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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

I'm better at maths when I drink beer and it's not an illusion.
My favorite math prof was an old German guy who did a fantastic job of getting better when he drank.
He was also one of those guys who gave up on research to take it easy and spent his spare time acting as a freelancer finding holes in other researcher's proofs.
Definitely sounds like a cool guy.
During a Calc 3 session he brought in a saddle.
What did he do with it?
In mathematics, a saddle point is a point in the domain of a function that is a stationary point but not a local extremum. The name derives from the fact that the prototypical example in two dimensions is a surface that curves up in one direction, and curves down in a different direction, resembling a saddle or a mountain pass. In terms of contour lines, a saddle point in two dimensions gives rise to a contour that appears to intersect itself. Mathematical discussion A simple criterion for checking if a given stationary point of a real-valued function F(x,y) of two real variables is a...
Oh god, haha.
I'm doing Calc II so I haven't seen that yet
I found Calc pretty rough. Derivatives didn't make any sense until I realized they were anti-integrals.
Calc 3 was pretty cool. It was a small class, great teacher, and it was much easier to map back to reality.
@ScottPack Yup, when my friend told me that I wanted to hug him. So much simpler.
Don't you like to hug people when they make your life simpler?
Oh. Wow. It took me 5 readings to actually parse it.
Oops, I see where the confusion happened
It's @ "that", right?
Pretty much. Goddamn pronouns!
ITunes is the crappiest piece of software in the history of all software.
Normally I would agree. I have, however, seen FileMaker Pro.
@Xander It's smooth on OS X.
It's crap on Windows because it isn't a native app.
@ScottPack Hmm...And I have not. So I can't categorically state that you're wrong. I do have a hatred of iTunes that burns with the fire of a thousand suns, so there is that.
@TerryChia How it runs is not an issue. The utterly abysmal excuse for a UX is an issue.
@Xander You and anyone whose ever used iTunes.
I still really miss Amarok v2
@Xander Meh, I only use it for syncing.
My audio playback (used to) be handled by foobar2000.
@TerryChia Audio playback is an issue. But so is monitoring downloads, managing an iPod, managing playlists, finding anything anywhere in my library, and...Pretty much anything anybody else might ever want to do in there. Every version it seems that they look at each and every feature and think "Hmm...How can we make this a little bit worse, and a bit harder to use?"
Except for with v11 they've apparently hit their stretch goals and made everything a lot worse.
So clearly Apple designers are also Apple users. Everyone knows they go all the way.
@Xander Ahh, I don't have such issues because I don't use playlist. I usually listen on an album-to-album basis.
@TerryChia Yeah, that would make it easier, I admit. But even using the menus is rubbish now. And podcasts....I won't even get started on managing podcasts. Oh well. That's enough whinging from me for one night.
@ScottPack Ha. Yep. That's probably it.
@Xander you're officially the most generous person among all members here with rep higher than 2k, your rep to vote ratio is 16.59% (the lower the more you gave compared to how much you received from others)... there should be a badge for this, no? maybe a "philanthropist" :)
@ScottPack is #2 with also remarkable 17.03%
then @Gilles ... and more is here: data.stackexchange.com/it%20security/query/6856/…
Hm. That clearly means I need to vote more.
@ScottPack I wanted to say that you already do and some others should review their voting habits
@TildalWave It also puts me behind @Xander. What a putz.
Huh. Well I must say, I sound quite lovely.
And blast it all to tarnation, you've aroused the competitive fire in me, and now I'm going to have to vote compulsively in order to stay ahead.
I still find it wild to think how much Rory has voted.
@ScottPack Yup.
So here's a philosophical question: I currently vote based on a trinary scheme. A question (or answer) can be worthy of either an upvote, a downvote, or no vote at all. This makes the most sense to me. However, is it valid to use a binary system as an alternative, where every question and answer should receive either an upvote or downvote?
I think it depends on your ranges. I only downvote questions that are downright terrible.
@Xander To me, not being able to not vote doesn't make sense. Often, I find myself lacking the knowledge to judge if someone's answer is right.
If the question itself can be dangerous (meaning they make claims in the question that are bad juju) or the asker put no effort into the question and has no intention of it.
I tend to only downvote questions I think are particularly terrible, or answers I think are actually wrong or misleading, and I've been more careful with my downvotes of late than I have been in the past.
Upvoting means I found the question interesting or I found that the question was worth asking, even if the question itself is fairly basic.
