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Not all of us can be prime specimens of human prowess.
@Simon because they can't speak it, you know jealousy ...
@DavidFreitag Exactly. Some of us have to be Canadian.
@HamZa I used to think that way but then I realized how they absolutely don't give a shit about other languages, their country is way too awesome.
@HamZa No jealousy, that's what Google Translate is for.
Je parle français génial!
@ScottPack It's unfortunate. But being an utter badass helps.
@DavidFreitag Don't be surprised if you got some garbage from it
@ScottPack And that sounded turbo-gay.
That's what Google translate makes you sound like.
@ScottPack Vous avez oublié la virgule :p
@HamZa It's not perfect, but it gets the job done from english to other languages.
@Simon I punched in "I speak French awesome!" How did it come out?
Phrases simples sont faciles à traduire.
Exactly what you typed. However, someone would never translate "awesome" as "génial".
Google translate gives me impressionnante for awesome.
@Simon Indeed. The word "génial" is one letter from being hilarious.
Alright, I gotta star that one.
impressionnant means impressing.
@ScottPack Ain't nothing wrong with speaking genital.
So it wouldn't make sense in that situation.
We haven't seen @D3C4FF here for a while.
@ScottPack Well, Google translate is consistent: it converts bad English into bad French.
@ScottPack hahahahaha
@Simon uh? No, that's often a good translation
Btw who's the boss here? :P
@Lamia Pffft
@Simon Impressive. I mean, "impressionnant" as an adjective is translated to "impressive".
but if you want other proposals:
Q: Une bonne traduction pour « awesome »

EvpokOn trouve facilement des équivalents pour awesome, le wiktionnaire par exemple propose magnifique ou génial. Ces mots conviennent bien pour un emploi en tant adjectif du type This gig was awesome !, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver d'équivalent pour l'emploi comme interjection. « I have the tic...

@Lamia Tony Danza.
@ThomasPornin I misspelled that badly.
@Gilles lol that accepted answer
Like i said, avoid complex verbs and tenses, and the sentence translates just fine.
@Gilles It would in France, not so much here.
Lol I thought it was @LucasKauffman I don't know why.. :P
oh, thanks for the info
@Lucas and Lamia sitting on a tree.
@Simon So what would you say in canada ?
@HamZa Sorry
@Gilles I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
@DavidFreitag lolwut
@HamZa I have absolutely no idea to be honest.
@Adnan What is wrong with sitting in a tree?
@Simon I'm not, I don't speak Québecois
@Gilles Hehe, true.
@Adnan you're just jealous ^^
@Simon From now on you should introduce Super! Mortel! Chouette! Formidable!
English is just a superior language.
@LucasKauffman Nothing, until her Saudi father sees you
@Lamia there is only one boss, which is a masked man
@DavidFreitag false
@HamZa Oh god, barely used again.
@Gilles I call shenanigans. I don't accept the fact that you can not be sarcastic.
@Adnan lol I said that because he knows everyone.. and their ages
@Adnan in every other country you could say "he's my gay friend", but somehow I doubt that's going to be better in SA
@LucasKauffman Is that a Mother 3 reference? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_3
@Lamia you can look it up
@Lamia He's just a good stalker. Way better than me
@Adnan eh no :p
@Adnan You found my FB
@Lamia He probably found your apartment number
@LucasKauffman That's just too good! :D
@Lamia You make it sound as if it's difficult to do a facebook search.
@Adnan you found her fb?
@DavidFreitag I am just trying to say that he's a stalker too :P would you find mine?
@LucasKauffman Jesus! It was very easy
@Lamia I can say wholeheartedly that i have never once been to facebook.com or any of it's subdomains.
So no.
@Adnan how so?
there are many lamias in SA
@DavidFreitag Better for you
@LucasKauffman many child-eating demons?
I thought Lamia was from Liberia?
@Lamia Yeah, but i surf 4chan way to often, so there's that.
@ScottPack What makes you think that
it is blocked here
Crap. Libya.
@Lamia He meant Libya. You know, that Lamia. Zeus' girlfriend.
@Lamia does your facebook of an image of pink roses?
And I think that because in Greek mythology Lamia was the queen of Libya.
@Adnan That doesn't really narrow it down.
I remember when you guys respected me. Good old days.
