On trouve facilement des équivalents pour awesome, le wiktionnaire par exemple propose magnifique ou génial. Ces mots conviennent bien pour un emploi en tant adjectif du type This gig was awesome !, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver d'équivalent pour l'emploi comme interjection.
« I have the tic...
I told Some emails are suspected to viruses; Because of that, the email service store categorize them as spams. Linux cannot recognize many viruses — Mohammad Reza Tayyebi59 mins ago
@Lamia Is there a city council? Wards? Mayoral representation? Public works? Employees whose primary job it is to stand outside holding a shovel? If not then how can it be a city?
She said that I'm not allowed to use it as a profile picture on Facebook because people will think she's my girlfriend. So, I put it as my profile picture on Twitter.
@Lamia Google initially tried to say, "Yeah, we use java on our android SDK" and Oracle was like, oh haaaaaayel no.
They said that because it didn't run on a JVM, it couldn't be called java. Even though it uses some of the same core libraries and jar files, it doesn't matter.
Dalvik does not comply to the full specification of the Java platform (which includes both the VM and the core specification of the standard classes) so it cannot be called "Java", not legally.
@DavidFreitag In their time (circa 1998) Sun already did it for Microsoft, and won -- which is why "Visual J++" (and now "Visual J#") instead of "Visual Java" (as it was up to 1998).
@DavidFreitag In that case, there was also some claims of patent infringement. The 1998 trial was about calling the MS thing "Java", but Oracle is better at suing people than Sun was.
@ThomasPornin I just always thought the entire premise of "let's make the modeling of our language so simple that we have to figure out ways to hack performance back in and then we give up all the cross platform capability we were trying to get in the first place" to be a fundamentally bad idea
unless of course you are actually on "stupidly simple hardware"
I have no idea where this disassembler is deriving 0x00000CC from 316A0B.
It must be EBP not 0xCC. Stupid Malzilla. We are using EDX as a buffer for the stack so that we don't throw a hammer into it quite yet. I suppose that makes sense...
well, ok, 5/6 ain't bad. TeX isn't simple, but at least when you've hacked a macro it stays hacked. Unlike Word which has you click all over again and bugs out differently the second time
@AJHenderson If that's about Java, let's say I have had good success running my Java code on low-end PowerPC and ARM platforms. Although this entailed writing my own almost-JVM.
@DavidFreitag In my case, the problem was that the OS was non-standard and very lightweight. I had a C compiler and a subset of the C standard library, plus a few other function calls to launch threads and talk to the hardware. No MMU, only one "process".
@ThomasPornin Yeah, that's what i am used to working with. Although the Z80 processor has a costate instruction that allows a "process" to be paused in order to immediately process another one. It's an extremely basic implementation of muti-threading.
@ThomasPornin it's more that the majority of ways to really get decent performance out of java involve doing things that make it stop being cross platform without doing special implementations for each platform
and it's great on low power platforms because they are closer to the basic java machine
@AviD Yes... I realize that, but the way you say it sounds like beach towns here, maybe a few degrees hotter at most. Oh, and a lot bigger city of course, so in the centre it's possibly boiling conditions. Yes, I might take a trip there, still considering it, if I'll have the time of course. It's not 100% certain, probably not even 50% at this point in time, I was thinking for late August at the earliest
Hey guys, I've successfully ARP poisoned my phone and can sniff packets in Wireshark and Cain has managed to reveal many passwords over IMAP and POP etc...
I'm trying to use Fiddler to some HTML injection, without much joy.
Lol, thanks. I knwo Fiddler is capable of doing it for the local machine, but will it intercept and modify the other traffic being forced through my adapter.
@AviD I don't like to hurry things, especially on vacation... I wouldn't die of frustration, if I didn't see it all, not at all. But I think it's probably best if I think of those places a bit later, there should be some time in Autumn for that too
I like how going into other countries becomes a day-to-day exercise for people throughout Europe. whereas us Americans are lucky to leave the country once every five or so years =/
@DavidFreitag well, as Bill Cosby said, "Well in europe, its a half hour drive, or a two hour drive, to get to a different country. In America you can drive for 8 days and not get to another country!"
We're half a mile from a major shopping district that has just about anything we could hope to purchase and brewerymap.com shows 10 breweries within 10 miles.