@ScottPack Yeah, that criteria makes sense to me.
So if we look at a 0-10 scale I probably vote up on 4-10, downvote on 0-1 and leave alone on 2-3.
In very rare cases I'll choose to not upvote something if I feel like it's already gotten more upvotes than I think it's worth. That usually doesn't happen on here.
Ah, interesting.
Uf, went through all those prepared queries there... some interesting stuff. It's also a lot different when you can relate to those data and have some perspective on it. For example, The Bear #2 doesn't vote, The Bear #1 has so much rep it's nigh impossible to have a good percentage on vote to rep thingy (he does vote a lot more than many others),....
@ScottPack Why is that, though? Do you believe that it has been upvoted x times more because the question already had some upvotes, some sort of conformism?
@TildalWave Big Bear is the 11th most prolific voter.
@Simon More of a value judgement. Sometimes I'll think, "That's a good answer, but is it really a 15 good answer, or is it more of a 7?"
I'm not sure if you're gonna get what I mean.
@ScottPack yes but I was referring to the percentage of how much rep he gives compared to how much he receives... it's obviously not going to be great, otherwise where would he find the time to answer any questions he'd be constantly voting
@ScottPack Ok, right.
@TildalWave Comparison Votes and Posts?
@Simon Particularly when I see what I believe to be a better answer that has several fewer upboats.
@ScottPack RE: @RoryAlsop's voting: Fun fact - I am the 7th most prolific voter of all time on this site. Yet, there is a bigger gap between @RoryAlsop and the 2nd most prolific voter of all time than all the votes I've made in total.
@Simon it's not just ratio to other answers, some stuff is set statically for example some badges... and some answers might be good enough for a bronze badge, but e.g. not good enough for a silver one or even gold one
@Xander Yeah. Pretty crazy. He claims to not vote on every post.
@ScottPack No, ratio between "how much rep I give others" : "how much rep I receive from others"
@TildalWave But I want a gold badge!!
@TildalWave I suggesting a different ratio.
@ScottPack No, I like this ratio. I win with this ratio.
@ScottPack I know, but wasn't sure if I was understood, not saying that you weren't ;)
Ratios where I win are clearly good ratios.
@Xander On Unix & Linux, I've voted as much as #2 through #11 combined
I only have as much rep as #2 through #7
@Gilles LOL, that's pretty incredible. I can't say that surprises me, though, since if I recall, you also have somewhere in the neighborhood of a million-billion rep on that site as well.
@Xander When I calculate manually based on now data I'm sitting at 16.875%
@ScottPack Yikes. Sounds like I need to pull my britches up and get to votin'.
@Gilles bloody hell you have voted on average 24.3 times per day in 2 years and 10 months
@TildalWave @Gilles is the Unix and Linux site.
@TildalWave I skim more and more, but I still often reach 40 votes in a day
@Xander yes I realize that but that's still some insane stats
If you want insane voters look at Ward.
@ScottPack on SF? He's pretty much the only one who votes
@Gilles But doesn't it annoy you? I do the same some days here and then I get all nervous with no votes for the day left and some posts that clearly need to be voted on either way
@TildalWave yes, it does
@Gilles I used to hit my daily 40 most every day over there. I've not been spending much of any time on the sites lately.
I leave tabs open
some weeks I have leftover tabs on Monday, and so on all the way through Saturday
@Gilles Was it ever proposed that this voting cap be at least doubled for moderators? I mean it's your job to go through posts, it's only natural to vote on them then
I also have about 50 tabs open right now waiting for an answer
@TildalWave it may have been proposed, but I'd be against it. Voting isn't something that mods should be able to do more than other users.
@Gilles If you're so good on Unix, why don't you write a script to solve that problem?
@copy time dilation? No, that's Physics
@Gilles hmmm dunno at least on edits and flagged posts you should be able to vote as well even if you reached your 40 votes cap IMO
I don't do hardware. Give me a time machine that runs unix, and I'll hook it up
@TildalWave edits? Mods have no limit on reviewing suggested edits but other than that mods aren't involved in edits
> Le terme dilatation du temps désigne un effet de relativité restreinte selon lequel l'intervalle de temps entre deux évènements mesuré dans un référentiel inertiel quelconque est toujours supérieur à l'intervalle de temps mesuré dans le référentiel où les deux évènements ont la même position
For flagged posts, why would a mod vote? Typically we close or delete (or not close/delete), but that doesn't involve up/downvotes
@copy You're speaking gibberish.