@Adnan Ahha LOL
@ScottPack Lamia is actually a familiar Arabic name
@LucasKauffman No
@Lamia ah then there is another lamia studying IT :p
@Adnan I should not say why it was easy
@LucasKauffman Where does she live?
@Lamia Yeah, don't. Make it more challenging.
@Simon did we ever? Are you senile already?
@Simon Respected you? Hehehehehe
You all should be ashamed. It took someone THAT long to finally reply the right answer.
@Gilles considering it has been all his alive, we do not speak of being senile but more of a retardation
@LucasKauffman I know her
@Lamia but it's the wrong lamia, damnit
@LucasKauffman WHOA
@ton.yeung Like we ever stopped.
@LucasKauffman I gave you a hint
@ton.yeung that's bangladesh, a but too far to the east
@ton.yeung She looks angry.
@ton.yeung Really? That is nice?
@ton.yeung you really don't know how to stalk :P
Bro! Do you even stalk?
There is a huge difference between xor [edx+0x0B], 0x0C and xor [edx+0x0B], ebp and yet i am getting them from the same shellcode. Stupid assemblers.
King Abdulaziz Medical City? Is that a school?
I'm gonna talk so much about DJ Stephanie in the next days that she will become a Sec.SE meme.
@Lamia what was the hint :p?
@ScottPack A very good one, I hear.
@Lamia Lamia Al-Owain?
@ScottPack The name says medical City
@LucasKauffman okay
@Lamia Translated into English it doesn't make much sense.
@Simon I think creepy simon will become a meme :D
@LucasKauffman We already have a creepy picture of him
@LucasKauffman Do the creep, ah.
@ScottPack LOL, it's like group of hospitals and medical college
anyway I'm off too bed
nn gents and lady
@LucasKauffman Laters
I'm not creepy, I'm in love.
I told Some emails are suspected to viruses; Because of that, the email service store categorize them as spams. Linux cannot recognize many viruses — Mohammad Reza Tayyebi 59 mins ago
@AJHenderson dat full retard
^ Nothing like being scolded by an OP for trying to help and giving a broad answer to their unintelligible question
@Simon Duuude, don't deny it or fight it. Embrace it and wear it like a scarlet letter.
@Lamia Is there a city council? Wards? Mayoral representation? Public works? Employees whose primary job it is to stand outside holding a shovel? If not then how can it be a city?
@ScottPack Jesus, dude! Haven't really heard the word 'city' used in that context before?
@Adnan Maybe I could write a song about it. I already know what the title would be: "I creep you out".
@Simon You met once, if you didn't have sex it's not meant to be.
@Adnan Actually, no. I've only heard it used to describe a large town.
@DavidFreitag But but but, my gf was there, she even took the pic...
@Simon Sucks bro.
Oh. I see. So your girlfriend was taking pictures of you with other women. Cool. Cool.
> can harmful pages or those type of spam (Junk) emails harm my data? maybe using fishing
yes, “fishing” can cause you harm
@ScottPack LOL it doesn't need to have all these
@ScottPack That's how I roll.
I personally liked the bad sectors exploit
otherwise I might have just assumed it was a spam bot that forgot to post links
She said that I'm not allowed to use it as a profile picture on Facebook because people will think she's my girlfriend. So, I put it as my profile picture on Twitter.
I'm such a clever boy.
@ScottPack Science City? Student City?
Hah. I freaking love cubicle warfare.
@Adnan Yeah, no. As near as I can tell that isn't a thing in English.
hmm, and speaking of spambots
how bout them rangers
(they're a sports team right?)
@ScottPack Interseting
New York Rangers, yes. Hockey team.
I gotta go work on the game am developing
@Lamia A game? Sounds interesting. What languages are you using for development?
@DavidFreitag Java
for Android, 2D platform game
@Lamia java's not a game, Java is da devil
However, that stream is definitely not about Hockey. No idea what team it is then.
@Lamia Dalvik, you mean?
@LucasKauffman You know what makes me hot? Plugin 66334.
The language you program android in is not java.
Look at me, trying to have a discussing with a spam bot.
@DavidFreitag but I am using java to develop my game? :p
on Eclipse
It looks, tastes, smells, and feels like Java. But the java that runs on Android runs on the Dalvik vm, not the JVM; thus making it not java.
