this yesterday. Pretty funny.
@RoryAlsop Hmm. I suppose.
@DavidFreitag people that hotdesk for long time lose their own suicide-decision-making ability. Instead they just burn down the Initech building.
@AviD :]
@RoryAlsop but from stress, not depression. Now get me another 'burger.
@AviD So what's it like working for Penetrode?
@ScottPack heehee
@ScottPack oops, was it Initrode?
I was working in the server room the other day and a coworker walked in and said, "Uhm, yeah... I'm just going to go ahead and take this." I quickly retorted, "But no, that's my stapler!" I think he died from laughter. Mostly because i think he thought that movie was before my time.
ohh gotta watch that again.
@DavidFreitag don't think I have seen it
@AviD It was Initech. There was another business referenced named Initrode.
@RoryAlsop Office Space? I really like it. Also Grandma's Boy. That was hysterical.
@RoryAlsop WHAT.
@DavidFreitag right, I thought maybe I mixed them up. thanks.
@AviD Office Space? Nope - just had a look on IMDB and not heard of it before
@RoryAlsop WHAT.
@RoryAlsop WHAT.
@RoryAlsop WHAT.
@AviD Even though i cleared that up for you, you should still watch it again.
It's probably a 'Merkin film, right?
@RoryAlsop AviD says you should watch it
@RoryAlsop FUCK YEAH.
@copy that
You are hereby forbidden from working in a corporate office again before watching it.
@AviD excellent
@RoryAlsop The Office (the original UK version too) was spiritually based on that.
you will also probably realize that you are famiilar with a few memes that originated from the movie...
@AviD Now I really liked the UK Office, but hated the US one
it just wasn't funny
it was supposed to be funny?
It was all kinds of painful. It evoked feelings of self-pity.
Steve Carell really ruined the US version for me.
intended to make everyone feel "good, it's not just me."
Dwight was funny.
@Xander he wasnt acting, Stevie C was.
And Jim was a less pathetic version of Martin
Carell just annoys the shit out of me. I wish he had left much earlier, before the show was running out of steam.
I hate Ricky Gervais with a fiery burning passion, and the American version of The Office just isn't funny.
@DavidFreitag did you see him host the Golden Globes a couple years ago?
@DavidFreitag Hating Ricky Gervais is expected, and normal
@AviD Yep, i wanted to run up on stage and punch him in the face. Like i always feel like doing when i see him do something on tv.
@AviD yeah - that's British humour for you
meh, he made me laugh.
I also enjoyed him - in spite of himself - in Invention of lying.
@AviD I will be honest, The Invention of Lying was really, really good. I almost swore it off because of Ricky Gervais, but he was perfect in it.
yeah, he does have a narrow set of roles which are perfect for him.
Whiny, fat, annoying englishman.
It was like, i know Ricky Gervais is a total dick head. He is perfect for the guy who invented lying!
heh, exactly.
Anyway, off to class. G'Nite gents.
This answer is dangerously wrong. Forbidding users to run a few shells accomplishes absolutely nothing. Give me permission to run sudo perl and I can do whatever I like as root. Give me permission to run sudo tee and I can do whatever I like as root. — Gilles 16 secs ago
dv plz
I can't downvote comments, sorry.
also, fire the four people who upvoted that answer
heh, for a moment, it looked like you were commenting on LittleBear's answer. I ran to get some popcorn.
@Gilles Wow. That user has 3 questions, 2 answers, and zero votes.
amazing that he's never had a downvote
I like this idea - having a premium line as your main telephone number to make money off cold callers:
@RoryAlsop hahah, luvvit!
there was an episode of Hustle where Danny did that - kept calling himself from other people's phones.
@ton.yeung hehe
> "Documents and settings and ideas and lists and notes and string and ponies and candy and pieces of fluff and temporary internet files and stuff"
fortunately we have no such names on GNU/X11/Apache/Linux/TeX/Perl/Python/FreeCiv systems
every letter is precious. User files go into usr. We don't create files, we creat them. We don't unmount filesystems, we umount them.
We don't move files we mv them. We don't concatenate files we cat them. We don't find files we find` them.
error: paths must precede expression
raise hands anyone who doesn't have an alias l for ls with some combination of options
I have no single character aliases.
@ScottPack what about "V"?
I need to do more oblique crunches first.
@AviD I have v but not V
@ScottPack nah, just put on a mask.
@Gilles not much of an alias, then.
@AviD How will a mask make my lower abdomen look more awesome?
@ScottPack not at all, but it will help you with that single character alias.
what does your abdomen have anything to do with revolutions?
@ScottPack take it off and everyone will look at your abdomen which will look more awesome in comparison with your face?
@ScottPack that's gross.
@Gilles That seems somewhat unnecessary.
Step 1: pull your pants down too low.
Step 2: there is no step 2.
extra benefit, it gives you that sexy plumber's crack all the girls have been talking about.
or you look like a teen jersey douche, who doesnt know that his pants (trousers) are supposed to go over his underpants (pants).
I've been doing more electrical than plumbing lately.
I'm still offended that no one has acknowledged my smooth shift to Hugo Weaving.
@AviD should I google that or will I regret it?
@Gilles huh??
V for Vendetta?
@AviD “Hugo Weaving”
also Mr. Smith, but that's not directly relevant.
@Gilles as in, the actor in
@AviD ok, whatever
V for Vendetta is a 2005 British action thriller film directed by James McTeigue and written by the Wachowski Brothers, based on the 1982 comic book of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in London in a near-future dystopian society, Hugo Weaving portrays V—a bold, charismatic freedom fighter, attempting to ignite a revolution against the brutal fascist regime led by Adam Sutler (John Hurt) that has subjugated the United Kingdom. Natalie Portman plays Evey, a working class girl caught up in V's mission, and Stephen Rea portrays the detective leading a desperate quest to sto...
that dude there is Mr. Weaving.
20 mins ago, by Scott Pack
I have no single character aliases.
14 mins ago, by AviD
@ScottPack what about "V"?
damn, was that too subtle, or are you all just mocking me?
@AviD I saw several allusions to V for Vendetta, but I don't understand the relevance of mentioning the actor
the guy behind the mask.....
You really have at most two conclusions here. Either you're too subtle or you're a putz. I don't see any other options.
@AviD Pay no attention to the man behind the mask!
hehe, yeah, well I should be working anyway.
1 hour later…
@D3C4FF You around?
03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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