@Gilles well that what you said :) but you're clearly reviewing those posts then, meaning you're reading them, forming your opinion on suitability, quality, e.t.c.... you know what I mean.
@ScottPack I know
@TildalWave no
on CS, I often moderate posts that I don't understand. I can tell whether an answer should be deleted, or whether a question should be closed, even if I can't tell whether the answer is correct or whether the question is interesting
@Gilles Oh OK then, it's your mod thing I'm not a mod anyway. I agree with vote cap of course, I just thought it might make sense to loosen that for mods... but you know what that involves and I can only imagine, so I'll just drop it and take your word for it ;)
@Gilles now you got me intrigued about the CS site, need to check what's going on there :)
Q: Route planning in public transport application

ekstraktThis is a cross-post of this StackOverflow question, (I'm not aware of linking questions between StackExchange sites). You can ignore the part about programming. I'm making a journey planner (or a general timetable application) for all the public transport in my country (bus/train/air). The sta...

Wouldn't this fall under the "travelling salesman" problem?
4 hours later…
Morning all. @xander - I haven't hit my vote cap in ages. Probably nearly a year. Just no time. Also I have less time for answering, so my rep graph is slowly flattening out. On Sec.SE anyway. Plus there are many more people here now, so I see lots more good answers on posts even before I get to them.
Voting is actually one of the things I really try and encourage on new beta sites. It correlates well with enthusiasm and energy...
I didn't even realize there was a vote cap
@MMavipc - heh heh - push the boundaries :-)
ooh highland park
@LucasKauffman What about it?
@Adnan -> check picture on the side ->
@LucasKauffman When I saw the picture I thought "ooh Sec.SE tshirt"
Sup all
@D3C4FF We haven't seen you in a while
@D3C4FF g'day mate
@Adnan Yeah been a bit busy recently. But i should be around more the next few days at least! :P
@LucasKauffman G'day Lucas :)
@D3C4FF What have you been doing?
Got a new Brazzerz subscription?
@Adnan lulz sadly no. That expired when i was but a wee lad!
Outdoorsy stuff. Did 100m forward abseil off a nice cliff....
Photo stuff, down in drains and what-have you.
@D3C4FF Any pics?
@Adnan No, unfortunately we did it while it was raining (we were in a cloud) :/
So i didn't take the camera out and get it damaged a 3rd time.
Also disappointly, since we couldn't see the bottom of the cliff, I didn't get that 'vertigo' feeling
@D3C4FF Awwwh! Vertigo feeling is the best
Of course you can always shove stuff deep down in your ear, that'd work as well.
@Adnan Ugh, don't remind me. I used to get terrible ear infections as a kid
@D3C4FF Actually, I have a question that I think you're the only one who can aswer.
Well, I could have Googled, but I didn't know what to Google for
What's the best way to attach myself to a safety robe when climbing a tower.
I have good hooks (designed for this purpose) and a very strong robe (500kg), so I'm not worried about hooking it to secure points on the tower itself.
I'm worried about being snapped in two halves if I slip (if I attach the robe to my waist)
'Scaff Hooks'
Two of them
one should ALWAYS be attached.
500KG is not strong
Rope is calculated in KiloNewtons
because it has to take into account the shock of your fall.
But two of them attached to a harness obviously.
If your doing serious rigging you might consider a full body harness which distributes the load better.
@D3C4FF Okaay, a full body harness. I guess that's what I was missing.
Well, if you guys don't hear from me in the next couple of days, I've probably fucked something up
@Adnan rope should be rated to between 25-35 KN
Seriously, don't go to your local hardware store and buy rope...
@D3C4FF Yeah, now I know that
@Adnan hold tight, i'll send ya a pic
@D3C4FF So I need to get the one on the left.
Got it
@Adnan the rope of the left is rated for ~250 KG, its core is essentially scrunched up tissue paper. The rope on the right is rated for 36000KG, its core is individually wound and bound synthetic fibers
@Adnan xD
Obviously if the rope looks like either of those do now, don't use it.
@D3C4FF Thanks a lot!
Jenny hits yet again!
Q: Using a Virtual Machine to Visit Unknown Websites?

JennyI sometimes start Linux virtual machine within my computer to visit unknown websites. If these websites contain malware, would the malware need to be programmed infect a Linux machine to affect my virtual machine? Also would it need to be targeted at overcoming a virtual machine to infect my host...