@Simon you should invite him to chat to avoid extended discussion
@AJHenderson I should!
@DavidFreitag oh...
I already miss him.
But I miss DJ Stephanie more.
Can you guys believe it? I was touching her.
That sounded weird.
@Lamia Google initially tried to say, "Yeah, we use java on our android SDK" and Oracle was like, oh haaaaaayel no.
They said that because it didn't run on a JVM, it couldn't be called java. Even though it uses some of the same core libraries and jar files, it doesn't matter.
@DavidFreitag is there actually any syntactic differences?
@AJHenderson Not that i know of. Although i believe that Google has added to the language.
that's a bit like calling C++ not C++ if they don't use gcc
sure I understand Oracle being a dick about it
@DavidFreitag I didn't know that
but I'd still say it is Java
@AJHenderson This is true, but i wanted to make the distinction.
It is the same syntax.
Java's the language
So what am I supposed to say now :p
regardless of whatever BS Oracle wants to pull
it just doesn't run on Java
Well, technically speaking nothing runs on java.
Which is written in C.
Or C++ i suppose.
can be written in C
it could be implemented in damn near anything
@DavidFreitag Actually C++ for the JVM from Sun (now Oracle)
You can't really write a JVM in java though, was my point.
@AJHenderson Including in Java itself.
It has been done.
I'm lost
@ThomasPornin But a homebrew JVM, such as Dalvik.
Ironically, I was just looking at IL2ML earlier today
sure that's .net rather than Java, but interesting that this comes up now
I have been contemplating going for my SCJP test lately, but i don't think i love java as much as i used to.
Dalvik does not comply to the full specification of the Java platform (which includes both the VM and the core specification of the standard classes) so it cannot be called "Java", not legally.
I think Oracle's case was that they consider Java to also be the name for their JVM and JRE
@ThomasPornin Exactly, which is why Oracle took Google to court over the VM on Android.
@DavidFreitag In their time (circa 1998) Sun already did it for Microsoft, and won -- which is why "Visual J++" (and now "Visual J#") instead of "Visual Java" (as it was up to 1998).
@DavidFreitag you still love it more than me. I've always hated Java
aside from embedded devices, which I think it is great for
@DavidFreitag In that case, there was also some claims of patent infringement. The 1998 trial was about calling the MS thing "Java", but Oracle is better at suing people than Sun was.
@AJHenderson I went from C, to C++, to Java. from there i bounced around .Net for a while, javascript/html/php lately. Dunno.
@AJHenderson It is not sane to pursue emotional relationships with technological tools.
@ThomasPornin Yeah, if i recall Google settled with Oracle before it even hit litigation.
@DavidFreitag probably muttering "fine ya crazy bastards" under their breath
I do not hate Word. However, if I ever meet a Word developer, then that guy will feel my wrath.
Bear wrath, damn.
@ThomasPornin I just always thought the entire premise of "let's make the modeling of our language so simple that we have to figure out ways to hack performance back in and then we give up all the cross platform capability we were trying to get in the first place" to be a fundamentally bad idea
unless of course you are actually on "stupidly simple hardware"
@ThomasPornin Isn't Joel responsible for Word?
@ThomasPornin and what did Word do to you?
@AJHenderson No, for google it was probably more like, "Here we have all this money, want some?"
other than taking way more space than edit.com
@ScottPack No, he worked on Excel.
I have no idea where this disassembler is deriving 0x00000CC from 316A0B.
It must be EBP not 0xCC. Stupid Malzilla. We are using EDX as a buffer for the stack so that we don't throw a hammer into it quite yet. I suppose that makes sense...
Sure does.
@AJHenderson it makes me long for the ease of use, the simplicity and the light weight of Emacs and LaTeX
You wouldn't want to manipulate the stack directly, that would be like... Getting a picture of you and the woman you love taken by your girlfriend.
well, ok, 5/6 ain't bad. TeX isn't simple, but at least when you've hacked a macro it stays hacked. Unlike Word which has you click all over again and bugs out differently the second time
@DavidFreitag Now I get it.
@Simon It's just not worth getting castrated over.
@Xander Whatever.
@AJHenderson If that's about Java, let's say I have had good success running my Java code on low-end PowerPC and ARM platforms. Although this entailed writing my own almost-JVM.
@ThomasPornin I think some form of JVM has been ported to at least every major architecture by now.
PowerPC and ARM both definitely have a JVM at least.
I think i may have killed Adobe. A few Intel architecture PDF's later and kaboom.
Another spambot, or is it the same?
Nope, new one
@DavidFreitag In my case, the problem was that the OS was non-standard and very lightweight. I had a C compiler and a subset of the C standard library, plus a few other function calls to launch threads and talk to the hardware. No MMU, only one "process".
@ThomasPornin Yeah, that's what i am used to working with. Although the Z80 processor has a costate instruction that allows a "process" to be paused in order to immediately process another one. It's an extremely basic implementation of muti-threading.
@ThomasPornin it's more that the majority of ways to really get decent performance out of java involve doing things that make it stop being cross platform without doing special implementations for each platform
and it's great on low power platforms because they are closer to the basic java machine
And i lied, there are a few chips out there that handle Java without a VM.
They are for all intensive purposes Microcontrollers though. They take compiled java bytecodes and go directly to binary.
@DavidFreitag arggh. Pet peeve alert.
s/for all intensive purposes/for all intents and purposes/
:1065723 WTF? is a synonym for . I guess one of the smarter mods figured out a way to prevent it from coming back yet again...
@AviD what's wrong with intensive purposes? :P
@TildalWave nothing, if your purpose is indeed intensive. however, for all other intents and purposes, it is a misspelling.
@AviD You're OK? I expected a bit less serious answer... ?
heh. busy day.
@TildalWave There's no reason to joke about grammar.
@AviD What's the weather there like? Temperature?
@Xander I believe there is a sign at the TSA that forbids that.
@Xander You mean "no need"?
@TildalWave yes, the weather here is definitely like temperature ;-)
Hot. Damn hot.
@AviD Is there anything they don't have a sign forbidding?
@TildalWave he means "there is no purpose to it, at least not an intensive one".
@AviD ballpark figure? during day, in the shadow...
@TildalWave mid-30's C
not quite sure, I try not to venture out in the middle of the day... though today I was working outside quite a bit.
@AviD Oh, that's not too bad... it's more than that even here, ~ 37, goes to a few degrees more during hottest hours
oh it gets up to that some days. today it was a bit cooler.
today for a change it hadnt even hit 30 yet, when I took my kids out to summer camp around 8am.
practically need to put on a jacket.
@AviD I was trying to get an impression on what's considered hot hot in Tel Aviv or thereabouts... if I say 40°C, is that reasonable, or rare?
I just got hit with the sudden uncontrollable urge to curl up and take a nap under my desk while using my oscilloscope as a pillow.
@AviD OK, gotcha LOL
it does get to that in Tel Aviv quite a few days in the summer, but I would not call that reasonable.
but its also not every day, or even most days.
I would say most days hover around high-30's, with common highs and lows.
@AviD Yar, and no, it isn't
but dont forget the humidity... Tel Aviv is a beach town.
why, you planning a trip? ;-)
@AviD Yes... I realize that, but the way you say it sounds like beach towns here, maybe a few degrees hotter at most. Oh, and a lot bigger city of course, so in the centre it's possibly boiling conditions. Yes, I might take a trip there, still considering it, if I'll have the time of course. It's not 100% certain, probably not even 50% at this point in time, I was thinking for late August at the earliest
A trip to Israel would be pretty awesome.
@TildalWave Worst time of year for it.
other than that, yeah its pretty awesome :)
@AviD Yes? Too hot? Or traffic and other stuff?
too hot, too humid, too many tourists ;-)
the humid makes it not hotter, but thicker air.
Hey guys, I've successfully ARP poisoned my phone and can sniff packets in Wireshark and Cain has managed to reveal many passwords over IMAP and POP etc...
I'm trying to use Fiddler to some HTML injection, without much joy.
@AviD Even for two days and then hop to the Dead sea area?
Any tips or suggestions of other programs that can do this?
@TildalWave do NOT go to the dead sea in august.
@ScottHelme nope
easily mid-40's.
WAAAY too hot.
@AviD hmmm.... how humid?
march is ideal, as is october.