**I'm off by a zero above, its 3600 not 36000
@D3C4FF I think I knew that one. It sounded a little bit too strong for this diameter.
Damn it, Jenny! You're not helping the case for all the other Jennys out there
@Adnan Since you only need a few meters of the stuff, try to get >11mm (ideally 12.5mm)
And learn how to tie the knots correctly!
@D3C4FF Toooo much! I'll just make a gift wrap knot
So, what are your thoughts on the whole VLC thing?
@MMavipc Please, elaborate.
tl;dr; secunia found a vuln in VLC, VLC threatens to block installs on computers with secunia software installed
@MMavipc Jesus! I'm reading this and reading the email samples
This reminds me of the people currently behind PHP
Have you seen some of VLC's code?
oh god my eyes
convinced me to switch to MPC, that and VLc couldn't play an MPEG-1 encoded file but mpc could
@MMavipc Well, I'm not a big fan of judging a software/team based on the looks of 10 lines of their code.
d/l the source and take a look around, it doesn't get better
@MMavipc Dude burnnnnnn
@MMavipc That looks pretty good actually. I should give it a go!
Oh my god!
And @Secunia goes on threatening us by email... But goes on lying about fixes of security issues...
My amplifier is sending 2VDC down to my ipod across the headphone jack... WTF?
Their replies are..
@Adnan Bizarre i think is the word your looking for...
" of course, they show only the emails (modified, of course!) that they want."
what was that?
@MMavipc Pasted the wrong thing :P
@D3C4FF and @Adnan - outdoors.se would be a good place for you guys to get rep with questions like that rope one.
@RoryAlsop I don't play on that server.
@RoryAlsop Good point!
@RoryAlsop Damn the Swedes!!
@StackExchange lulz
@LucasKauffman So you VTCed, answered, and then asked us to VTC.
Yay - I got to vote as a human
Interesting strategy..
@RoryAlsop We can switch accounts if it makes you happy
No one will know the difference - we both wear kilts
@RoryAlsop I thought @Adnan was wearing a dress?
@RoryAlsop I'm still waiting for my hose and flashes
You are active on gardening.se and bicycles.se the @adnan?
Lots of guidance on hoes and flashers
@Adnan I always have a bit of pitty with students
@RoryAlsop Jesus! Fixed it.
@RoryAlsop and I've just noticed that hoes is a rappers' term
I assumed initially that you intended the two scurrilous terms :-)
@RoryAlsop Great answers. Thank you
At least the two that I've read so far
I forgot to ask @Adnan what are you climbing?
@D3C4FF A tall lady
@D3C4FF Nah, she has a normal height. I'm just Tyrion-sized.
@Adnan lulz xD
I miss @copy :(
@D3C4FF Yeah, his avatar is so cute.
anyone here have experience building mass driver weapons?
@lynks WMDs?
Oh. MDW's...
@D3C4FF gauss/rail/coil guns
@lynks Yeah, a little.
Mostly patator's
@D3C4FF that is not a word I know
oh air-guns
@lynks Potato Canon in French.
Also an excellent brute force tool: code.google.com/p/patator/downloads/…
I'm drawing up plans for a railgun project
@lynks Ahaaaa.. that's what you mean
I have a friend who was making a coilgun
if that's what you're looking for
@Adnan I was going to use a coil injector, but in general I'm much more interested in railguns.
@lynks first step, get as many large identical caps as possible
@D3C4FF yeah i've been trying to find pulse-caps. but they might be a bit expensive for a first project.
and unnecessary unless you are wanting >30KJ...
@lynks IIRC check trashed microwaves?
@D3C4FF ahh thats a new one. disposable camera caps are just too small. also I havent found anyone that has used a coil as an injector...most people do it with air it seems.
No idea what's going on here. I'll just sit and watch
(Wait for the bang!)
That's what she said.
@RoryAlsop there are likely to be many. I'll do my best not to die.
Rail guns and tesla coils - projects for me and my kids :-)
Probably tesla coils first
More dangerous, but look safer to the wife
Who didn't upvote my stuff overnight?
I want names.
@Simon my friend Bob, who doesn't have an SE account
@simon - interesting tactic... Let us know how it goes. It can feed in to @Adnan's reptrain research
@Gilles Well played Gilles, well played.
@RoryAlsop I can already tell you the conclusion: not effective.
@RoryAlsop I don't know. there is so much that can go wrong with a railgun. you have 400V @ 600A (or there abouts)..*exposed* on two great big rails. not to mention the fact that they have a habit of ripping themselves apart.