Lol, thanks. I knwo Fiddler is capable of doing it for the local machine, but will it intercept and modify the other traffic being forced through my adapter.
@TildalWave well obviously closer to the beach its more humid, but I dont really measure this.
@AviD Well there's quite a few things I'd like to see, so you're saying better wait for some other opportunity?
oh wait, you mean by the dead sea? there its the opposite problem - incredibly dry.
@AviD I'll mail you an arduino with an ethernet shield and a humidity sensor.
@DavidFreitag lol
@AviD That was my understanding too, yes
@TildalWave well, if you're gonna do it, you wanna do it right.
and yeah, there are quite a few places that you just cant (or shouldnt - but some literally cant) go to in August.
@AviD Right, so not like @RoryA ? :))
Dead sea, massada, eilat...
@TildalWave heh. well, he did spend most of his time in a geek conference...
@AviD true
He also just wanted to wander around, absorb the "culture". You probably want to plan your touristy things a bit better.
There are places you literally can't go in august?
"can't" as in "it is dangerous".
and yeah, some places do close, because of that.
How dangerous?
dehydration, heat stroke, etc.
highly likely, and every year there are a non-trivial number of "victims".
@AviD I don't like to hurry things, especially on vacation... I wouldn't die of frustration, if I didn't see it all, not at all. But I think it's probably best if I think of those places a bit later, there should be some time in Autumn for that too
the good thing is that the "in between" months are usually very pleasant weather.
When's the time there for the new wine? :))
well, depending on what you're comparing it to - @RoryA was complaining about the beautiful low 20's he had while here :-)
@TildalWave ah! good idea!
@TildalWave hmm, I'm not sure - I would think before the summer, but judging by the ripeness of my neighbor's vines I would say end of summer.
@AviD You have some local customs for when that time comes, no? I mean, we have them, I'm sure you do too.
@TildalWave not that I know of. But there is a lot I do not know of.
@AviD No, I didn't mean when the grapes ripen, I meant when the new wine ferments into... well, wine
I like how going into other countries becomes a day-to-day exercise for people throughout Europe. whereas us Americans are lucky to leave the country once every five or so years =/
There is a custom for the new harvest, but I dont think wines go by the same scehdule.
@AviD We have st. Martin's here, when "allegedly" new wine makes... nobody really cares if the date is not exact :))
@AviD Hey sweetness.
And even then, it's usually to canada or mexico, which is just boring.
@DavidFreitag well, as Bill Cosby said, "Well in europe, its a half hour drive, or a two hour drive, to get to a different country. In America you can drive for 8 days and not get to another country!"
@DavidFreitag Are you kidding? Where I come from I'm the rarity that has ever left the country at all!
"But we speak lots of regional languages!"
@ScottPack darling!
@ScottPack Scott!! You moved? Stuff in their place, PC in the attic, pad in hand?
@TildalWave We unloaded the truck Wednesday of last week. Pretty much all the rooms are staged, but gobs of stuff still in boxes.
@ScottPack Well, i didn't mean everyone traveled like that, it's just that you have the option to.
@ScottPack congrats!
@ScottPack sounds like home to me :)
good job!
@TildalWave @ScottPack lots of boxes helps save money on closets.
The basement and garage are an assplosion of mess.
Access to brewski clear?
Assplosion? Sounds like the name of a regional orgy.
@DavidFreitag or a porno.
"Assplosion 2: The Quickening"
@AviD Monty Python's the Assplosion?
@DavidFreitag Assplosion 2: The Electric Boogaloo
@AviD Assplosion 3: The revenge of the little people.
@DavidFreitag okay, do NOT look that up on Urban Dictionary.
@AviD Hahahaha.
Projectile-style. Nice.
@AviD i think we should market it to some degenerate in Las Vegas, make a couple thousand.
Assplosion 6: The Final Cactus.
@TildalWave I haven't attempted to do beer searches yet. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that.
Assplosion XVII: The return of the quaff.
We're half a mile from a major shopping district that has just about anything we could hope to purchase and brewerymap.com shows 10 breweries within 10 miles.
@ScottPack well cheers anyway, you'll get to your senses eventually :P
must be the moving disorientation, or something ...
@TildalWave We've had a few bottles of wine.
I still haven't checked out for gaming groups either.

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