@lynks - please tell me there is youtube of that
@RoryAlsop of the ripping apart?
not that i know of. but a fundamental problem is the amount of force you put on the projectile is equal to the amount of force with which the rails are trying to tear apart form eachother
which is why they have, strong housing:
Oooooooooo. Nice.
Is that @Adnan's pineapple launcher?
What the hell is that?
@Adnan that's the US navy's railgun
Who just upvoted on my answers? I want a name.
The ones they want us to know about. They don't want us to know about the BC-304 and it's railgun armament.
@Simon Here you go. Just shut up!
I love you @Adnan
@lynks For the really heavy duty railguns, a more pressing issue is that it is hard to maintain connectivity. For the railgun to work, current has to go through the projectile.
Contact is often cut when the projectile goes to decent speeds.
People who want to use guns to launch satellites thus tend to prefer steam cannons.
One day we're gonna have so many kids that we will run out of ideas for names, @Adnan
@ThomasPornin googles earths' escape velocity
@Simon you've been trawling reddit.com/r/creepypms for ideas haven't you?
@lynks Note that a single steam cannon won't do it alone, but the plan is apparently to cascade them -- one cannon shoots another cannon which shoots the satellite
@lynks 40,320 km/h
@ThomasPornin oh man thats a funny image. I was going to say 25,000mph is fast...
@RoryMcCune I have been on reddit twice and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the forum I visited.
the railgun above shoots a 25lb slug to 5600mph
@Simon really you've not spent time on reddit, I'd highly recommend it as long as you've got a lot of time on your hands :)
Explosives don't work because the shockwave within the explosion itself goes at about 2.5 km/s, so a gun won't shoot a bullet any faster than that.
@Simon /r/gonewild?
@RoryMcCune Actually, I don't, hence why I refuse to go more on it. I already spend too much time on youtube.
Apparently there is no such intrinsic limit in a gun with a compressed gas.
@ThomasPornin how does that apply to the theory of a continuous nuclear explosion being used to accelerate a ship to <= c ? (I have jumped to inter-stellar travel)
@ScottPack was that a suggestion that he visit it or that he post there?
@ScottPack /r/Hardstyle and the other I don't know, it was the AMA of the botnet admin guy.
@ThomasPornin I guess the vacuum helps
@ScottPack either way I don't want to know why you said it :op
@RoryMcCune I was just leaving it out there. How he decides to use the information is up to the reader.
@lynks With nuclear fission you can get a much faster shockwave.
However, in a vacuum, things don't go the same way.
And the idea is indeed that there are several explosions. Similarly, a rocket projects burnt products at, at most, about 3 km/s, but can still reach 11 km/s.
I.e. you can go fast with explosives, but only if you include some explosives in the projectile itself. At that point, that's no longer a gun, but a rocket.
@ThomasPornin I understand.
Somehow I arrived at this page
Lebensborn e.V. (literally: Birth or Spring of Life in antiquated German , e.V. stands for eingetragener Verein or registered association) was an SS-borne, state-supported, registered association in Nazi Germany with the intention of raising the birth rate of aryan children from extramarital relations of "racial pure and healthy" parents on the basis of the nationalsocialist racial hygiene and health ideology. These aims should be reached through anonymous birth and mediation of adoption to likewise "racial pure and healthy" parents, particularly families of SS-members. Therefore it was ...
First time I hear of this. HOLY SHIT!
@Adnan That's part of what makes Nazis so good in their role of universal villains: they were extremely thorough. They had their hateful, twisted ideology, and then they applied it to its full extent.
@ThomasPornin Of course they were thorough and consistent. They were German.
This demonstrated quite clearly that ordered, rational industrialization does not imply high morality, which came as a shock for most people of that area. It quite killed Positivism, for instance.
@ThomasPornin But this is so shocking to me in that amongst all of this order and consistency, as a collective ideology, weren't they self-conscious at any point?
I cannot go for a minute of foreplay without thinking "What the fuck am I doing now?".
Amazing what hatred can do to the human brain.
@Simon damn, I'm there already.
@AviD Wow!
@simon - well there were a couple I hadn't read previously:-)
@RoryAlsop Like? ^^
This is my fav
The extra images are a fantastic touch.
Ehhhhhhh - wut?
@ScottPack mellon
@ScottPack ._.
I come to say goodnight all and that's what i get?
umm ... what ...
and I thought the things I post are disturbing.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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